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SCI 投稿经历.docx

1、SCI 投稿经历今天收到邮件,我的一篇Journal of Applied Physics 论文已被接收,心情当时还是有点激动。虽然这个杂志的影响因子不是很高,大概2.2左右吧,这也不是我的第一篇SCI论文,但回想这一年发文章的坎坎坷坷,以及亲身经历的四川大地震,心里还是有很多的感触。这篇论文是我在2008年二月份完成的最初稿,于二月九号投到Physics Letters A上,在经历了Technical check,with editor,under review后,于三月二十号收到编辑的决定信,当时就傻了拒稿!受打击了。下面是编辑的信以及审稿意见,我想把它贴出来与虫友们分享,一方面我认为,

2、通过看审稿人的意见,可以帮助大家更好地写作,提高自己的科研水平和能力,另一方面也是答谢小木虫上很多无私的虫友们,是他们将自己的投稿经历贴在网上,与大家分享,我想我没有理由不拿出来哈!同时,也希望小木虫的虫子们能继续发扬这种精神,大家同舟共济,共同提高!好了,废话说了一大堆,不说了,下面是Physics Letters A 的审稿意见:Ms. Ref. No.:Title: Physics Letters ADear professor ,Reviewers comments on your work have now been received.You will see that they a

3、re advising against publication of your work.Therefore I must reject it.For your guidance, I append the reviewers comments below.Thank you for giving us the opportunity to consider your work.Yours sincerely,(编辑名)EditorPhysics Letters AReviewers comments:Reviewer #2: Manuscript The authors present re

4、sults of the 3D electron potential ofa gated quantum point contact in a AlGaAs/GaAs heterostructure.In contrast to earlier studies, it is now possible to derive thepotential landshape without any adjustable parameter. The resultsstill agree with earlier investigations using simpler phenomenologicalm

5、odels. Since the used nextnano3 program is available since acouple of years, I wonder why this has not been done earlier.The authors emphasize an application of their results. Havingthe complete potential landshape might help, in the future,to better understand the quantized acoustoelectric current

6、inSETSAW devices and to improve their performance.However, the authors do not show or even discuss how this canbe achieved. Therefore I believe that in the present form the paperis not suitable for publication.The authors should consider the following suggestions, questions,and remarks.1) Page 1, fi

7、rst paragraph. due to the negatively applied gate voltage . It is the SAWthat drives the electrons through the contact, not the gate voltage.Maybe replace this sentence by ., depending on the applied gatevoltage.2) Page 3, paragraph starting with Generally, the quantized . with fixed x = 1050 nm and

8、 . Skip the .0. One could addthat this is exactly at the center of the device.3) At the end of the same paragraph is . once the bias is below .Should this not be the gate instead of the bias voltage?4) Page 4, paragraph starting with As we know, in the . To be different from previous calculations .

9、replace by. In contrast to previous calculations .5) The strongly different behaviour above and below the pinch-offvoltage is not obvious for the non-experts. All curves look moreor less the same. One could, for example, add another figure, orinsert, to show the potential height versus gate voltage.

10、6) How do these theoretical results of potential height versus gatevoltage compare with experiments? There exists at least onereport to determine the potential height of quantum-point contactsbelow pinch-off as function of gate voltage (Gloos et al., Phys.Rev. B 73, 125326 (2006). Possibly, one coul

11、d also compare thepresent data with 3D simulations of quantum dots (Vasileska et al.,Semicond. Sci. Technol. 13, A37 (1998).7) Figure 1,It would be better to mark the distance between the two metal gatesas the relevant parameter, and not the size of one gate.8) Figure 3The numbering of the two densi

12、ty axes looks rather odd. Could it notbe done with integers, like 3 instead of 3.2 or 3.0?9) Figure 5 (b)Should there not be an anomaly or kink in the potential near the Fermilevel?在仔细读了审稿人的意见后,我觉得审稿人提出的5)和6)意见非常好,后来自己想想,决定把文章来个彻底的修改。1. 改动文章的英语,审稿人提出了几个英语的语法。这个很容易改。2. 改动文章的结构。换了很多图。因为我们做的是实验和理论计算的结合

13、。首先,我加了实验。把我们实验当中照的有关样品的结构补充到了文章当中,比如分裂栅的结构,叉指的结构等等。3. 把我们理论计算得到的在二维电子气中的势垒高度和我们的实验做了对比,遗憾的是我们的实验当时只做了三条曲线,后面的审稿意见就提出来了,这点后面再说。也就是满足了审稿意见6)。然后把计算的势垒高度画成与分裂栅电压的关系,满足了审稿意见5)4. 加了理论计算声电电流。这个在PLA稿中没有,我们的计算所用到的势场是我们自己计算得到的,而不是用简单的解析表达式的形式。这个修改可是个相当漫长的过程,期间我们经历了人生一辈子都不会忘记的5.12四川汶川大地震。受地震的影响,文章的修改拖了三四个月。改完

14、之后,由于自我感觉良好,所以胆子也大起来了,于是就投到了Physical Review B中的Rapid Communications板块,很快编辑就回信了,客气地说我的文章太长了,然后建议我修改后作为regular paper 投Physical Review B。这里我还是把编辑的信贴出来与大家分享。Dear Dr. ,We acknowledge the receipt of the above manuscript submitted tothe Rapid Communications section of Physical Review B.We have examined you

15、r manuscript and it appears to be quite focusedon application and material science. Therefore, a more detailedletter as to what new and significant physics is presented in yourmanuscript and why Physical Review B is the most appropriate journalfor your manuscript would be very helpful.Please note th

16、at in doing a preliminary character count, we havefound that your manuscript is too long for the short paper sectionsof our journal. In view of this and the above, we feel that itwill be more productive if we consider this as a regular articlewhen we receive a persuasive response to the above concer

17、n. You mayalso wish to revise your manuscript so that the new and significantphysics is better highlighted. In addition, please expand it intoa regular article format (e.g. by adding section headings) and weencourage you to add any material our readership may benefit fromsince no length limit applie

18、s.We will hold your manuscript in our office until we receive yourresponse.Yours sincerely,Senior Assistant EditorPhysical Review BEmail: prbridge.aps.orgFax: 631-591-4141http:/ - spotlighting exceptional research: http:/ Celebrates 50 Years: http:/

19、0years/PRB Editors Suggestions: http:/ CHECK DATA (New 02/07)Manuscript No. BWR1056 First Author GuoFigure Label Width Height Picas Percent Cols Total Lines1 1 37 34 20 0.54 1.0 202 2 24 21 15 0.62 1.0 153 3 30 21 15 0.50 1.0 114 4 24 40 15 0.62 1.0 275 5 25 20 15 0.60

20、1.0 136 6 25 19 15 0.60 1.0 127 7 24 18 15 0.62 1.0 12LINE COUNTS Text lines 381 (Includes title, abstract, byline, pacs receipt date, text, acknowledgment, captions, and, references.) Equations 30 Tables 0 Figures 110 TOTAL 521 (Maximum length is 480)Author to supply:_ Abstract of no more than 600

21、characters including spaces._ Original Figure(s) _ with _ finer and/or larger lettering to prevent its filling in when figure is reduced. Minimum lettering size for the enclosed figures is _.COMMENTS:Manuscript: NoneTables and captions: NoneFigures: None=FORMS:=Please see the following forms:http:/f

22、 Length Guidelines for: Physical Review当时觉得编辑这么说了,感觉还是挺有希望的,于是快马加鞭修改,之后就投出去了。下面是论文的处理过程09Dec08 Editorial decision and/or referee comments sent to author13Oct08 08Dec08 Review request to referee; editor concludes response unlikely13Oct08 08Dec08 Review request to

23、 referee; report received04Nov08 Reminder to referee others sent (not shown) at 1-2 week intervals04Nov08 Reminder to referee others sent (not shown) at 1-2 week intervals13Oct08 18Oct08 Review request to referee; report received07Oct08 08Oct08 Correspondence sent to author; response received06Oct08

24、 Correspondence (miscellaneous) sent to author10Sep08 06Oct08 Correspondence sent to author; response received24Sep08 25Sep08 Correspondence (miscellaneous) sent to author; response rcvd10Sep08 Acknowledgment sent to author08Sep08 Correspondence (miscellaneous) sent to author大概历时三个月收到审稿意见。判决结果拒!有一次败

25、了!当时心情十分沮丧。审稿意见如下:Dear Dr. ,The above manuscript has been reviewed by two of our referees.Comments from the reports are enclosed.We regret that in view of these comments we cannot accept the paperfor publication in the Physical Review.Yours sincerely,Assistant EditorPhysical Review BEmail: prbridge.

26、aps.orgFax: 631-591-4141http:/ - spotlighting exceptional research: http:/ Celebrates 50 Years: http:/ Editors Suggestions: http:/ of the First Referee /-The paper aims at the numerical solution of the set of

27、 Schroedingerand Poisson equations for a split-gate structure and subsequentapplication of the results to calculation of quantizedacoustoelectric current.The paper is sound and well written. However, in my view, it does notcontain enough new physics to warrant its publication in the PhysicalReview.

28、Since the work seems to be useful to people involved inoptimizing standards of electrical current I recommend to resubmit thepaper to a journal more specialized on applications, such as theJournal of Applied Physics.-Report of the Second Referee - /-The subject of the paper is an interesting one, although the focus ofthe community has shifted away from it in the meantime. Neverthelessthe paper would be worth publishing if it gave better evidence in theinterest

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