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1、toeic易混词汇托业(TOEIC)考试易混词汇比较adjoin: vt/vi 邻接,毗连eg: Canada adjoins the U.S. 加拿大与美国接adjourn: vt 延期,休会,推迟 eg: The meeting was adjourned until Friday. 会议推迟到周五举行。Q. My uncle owns the land that _ the nearby park. 答案:adjoins Tip : adjoin指的是地理方面邻接,而adjourn指的是会议休会。 adverse: adj不利的,敌对的,相反的 eg: adverse currents逆

2、流averse: adj 不愿意的,反对的 eg: averse to taking a risk不愿意冒险Q. The coach received a lot of _ publicity(n:宣传,宣扬,公开) about his current line-up changes(上场阵容的调整). 答案:adverse Tip : 两个动词都有反对的意思,但是adverse主要是指方向或立场相反的,不利的,比如adverse winders逆风,adverse effect反效果等。而averse一般以be averse to+动词原形的形式出现,表示不愿意的,反对的。 advert:

3、vi 注意; n 广告eg: advert to(注意,言及,谈到) persons opinion 谈到某人的想法convert: vi/vt 使转变, 转变信仰; n 皈依者 eg: She converted to Buddhism. 她皈依了佛教divert: vi/vt 转移,使高兴 eg: Never divert your attention when youre driving. 驾驶过程中千万不能走神Q. The interior designer decided to _ the small bedroom into a second bathroom. 答案:conver

4、t Tip : advert作不及物动词通常以advert to+名词或名词性从句的形式出现,表示将注意力移向,作名词时与advertisement的意思相近.convert常以convert A to B的形式出现,表示把A换成B,特别是指改变宗教信仰。divert多用于交通以及注意力、关心等的转移。 affect: vt影响,感动,侵袭 n 情感,引起感情的因素eg: The mind affects the body. 精神影响着肉体effect: n结果,效用,影响 vt 产生,达到目的eg: The Internets effect on society was enormous.

5、因特网对社会的影响是巨大的Q. All our family members pleaded with them, but to no _. 答案:effect Tip: affect作及物动词指给带来影响,如果后面接的是与感情有关的名词,则表示装作。比如affect indifference 表示装作不关心。effect作名词表示影响,结果,也作及物动词表示实现。 affectation: n 假装,虚饰,做作 eg: an affectation of affection for his mother. 虚伪的友善affection: n 友爱,爱情,影响,疾病 eg: He has a

6、deep affection for his mother. 他对她妈妈有很深的感情Q. The politicians manner reeks of _. 答案:affectation Tip : affectation是由affect假装的意思引申出来,作名词,affection是由affect引申出来的。 affluent: adj 丰富的,富裕的 n: 支流,富人. eg: an affluent society一个富足的社会fluent: adj 流利的,流畅的 eg: fluent in spoken and written English英语读写流利Q. Here is the

7、 most _ area of Seoul. 答案:affluent Tip: 两个词都是由flow派生而来的。Affluent指的是丰富的,富足的,由河水泛滥的意思引申而出,而fluent则指的是流畅的,由流动的意思隐身而来。 allegiance: n忠贞,效忠 eg: pledge allegiance to the flag面对国旗宣誓alliance: n联盟,联合eg: make an alliance with与结为同盟Q. In most, if not all, Korean schools, the students pledge _ to the flag at the

8、beginning of the school day. 答案:allegiance allusion: n 提及,暗示 eg: The speaker made an allusion to some problems that he successfully overcame in his past. 演讲者暗示他曾经在过去成功地克服了一些问题delusion: n 迷惑,欺骗,错觉 eg: Delusions of grandeur is a psychological condition in which a patient believes that he is more impor

9、tant or powerful than he really is. 妄想症是一种患者自己想象自己比实际中更为重要和强大的心理状态。illusion: n幻想eg: We believe in reality, not deception or illusion. 我们相信现实,而不是欺骗或幻想。Q. A friend of mines under the pathological _ that he will become a Messiah by 2012. 答案:delusion Tip: allusion是由动词allude派生出来的名词形式。delusion与illusion都表示

10、错觉,但是delusion是由动词delude派生出来的,有迷惑之意,illusion则强调是一种幻觉。 altar: n 祭坛,圣坛 eg: It was here that the altar was placed. 这是祭坛所在的地方。alter: vt/vi 改变eg: Do not alter the product in any way. 不要以任何一种方式改变产品。Q. Whatever lame excuses he came up with dont _ the fact that what he did was wrong. 答案:alter Tip altar指的是摆放在

11、祭祀地方的祭坛,alter是及物动词,表示改变,使改变,做及物动词表示变化。 apposite: adj 适合的 eg: an apposite comparison恰当的比较opposite: n/adj/adv/prep 相对的,对面的 eg: He sat down opposite her. 他坐在她对面。Q. That was the perfect answer _ to the question. 答案:apposite Tip apposite和appropriate一样,是适合的意思,opposite可以做形容词、副词、介词,表示相对,对面。 apprehend: vt/vi

12、 领会,理解,逮捕 eg: Do you apprehend the meaning of this letter? 你明白心的意思了吗?comprehend: vt 领会,理解 eg: They dont seem to comprehend the scale of the problem. 他们似乎还没有意识到问题的严重性。Q. The police, after the three long years of tracking down, finally _ the serial killer. 答案:apprehended Tip apprehend和comprehend两词都有明白

13、,理解的意思,但是apprehend还有“逮捕”的意思,而comprehend强调一个理解的过程,因此与understand有一些区别。 approve: vi/vt 赞成,满意,批准,通过 I approve of his educational policies. 我赞成他的教育政策。improve: vi/vt 改善,改进 Take a class to improve your skills. 通过听课去提高你的技能。reprove: vi/vt 责备 He reproved the child for his bad behavior. 他指责孩子的错误行为。Q. The paint

14、er gently _ his apprentice for not paying enough attention to details. 答案:reproved Tip approve常以approve of的形式出现,表示满意,作及物动词时表示赞成,批准。Improve是及物动词,表示改善,提高,reprove常以reprove A for B的形式出现,表示责怪A做了B。 ascent: n上升,(地位,声望等)提高,登高 eg: He made his successful ascent of Mount Everest last year. 他去年成功登上了珠峰。assent: n

15、/vt 赞成,同意 He never assents to my proposal. 他从来不同意我的计划。Q. After much persuasion, he reluctantly _ to the proposal. 答案:assented Tip ascent是动词ascend的名词形式,表示提高,上升等意思。assent to+名词/从句表示同意,assent也可以作名词,表示同意,赞成。 aspire: vi 渴望,立志 She aspires to earn a Ph.D in psychology 她想获得心理学博士的学位。inspire: vt 鼓舞,感动,激发 This

16、 success inspired us. 从这样的成功中我们获得了力量。Q. The new architect _ to be nothing less than(完全是,不亚于)the chairmanship of the company in less than 20 years time. 答案:aspires Tip 两个词的词根都是-spire,原意是呼吸的意思,aspire的名词形式是aspiration。aspire作为及物动词通常以aspire to+名词/从句的形式出现,或者以aspire to do的形式表示希望做某事,与be eager to 和be anxious

17、 to的意思相同,inspire是“给人以灵感,鼓舞”的意思。 assume: vt/vi假定,设想,采取 Lets assume what he says to be true. 假设他说的是真的。assure: vt 断然的说,确认,保证 Im assured of his faithfulness. 我确信他是诚实的。Q. It seems as if almost everyone in the audience accepted she was telling the truth, although in fact this was quite a lot to _. 答案:assu

18、me Tip assume一般以assume that表示“假定”的意思。assure的意思是确认,be assured of 是最常见的形式。 avenue: n 林荫大道,大街,方法 He walked along the avenue. 他沿着大街走。revenue: n 收入,国家的收入 Revenues from pet food were $12 billion in 2001. 在2001年宠物食品方面的收入为120亿美元。Q. The paper had been losing advertising _ for 17 consecutive months. 答案:revenu

19、e Tip avenue的意思是大街,东西向的大街叫street,南北向的大街是avenue,revenue表示税收以及国家的收入。 bald: adj光秃的,单调的,枯燥的 The bald man smiles strangely. 那个秃顶的男人笑的很奇怪。bold: adj 大胆的;粗体 Sometimes CEOs must be bold and daring. 有时CEO应该无畏并勇敢。Q. On a mountain top, one bird was _ enough to come and peck crumbs (许多面包渣) directly from my hand.

20、 答案:bold Tip bald指秃顶的,bold指大胆的。粗体的,两个词的发音不同。 beside: prep 在旁边,和比较 Do you know the girl whos standing beside the door 你认识站在门旁的女孩儿吗?besides: adv/prep 此外,除之外 Do you play any other instruments besides piano and organ? 除了管风琴和钢琴,你可以演奏其他乐器吗?semester(学期)Q. I have read all the books on this semesters reading

21、 list and a few others _. 答案:besides Tip beside在句子中作介词,表示在旁边,besides作副词表示另外,作介词表示排除在外。 bland: adj温和的,乏味的,冷漠的 vt/vi 使变得平淡而无味eg:Dormitory foods in general are just unbelievably bland. 宿舍里面的伙食难吃的令人难以想象。blend: n/vt/vi混合,掺合物 eg:The music of the violin blended sweetly with her voice. 小提琴的琴声和他的声 音柔美地结合在一起。

22、brand: n商标,牌子,烙印; vt 铭记eg: Brands are not simple creations. 商标不仅仅是一种创作。Q. Alternative rock music these days is so unbearably(adv不堪忍受地) _. 答案:bland First of all, _the butter and the sugar together in a bowl. 答案:blend Tip bland形容事物没有味道,或者事物缺乏个性、魅力、活力等。blend为及物动词,意思是混合,blend A with B、表示把A和B混合在一起。其做不及物动

23、词时的意思是被混合,作名词的意思是混合物。brand作名词意思是商标,这个意思是由“烙印”引申而来。 blow: n/vi/vt 风吹,殴打,突然的打击 eg: The winds blow at high speed on Saturn. 土星上面风力很大flow: n/vi/vt 流动 eg: Many rivers flow into the Yellow Sea. 许多河流汇入黄河。Q. The thugs knocked him down on the pavement and pummeled him with _. 答案:blows Tip blow做不及物动词是“刮风”的意思,

24、做及物动词是“殴打,打击”的意思。作名词表示打击,特别是在拳击比赛中,finishing blow 指的是决胜的一击。flow作动词表示液体、空气等流动的意思,或者人,食物的流动、移动。 cease: n/vt/vi 停止,终了 eg: The protests ceased immediately. 示威突然停止了。seize: vt/vi 抓住,逮住,夺取,没收,查封 eg: Seize the day,boys. 珍惜时间,年轻人们!Q. The terrorists have _ ten innocent (天真的,无辜的人) civilians(平民) to use as hosta

25、ges. 答案:seized Tip seize除了“抓住”这个基本意思之外,还有“抓住机会,抓住权力不放”等意思。cease做不及物动词,cease to+动词原形指停止做某事。 cloth: n 布,织物,衣料 Her eyes were covered with a white cloth. 她的眼睛被白布覆盖。clothe: vt 给穿衣,覆盖 As a last-ditch(adj坚持到最后)effort, Susan asked for money from her ex-boyfriend to feed and clothe the children. 苏珊逼于无奈,只好向他的

26、前男友要钱以给孩子们买食物和衣服。clothes: n衣服的总称 She ran out, grabbing her clothes. 她抢了她的衣服就跑了。Q. The charity organization (慈善组织) raised funds to feed and _ the children. 答案:clothe Tip clothes是衣服,cloth指的是布料,衣料。clothed是集合名词,表示衣服的总称。clothe还有“给穿衣服”的意思。Raise funds筹集资金 coarse: adj 粗糙的 Dropping to his knees on the coarse

27、 sand, he began to dig. 他跪在粗糙的沙堆上,开始挖坑。 course: n 经过,进程,课程;vt追赶 How do I register for this course? 我怎样注册这门课程?curse: n/vt/vi 诅咒,咒语 He shook his head, cursing himself.他一边诅咒自己,一边摇头。 Q. As the first step, you need to peel off the _ outer leaved of the cabbage. 答案:coarse Tip coarse和course发音相同,两个词和curse的发

28、音也相近。coarse作形容词表示粗糙的,形容人的态度粗鲁的。course作名词表示过程,还表示与教育相关的课程等。curse作动词表示诅咒,作名词表示咒语。 cognition: n 认识 cognition and social interaction已有的认识与社会的相互作用ignition: n 点火,点燃 A diesel engine(柴油机=diesel) doesnt have spark ignition(火花点火). 柴油机的引擎不是以点火方式发动的。Q. _ is the place where you put in the key to make a cars engi

29、nes start. 答案:ignition Tip cognition主要指在心理学以及哲学中常说的认识,指人们对于外部世界的知觉与行为,ignition指点火,由动词ignite派生而来。 coherent: adj 粘在一起的,连贯的 The instructor gave him a coherent account. 指导员向他系统详细地讲述。inherent: adj 固有的,内在的,与生俱来的 They have a few inherent problems. 他们有一些先天性的问题。Q. The novelist successfully presents this comp

30、lex character as a _ whole. 答案:coherent What are the long-time risks and dangers _ in his kind of research? 答案:inherent Tip coherent指有连贯性的,或者人说话有条理,inherent指的是固有的,内在的,与生俱来的。 command: n/vi/vt 命令,指挥 Having to unconditionally obey command was the most horrible experience I had in the army. 我在军队中最不好的经历就

31、是要无条件地遵守指令。commend: vt/vi 称赞,推荐She was commended for her bravery. 她因为自己的勇敢而受到了赞扬。recommend: vt/vi 推荐,介绍,劝告 I can recommend this one. 我推荐这个。Q. I _ the documentary film(纪录片) to anyone who wants to know what is really happening in Iraq. 答案:commend,recommend Tip 动词command指军队中的命令,指挥,如果后面宾语跟的词是respect,support的话,表示受到的意思。command a view of+ 名词表示俯视。commend表示称赞,commend A to B表示向A推荐B,recommend也表示推荐,recommend A to/for B,或者recommend that+从句 complacent: adj 自满的,得意的 a complacent attitud

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