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Saving the earth.docx

1、Saving the earthSaving the earth教学目标Teaching aims and demands本单元的教学目标是使学生掌握表示判断和个人看法的常用语句,学会使用现在完成时的被动语态。能利用职权课文中所提供和信息,对比民航在购买计算机管理系统前后的情况,进行描写或表述。1)Important vocabularies damage, waste, pollute, fit, room, turn-into, cattle, cause, limit, in place, blow away, sight, present, pour, die out, in dang

2、er, no more than, purpose, go off, measure, point to, joy2)Daily expressionsWhat was the conference like? (What do you think of /about -? How do you like -? How about -?)Its a good idea. (I agree with you. Thats quite true. )Weve got to do something about pollution.What else did you hear about at th

3、e meeting?If -, -.3) Useful phasesIt was called -.Thats a problem we Chinese must pay special attention to.It wont be fit for us to live in.Many of the injured lost their sight.A lot of disease are present in the water.The waters of this great lake.In 1989 an oil tanker hit a rock off the northwest

4、coast of Alaska.The most important one is the part that humans have played.First, -. Second, -.In all there are probably no more than a total of 400 tigers left in China.Last Monday our class went on an organized trip to a forest to study the wildlife.He was busy measuring a plant and taking photogr

5、aphs of it.To my great joy, -.4) GrammarThe Past Particle as Predicative and Attribute教学建议能力训练1通过口头练习,学会日常生活中各种表达自己观点和看法的方式。2学会简单的通过表面现象分析内在缘由, 并用现实的事例进行应证,初步掌握这种文体的写作技巧。3. 通过35课的学习可以简单地描述一个完整的事件。德育渗透1通过课文的学习,使得学生深层地了解地球环保这一重要主题, 让他们懂得地球环保不是一个和几个方面的事情, 而是随时随地, 方方面面, 彼此互相联系和沟通,并且影响着我们人类的生活的大问题。2通过对于环

6、保的了解,使同学们的意识增强, 认识到环境污染的严重危害性和从自身做起保护环境的必要性。师生互动活动 Lesson 33:口头练习:对话交际功能日常生活用语(给出自己的观点和看法)。Lesson 34:学生扮演新闻记者采访土壤沙化的当地的居民,印度的受伤的病人, 国家的环保机关的负责人询问有关课文的信息。另外可以让学生扮演俄罗斯的环保专家。Lesson 35:学生扮演国家历史博物馆的讲解员同时其他学生可以作为参观者询问问题,了解某种动物的发展兴衰史。Lesson 36:口头,笔头练习:讨论个别环保问题并汇报写出一篇小论文。口语建议可以让学生们就西北某一贫困林区毁林种庄稼的做法发表正反两方面的讨

7、论,运用所学的口头的表达方式。语法建议可以让学生们将34和35课课文的有关过去分词作定语和表语的结构挑出,写在黑板上用学生找的现实的课文原例分析语法。教材分析从本单元的对话来看,主要是学习如何用英语表达出自己的观点和看法, 是同意还是不同意。如同意对方的观点: I think so. I agree completely. Im with you. Thats a good idea-. I think it is great. 如果不同意: I dont know about that. I dont think so. Sorry, but I disagree. I know what

8、you mean, but dont you think -. I see your point, but I think -. Youre right, but I think-.同时注重 damage, pollute, desert, in place, limit, fit, present, pour, die out, measure, go off, point to, to ones joy 等重点词汇和短语在本单元中学习,本单元中的阅读课主要内容是通过列举如:人为污染地球的土地,空气和水资源以及自然界对人类的报复; 动物界遭到人类的侵害,造成了生态不平衡等事例, 而达到警醒同

9、学和世人,让同学们从小就培养一种环保意识, 维护环境生态的平衡。同时在这里运用了重点语法知识,Past Particle形式充当表语和定语的用法。重点知识讲解1. It was called “Saving the earth” and it was all about the damage that is being caused to the world.1) It was called(believed, thought, considered, known, said -) that - 可以看成是主语从句,真正的主语后致,it是形式主语。可以翻译成:据说-, 据认为-。It is b

10、elieved that the troops have already crossed the border.据说军队已经越过边境。It is known that he is honest.( He is known to be honest.)听说他是一个诚实的人。1) damage n. (不可数) 损坏,损害The earthquake caused great damage.地震造成巨大的损失。When she sees the damage that you have done she will be mad.当她看到你所造成的损失,她会发疯的。vt. 损坏A heavy rai

11、n came down and damaged the crops. 一场大雨突至,损坏了庄稼。Her heart was slightly damaged as a result of her long illness.她长时间的疾病造成了她的心脏受到了轻微的损害。2. We listen to lectures about pollution, agriculture, nuclear waste, radiation and so on.wastevt. 浪费1) Mother told me not to waste money. 母亲不让我乱花钱。2) Dont waste time

12、 playing computer plays.不要浪费时间打电脑游戏。waste something on something/in doing something 用法与spend类似,可以让学生记成“双费(浪费和花费)”。n. (通常不可数) 浪费, 废物1) This waste of good food should not be allowed. 浪费食物是不允许的。2) Where do you put your kitchen waste? 你把厨房的废物放在哪里?3) Its a waste of money to buy the book. 买那本书是浪费金钱。a wast

13、e of time/money/energy是固定表达,同a wonderful education类似。3. It wont be fit for us to live adj. 适合于-的。 be fit for something:适合某事1) He isnt fit for the job. 他不适宜此工作。2) These shoes are not fit for me. 这些鞋不适合我。3) The house isnt fit for you to live in. 这间房子不适合你居住。be fit for somebody to do something:某人

14、适合做某事4) This water is fit for drink. 这种水可以喝。5) Its not fit for you to talk like that.你这样谈话是不得当的。adj. 健康的,精力充沛的6) Exercise keeps you fit. 体育运动使你保持健康。vt. 对- 适合,符合,适宜合适,强调大小、尺寸7) This jacket fits me well. 这件夹克适合我。8) The key doesnt fit the lock. 钥匙与锁不符。9) This theory fits facts. 这条理论适合实际。vi. 合适10) The s

15、hoes fit perfectly. 这双鞋不合适。11) He doesnt fit into the team. 他不宜在队中。fit somebody to do something/fit somebody for something:使某人适合做某事12)Vocational training will fit them for a good job.Vocational training will fit them to get a good job. 职业的培训使他们能找到一个好工作。 vt.安装12) We fitted a new lock on the door. 我们给

16、门安上了一个新锁。注意suit表示的是颜色样式和款式的合适。The color of the cloth suits a woman at my wifes age. 这块布料的颜色适合我妻子年龄的妇女。Red and black are colors that suit me well.红和黑色对我来说非常合适。4. The area of desert in the world is growing every year.desert n.沙漠1) He drove a car across the desert. 他开车穿越了沙漠。vt. 抛弃、背弃2) He deserted his

17、family. 他抛弃了他的家庭。vi. 开小差3) The soldier deserted from the army.1234下一页 Unit 12 Fact and FantasyPre-Reading1.When do you think the inventions in the pictures above were made?(火车,电灯和蒸汽船)2.When was electricity discovered and how was it used in the following two hundred years?3.In the early nineteenth ce

18、ntury, people had no idea what the inside of the earth might look like. Can you explain what we know about it today?4.Write down eight key words that you expect to find in the reading passage below.JULES VERNE: THE FATHER OF SCIENCE FICTION Jules Verne was born in 1828, in France. His father sent hi

19、m to Paris to study law, but instead Verne developed his love for the theatre. To make a living, Verne had to write and sell stories. Jules spent many hours in Paris libraries studying geology, physics and many other subjects. He used the latest ideas and technical inventions of his day in his books

20、. Many of the instruments in his novels will remind the reader of Dr Benjamin Franklins experiments with electricity. By taking the scientific developments of his day one step further, Jules Verne laid the foundation of modern science fiction. He also suggested how inventions could be used in the fu

21、ture to allow man to do things that were considered impossible in his own time. Jules Verne died in 1905, long before any of his dreams came true. At the beginning of 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, one of his most famous novels, ships are disappearing all over the world and it is believed to be cause

22、d by a sea monster. Dr Aronnax, his servant and a Canadian whale hunter set out to find the monster. After months of searching they find it and in the collision that follows, the three men are thrown overboard. In their efforts to survive, they find themselves on the surface of the monster itself, w

23、hich turns out to be a submarine. They are taken on board and Captain Nemo decides not to kill them but makes them his permanent guests. From that day on they start planning their escape. Captain Nemo takes them on a voyage across the oceans. The Nautilus is an extraordinary ship. The furniture is p

24、recious and huge glass windows that can be opened and closed give a view of the underwater world. The ship is also very strong and protected with thick iron plates. All that is needed for life on board comes from the ocean. Electricity is used for light, heating, power and to defend the ship against

25、 attacks. The food aboard the Nautilus is all sea food. Dressed in diving suits, they walk around in this magic world, lighted by the lamps of the ship. They find themselves surrounded by colourful rocks, fishes, shells and plants, all waving and moving slowly in the blue waters. Readers have wonder

26、ed about the character of Captain Nemo ever since the book was published. You could say he is someone you will neither like nor dislike. You might think that he is a cruel man because he keeps Aronnax and the others as prisoners and destroys ships. But at other moment you will find him gentle and we

27、ak, when he cries about the lost lives of people drowned in ships that have sunk. Another wonderful story is that of Journey to the Center of the Earth. The story begins with the discovery of an ancient document in an old book. It explains how to find a secret road to the centre of the earth. Two me

28、n decide to go on this adventure and travel to Iceland, where they enter the earth through a chimney in an extinct volcano. Their guide leads them through a narrow passage deep into the earth. Passing through layers of coal and marble they go deeper and deeper. They drink the water from a boiling un

29、derground river and after many days they reach a huge lake or underground ocean. Walking along its shores they go through forests of mushrooms and plants that lived on the earth millions of years ago. They build a raft to cross the sea and are attacked by ancient sea creatures. In the end, their raf

30、t is drawn into a fast steam and with ever increasing speed and temperatures they are shot out of a volcano in southern Italy.POST-READING1.Describe the character of Captain Nemo.2.Paraphrase the following sentences or parts of sentences using your own words.1.)To make a living he had to write and s

31、ell stories. He had to write and sell stories to ma12345下一页 科目 英语年级 高二文件high2 unit21.doc标题 Music (音乐)章节 第二十一单元关键词 高二英语第二十一单元内容一、教法建议【抛砖引玉】单元双基学习目标 . 词汇学习 familiar ,be familiar with ,cap, note, can ( n . ) , hammer ,memory, tin ,marry ,get married ,single ,square, otherwise, perform, wedding, musical ,generation ,learn, by heart ,in praise of, hero ,nowadays, passerby ( 复数形式是: passers - by ),pattern, root ,thought ,gay ,ray ,part ( vt . ) ,soul ,iron,ironing ,board, whisper,jazz, folk, instrument, violin ,earn ones living ,drum ,carol ,flaming, fade . 交际英语 1. I t

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