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1、考研英语作文参考+答疑最新范文2020考研英语作文参考+答疑2020考研英语作文参考+答疑英语一51. Directions:The Student Union of your university has assigned you to inform the international students of an upcoming singing contest. Write a notice in about 100 words.Write your answer on the ANSWER Sheet. Do not use your name in the notice.【参考范文】

2、NoticeSeptember 25It is so great to inform you that a singing contest will be held by our Student Union, and this notice is for the purpose of introducing the relevant arrangements and details.Firstly, this contest is scheduled to start at 19:00 on October 5 in the Center of Students Activities and

3、it will last for approximately two hours. Secondly, provided that your are contestants as individuals or groups, it is advisable for you to have a rehearsal in the center the day before the contest. Lastly, do not forget to prepare your musical instruments and accompaniment. Of course, you are welco

4、me to watch the contest as audience.We deem that with your support and participation, this contest will be successful and fabulous.the Student Union【译文】通知9月25日很高兴通知各位,学生会将举办一次歌唱比赛。本通知的目的正是要介绍相关安排和细节。首先,比赛计划于10月5日19点在大学生活动中心开始,持续约2小时。此外,如果您作为个人或团队参赛,最好可以在比赛前一天于活动中心进行彩排。最后,不忘记准备您的乐器和伴奏。当然,也欢迎您作为观众来观看比

5、赛。我们相信,在您的支持和参与下,本次比赛将会是精彩成功的。学生会52. Directions: Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the pictures below. In your essay, you shoulddescribe the picture briefly,interpret the implied meaning, andgive you comments.【参考范文】These two drawings, apparently, can be associated with two distinct habits. In

6、 the left one, there is a girl beside a desk, being absorbed in learning, with an idea in her mind it is advisable to complete as early as possible. By contrast, in the right picture, a young guy sits leisurely in a sofa, telling himself, “I need not act until the deadline.” Finally, two Chinese cha

7、racters can be noticed, which say “habit”.Successful figures are usually characterized by their diverse merits, including diligence, perseverance and striving every day. However, in reality, a host of youngsters are accustomed to taking no action until the last day. This terrible habit is particular

8、ly worth concerning and as a matter of fact, their laziness has constituted an obstacle that hinders their personal growth and progress.To my understanding, we are supposed to accomplish our assignments on time each day. This good habit can be likened to a journey, leading to success and a promising

9、 future. A case in point is myself. During the past year, as a senior who has been preparing for the national entrance examination for postgraduates, I have never postponed one days task until the next day. This excellent habit ensures my motivation for learning, brings me power and helps me accumul

10、ate knowledge every day.To conclude, never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. Meanwhile, every one should bear in mind that a positive habit means a lifelong treasure.【参考译文】显然,这两幅图能联系到两种截然不同的习惯。左图中,书桌旁有一个女孩儿,专注学习的同时,大脑中还在想:尽早完成才放心。相反,右图中,一个男孩儿悠哉悠哉地坐在沙发上,告诉自己:不到最后不动手。最后,两个汉字能被注意到,其内容是:习惯。成功

11、人士的特征通常是他们的众多优点,包括勤奋、持之以恒和每天的奋斗。然而,在现实生活中,很多年轻人习惯于直到最后一天才会有行动。这种糟糕的习惯很值得关注,而且事实上,他们的懒惰已经构成了一种障碍,阻碍着他们个人的成长和进步。在我看来,我们应该每天按时完成当天的任务。这种好习惯能被比喻成一条路,通向成功和美好未来。一个典型例子就是我。在过去的这一年,作为一名一直在为考研做准备的大四学生,我从未将当天的任务拖延至第二天。这种好习惯确保了我学习的动力,带给我力量,帮助我每天积累知识。总之,今日事今日毕。同时,每个人都应该牢记:一个好习惯是一生的财富。英语二47.Directions:Suppose yo

12、u are planning a tour of a historical site for a group of international students1) tell them about the site, and2) give them some tips for the tourYou should write about 100 words on the ANSWER SHEET.Do not use your own name at the end of the email. Use “Li Ming” instead.Do not write the address. (1

13、0 points)【范文】Dear friends,I heard that you are fond of traveling, so I am writing for the purpose of arranging a tour in Beijing, Chinas capital city with a time-honored history.Beijing is a modern city, but a host of historical buildings characterize it. Thus, it is advisable for you to visit the F

14、orbidden City. It is particularly worth seeing since it will allow you to appreciate Chinas ancient distinctive architectures and know Chinese culture better. About the trip, I have two tips for you: bring cameras and do not litter.I am convinced that you will enjoy a wonderful trip.Yours sincerelyL

15、i Ming【参考译文】亲爱的朋友们:听说你们喜欢旅游,所以我写信是想安排一次北京游,北京是有悠久历史的中国首都。北京是一座现代化的城市,但众多的历史建筑是它的突出特征。因此,你们可以去游览紫禁城。紫禁城特别值得参观,因为它将使你们欣赏中国古代特色建筑并且更好地了解中国文化。关于此行,我有两点提示:带上相机,不要乱扔垃圾。我相信你们会享受一次非常好的旅行。你真诚的李明48.Directions: Write an essay based on the following chart. In your writing, you shouldinterpret the chart, andgive

16、 your commentsYou should write about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET. (15 points)Given is a pie chart, clearly illustrating the striking contrasts in college students reading purposes on mobile phones in a certain university. Overall, the aim of learning ranks the first, accounting for 58%. Then, the

17、next is searching for information, with 28%, followed by entertainment, at 12%.These statistics above can be associated with the importance of mobile phones in students learning and daily life, but what result in the differences? On the one hand, smart phones are characterized by the diverse and pow

18、erful functions, which brings them great convenience and enhance their learning efficiency. A typical example is that they, with cell phones, can take online courses and look for useful information anywhere. On the other hand, compared with others, university students suffer greater mental stress, s

19、o they relax by listening to music or watching videos on phones.As a youngster, I believe that we should use mobile phones in a rational way. Meanwhile, it is not advisable for anyone to be addicted to online games or social networks.所给是一幅饼图,清晰地展示了某高校学生手机阅读使用目的对比。总的来看,学习的目的占最大比例,达到了58%。其次是查资料,占28%,紧

20、随其后是娱乐,占比12%。以上数据使人想到手机在学生的学习和日常生活中的重要性,但是,是什么导致了这些差异?一方面,智能手机有多样和强大的功能,给他们带来了极大的方便并提高了他们的学习效率。一个典型的例子是,他们可以使用手机在任何地方上在线课程、查询有用的信息。另一方面,与其他人相比,大学生承受着更大的精神压力,所以他们通过用手机听音乐或看视频来放松。作为一个年轻人,我认为我们应该合理使用手机。同时,任何人都不应该沉迷于在线游戏或社交网络。接下来,分享一些同学的考后疑惑!Question 1:答:完全可以,除了勤奋、好习惯外,还可以写奋斗、努力、不拖延、拒绝等待但说实话,我真想抽你,dilig

21、ence会写,habit不会写,说明你就是动笔少,听课少,因为我们在课上多次写到过cultivate positive habits不过,还是要夸你,不会写habit,就没有硬着头皮凭着模糊印象瞎写,写成diligence一定比写错好呀。比如,某些同学写成habitation(居住)、hobby(爱好)、habbit(根本不是个词)、还有写成rabbit (兔子)你让我说他们什么,我想抽自己!Question 2:答:没有完全跑题,是可以得分的,但由于我并未看到你写的作文,所以无法直接告诉你能得几分。主要的几个小问题:1. 写给外国的学生,应该是Dear friends, 或 Dear Sir

22、/Madam, 称谓虽然小错,但问题不大,不会影响整体得分。2. 首段和二段思路问题不大,但尾段中“通过我们共同努力”的思路不是合适的。写“我相信你们将会享受一次舒适且富有成果的旅途”就行了。整体看,没啥大问题。如果句子和词汇表达不出错,可以拿到及格分。Question 3:答:坦诚讲,据我了解,这个可行性比较小,因为这个需要涉及打破既有规则,也就是说这是违规甚至违法的。Question 4:答:理论上,应该会有成绩。首先,机读卡在读取你的卡片信息时,应该会鉴定出你的答题卡是出问题的。所以,你的答题卡将会由人工进行信息核实,只要你其他信息填写和填涂不出问题,理论上是可以找到你的准确信息的。但上

23、述情况是理论上,至于工作人员是否一定会尽职尽责,或今年是否有新的规定,我无法确保。Question 5:答:我想,阅卷老师的智商是能够看出来你相写habit, 但写成了hobby的。所以,不用担心零分,至于能得几分,因为我没有看到你写的作文,所以无法打分。虽然无法告诉你可以得几分,但我能告诉的是:只要把课上讲到的句子用上去了,切题且用对了,只是错了一个主题词,依然存在拿高分的可能性。但恕我委婉,如果habit写成hobby,我依然会怀疑你的实力。Question 6:答:根据我的了解,大小作文写反了,应该不至于零分。阅卷时,试卷会被提交为“问题试卷”,再由阅卷组长进行重新标记后,重新发给阅卷老师评阅。但以后还是在考试前,还是要通过模考,充分熟悉考试。

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