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本文(河北省邢台市高中英语 Unit 5 Canada The True North课时练习 新人教版必修3.docx)为本站会员(b****6)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

河北省邢台市高中英语 Unit 5 Canada The True North课时练习 新人教版必修3.docx

1、河北省邢台市高中英语 Unit 5 Canada The True North课时练习 新人教版必修3Unit 5 Canada The True North一、单词拼写New safety (措施)were demanded after that nights terrible train crash .(词汇复现记忆法)1. As is known to all, the world is made up of seven c and four oceans.2. His car knocked into a big tree for an unknown reason, and fort

2、unately, he only got s_ injured.3. The film , which was directed by Zhang Yimou, will be shown (在之内)a week .4. The hotel porter took my (行李)to my room , and I gave him a tip of ten yuan.5. The man glared at the people who (围住)the tent . (词汇复现记忆法)6. The police spotted a large amount of money (在船上). (

3、词汇复现记忆法)7. The area (与毗邻)on the Yorkshire Dales .8. The salesgirl pretended not to hear me and went on (闲谈)with a lady in blue .9. The (景色)of Canada in autumn is more beautiful and attracts lots of tourists every year .1._the supermarket, I met two men, who had a violent quarrel.二、用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空(词汇

4、复现记忆法)2. The soon made me a new suit .3. Mr Smith had stayed in many parts of the world, and he finally in Canada in the 1990s.4. We can achieve a lot when we learn to let our differences unite, divide us.5. If you Mary , ask her to come and see me.6. Lucy music and dreams of becoming a famous pop s

5、inger.7. It is good for you to your friends sometimes.8. He get the work done with very little help.三、单句语法填空1. When I study English , I like to put my dictionary my reach so that I can refer to it when necessary.2. Tom was chatting the football match his classmates when the headteacher came in.3. Th

6、e National Stadium looks very magnificent (measure)258,000 square metres in area.4. Rather than (ride) on a crowded bus , he always prefers (ride) a bicycle.5. Gaddafi tried to run away but gave up when he found himself (surround) by many people.四、单句完形填空1. When they saw they were by our troops , the

7、 enemy gave in.A. surrounded B. gathered C. limited D. combined2. After travelling to many places , Jim finally decided to in a quiet village where the air was fresh.A. set down B. put down C. settle down D. take down3. Did youNo , Ito finish your homework in time as your teacher had required? to ,

8、but I failed.A. try ; managed B. manage ; tried C. want ; tried D. expect ; managed4. It is said that that boy , who has great for singing and dancing , is from Nanchang No.3 Middle School.A. gift B. present C. award D. reward5. Are you worried about the result of the exam?Only .A. absolutely B. app

9、roximately C. slightly D. extremely五、完形填空CanadaCanada is the second biggest country in the world . It has an area of about ten million square kilometres, 1_ most of the northern part of the North American continent and with a(n) 2_ larger than that of the United States Canada 3 to the southwest of G

10、reenland. To the south , it 4 to the same latitude as southern France. The_ _5 from the Pacific coast in the west to the Atlantic in the east is greater that that from North America to Europe. But 6 its large size , two thirds of the population of Canada live in a 7 belt of land only a few hundred k

11、ilometers from the U.S.territory. The Great Lakes lie on the _8 with the United States.These huge inland seas 9_ into the St Lawrence River , which 10 them with the Atlantic Ocean. The 11 of government and finance is in Ontario. So are many of Canadas industries.Canada is a country of ten provinces

12、and three territories. The first inhabitants of Canada were North American Indians and Inuit . France and Britain each 12 Canada to their rule in the past .At that time the population of Canada was almost _13_ the French , but in the next fewdecades , thousands of British colonists _14_ to Canada fr

13、om the British lsles and from theAmerican colonies . In 1849 , the right of Canada to self-government was finally 15 .Today , 18 percent of Canadians still speak only French .Canada is often 16 a land of the future . The 17 is that the countrys rich oil and mineral_ _18_ have hardly been touched . I

14、t is among the ten_ 19 industrial nations of the world . Its capital is Ottawa and the largest city is Toronto . Other important cities 20 Montreal , Vancouver , Edmonton , Calgary , Winnipeg , Hamilton , and Quebec.1. A. making B. recovering C. covering D. determining2. A. altitude B. nation C. are

15、a D. water3. A. limits B. lies C. spreads D. connects4. A. rises B. wanders C. grows D. reaches5. A. distance B. scenery C. culture D. atmosphere6. A. instead of B. in spite of C. as for D. as with7. A. sensitive B. wide C. tight D. narrow8. A. border B. valley C. forest D. band9. A. float B. run C.

16、 hide D. fall10. A. surrounds B. provides C. links D. combines11. A. centre B. balance C. connection D. mixture12. A. protected B. frightened C. subjected D. impressed13. A. originally B. accidentally C. usually D. entirely14. A. turned B. moved C. devoted D. led15. A. recognized B. organized C. hon

17、oured D. settled16. A. allowed B. called C. looked D. said17. A. fact B. truth C. reason D. idea18. A. materials B. resources C. sources D. energies19. A. leading B. fortunate C. possible D. growing20. A. replace B. surround C. represent D. include一、单句语法填空Period 21. He often asked me the question th

18、e work was worth doing .2. I have no idea the project will be finished .3. The reason he did it was not clear.4. The problem city we are going to , Qingdao or Dalian , is not decided .5. No one has any idea bag the red one is .6. I have on impression_ he went home , perhaps by bike .7. The manager d

19、idnt answer the question would take his place .8. The fact has worried many scientists the earth is becoming warmer and warmer these days .9. Mr Smith asked me a question I could go with him to _he called the Treasure House the next week .10. The theory is based on the idea all people are created eq

20、ual , is accepted by most people.11. The order we should return hasnt reached us , so we dont know whether we have enough time to visit you .12. Danby left word with my secretary he would call again in the afternoon.13. I have no idea the journalist could have got his information from .14. A warm th

21、ought suddenly came to me I might use the pocket money to buy some flowers for my mothers birthday .15. Nobody believed his reason for being absent from the class he had to meet his uncle at the airport .二、单句写作1. This is our only request (这个问题应该尽快解决)。 2. We all doubt (他是否能通过驾照考试)。3. The problem (我们如

22、何帮助灾区人民)has not been discussed .4. People have no idea_ (飞机上发生了什么事情)during the crash .5. News hasnt been know (这些毕业生何时离校)。 三、语法选择1.Do you still believe in your roommate?yes . I always hold the belief he is an honest fellow.A. what B. whether C. that D. which2. Her suggestion that the plan be delayed

23、 was turned down.A. should B. could C. would D. might3. The news he has been elected president of the United States is true.A. / B. whether C. that D. when4. I made a promise to myself this year , my first year in high school , would be different .A. whether B. what C. that D. how5. Do you have any

24、idea the solar system is made up of ?A. that B. what C. as D. which四、语法填空_1 worries me most is whether I can pass the English exam in the National College Entrance Examination . I find 2_ _is important to learn English . In my opinion , success in life depends mainly on _3 one can have great 4 ( det

25、ermine ). It encourages us to move forward ,_5 _( especial )during our hard times . My hope is 6 I can be admitted to a keyuniversity . However , it is a fact 7_ I dont do well in study . But I hold the belief_8 everyone has the potential to achieve success.All in all , I will work harder to make my

26、 dream come true . It is our responsibility 9_ we should do whatever we can to realize our dreams .We are confident to tell the teachers and our parents that we will live up to your 10 ( expect ).一、单词拼写Period 31. Though we dont know what was discussed , yet we can feel the (话题)has been changed .2. P

27、our the (混合物)into the cake pan and bake for approximately 50minutes. (词法复现记 忆法)3. After the war broke out there was a serious lack of food. It was not unusual that even the (富 有的)families had to do without bread for days .(词法复现记忆法)4. I was really (高兴的)when he said how well Id done , because Mr Lee s

28、eldom praised us .5. The president (证实)that he would visit France the following mouth .6. When we got there , it was (大约)ten oclock .7. This river is over 500 metres (宽阔的)at its widest point .8. Her mother lives in a (附近的)town by herself , so Helen goes to visit her on weekends .9. Theres a (传统)in o

29、ur family that we have a party on New Years Eve .10. The little girl was (印象深刻)by his speech and made up her mind to become a speaker like him .二、用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空. Put a small amount of the powder into a container and _water.(词法复现记忆法). The little boy has a surprising gift for seeing the small letters

30、 _1 mix with , dream of , leave for , in the distance , at dawn2现记忆法). (词汇复3. What time are you going to the cabin on the hill ? (词汇复现记忆法)4. He told us that if we started ,we could arrive before noon .5. I being the best football player in the town .三、单句语法填空1. Dashan , who has been learning crosstal

31、k , the Chinese comedic tradition , for decades , wants to mix it with the Western stand-up tradition .2. When the lost boy saw the smoke rising the distance , he became excited immediately .3. Most girls are terrifiedsnakes and mice , both of which look very ugly .4. The couple from France was really impressed bank .the traditional buildings that ran along the river5. We planned to start out dawn , but the sudden rain ruined our plan .6. It was a ( mist )morning , but it soon became clear when the sun began to shine .7

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