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1、新时代交互英语网络版第3级答案第一单元3/19 what does-working why-worked what kind-journalism 8/19 when will-work Taila works-know Talia is-reporter Tony is-boss Talias hair-take 10/19 What does Amy-party What is-Background What does Tony-big 11/19 Amy says-guy Talia tells-little Amy tells-konw Tony says-bit 12/19 take

2、/a/break/why/not/some/other /time/party/available/listen /without/talk/to/you/about /researching/background/work /on/hoping/for/break/may/be/it /By/the/way 1A/5 Which one-work What is-often How is-very About Robin-any About Robins-class 1B/5 kind/of/its/about/right/I /did/past/three/years/paid/off /

3、earned/break/the/case/in /comparison/to/depends/on/a/lot /harder/in/general/my/roommate /way/too/for/myself/a/balance 2A/5 confident/relaxed/tense/in a bad mood 2B/5 1)How about 2)too 3)Why dont 4)enough 5)Lets 6)to walk 3/5 1)am taking 2)work 3)have 4)am writing 4/5 unique/seriously/mention/journal

4、ism 5/5 3 1 1 2 3 1第二单元3/19 What are-Gossiping What do Tony-Nick The information-money 8/19 In the-couldnt Amy has-has fallen Last year-lost If the information-wont 10/19 Whar is Amy-Make a copy Why does-bribe What does-first Who knows-Talia 11/19 Talia-took Tony says-doesnt Tony is-able 12/19 get/e

5、xpert/run/broadcast/competition/In/ fact/Speaking/ought/to/give/away/Good/ thinking/handle/care/audio/expert/fast/ on/it/You/do/hard/to/believe/wake/up/ smell/the/coffee/crazy/famous/taking/a/ bribe/smart/I/hope/get/in/the/way/work/on 1A/5 Whats her-She would What did-The rest Baesd on-There is Did

6、she think-She thought Did she hear-little bit 1B/5 heard/about/was/caught/they/say/what/to/think/stuff/youd/like/to/really/convinced/actually/natural/athlete/in/the/season/any/opinion/about/disqualify/for/the/sake/of/shame/to/in/trouble/with/start/rumors 2A/5 fall-come to owe arise-come up What-What

7、 a shame Thars-Thats not not take-sit out scandal-disgraceful 2B/5 1232 3/5 212331 4/5 forward/eliminate/apparently/incredible 5/5 211132第三单元3/19 Who said-Nick What doesnt-career What does-star 8/19 Tony asks-Nick Nuck says-not When did-More 10/19 At the-time What will-let What is-Crawford What does

8、-go 11/19 Tony gets-finished Talia thinks-knows Talia says-It wont Tony warns-trick her 12/19 Bad/news/audio/expert/check/urgent/be/sure/absolutely/sure/have/an/idea/may/remember/confide/in/reporter/researcher/chance/lose/one/more/day/only/one/more/day/wont/be/sorry/story/get/tell/me/everything/dese

9、rve/a/break/story/charming/charm/out/of 1A/5 Whats the-whale There were-needed Based on-sale Why didnt-like What would-Pop 1B/5 was/thinking/That/would/be/ok/this/new/mall/having/a/sale/kind/of/a/whole/lot/less/just/really/end/up/using/Well/little/girl/the/whale/sounded/really/good/a/lot/a/lot/less/

10、you/know/what/treat/you/to 2A/5 figure it out/investigate/result/make sense/ruined 2B/5 urgent-very important to put-risk semester-one of the to confide-trust in charm sb.-to persuade scandal-a disgraceful 3A/5 1213 3B/5CB 4/5 bench/expert/scandal/semester 5/5 1311213第四单元 3/19who-NIck find out-any w

11、ay remember-a little 8/19 amusing English literrtute glad disappointed difficult 10/19 What is-qualifying match At the-unfair Whick of-didnt you What dose-soccer 11/19 He think Talia-doesnt Talia says-trust Nick gave-innocent He probably feels-angry 12/19 listen/your/side/of/the/story/Nope/all/alike

12、/judge/me/trust/only/goal/helping/win/deal/with/mess/charges/serious /threw/a/game/gambling debts/gave/access/to/stop/from/Did/you/or/didnt/you/throw/the/game/get/show/viewers/Take/your/pick/innocent 1A/5 One of-doesnt When was-Recently Which statement-He works About this-Those two How does-He looks

13、 not good 1B/5 ran/into/my/gosh/doing/fantastic/the/same/old/how/exciting/perfect/for/or/something/like/that/a/boring/job/gets/to /telemarketing/telephone/company 2A/5 give someone-allow someone newspersons-journalists throw a game-plan to your side-a partial 2B/5 Take a pick /Take it easy/Take your

14、 time/Take a look 3A/5 a a the a 3B/5 arent I/will you/does she/could he/hasnt he/doesnt she/didnt I/wasnt he 4/5 no/ss/ar/al/um 5/5 I think I know you. How have you been? No,Iam sorry. Im afraid youve got the wrong person. It was great to see you again. Heres my card. 测试A TEST A 1/3 When did-when h

15、e was a teenager How did-making a living 2/3 Nick thinks-the same Nick implies-Which story 3/3 plays/poetry/television station 1/3 in a bad mood /exhausted 2/3 trustworthy/dishonest 3/3 take it easy-relax figure out-be able to make sense of scandal-disgraceful action throw a game-plan to lose a spor

16、ts game take your time-dont hurry innocent-not guilty of a crime 1/3 are /am /Lets go /too much /why dont I 2/3 1)received 2)are going to 3)ever 4)should 5)d better 3/3 1)arent you 2)an 3)was 4)the 5)have seen 6)good 7)my 8)am able to 9)different 10)havent been able to 1/5 略 这个我也补怎么懂 嘿嘿 2/5 busy/ser

17、ious/talk 3/5 tonight-different probably-same 4/5 这些额听音标的。不会啊 我额,不好意思啊 5/5 sit on the bench-rising have some questions-rising 1/3 Thats incredible Im sorry,but I have other plans 2/3 I was sort of hoping it sounds really cool I just dont want to go shopping that would be a little more fun That sound

18、ed really good 3/3 if you put it that way I will spend a lot too if I go shopping Thats true I just dont feel like it Lets go see the movie then第五单元 3/1 8/1 /1 the team HE thinks sure sounds like stupid a minute deliberately from college works for recognize teammate both excuse us media youve got th

19、at right get it worry you getting some pressure sit out badly frankly win without you 1A/5 1B/5 the whole story on the phone this rebate A hundred dollars supposed to of the camera nice about it serial number is gone Oh man 800 2B/5 1)do you feel 2)do you think 3)are loving 4)such 5)so 6)believe 3/5

20、 so /such a /so /such /so /such a 5/5 1)can I ask you to take a 2)I have to take care of 3)Im tied uo at the moment 4)Would you mind if 5)Can you please check 6)OK,no problem 7)please fill this formUnit 6答案:3/19 1.She was with Nick that day. 2.Talia. 3.No,because the result of the audit suggests the

21、 other way around.8/19 1.he owes someone money 2.cant believe its real 3.she believes Nick may be innocent. 4.people sometimes do things that dont make sense 5.Making money 6.I believe that he didnt do it 7.Nick put $50,000 into his bank account before the match.10/19 1.Talia should work with John o

22、n the story. 2.The bank statement shows that Nick is probably guilty. 3.He believes they have enough evidence now. 4.He says she should be more skeptical.11/19 1.they have to air the story before the competition does 2.sometimes the truth is hidden 3.wants to finish the story by herself even more 4.

23、Tony will be proud of her work12/19 keep investigating , have no choice , going with , beat us to it , Youve got to admit , missing something , as they seem , in this case , too trusting , skeptical , all right working on , fair , let my emotions color my judgment , let me down , wont be sorry1A/5 1

24、.Teenagers are allowed to get drunk in the bar if their parents are there with them. 2.ID that how they have the same last name. 3.Wisconsin 4.Stop kids from drinking irresponsibly. 5.Dangerous.1B/5 says , at bars , to have their parents , thirteen years old , get drunk , you know , drinking irrespo

25、nsibly , their kids , baby-sitter , bar owners , this is happening , crazy2A/5 Take it from us.-We have lived. We dont want.-We deside to. For another,we dont.-For one thing,. We never let our.-We are very sensible. Wed better go with.-We dont have enough time.2B/5 1.deposited account 3.As a

26、matter of fact 4.Take it from me 5.For one thing 6.except for 7.go with 8.beat us to it 9.let us down3A/5 1.going 2.talking 3.eating 4.yourselves 5.myself 6.had known 7.would have brought 8.crying over 9.Enjoying3B/5 1.may 2.may not 3.Is he 4.will 5.might not 6.may 7.are going to 8.might4/5 1.e 2.e

27、 4.o.e5/5 1.Is it possible that Nick is not guilty? 2.might be 3.perhaps 4.Do you think 5.Its possible that Nick didnt take the money 6.might find 第七单元 :3/19 1.Because she wanted to talk with. 2.She was annoyed. 3.He explained to.8/19 1.Because she wanted to make sure. 2.By cheating in the game.

28、 3.Because he wants to amuse Talia. 4.She was angry,. 5.he agreed to . 6.Nick had not . 7.Its the brand name . 8.Because she was angry.10/19 1.To visit Jackie in person 2.A businesswoman. 3.He wasnt going to tell her the truth. concentrated3B/5 1.prefer to 2.prefer 3.would rather 4.would rather to4/5 1.a 4.fer 5.or5/5 1.I see 2.How awful 3.How did it go? 4.Oh,really 5.Oh,really 6.Sounds like fun 7. Did you have a good time?Unit 8 答案3/19 1.There was no . 2.Talia 3.She was trying to .8/19 that he was . 2.Frustraed 3.Talia might have . 4.Jackie has never worked in the building

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