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1、4BChapter1复习提要朗文英语4 B复习提要Chapter 1 : Join our club加入我们的俱乐部I.经过第1章的学习,下面的新单词我们要准确无误地读(read them correctly),知道它们的中文意思(know the Chinese meaning),不 看书进行英汉互译(translate),并且还要会拼写(spell)。Drama Club戏剧俱乐部have fun玩得愉快Sports Club体育俱乐部keep fit保持健康En glish Club英语俱乐部get fit变得健康Music Club音乐俱乐部improve提高Art Club艺术俱乐部

2、join加入Garde ning Club园艺俱乐部注意:1.get fit是变健康,是一个变化的过程,而keep fit是指在已经健康 的情况下,继续保持健康,两者有区别。2.make music做音乐,指的是写词,编曲这一类歌曲创作的行为。 music玩音乐还可以指弹奏具体的乐器, 比如play the piano,play the violi n, play the recorder 等等。4.gardening 园艺(名词)5.improve one English 提高某人的英语6.painting and drawing 绘画(动名词,是两件事情)7.E nglish

3、Club, Art Club, Sports Club, Da nci ng Club 等都是专有名词,首字母要大写。同样的比如店名,商品牌子,月份和星期等等。II.句型。下面的关键句型我们要会读 (read),知道意思(know theChinese meaning),会根据不同的语境来运用(use them in different con texts), 会写( write them correctly )。1.-Why do you want to join the Drama Club?-Because I like drama.-为什么你想加入戏剧俱乐部?-因为我喜欢戏剧。2.-W

4、hy do you want to joi n the Garde ning Club?-Because I like garde ning.-你为什么想加入园艺俱乐部?-因为我喜欢园艺。3.-Why do you want to join the Art Club?-Because I like painting and draw ing.-你为什么想加入艺术俱乐部?因为我喜欢绘画。4.-Why do you want to join the Sports Club?-BecauseI want to keep fit.-为什么你想加入体育俱乐部?-因为我想保持健康。5.-Why do yo

5、u want to join the En glish Club?-BecauseI want to improve my En glish.-你为什么想加入英语俱乐部?-因为我想提高我的英语。6.-Why do you want to join the Music Club?-Becausel want to play music.-你为什么想加入音乐俱乐部?-因为我想玩音乐。总结:1.特殊疑问词why引导的特殊疑问句,和what, how, when弓I导的 特殊疑问句用法是一样的:特殊疑问词(what/how/when/where/who/why ) +be 动词 + 名词/形容 词特殊

6、疑问词(what/how/when/where/who/why ) + 助动词 + 主语 +v2.Why提问的句子一般用because引导的句子回答。3.want to do(动词原形) + 名词 /doing5.拓展(第三人称单数和过去时)-Why does shewa nt to joi n the Drama Club?-Because she likes drama and she wan ts to act in Cin derella.-Why did they want to join the English Club last year?-Because they

7、liked speaki ng En glish and wan ted to improve En glish.III. C部分学完后,你们要达到以下的要求哦。1)可以准确而流利地背诵出 C部分。2)对于书上打星的单词,短语和句子要会读,知道意思,会拼 写。3)对于下面的单词和固定搭配以及句子要准确而流利地读出来, 而且要能够英汉互译。下面,我们就来检查一下吧。1.want to do 想要2.look at 看3.poster 海报4.let s=let 让我们5.together 一起6.suggest建议7.sport运动(不可数名词);sports运动的统称。(Sports Club

8、)8.healthy健康的(形容词)9.turn to 转向10.hear (过去时heard)听到11.Cooking Club烹饪俱乐部12.Why not?为什么不呢?13.That s the club for me这正是我想加入的俱乐部!(5)对于下面的一些词组和句型,我们要准确而流利地读出来,能够 英汉互译,还要会运用和拓展。1. It time to choose a club.是时候选择一个俱乐部加入啦。It s time to d动词原形)=lt s time for sth名词或者动名词 doing)It s time to go to school .It s time

9、for school.It s time to sleep. = It time for bed.It time to have breakfast. =lt time for breakfast.2.Let s not join the Music Club我们不要加入音乐俱乐部。肯定形式是 Let s join the Music Club。由此可见Let 句型的否定形式只要在Let后面直接加上否定词not.Let s play table tennis now.Let s not play table tennis now.Let s go to the City Plaza.Let s

10、 not go to the City Plaza.3.Which clubs do you want to join? 你想加入哪些俱乐部?Which既可以表示“哪一个”后面加单数名词,也可以表示“哪些” 后面跟复数名词,比如:Which pen do you like best?Which books do you choose?Which seat do you choose?4.Let sot join the Music Club then.那么我们不要加入音乐俱乐 部。What do you like doing then? 那么你喜欢做什么?then放在句末表示对前面问题的承接,

11、翻译为“那么”。它一定是在对前面相关话题讨论的前提下,对问题有进一步的提问或结论是才使用。5.I like sport better than gardening.比起园艺,我更喜欢运动。like .better than.比起更喜欢,省略号的地方可以是名词或动名词,比如:She likes painting better than listening to music.He likes dogs better tha n cats.He likes En glish better tha n Chin ese.He liked dancing better tha n swimmi ng w

12、he n he was a child. Butnow he likes swimmi ng better.6.Doi ng sport makes me healthy .做体育运动使我健康。I like dancing.Apples are yummy.Milk is my favorite drinking.Lily and Lucy are good friends.首先看上面四个句子,我们发现做主语的都是名词,除了名词可以做 主语,动名词(doing)也可以做主语,表示“事情” 一件事情 是第三人称单数,动词要变三单。请看下面的例子:Dancing is my hobby.(一件事情

13、)Swimmi ng makes me fit and healthy. (一件事情)Dancing and swimming are my hobb ies. (2 件事情)Read ing books is in terest ing. (件事情)Reading books and playing basketball make me happy. (2 件事情)7.Doing sport makes me healthy.做运动使我健康。make sb+形容词adj.,表示 “让某人”比如:Dancing makes me happy.I got a 100 in this test a

14、nd it made me very excited.She can always make me happy whe n I am sad.8.because I also want to be healthy.因为我也想变得健康。want to+ 行为动词原形( run, come, go , play, write, dance, swim),表示“想要做某事”。want to be +形容词/名词,表示“想要成为或者想要变得 ”比 如:I want to teach En glish.She wan ted to play computer games last ni ght.She

15、wan ts to be an En glish teacher.The shark wan ted to be the leader.I want to be strong and wise.They want to be tall and thin.9.Some other children heard him.其他一些孩子听到他说的话。othe叶复数名词,表示“其他 ”IV. Part E1) New words and phrases for Part E.E 部分新单词和词组。要求:对于以下单词和词组要会读,会英汉互译。书上打星号的单词还要会拼写。1.Pet Club宠物俱乐部2.M

16、aths Club数学俱乐部3.improve my acting 提高我的演技(improve+ 名词 /doing,比如:I want to improve my English; I want to improve acting and running.4.acting演技(名词)5.enjoy learning about animals 享受学习关于动物的事 (enjoy+名词 /doing , 比如:I really enjoy this movie.二 I really enjoy watching this movie.)6.quite二really的确,非常(副词)7.dra

17、wing 画技(v+ing:动名词)8.take care of 照顾 9.take better care of my pet 更好地照顾 10.a picture of 一张 的画11.most of all=best 最:I like painting most of all= I like painting best.bring my pet to school把我的宠物带去学校(bringto把 带到)2) New sentences:要求:知道中文意思,会读,会拼写,会运用。I (quite/really) like ., but I like . best.A.I quite l

18、ike lear ning En glish and I really like doing Maths, but I like drama best.我非常喜欢学习英语和做数学,但是我最喜欢戏剧。B.I quite like garde ning and Maths is OK, but I like Art best.我非常喜欢园艺和数学,但是我最喜欢艺术。C.I like gardening and I quite like Maths. But I like painting very much.我喜欢园艺和数学。但是我最喜欢绘画。D.在E部分我们要区分几个动词的接续方式

19、+doing : I don like dancing or + 不可数名词: I like milk and orange + 可数名词复数:I like banan as.2.enjoy+do ing: I really enjoy doing Maths.enjoy+ 不可数名词:I enjoy the beautiful music.enjoy+ 可数名词复数:She enjoys story books.3.want to do : I want to improve my English.want to be+ 形容词 / 名词:I

20、 want to be polite.I want to be a good dan cer.V. Part F.(1) New words and phrases.新单词和词组。要求:知道意思,会读。Cooking Club烹饪俱乐部dress up 装扮grow plants 种植VI . Part G.要求:会背。出现的新词还要能会读,知道意思,能英 汉互译。rap 说唱音乐: a kind of popular music where the words are spoken rhythmically (有节奏地) and rapidly (快速地).Computer Club 电脑俱乐部That why we want to join.这就是我们为什么想加入的原因。

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