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1、21商品房预售合同中英文Beijing Municipal Industrial and Commercial Administration Bureau合同编号:Contract No.:出卖人:Seller: 买受人:Buyer:说明 Instructions1 -本合同文本为示范文本,由北京市建设委员会和北京市工商行政管理局共同 制定。This contract is a model contract prepared by Beijing Municipal Construction Committee and Beijing Municipal Industrial and Comm

2、ercial Administration Bureau together.2. 签订合同前,出卖人应当向买受人出示商品房预售许可证及其他有关证书和 证明文件。Before signing of the presale Contract, the Seller shall show the presale license of commodity housing and other related certificates and documents to the Buyer.3. 当事人应当按照自愿、公平及诚实信用的原则订立合同,任何一方不得将自 己的意志强加给另一方。双方当事人可以対文本条

3、款的内容进行修改、増补或 删减。合同生效后,未被修改的文本打印文字视为双方当事人同意内容。Both parties should achieve this contract in accordance with the principle of voluntariness, fairness and good faith; either must not impose the views on the other party. Both parties can modify, supplement or delete the content of the articles. After the

4、 Contract comes into effect, the confirmed text will be considered as the content agreed by both parties.4. 签订合同前,买受人应当仔细阅读合同条款,应当特别仔细审阅其中具有选 择性、补充性、填充性、修改性的内容。Before signing of the presale Contract, the Buyer should read the Contract articles carefully, especially the content of selectivity, comple

5、mentariness, fallibility and modifiability.5. 为体现合同双方的自愿原则,本合同文本中相关条款后留有空白行,供双方 自行约定或补充约定。出卖人与买受人可以针对合同中未约定或约定不详的内 容,根据所售项目的具体情况签订公平合理的补充协议,也可以在相关条款后 的空白行中进行补充约定。In order to represent both parties, voluntariness, there will be blank lines following the related articles in this Contract for both part

6、ies to stipulate or supplement the Contract. With regard to the contents which havent been included or stated in- exhaustively in this Contract, the Seller and the Buyer can sign a fair and reasonable supplementary agreement, and also supplement the Contract at the blank lines following the related

7、articles according to the specific condition of the presold item.6. 本合同文本【】中选择内容、空格部位填写及其他需要删除或添加的内容, 双方当事人应当协商确定。()中选择内容,以划。方式选定;对于实际情况未 发生或双方当事人不作约定时,应当在空格部位打x,以示删除。Both parties should determine how to fill in the selecting contents in , blank spaces, and other contents required to be deleted or s

8、upplemented in the Contract through consultation. The selecting contents in should be selected with a V; if it doesnt happen actually or something hasnt been stipulated by both parties, write a xin the blank space for deletion.7. 双方当事人在履行合同中发生争议的,可以选择向不动产所在地人民法院起 诉,也可以选择向仲裁委员会申请仲裁。如选择申请仲裁的,可以向北京市仲 裁

9、委员会、中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会或外地的仲裁委员会申请。In case of disputes in the execution of the Contract, both parties can choose to sue to the Peoples Court at the place where the real estate is located, or apply for the arbitration by the arbitration commissions, such as Beijing Arbitration Commission, China Internation

10、al Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission or some arbitration commissions in other places.8. 双方当事人可以根据实际情况决定本合同原件的份数,并在签订合同时认真 核对,以确保各份合同内容一致;在任何情况下,买受人都应当至少持有一份 合同原件。Both parties can decide the copies of the original contract according to the actual situation, and check them carefully when signi

11、ng the Contract, in order to make sure the content of each copy are consistent; In any case, the Buyer should hold at least one copy of the original contract.北京市商品房预售合同 Beijing Commodity Housing Presale Contract 出卖人:Seller: 通讯地址:Address: 邮政编码:Postal Code: 营业执照注册号 Registration number of Business Lice

12、nse: : 企业资质证书号:Enterprise qualification certificate No.: 法定代表人:Legal Representative: 联系电话:Tel.: 委托代理人:Entrusted Agent: 联系电话:Tel.: 委托销售代理机构:Entrusted Sales Agency: 通讯地址:Address: 邮政编码:Postal Code: 营业执照注册号:Registration number of Business License: : 买受人:Buyer: 【法定代表人】【负责人】:Legal Representative: 国籍: Nati

13、onality: 【身份证】【护照】【营业执照注册号】:Identification Card 出生日期:Birthday:,性别: 通讯地址:Address: 邮政编码:Postal Code: 联系电话:Tel.: 根据中华人民共和国合同法、中华人民共和国城市房地产管理法、北京 市城市房地产转让管理办法及其他有关法律、法规的规定,出卖人和买受人 在平等、自愿、公平、协商一致的基础上就商品房预售事宜达成如下协议: According to the regulations of the Contract Law of Peoples Republic of China, Law of The

14、Peoples Republic of China on Administration of the Urban Real Estate, Measures on the Administration of Urban Real Estate Transfer in Beijing and other related laws and regulations, the Buyer and the Seller achieve the following agreements on the sales of commodity housing on the basis of equality,

15、voluntariness, fairness and consensus.第一条 项目建设依据 Article 1 Reference for Project Construction出卖人以【出让】【转让】【划拨】方式取得坐落于 地块的国有 土地使用权。该地块【国有土地使用证号】【城镇建设用地批准书号】为: 土地使用权面积为: ,买受人购买的商品房(以下简 称该商品房)所在土地用途为: , 土地使用年限自 年 月 日至 年 月 日止。出卖人经批准,在上述地块上建设的商品房(地名核准名称)(暂定名)为: ,建设工程规划许可证号为: ,建筑工程施工许可证号为: ,建设工程施工合同约定的开工日期

16、为: ,建设工程施工合同约 定的竣工日期为: 。The Seller has obtained the state-owned land use right of the plot located at through transfer of the right to use land and acquired Certificate of Real Estate Title through legal registration of the use right. The number of the certificate is: and the land area is: , and pur

17、pose of the land is for residential houses. (Hereinafter refers to as the Houses); the term for land use will start on and end on .With approval, The Seller has invested to build commodity housing on the said land lot mentioned above, with a temporary name of , theConstruction Engineering Planning P

18、ermit number of , and the Construction Engineering Working License number of ; the starting date of the construction stipulated in the Contract should be and the completion date will be .第二条 预售依据 Article 2 Reference for Sales该商品房已由 批准预售,预售许可证号为: OThe commodity housing has been approved to be qualifi

19、ed for presale by Beijing Municipal Construction Committee, with the Presale License number of 第三条 基本情况 Article 3 Basic Information该商品房所在楼栋的主体建筑结构为: ,建筑层数为: 层, 其中地上 ,地下 层。该商品房为第一条规定项目中的 【幢】【座】第 层 单元 号。该房号为【审定编号】【暂定编号】,最终以公安行政管理部门审核的 房号为准,该商品房平面图及在整个楼栋中的位置图见附件一。该商品房的用途为【住宅】【经济适用住房】【公寓】【别墅】【办公】【商业】 :

20、;【层高】【净高】为: 米,【坡屋顶净高】最低为: 米,最高为: 米。该商品房朝向为: O有 个 阳台,其中 个阳台为封闭式, 个阳台为非封闭式。出卖人委托预测该商品房面积的房产测绘机构是 其预测建筑面积共 平方米,其中,套内建筑面积 平方米,共用部位与共用房屋分摊 建筑面积 平方米。有关共用部位与共用房屋分摊建筑面积构成说明见附 件二。签订本合同时该商品房所在楼栋的建设工程进度状况为 O(如:正负零、地下一层地上五层、“结构封顶)本条所称层高是指上下两层楼面或楼面与地面之间的垂直距离。净高是指楼面 或地面至上部楼板底面或吊顶底面之间的垂直距离。The commodity housing is

21、 located at: .The main building of this Houses bears: reinforced concrete structure; and the building consists of 19 storeys, including an over-ground part of floors and an underground floors.The commodity housing refers to mentioned in the item of Article 1. The room number as a temporary number no

22、w will be subject to the final number approved by the Administration Department of Public Security; References can be made to Annex 1 for the housing plan and location plan in the whole building.The purpose of this commodity housing is to be an apartment: the floor height of this House is 3.6 meters

23、, net height of the slope roof the minimum height: X meters, the maximum height: X meters. The orientation of the commodity housing is: to east; no balcony, among there are 0 enclosed balconies and 0 unclosed balconies.The Seller entrusts a mapping institution of to predict that the building area of

24、 the House is square meters totally, which includes square meters of interior building area and square meters of public share building area. References can be made to Annex 2 for the introduction of the public share building area.When both parties sign the Contract, the construction progress status

25、of the commodity housing building is X .The floor height mentioned in this article refers to the vertical distance between an upper floor and a lower floor or between the floor and the ground. The net height refers to the vertical distance between a floor and the soffit of the upper floor or between

26、 the ground and the underside of the suspended ceiling.第四条 抵押情况 Article 4 Reference for Mortgage与该商品房有关的抵押情况为: 。1 -该商品房所分摊的土地使用权及在建工程均未设定抵押;2. 该商品房所分摊的土地使用权已经设定抵押,抵押权人为: ,抵押登记部门为: ,抵押登记日期为: 3. 该商品房在建工程已经设定抵押,抵押权人为: ,抵押登记部 门为: ,抵押登记日期为: 。(2和3可以同时选择) 抵押权人同意该商品房预售的证明及关于抵押的相关约定见附件三。The mortgage conditio

27、n of this House is: 1 .1. The land use right shared by this House and the construction in progress are not set to mortgage.2. The land use right shared by this House has been set to mortgage, with the mortgagee of at the mortgage registration department of on the date of 3. The construction in progr

28、ess of this House has been set to mortgage, with the mortgagee of at the mortgage registration department of on the date ofThe presale certificate of this House and other covering mortgage approved by the mortgagee refers to Annex 3.第五条 计价方式与价款 Article 5 Pricing Mode and Purchase Price该商品房为住宅的,出卖人与买

29、受人约定按照下列第1种方式计算该商品 房价款。其中,该商品房为经济适用住房的,出卖人与买受人约定同时按照下 列第1种方式和第2种方式分别计算该商品房价款。该商品房为非住宅的,出卖人与买受人约定按照下列第 种方式计算 该商品房价款。1 -按照套内建筑面积计算,该商品房单价每平方米 (币) 元, 总价款 (币)佰拾亿_仟佰 拾 万 仟 佰 拾 元整(大写)。2 .按照建筑面积计算,该商品房单价为每平方米 (币) 元,总价款一(币)一佰一拾一亿 仟 佰 拾 万 仟 佰 拾 元整(大写)。3 .按照套(单元)计算,该商品房总价款为(币)佰拾_亿 仟 佰 拾 万 仟 佰 拾 元整(大写)。4 .按照 计

30、算,该商品房总价款为 (币) 佰 拾 亿 仟 佰 拾 万 仟 佰 拾 元整(大写)。具体约定见附件四。本条所称建筑面积,是指房屋外墙(柱)勒脚以上各层的外围水平投影面 积,包括阳台、挑廊、地下室、室外楼梯等,且具备有上盖,结构牢固,层高 2.20米以上(含2 . 20米)的永久性建筑。所称套内建筑面积,是指成套商品房(单元房)的套内使用面积、套内墙体面 积和阳台建筑面积之和。If this House is used as residence, the Seller and the Buyer shall agree to calculate the price of this House a

31、ccording to the First method below. Therein, if this House is an affordable housing, the Seller and the Buyer shall agree to calculate the price of this House according to the First and Second methods below respectively.If this House is non-residential, the Seller and the Buyer shall agree to price

32、the commodity house according to the First method below.1. According to the interior building area, this House can be priced to be RMB (Currency) Yuan per square meter, with the total price of RMB BILLION HUNDRED MILLION HUNDRED AND THOUSAND HUNDRED Yuan ONLY.2. According to the building area, this House c

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