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Unit 3 Section Ⅴ Project 教学设计12.docx

1、Unit 3 Section Project 教学设计12Unit 3 Section Project 教学设计语篇理解 课文自读板快.Read the articles and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F)1In 336 BC Alexander became king. (T)2Alexander the Great once took his army into China. (F)3Alexander had to turn back because his own army grew

2、 tired of endless battles and refused to go any further. (T)4The statue of the Greek soldier found in Xinjiang showed that he came to China. (F)5Socrates was born in Athens, Greece. (T)6Socrates had a deep influence on Western painting and science. (F)7Many students got angry when Socrates questions

3、 made them aware of their own errors. (T)8Many people thought Socrates was a hero who searched for truth. (T).Fill in the blanks according to Ancient Greek statue found in Xinjiang.Alexander the Great, the famous Greek king, became king when he was only 1. twenty years old, Many cities rose up 2. ag

4、ainst him, but he led an army to 3. defeat them. Later, he took his army into the Middle East and then Egypt and 4. marched all the way to India, finding victory 5. wherever he went. By the age of 6. thirty,he had already 7. occupied more land than anyone before. Yet, he came down 8. with a fever an

5、d died in 323 BC. Alexander the Great 9. spread the Greek culture from Europe to Africa and Asia, 10. influencing the world for centuries to come.Fill in the form according to The father of Western philosophy.NameSocratesBorn469 BC, in Athens, 1.GreeceJobsWhen he was young, he was a soldier full of

6、2. bravery.Later, he became a teacher, teaching without being 3. paid.He made a 4. living by working as a common worker.the Socratic Method5. How to teachby asking questionsAimto challenge his studentsto develop and explain their own argumentsResultsMany students got 6. embarrassed and even angry.Ot

7、hers changed their 7. opinions.DeathSocrates was 8. forced to drink poison because he 9. asked people too many questions.StatusA hero of all people 10. searching/looking for the truth.语言点一 单词集释板块识记掌握(一)为以下单词分别选择合适的英文释义1troopAsomething you do in order to cheat someoneBsoldiers, especially in organize

8、d groups答案:B2marchAto walk quickly and with firm, regular stepsBto make an area separate by drawing a line答案:A3vastAextremely largeBseveral differences答案:A4courtAforward movement in timeBplace where trials or other law cases are held答案:B5judgeAthe official in control of a court who decides how crimi

9、nals should be punishedBfairness in the way people are treated答案:A(二)根据所给词性和汉语意思写出单词6statue n 雕塑,雕像7glory n. 辉煌;荣耀,光荣8ahead adv. (时间、空间)在前面;提前,预先;领先9salary n. 薪金,薪水10corrupt vt. 使腐化,使堕落adj. 贪污的,腐败的11trial n. 审讯,审理;试验;考验12basis n基础;基准;原因bases (pl.)13aware adj.意识到的,知道的;察觉到的awareness n意识14poison n毒药,毒物

10、 vt.毒害,下毒poisonous adj.有毒的开解拓展1. ahead (时间、空间)在前面;提前,预先;领先(一)背诵佳句培养语感(教材原句)By the age of thirty, he had already occupied more land than anyone before, and it seemed that more glory was waiting ahead of him.到他三十岁时,他已经拥有了比以前的任何人都要多的土地,在他的前面似乎有更多的荣耀在等待着他。(鲜活例句)Im so glad that our team is ahead by three

11、 points.我太高兴了,我们队领先3分。(二)归纳拓展全析考点(be) ahead of 在之前;领先于;胜过ahead of time ( in advance)提前go ahead 朝前走,请便,干吧,做吧(同意对方继续做某事或同意对方的请求)I finished several days ahead of the deadline.我是在最后期限的前几天完成的。She was always well ahead of the rest of the class.她总是遥遥领先班上的其他同学。Do you mind if I record your lecture?Not at all

12、. Go ahead.你介意我把你的讲座录下来吗?不会的,请便。2aware adj.意识到的,知道的;察觉到的(一)背诵佳句培养语感(教材原句)In many cases,his questions made his students aware of their own errors.在很多情况下,他的问题使得他的学生们意识到自己的错误。(鲜活例句)I wanted to know why it happened without my being aware of it.我想知道为什么事情在我不知不觉中发生了。(二)归纳拓展全析考点make sb. aware of . 使某人注意到be/

13、become aware of 对知道,明白;意识到be aware that . 知道,体会到as/so far as Im aware 据我所知You are not aware (of) how worried I felt about your safety.你不知道我多么担心你的安全。Most smokers are perfectly aware of the dangers of smoking.大多数吸烟者完全知道吸烟的危害。As far as Im aware, this is the first time that he has won the competition.据我

14、所知,这是他第一次赢得比赛。3basis nC基础;基准;原因;根据(pl.bases)(一)背诵佳句培养语感(教材原句)The idea of asking questions until you reach the right answer is the basis of modern philosophy and science.问问题直到找到正确答案的想法是现代哲学和科学的基础。(鲜活例句)What basis do you have for this judgment?你是根据什么作出的判断?(二)归纳拓展全析考点(1)on a/the basis of以为基础;根据(2) base

15、 n. 基础;基地;根据vt. 以为基础be based on 以为基础(3) basic adj. 基础的;基本的On the basis of those facts, we can reach the following conclusion.根据那些事实,我们可以得出以下结论。Liaoning is one of the most important industrial bases of China.辽宁是中国最重要的工业基地之一。Based on a true story, he wrote the long novel.根据一个真实的故事,他写了这篇长篇小说。4judge nC裁

16、判员;法官v.断定;判断;评价(一)背诵佳句培养语感(教材原句)At his trial, he defended himself by asking his judges yet more questions.在他的审判中,他向法官问了更多的问题来为自己辩护。(鲜活例句)He was one of the judges of the boxing match.他是那场拳击比赛的裁判员之一。(鲜活例句)It was difficult for the court to judge that case.法庭很难对那个案子作出判决。(二)归纳拓展全析考点judge .from/by . 根据判断j

17、udging by/from . 从来看,根据来判断as/so far as I can/could judge 据我判断,我认为You cant judge a book by its cover.你不能根据封面来评价一本书。Judging from what he said, he must be an honest man.由他所说的来判断,他一定是个诚实的人。应用落实.完成句子1据我所知,他们是幸福的一对。As_far_as_I_am_aware,_they are a happy couple.2这座新桥提前完工了。The new bridge was completed ahead

18、_of_time.3九名窃贼被逮捕并被送交法院审判。Nine thieves were arrested and brought_to_trial.4他们行进了20英里才到达首都。They marched_20_miles to reach the capital.5据报道,不合格奶粉毒死了六名婴儿。It was reported that the unqualified milk power had_poisoned_six_babies.单项填空1It was several minutes before I was _ what was happening.Aaware Bconcern

19、edCawake Dashamed解析:选A。句意:过了几分钟,我才意识到发生了什么事。aware“意识到的,察觉到的”,符合语境。concerned“关心的”;awake“醒着的”;ashamed“惭愧的”。2Bob, are you free at the moment? I have to ask you some questions._.AIts a pleasure BAsk, pleaseCHelp yourself DYes, go ahead解析:选D。考查交际用语。Its a pleasure.“别客气”(用于答谢时的应答语);B为汉语式英语;Help yourself.“请

20、随便(吃、用等)”,Yes, go ahead.“好的,问吧”。3_ I could judge, she spoke good English.AAs far BAs far soCSo far as DAs farther as解析:选C。句意:我认为她说一口流利的英语。so/as far as I can/could judge是固定结构,意为“据我判断,我认为”。4Competition, they believe, strengthens the national character rather than _ it.Ahesitates BconfirmsCrecognizes D

21、corrupts解析:选D。corrupt“使堕落;败坏”,与题干中的strengthen“(使)变强,加强”相对应,符合题意。5_the story of our village, an interesting film was made by the famous director.ABased on BBasing onCBe based on DBeing based on解析:选A。句意:以我们村的故事为基础,那位著名的导演拍了一部有趣的电影。根据短语“be based on(以为基础)”和分析句子结构可知,此处缺少状语,故用非谓语动词形式based on。语言点二 短语荟萃板块识记

22、掌握1no doubt 无疑,确实2rise up against 起义,反抗3stand in ones path 阻碍(某人)4come down with 患(病)5think of .as 认为,看作是6have enough of 受够了,对感到厌烦7ahead of 在前面,提前8as a result of 由于9aside _from 除以外10search for 寻找,搜寻理解拓展1no doubt无疑,确实(一)背诵佳句培养语感(教材原句)When asked how a statue from distant Greece could have appeared in

23、China, researchers explained that no doubt this was a result of Alexander the Greats influence.当被问及来自遥远希腊的塑像怎么会出现在中国时,研究人员解释说,这无疑是亚历山大大帝的影响所致。(鲜活例句)No doubt he will call us when he gets there.他到达那里后必定会给我们打电话。 (二)归纳拓展全析考点have no/little/some doubt对没有/很少/有一些怀疑in doubt 怀疑,拿不定主意without/beyond doubt 无疑地,必

24、定,当然There is no doubt that . 毫无疑问The research showed beyond doubt that smoking contributes to heart disease.这项研究确实表明吸烟会导致心脏病。There is no doubt that they will agree with you on this matter.毫无疑问,他们在这件事上会同意你的。2rise up against 起义,造反,反抗(一)背诵佳句培养语感(教材原句)However, many cities rose up against Alexander, so h

25、e led an army to take them back.然而,许多城市起来反对亚历山大,因此他带领军队收复了这些城市。(鲜活例句)Rebels rose up against government and began killing people.叛乱分子反抗政府并滥杀无辜。(二)归纳拓展全析考点rise up起义rise to ones feet 站起身If the government cant maintain the peoples right, people will rise up.如果政府不能维护人民的权利,人民将造反。Suddenly he rose to his fe

26、et to question the chairman of the meeting.他突然站起来质询大会主席。3come down with 患(病),得(传染性的病)(一)背诵佳句培养语感(教材原句)Yet, in 323 BC, he came down with a fever and died.然而,在公元前323年,他发烧生病去世了。(鲜活例句)It sounds like youre coming down with the flu. Let me take your temperature.听起来好像你感染到流感了,让我量量你的体温。(二)归纳拓展全析考点come up wit

27、h 想出,提出come across 偶然遇到;被理解,被传达come about 发生come out 出现;出版;结果是No one has come up with a convincing explanation of why dinosaurs died out.尚未有人能对恐龙的灭绝作出一个令人信服的解释。No one knows how the accident came about.没有人知道事故是怎样发生的。应用落实.选词填空no doubt, rise up against, come down with, stand in ones path, take control

28、of, search for 1Its not an easy task to take_control_of a class of young children.2They were searching_for the lost boy in the forest.3There is no_doubt that he can do the job well.4If you really want to marry Mary, Im not going to stand_in_your_path.5I think Im coming_down_with a cold.6They united

29、and rose_up_against the foreign invaders. .单项填空1Kate paid him in advance, which _ was a mistake.Ano more Bno doubtCno wonder Dno way解析:选B。句意:凯特把钱提前给了他,这无疑是一个错误。根据句意可知,空白处要用no doubt“无疑,确实”。2What has made you so happy, Mary?Oh, Ive just _ an old friend I havent seen for years.Acome down with Bcome inC

30、come out Dcome across解析:选D。考查动词短语辨析。句意:“玛丽,什么事使你这么高兴?”“哦,我只是遇到了一个我多年未见的老朋友。”come across“(偶然)遇见,碰见”;come down with“患(病)”;come in“进来”;come out“出版;出现”。3Many policemen are _ the forest _ the prisoner escaping from prison.Asearching for; searchingBsearching; searchingCsearching; in search ofDin search for;

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