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1、关于春节的英语作文12篇关于春节的英语作文12篇关于春节的英语作文关于春节的英语作文(一): TheLunarNewyearTheLunarNewyearisagreatoccasiontothechinesepeople 。 Itlastsaboutthefirstfourdaysoftheyear ,duringwhichpeopledonotworkexceptfortheworkersonduty 。 Studentsdono tgotoscho o 1,andsho ps areclos edoSev erald aysb eforet hen ewyear, pe oplebegi

2、 n toprepare o Farmerski llpigs, she ep, cocksa n dhens。 ci ty dweller sbu ymeatf isha ndveg etabl esoHouse sa recleane d ; couplets arepostedo nthedoors0 colourful 1 anternsa re hungatt heg ateoonth eeve ofthen ewy ear,eac hf amilyhas i tsmembers gatherdtog etherandea tsafamily r euniondi nn er0 Af

3、te rth emealt heyw atchT Vunti lthe clocks tri ckestwe lv e。Thenev e ryfamilys etsofflong stringsofsmallfirec r ackersan do therfir ewo rkstow elet henewyear。onth efirst day ofthene wy ear,almo s teveryone isdressedi nhisorherb est o whenp e oplemeet on theway, the ysayto each other Happ yNew year。

4、Fri endsand re lativesp a ynewyearc allsandgiv espresentstoeachoth e ro childr en indulge the mselve sing ames。关于春节的英语作文(二):myp lanofnextyearAne w year,ane ws tart,wh enl stando nthe edgeo f an ewy ear,lea n thelpthi n kingabout myplanofnextyear。j ustasthe ol dsaying : “w ellbeg anis theha lfoft hes

5、u ccesso ” So Idecide th atlshoul d beatworkw hiletheoth ersarestil lrelaxing,andthen,at thebegi nni ng, Im quic kerth anthe othe rsando fco urselwi 11 getbette r resulttha ntheothers oBut,wh a tlreally de cidetod ois thatlm ustm akego odofa nyti melcan spa rethoug hi tseemsim p ossible。w hile, Iwil

6、l domybestto liveupwit h whatlhav ep lanned,and theres ultw illpr oveit o关于春节的英语作文(三):will christmasR eplacetheS pringFest i val? c hri stmasa rous esinc reasi ngat tentio nyearbyyea ri nchina。c h ristmasca rdsbeepopu larwithstu dents。Peo p leholdch ri stmaspa rti esande xcha ngech ristm asgi rts。A1

7、 oto rTVandr ad ioprogra m saboutchr istmasareo no meanwhil etheSprin g Festival is lessapp eal ing (有吸弓I 力的)toyou ngste rso T hussom epe op 1 ewon de rwhether c hristmasw illreplace theSpringFestival。Thiswor ryi sfairl yunn ecess ary。 w hy? o nereas onl iesthat ch ristmaso n lyaffects Christians ,

8、collegest udentsand j oint-ven tu re (合资企业)wo rkerso Anot herre asoni stha tchris tma. sismost ly celebrat e dincities 0 Fewpeople incountrys ideshowex t remeinte re stinthi sex otic (带有异国情调的)fe stiva 1。By contra st,theSpri ng Festival i sthemosti nfluential traditiona lfestival i neveryfa mi lyoI t

9、hin k,iti snatu ralt hatwit hin creasin ge xchanges w iththewes t,alotofwe sternholid ayshavebe e ngradual ly introdu ced intoch ina。Forus chine sewe should nev ernegle ct orevendi s cardourow ntradition alfestival So Forcent u rieschin es ehaveob ser vedthi stra ditio nalho lida ytowel eth ebeginn

10、in gofanewy e ar。Andwew illtreasur etheSpring Festivalf o rever。关于春节的英语作文(四):N ewye arPart yonNewye a rsEve, ou rclasshada party。 Thea tmosphere w asgood。I tw asoutof the ordina ryfr omthe veryb egin ingo Th ebo ystuden tf romonebe d roomgavea nunusualpe rformance。wesawaboy n amedLiXi nm inturno ffa

11、 llthel ight sinas udden snap o Thenw ith threere so unding (口向亮的)crowofa cockechoin ginthehall , thehallw a sagainbr ig htlylit ina snap。The n,th erepre sen tativeo ft hebedroo m ZhuGuozha ngaskedust oguessalin eofapoemr e latedtothe abovesi tua tion。H eadd edtha tLiXi nmin alonew asb orninth ey ea

12、rofthe d ogandtheo therthreew ereallborn intheyear o fthechic ke no Theyl eft usalli neon fusio no And itwa sourmo nit orwhowa sq uickwitt e d (机智的)。He shoutedour , Thedaybr eaksasthe c ockcrows th reetime sat dawn。 Theh allAf terth at, t heyhad ano therite m。Thistime L iXinminwa splacedint hemiddle

13、of thecircle o whilehew as standin gth ere,th eoth erthr eesto odar oundhi m, e achbowi ng downtohi m atanangle of120degre eso Itwasan idiom。 Thi s timelgot it right: The dogsta ndso utamo ngagr oupo fchick ens o 关于春节的英语作文(五):Th eSpringFes tivalT he SpringF est ival,c hine seNew year,isth emosti mpo

14、 rtantfe st ivalfora 1 lofus。All familymemb ersgettoge theronNew y ear Evet oh aveabig mea 1。Atth esam etime,ever yone celebr ate stoeach ot her。Atab o utl2oclo ck, somepar entsandchi ldrenligh t crackers o T hewhole sky isligh tedb right lyo we mayw atchth efi reworks ex citedly。H owbusyiti s !onth

15、ef irstearly m oringofo ne year, ma nys eniorc itiz enget upear lyan dtheys tic ktherev er sedFuorh a ngsomecou pletsonthe frontdoor。Somehouse swindows ar esticke don redpap ercu tling soT hec hineseN ew yearlast s fifteenda yso Sodurin gthefiftee ndays,wea 1 waysvisi to urrelat ive sfromd oort odoo

16、r o Atth atti me,chi ldr enareth eh appiestb e causethey cangetmany redpackets formtheir p arents, g ra ndparen ts,uncles,aun tsand soon。Thel astday oft hechine se Newyeari s anotherfe stivalo Itn amestheLan ternFesti v al。So the chines eNew yeare stoth eend o关于春节的英语作文(六hSpringFest ivalisthem ostimp

17、ort a ntfestiv a.l inchina o It stoce lebr ateth eluna real endar sne wyear。 I nt heevenin g beforethe SpringFest ival, famil iesgettog e therandh av eabigme alo Inmany plac espeo pleli keto setoff fir ecracke rs o Dumplin g sarethemo sttraditio nalfood。ch ildrenlik e thefestiva lverymu ch, becaus e

18、the ycanh avede lici ousfoo dan dwearne wc lothes。T h eycanalso getsomemon eyfromthei rparents。T hismoney is givento chi ldrenf orgo odluc ko Peo plep utNewy ear scrolls on thewallf o rgood。关于春节的英语作文(七):Spring Fe stivali sth emosti mpor tantf estiv alin china o It stocele br atethelu n arcalenda r s

19、newyear o Intheeven ingbefore t heSpring Fe stival, fam iliesg etto gethe randh avea bigmea 1。 I nmanypl ac espeople 1 iketoseto fffirecrac kers。Dumpl ingsareth e mosttrad it ionalfo od。 childr enli kethe festi valv erymuc h, b ecauset he ycanhave d eliciousf oodandwear newclothes o Theycana 1 soget

20、som em oneyfro mth eirpar ents 0 This money isgi ventoc hil drenfor go odlucko P e opleputNe wyearscrol lsonthewal lforgoodf o rtune。Th eS pringFe sti vallas tsab outl5 daysl ong。People vis itrelat iv esandfri e ndswithth ewords “Hav eallyourwi shes”。Peo p leenjoyt he SpringF est ival, d urin gthis

21、timet heyc anhave ago odrest。关于春节的英语作文(八):chine seNewyear o rSpringF es tivalis the mostimport antof thetr adit ionalc hin eseholi da yso Itiss o metimesca lledtheLu narNewyear byEnglis h speakers o T hefesti val tradit iona llybe ginso nthe firstd ayo fthefir st monthint h echinesec alendarand ends

22、onthel 5th;thisd a yiscalle dL anternF est ival。c hine seNew year sEve isknow nas chdxi。I tl iterally m eansyear - passEve。Chinese N ewyearis th elonges tan dmosti mpor tantf estiv ityi ntheLu nar calenda r0 Theorigi n ofchinese Newyearisi tselfcentu riesoldan d gainssig ni ficance bee auseof seve r

23、almy thsan dtra dition s0 A ncientc hi neseNewy e arisaref 1 ectiononho wthepeople behavedan d whatthey be lievedi nth emost。ce lebr atedin are aswithl ar gepopula t ionsofeth nicchinese,chineseNe wyearisco n sidereda ma jorholi day forthe chin esean dhash adin fluenc eon thenewy ea rcelebra t ionso

24、fits geographic neighbors, aswellascu ltureswi th whomthe chi neseha veha dexte nsive interactio n。 T heseinc lu dekorean s , Tibetans andBhutane se,mongoli ans,Vietn a mese,and fo rmerlyt hej apanes ebef orel8 73。 ou tsid eofmai nla ndchina , H ongkong, m acau, andT aiwan, chin eseNewyear isalsocel

25、 e bratedin co untries wit hsigni fica ntHan chine sepo pulati ons,suchas Si ngapore,I ndonesia, Laos, malay sia, thePhi lippines, a ndThaila nd o Incoun tri essuch asAu stral ia,ca nada andthe Uni tedStat es,althoug h chineseNe wyearisnot anoff icial holiday, ma. nyethnic ch ineseho ldl argece lebr

26、 ation sandA ustr aliaPo st,canadaP os t, andthe U SPostalSe rviceissue sNewyear s themedsta m ps。wi thi nchina , reg ional custo msan dtradi tio nsconce rn ingthece 1 ebrationo fthechines enewyearva rywidely。 P eoplewil lp ouroutt hei rmoney tobu ypres ents, deco ration , ma terial, fo od, andcl o

27、thing。 Iti salsothetr aditiontha teveryfam i lythorou gh lyclean sth ehouse tosw eepaw ayany ill-fortun ein hopesto ma kewayfor g oodiningl uck。window sanddoorsw illbedeco r atedwith re dcolour pap ercut sand coupl etswi thpo pulart hem esof “ha pp iness,“w ealth, an d “longevit yo ontheEv eofchines

28、 e Newyear, su pperisa fea stwith fami lies。 Foodw illi nclude sue hitemsa sp igs,duck s , chickena ndsweetdel icacies。 Th efamilywi 1 lendthen ig htwithf ire cracke rso E arlyt henex tmor ning,c hil drenwil lg reetthei r parentsby wishingthe mahealthya ndhappyne w year,and re ceivemo ney inredp ape

29、r envel opes。Thee hinese New yeartra di tionisag r eatwaytor econcilefo rgettingal 1grudges, a ndsincer el ywishpe ace andhap pine ssforevery oneoAlth ou ghthechi n esecalend artraditio nallydoesn otusecont i nuouslyn um beredye ars,outsi dech inait syear sare oftenn umb eredfro mt hereigno f Huangd

30、i。B utatleastt hreediffer entyearsn u mberedla re nowused byv arious scho lars, makin gthe year20 09chinese ye ar4707,4 706,or464 6o关于春节的英语作文(九):T he springF est ivalis ings oon!T hefes tive liscon sid erededt he mostimpo r tantonefo rchinesepe ople。Itiso nthefirst d ayofluna ry ear。Iti sal sothed a

31、yof reuni onamo ngfa milyme mbe rso Duri ng theseday s,peoplewo uldsayhap pynewyear!orwishyou m akefortu ne ! toeach oth ero The ywou ldals ovisi tthe irrela tiv esandfr ie nds。chil d renwouldb egivenred packets。c hildrenwo u ldhavemo re toeatan dpi ay than usua 1。Pla yingf irec racker sis alsoapo p

32、u largamef o rchildren o关于春节的英语作文(十):Fa ra ndawayt hem ostimp orta nthol idayi nchi naisSp rin gFestiv al,alsokno w nasthechi neseNewyea ro Tothechi nesepeopl e itisasim po rtantas chr istmas tope oplei nthew est。thedat esf orthisa nn ualceleb r ationared eterminedb ythelunarc alendarra t herthant he GREgori anc alenda r,so theti mingo fthe holida yva riesfro ml atejanua r ytoearlyF ebruary。Totheordi n arychine se , thefes tiv alactu ally begin sonth eeve ofthel una rNewyea r sDayande n dsonthefi fthdayofth efirstmont hofthelun a rcalen

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