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1、unit3acrimeofcompassionUnit 3 A Crime of CompassionITeachi ng objectives1.Understanding the various aspects related to the usage of words.2.Cultivating a sense of appropriateness in style3.Learning methods of dealing with the body paragraphs of a writing.IITeachi ng time: six class periodsIIITeachi

2、ng ProceduresStep 1 library work1the Phil Don ahue show : The Phil Don ahue Show, also known as Don ahue, is an American television talk show that ran for 26 years on national televisi on .Its run was preceded by three years of local broadcast inDayt on, Ohio, and it was broadcast n ati on wide betw

3、ee n 1967 and 1996.2code blue: Hospital emergency codes are used in hospitals worldwide to alert staff to various emergency situations. The use of codes is intended to convey essential information quickly and with a minimum of misun dersta nding to staff.Step 2 pre-readi ng questio ns1If you have ev

4、er wit nessed the sufferi ngs of a dying pers on, tell us the feeli ngs that the sce ne evoked from you.2Do you think doctors and nurses should do everything within their means to try to save a term in ally ill patie nt eve n whe n they know clearly all their efforts would mea n nothing more tha n p

5、rolonging his sufferi ng3Gen eral Read ingI. Determine which of the following best states the purpose of the writing.A.To reco unt her horrifyi ng experie nee of cari ng for a termi nally illpatie nt.B.To make an appeal for a terminally ill patients right to die.C.To dema nd that nu rses be give n t

6、he right to issue a no-code order.Key: BJudge whether the followi ng stateme nts are true or false.1 WhenMac entered the hospital, he was apparently a normal person exceptfor an en duri ng cough.2Despite his worsening condition, Mac still had a strong wish to live.3The medical community is divided o

7、n whether a patients life should be extended as long as possible under all circumstances.4It can be inferred from the essay that doctors, not nurses, have theright to give a no-code order.5In Mauras eyes, Huttmann was a murderer for not pushing the code blue button in time.Key: 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. T 5

8、. FStep 3 Key Points of the Text1self-righteous adj: having a certainty, especially an unfounded one,that one is totally correct or superior2 meddle in: interfere in. Young people today do not like their parents to meddle in their lives.meddle with touch or handle sth. without permission. You can us

9、e my room but youre not supposed to meddle with my stuffs, especially my computer.3to play God: to function as God, . to decide whento terminate a persons life. Christians believe that only God has the right to decide when a persons life should end.4When Mac had wasted away to a 60-pound skeleton :

10、When Mac had beenreduced to a 60-pound skeleton5waste away : (of a person or a part of the body) become progressively weaker and more emaciated. She is dying of AIDS, visibly wasting away.a vein, and . solutions refers to the liquid substances infused directly into the vein of a patient for therapeu

11、tic purposes.7irrigate the big craters of bedsores: The verb irrigate normally means to supply water to land or crops to help growth. In medicine, the word can be used to mean to apply a continuous flow of water or medication to an organ or a wound.8suction the lung fluids that threatened to drown h

12、im: drain the excessive lung fluids that threaten his life9that seemed woven into the fabric of my uniform: that seemed to havebecome an element of the fabric of my uniform10weave sth. into : include sth. as an integral part or element (of afabric); include an element in a story, an artistic work, e

13、tc. Some golden threads are woven into the fabric.Argumentative paragraphs are naturally woven into Huttmanns narration.11to be liable for negligence: to be held responsible for failing toperform my duty12be liable for : to be responsible for by law, to be legally answerable to13be liable to : be li

14、kely to do or to be something, likely to experience sth. (unpleasant). Once you have contacted the credit card protection scheme, you are nolonger liable for any loss that might occur.He is suffering from hypertension and thus is liable to fall if he getsup too suddenly.The low-lying areas are liabl

15、e to floods during the rainy season.14when no amount of pain medication stilled his moaning and agony: when his pain was so acute that no matter how much pain-relieving medication was used, his suffering could not be eased still vt. & vi. He clapped his hands to still the agitated audience.When nigh

16、t fell, the village which was boisterous with tourists in the daytime stilled.15I wondered about a spiritual judge.: I wondered if there was a spiritual judge (as against a legal judge), who would be supportive of mydecision not to push the code blue button, thus to put an end to all this.16building

17、 character: developing his personal qualities (so that he could face up to the adversity better)17the blessed relief of coma: Coma refers to a state of deep unconsciousness that lasts for a prolonged period, caused especially by severe injury or illness. Whenin a coma, the patient is not conscious o

18、f any pain. Thats why Huttmann thinks it is a blessed relief.18riddled me with guilt: filled me with a strong sense of guiltThe verb riddle here means fill or permeate sb. or sth. esp. with sth. unpleasant or undesirable.19A clutch of panic banded my chest: I was so seized by panic that Ifelt simply

19、 suffocatedclutch n. graspband v. surround (an object) with sth. in the form of a strip or ring, typically for reinforcement or decoration (usu. be banded ). The doors to the warehouse are all banded with iron to make them stronger.20a waxen pallor slowly transformed his face from person to empty sh

20、ell: the unhealthily pale color of his face indicated that he was sinking21the legal twilight zone: Twilight zone refers to a situation of confusion or uncertainty, which seems to exist between two different states or categories. Thus the legal twilight zone Huttmann says she entered here refers to

21、the situation in which her action of pushing the button to call code blue can be deemed either legal or not legal.22a death-denying society: a society where its members are not giventhe right to dieUntil there is legislation making it a criminal act tocode a patient who has requested the right to di

22、e .: Until it becomeslaw that it is a criminal act to call a resuscitation team to save a patient who has voluntarily asked for the right to die .Step 4 Questions1 There seems to be a contradiction in the title A Crime of Compassion. What is itKey: There are various kinds of crimes, but criminals ca

23、n be anything but compassionate. It is hardly possible to associate compassion with any crime and being compassionate with a criminal.2Huttmann begins her essay with a metaphor. Locate it and then explainit. (para. 3)Key: The first sentence of para. 3: It was the Phil Donahue show where the guest is

24、 a fatted calf and the audience a 200-strong flock of vultures hungering to pick at the bones. Huttmann likens herself (the guest of the talk show) to a fatted calf, and the audience to a flock of more than 200 vultures hungering to pick at the bones. With the metaphor she intends to tell the reader

25、 that the way she handled the case of Mac was strongly disapproved of by the general public, and that the concept of mercy killing was unacceptable to them.4Where in the essay can we find descriptions of Macs condition when he was being treated Why do you think Huttmann is being so specific and deta

26、iled (paras. 6 & 7)Key: Mostly in para. 6, and the latter part of para. 7. She gives such detailed and specific descriptions of Macs condition to make vivid to the reader the horrifying sufferings Mac had to endure, ultimately to support her argument that a patient in such condition should be given

27、the right to die if he should so request.5Wasit a difficult decision for Huttmann to makenot to push the button in timeKey: Obviously it was, as she relates in para. 15 Nothing Ive ever done in my 47 years has taken so much effort as it took not to press that code button.6Where does Huttmann state h

28、er thesis (para. 18)Key: In the last paragraph: Until there is legislation making it a criminal act to code a patient who has requested the right to die, we will allof us risk the same fate as Mac. For whatever reason, we developedthe means to prolong life, and now we are forced to use it. We do not

29、 have the right to die.Step 5 Organization and Development/ Argumentative Narration1 What Is Argumentative NarrationIf an essay is basically an argumentative one and the chief means used for argumentation is narration, it is called argumentative narration.2 Text AnalysisHuttmann begins the essay wit

30、h the incident that the TV audience lodged strong accusations against her for murdering a patient she was supposed to care for. But her response does not follow immediately.She withholds her response to the accusation until the last paragraph, where the audiences accusation of her is mentioned again

31、, and her argument is presented.Most of the essay is devoted to the narration of the painful dying process of a terminally ill cancer patient, which she witnessed. Based on the narrated incident her argument seems only a natural conclusion.3Boy paragraphs(1) Purpose of Body ParagraphsThe ideas, fact

32、s, details, and examples enclosed in the body paragraphs are designed to support and develop the central point stated in the opening. The body paragraphs in an essay may vary in number depending on the subject matter and the purpose for writing. While thebody paragraphs relate directly to the thesis statement in the opening, each paragraph has its own main idea to highlight and information to support that main idea.(2) Strategies of Writ

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