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1、必修34必修3 Module 1 Europe 随堂测试一(单词讲解)一、课后单词词组(英汉互译)(课后单词)1. 横过;在 另一边2. boot n.3. continental adj.4. 面对;面向 v.5. 山脉 n.6. landmark n.7. gallery n.8. 坐落的; 位于的 adj.9. 象征; 符号 n. 10. 位于 adj.11. 建筑师 n12. project n.13. sculpture n.14. birthplace n.15. civilization n.16. ancient adj.17. 在 对面18. 签署 v. 征兆;标志 n.19

2、. 协议 n.20. whereabouts adv.21. 统治 v.22. 领导人 n.23. representative n.24. parliament n.25. region n.26. geographical adj.27. feature n.28. produce n.(课后词组)因为;由于作为 而著名自从一直据;依照另一方面来说一点点地;逐渐地二、扩展单词词组1. 偶然遇到2. 通过; 透过 prep.3. 跨越; 越过 prep.4. 面对 be _ _5. eye n. v.6. look n. v.7. head n. v.8. hand n. v.9. fing

3、er n. v.10. 面对面11. 丢脸12. 挽回面子13. 作鬼脸14. 承担;勇敢面对15. 坐落于be s_ in/on/at16. situation n.17. 位于 be l_ in/on/ at18. 记号;痕迹 n. m_19. 信号 n. s_20. 达成协议(三个)21. 与保持一致(意见统一);22. 以而著名23. 被 所熟知24. 从一个方面来说25. 一点点地26. 一步步地27. 由于28. 多亏三、句子翻译1. 太阳透过窗户照进房间。2. 由于面对如此多的困难,我们没能按时完成任务。3. 她看到Corrie 在房间的另一头,并且挤过人群来到他的身边。必修3

4、Module 1 Europe 随堂测试 二 (课文内容)一、单词短语(英汉互译)1. 远离沿岸2. 在沿岸;在沿海地区3. 在沙滩4. more than5. 设计6. 从事;致力于7. 算出,解决8. artistic movement9. 持续 v. 最后的 adj.10. 一直以来;有史以来11. 强大的;有权利的;功效强的12. 时期 p_13. 影响,感染二、句子翻译1. 巴黎是世界上最美丽的城市之一并且每年被超过八百万的游客参观。2. 巴塞罗那(Barcelona)是西班牙第二大城市并且坐落于东北海岸,据西班牙首都马德里以东(Madrid)五百公里处。3. 这座大楼还没有被完成.

5、4. 佛罗伦萨(Florence) 是意大利的一个城市由于文艺复兴(Renaissance)而著名,文艺复兴是一种艺术运动开始于12世纪并且持续了300年。5. 佛罗伦萨每年被大约100万游客参观,这些游客主要看画廊,教堂和博物馆。6. 自从1985年起她就一直在这工作。(Ever since)7. 因为下雨,所以运动会推迟了。(because of)8. 那个小村庄位于峡谷内。(situated/located)9. 他不仅是教授,也是个作家。10. 他一直从事这项工程到现在为止有20年了。(work on)三、同义句转换1. He is famous for his short stori

6、es in our country. He is _ _ a short stories writer in our country.2. My sister did very well in the exam because of her hard work. My sister did very well in the exam _ she _ _.3. I cant finish all the work by myself. The work is _ _ I can do.4. Facing a difficult situation, Corrie decided to ask h

7、is teacher for advice. _ _ a difficult situation, Corrie decided to ask his teacher for advice.5. The house is in the city center. The house is _ _ the city center.必修3 Module 1 Europe 随堂测试 (三)词汇一、扩展单词短语1. 指的是;提到;参考2. 查单词3. 欧洲 n.4. 欧洲的 adj.5. 联盟 n.6. 人口众多7. 有人口8. 尺寸 n.9. 组织 n.10. 独立的 adj.11. 以方式12. p

8、resident n.13. have control over14. 增加 v.15. 增加到16. 增加了17. 减少 v.18. 属于19. plus adv.20. expanded adj.二、句子翻译1. 国家是独立的并且以不同的方式来统治.2. 与太阳相比,地球确实(indeed)很小3. 当我们比较不同文化时,我们总是关注不同之处而没有注意到相同之处。4. 与他哥哥相比,Corrie 更帅气一些。5. 这幅画属于博物馆。6. 这座山是那座山的三倍高。7. 这座山比那座山高二倍。8. 这座山在高度上是那座山的二倍。9. 这座属于公司的房子被我买下来了。10. 从人口方面来说,中国

9、是最大的国家三、选择题1. The years ago the population of our village was _ that of theirs. A. as twice large as B. twice as large as C. twice as much as D. as twice much as2. The bike _ Jim, has been found in the square. A. is belonged to B. belongs to C. belonging D. belonged3. He didnt _ this dictionary. But

10、 he has to _ this word in anther one. A. look up; refer B. refer; look up C. refer; look D. look; refer必修3 Module 2 Countries 随堂测试一(单词讲解)一、课后单词词组及扩展单词词组1. 饥饿 n.2. 饥饿的 adj.3. 渴望得到4. 收入 n.5. 月薪 n.6. 周薪 n.7. 报酬 n.8. 贫穷 n.9. 人类 n.10. 发展 n.11. 发展中的 adj.12. 发达的 adj.13. index n.14. 测量, 衡量 v.15. 采取有效措施16. g

11、oal n.17. achieve ones goal18. life expectancy n.19. 位置; 职位; 姿势; 处境20. 在位置21. 不在 位置22. 教育 v.23. 教育 n.24. 受到良好教育的 adj.25. 数字; 人物; 身影; 体型26. 算出;弄懂27. household28. homeless adj.29. charity n.30. 拥挤的 adj.31. 挤满了32. 人群33. freeway n.34. inhabitant n.35. 相似; 类似 n.36. 与 相似37. 在 方面相似38. 不幸的 adj.39. 幸运的 adj.4

12、0. 不幸地是 adv.41. location n.42. 旅游 n. v.43. 旅游业 n.44. 旅游者 n.45. transport n.46. 工业的 adj.47. 工业 n.48. 污染的 adj.49. 污染 n.50. 漂亮的;时髦的51. 巨大的;庞大的 adj.52. entertainment n.53. 用来交换54. 在 顶部55. 在 底部56. 努力57. 不遗余力58. 毫不费力59. 取得进步60. 与 有联系; 与 有关61. 接近, 靠近62. closely adv.63. close adj.64. 一个亲密的朋友65. 仔细地观看66. to

13、ones own measure二、句子翻译1. 你不能靠人们的穿着来衡量别人。2. 我们应该采取有效的措施来保护环境。3. 由于他出色的工作,他在公司里被升到了一个重要的职位。4. 他是中国历史上最伟大人物之一。5. 救援队尽最大努力寻找失踪的登山运动员。6. Corrie watched the sign closely, and it read “No parking here.”必修3 Module 2 Countries 随堂测试二(课文讲解)一、单词短语1. a long period of time2. up to3. be up to sth(两个意思)4. be up to

14、sb.5. 与保持一致6. 达成协议(三个短语)7. agree with sb. on sth.8. agree to the plan9. agree with sb.10. 减少到11. 减少了12. 增加到13. 增加了14. human development report15. section n.16. examine v.17. achievement n.18. while (三个意思)19. describe v.20. improve v.21. make sure that22. be sure of23. be certain of24. encourage sb.

15、to do25. challenge n.26. mostly v.27. financial adj.28. 环境 n.二、句子翻译1. From this agreement came the Human Development Report.2. The UK is in th e thirteen position while China is in the middle of the list.3. 虽然在发展中国家超过百分之八十的孩子上小学必修3MODULE3词汇总结一、基本词汇单词1. 灾难 n.2. 洪水 n.3. hurricane n.4. lightning n.5. t

16、hunderstorm n.6. tornado n.7. column n.8. 经历 vt. n.9. 导致;引起 vt.10. current n.11. latitude n.12. 态度 n.13. 家具 n.14. 埋葬 n.15. feather n.16. fur n.17. 发生 vt. o_18. tropical adj.19. equator n.20. rotating adj.21. 猛烈的;激烈的;强烈的22. 波浪 n. 挥动 vt.23. 袭击;敲钟;撞 vt.罢工 n.24. cemetery n.25. coffin n.26. 毁坏vt. r_27. a

17、sh n.28. 火山 爆发 vt.29. lava n.30. tidal n.31. volcano n.32. previous adj.33. eruption n.34. 可能性 n.35. 地震 n.36. terrifying adj.37. 幸运地 adv.38. 感激地 adv.39. 满怀希望地 adv.40. 伤心地 adv.41. 幸运地;幸运地是 adv.42. 警告 n.43. 全世界的 adj. w_ 44. 积极的 adj. 45. 损失; 损坏 n.短语卷起;掀起;去掉平均起来结果为;以结束放火着火扑灭发生总共二、扩展短语1. 经验丰富的 adj.2. 在方面

18、经验丰富2. 把手藏在手里3. 埋头工作4. 因果5. 的起因6. 的理由7. 的借口8. 一件家具;9. 某人突然想起10. 我突然想起 (句型) 11. 在罢工12. 举行罢工13. 损坏(不可修复)vt.14. 变成废墟15. 有没有可能性 (句型)16. pick out17. take off18. take away19. take down20. take for21. take on22. take up23. take over24. take back25. take in26. 在 末尾27. 到结束为止28. 最终进了监狱29. put out30. put away3

19、1. put down32. put forward33. put in34. put up35. put on36. put off37. put up with38. altogether39. after all40. above all41. at all42. first of all必修3 MODUEL 3 词汇练习.单词拼写1This is one of the worst natural _(灾难)in history.2Weve just bought some new garden _(家具)3The earthquake caused a _(全世界的)horror.4T

20、he p_ owner of the house has moved to the south.5Her illness r_ her chances of winning the race.6Since the volcano last e_,many houses have been rebuilt.7His father is buried in the c_ on the hill.8The state of Florida was hit by a hurricane that did serious d_.9The river had burst its banks and f_

21、the valley.10The audience strongly loved the films v_ energy and the stars passionate performances.单项填空1After the earthquake,we can see the _ of the village.Aruin Bruins Cdamage Ddestroy2All the people here want to know _.Awhen to do it Bwhen should to it Cto do it when Dit when to do3Kathy _ a lot

22、of Spanish by playing with the native boys and girls.Apicked up Btook up Cmake up Dturned up4The accident _ to the man who _ to be a foreigner,so it was hard to deal with.Aoccurs;happened Bhappened;occurredCcame about;occurred Doccurred;happened5Once they watched a whale _ the depth of 400 metres un

23、derwater.Ain Bof Cat Don6At the end of the meeting,it was announced that an agreement _.Ahas been reached Bhad been reached Chas reached Dhad reached7They became friends again that day. Until then,they _ to each other for nearly two years.Adidnt speak Bhadnt spokenChavent spoken Dhavent been speakin

24、g8When you get the paper back,pay special attention to what _.Ahave marked Bhave been marked Chad marked Dhad been marked.翻译句子1我突然想到要去欧洲旅游。(occur to)_2据我的经验看,真正理解这个问题的人很少。(in ones experience)_3我被那场官司搞得倾家荡产。(ruin)_4我能用短波收音机收听到你的信号。(pick up)必修3MODULE3 课文内容练习一、选择练习1.Have you found anything wrong with y

25、our computer?Yes, and I was about to give it up when an idea _to me that it may be struck by some kind of virus.A. occurred B. happened C. took place D. turned2. We _our breakfast when an old man came to the door.A. just have had B. have just had C. just had D. had just had3. The poisonous atmospher

26、e will surely _a lot of people.A. effect B. impress C. cause D. affect4. The idea suddenly_ me is that we should go outing.A. struck B. striking C. appearing D. appeared5. A sudden thunderstorm occurred in Beijing last night,_ great inconvenience in transport.A. caused B. causing C. affecting D. bro

27、ught6. When they had finished playing, the children were made to _ all the toys they had taken out.A. put off B. put away C. put up D. put out7. How _do you attend the evening classes?_,three times per week.A. long; On the whole B. often; On average C. soon; Generally speaking D. much; In all8. The

28、storm left, _ a lot of damage to this area. A. caused B. to have caused C. to cause D. having cause9. She found her calculator _ she lost it. A. where B. when C. in which D. that10. The accident did serious _ to my car. A. injury B. hurt C. damage D. harm11. If he goes on driving like that, sooner or later, he will _ an accident. A. give rise to B. resul

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