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1、外研版08至092期末八年级英语试题及答案20082009学年度第二学期期中检测试卷八年级英语(全卷120分)题 号第一部分第二部分第三部分总 分得 分第一部分 听力部分(20分)得 分评卷人. 听录音,选择图片(5分) 1. A B C2. A B C3. A B C 4.A B C5. A B C得 分评卷人. 听录音,答案(5分)6. Q: What does Tonys mother tell him to do?A. To find somewhere to put his collection of model cars.B. To throw away his collectio

2、n of model cars.C. To give his collection of model cars to his friends.7. Q: From their talk, which is right?A. Chen Huan is right there at the time.B. Chen Huans secretary is answering the phone.C. Chen Huan takes a message.8. Q: Which is right from the news?A. Zhang Li will visit Russia.B. The pre

3、sident will stay for three weeks. C. The president of Russia arrived in Beijing today.9. Q: What are they going to do?A. They are going to look for Annas mobile phone.B. They are going to visit Annas aunt.C. They are going to buy a mobile phone.10. Q: Why does Linda look unhappy?A. Because her paren

4、ts cant send her to college B. Because her parents cant send her to England for a visit C. Because her parents cant her to the summer language course得 分评卷人. 听对话,选择答案(5分) 11. What does the woman want to buy? A. She wants to buy a mobile phone. B. She wants to buy some clothes. C. She wants to buy a C

5、D player 12. What does the woman want to use the mobile phone for the first use? A. To send pictures to her friends B. To call her friends C. To listen to the music 13. What does the woman love sending ? A. She loves sending text messages over the mobile phone B. She loves sending her greetings to h

6、er family C. She loves sending beautiful music 14. Some mobile phones are more expensive than others, why? A. Because they are not easily made B. Because they can be used to take photos C. Because they look prettier than others 15. What can the woman save on the phone? A. She can save all kinds of t

7、hings B. She can save money in it C. She can save music得 分评卷人. 听短文,填入单词(5分)Everyone on the bus was looking out of the window, or sitting with their eyes _(16). At the next stop, there was a little old man with grey hair. “Can you tell me if this bus goes to the Old Peoples Centre?” he asked the driv

8、er. “Yes, ” the driver answered. The old man got on the bus, smiled and said in a loud voice, “And good morning to you all!” We all smiled, but _ (17) spoke. From that day on, the old man took the bus every day. One day, he asked, “Can you tell me _(18) no one speaks on this bus?” Everyone laughed.

9、Strangers began talking to each other. “We dont know who you are,” we said, “but your _(19) makes us feel happier.”One morning he was holding some flowers in his hand. We asked him who they were for, and he told us he had a special friend. “Im going to ask her if she will _(20) me, ” he said. “ Why

10、dont you all come with me”第二部分 语言知识(45分)得 分评卷人. 单项选择(15分)1. What did Lucy come here for? She invited us _ volleyball with her. A. play B. to play C. playing D. played2. Jim likes eating fruit _ apples, Bananas, oranges, and so on. A. for example B. such as C. such for D. likes3. We are not sure _ he

11、 will come here tomorrow. A. that B. / C. if D. what4. When did your book _? A. come out B. come on C. come to D. come in5. Did you spend a lot of time_ computer games? Yes, I did.A. play B. to play C. playing D. played6. Not only you but also Jim and I_ interested in playing chess.A. am B. is C. ar

12、e D. be7. The math problem is very difficult. You must _ carefully. A. think it about B. think about it C. think over it D. Think of it8. I want to know _ do to help my neighbor.A. what I can B. what can I C. how I can D. how can I9. Mother asks me_ computer games before finishing my homework.A. not

13、 play B. to play C. not to play D. to not play10. To finish the job is _. You must _.A. hard work; hard work B. work hard; work hard C. hard work; work hard D. a hard work; work hard11. Please be careful,_ you wont pass the exam.A. and B. so C. but D. or12. All of us hope _we can watch the 2008 Olym

14、pic Games in Beijing in 2008.A. that B. if C. what D. why13. I dont know how long _ here. Lets go and ask him.A. will Jim live B. Jim will live C. Jim lived D. does Jim live14. Excuse me, could you please tell me which gate_? A. we have to go to B. we had to go to C. do we have to go to D. did we ha

15、ve to go to15. I dont know if it_ tomorrow. If it_ tomorrow, I wont go there.A. rains; rains B. will rain; will rain C. will rain; rains D. rains; will rain得 分评卷人. 句型转换( 5分)16. The boy isnt old enough to dress himself.(改为同义句)The boy is _ _ _ _ _17. year, Betty, come, China, that, hopes, next, she, w

16、ill, to (连词成句) 18. Tom was so careless that he didnt find the mistakes in his test paper.(改为简单句)Tom was _ careless _ find the mistakes in his test paper.19. I collect toys because they are beautiful. (对划线部分提问)_ _ you collect toys?20. We play football on the playground. Mr. Wang agreed.(改为宾语从句)Mr. Wa

17、ng agreed _ _ _ _ on the playground.得 分评卷人 . 完成句子。根据所给汉语,完成句子(5分)。 21. 所有的学生都既想去北京,又想去上海。 All the students want to visit Shanghai _ _ as Beijing. 22. 每次让你回答问题,你总是说不懂。 _ _ I ask you to answer the questions, you always say you dont understand. 23. 在你驾车穿过十字路口时候,记住要注意红灯。 Remember to _ _ for the red ligh

18、ts when you are driving over the crossing. 24. 如果你想通过因特网下载音乐到你的MP3,请你将MP3接到你的电脑上。If you want to download music to you MP3 from the Internet, please _ your MP3 _ your computer. 25. 他找到一份在国外的工作, 他们的家庭就在那时开始出现问题.Their family started to _ _ when he got a job abroad. 得 分评卷人. 词语填空( 10分)26.Remember_(turn)o

19、ff the lights when you leave your room.27.If she_(not be) interested in math, she will find it very boring 28. I dont feel like _ (have) medicine even though I am ill29. My room is a bit untidy, I will _ (clean)my room.30. In English, Im _ (good) at reading than listening31. I often hear him_ ( ring

20、) in the next room.32. Some _ (visit) came to our school last Sunday .33. He found it not easy _ ( do ) it well.34. Everyone knows that the Chinese are very_(friend)35. When the farmers were growing rice in the fields,suddenly it _(begin) to rain得 分评卷人V.完成句子,使其符合你的真实情况(10分)(本题为开放性试题,学生可以根据自己的情况来完成句子

21、)36. Ill be really happy if _ _.37. Well do well in English if _ _.38. My parents will be angry if _ _.39. If it rains next Saturday, _ _.40. If I get some money for my birthday, _ _.第三部分 综合能力(55分)得 分评卷人. 完形填空(10分)Do you want to be a TV news reporter? People often ask me _(1) I love my job. Well, it

22、s very exciting. Im the first to know about important new stories. I traveled around the world and I talk to people. I _(2) what is happening in different places. I talk to some important and famous people. Ive talked to people in the government, _(3) famous sportsmen and sportswomen and film stars.

23、 I ask people to tell me about their lives. I want to know _(4).A lot of people want to work in TV news, so you have to be energetic and creative. You have to show_(5) you can do it. You must learn _(6)a video camera, to write reports, and to speak to the camera. Whats the best way to learn? You sch

24、ool or college TV station is a good place to start, but you have to get a job!Most people _(7) an unpaid job, so they can learn. The best place to learn is at a small station. There arent many people, and _(8), you get better experience. I had an unpaid job at a small station, and one night, when ev

25、eryone _(9) was ill, I read the mews on air. I did well, and as a result, I got my first _(10) job!1. A. why B. what C. how D. where2. A. look for B. find out C. watch out D. look out3. A. along with B. together with C. as well as D. as long as4. A. what they do B. how they feel C. why they do D. wh

26、ere they feel5. A. what B. if C. why D. that 6. A. why to use B. where to use C. how to use D. whether to use7. A. start with B. start C. start from D. start on8. A. as a result B. as a reason C. as a beginning D. as a prize9. A. other B. else C. another D. elses10. A. paid B. paying C. pays D. paye

27、rs得 分评卷人. 阅读理解(15分)(A)One day the students are having their painting lesson. Everyone is busy drawing pictures . Xiao Ming is doing nothing .When the bell rings for the break(下课铃响了) , Xiao Ming gives his picture to the teacher. The teacher looks at it and gets angry . “ Why do you give me a piece of paper with nothing on it , Xiao Ming ?” asks the teacher .“ Im sorry , sir,” says Xiao Ming . “ I draw a dog and some bread on the paper .”“Wheres the dog and wheres the bread ?” asks the teacher again .“ I draw some bread first . When I

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