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1、英文翻译个性说说英文翻译个性说说导读:本文是关于英文翻译个性说说,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享!1、十年九不遇,十梦九有你。Ten you have nine dreams be very rare.2、想把脂肪捐给真正需要它的人。People who want to donate the fat to the real needs of it.3、要么别喜欢我,要么只喜欢我。Either dont like me, or just like me.4、你看一晃两三年,匆匆又盛夏。You see the end of the two or three years, and the summe

2、r rush.5、深情不及久伴,厚爱无需多言。Affectionate less than a long time with, love, no need to say.6、我不介意孤独,至少比爱你舒服。I dont mind if Im alone, at least it is more comfortable than loving you.7、誰心裏沒有故事只是學會了控制。There is no story in the heart but learn to control.8、靠我主动维持的关系我坦然送你走。I take the initiative to maintain the

3、relationship I have to send you to go.9、别在我的坟前哭,弄脏我的轮回路。Dont cry at my grave, dirty my circle.10、人心是个无底洞,填不满也掏不空。The heart is a bottomless pit, also fill dig is not empty.11、白开水才最解渴,大实话才最动人。White boiling water was the most thirst, the truth is the most beautiful.12、愿我惦念之人岁岁平安哪怕生生不见。May I miss the pe

4、ople having even students do not see safe and sound all year round.13、在所有人事已非的景色里,我最喜欢你。I like you best in all the people in the scene.14、一如既往孤独相伴,万千纷扰与我何干。As in the past alone, thousands of troubles and I got to do.15、经得起多狠的嘲讽就配得上多好的以后。Can withstand more than a lot of the irony of the good after.16

5、、得到的时候你在毁,失去的时候你在悔。When you get the time to destroy, lost when you regret.17、只愿与你像旧时老友春来赏花秋浓煮酒。Only with you like old friends to enjoy the flowers of spring autumn and concentrated wine.18、喝过烈酒,抽过烟,爱过人渣,信过狗。Drink alcohol, smoked, loved the dog scumbag, letter.19、不管背影多沧桑,总有一天我会笑得漂亮。No matter how many

6、 vicissitudes of life, one day I will be a beautiful smile.20、若三言两语便致使离开,那你从未属于我。If the leave in two words or three, that you never belong to me.21、我考不过谈恋爱的,也考不过上课睡觉的。I was in love, but also take an examination of sleep in class.22、你越来越能接受现实,而不是越来越现实。You are more and more able to accept reality, not

7、 more and more realistic.23、我提着老酒走在老街想着旧人说着旧情话。I walk in the street carrying wine thinking of old people speak the old words.24、听说你心里换了一个人再没我的一席之地。I heard that your heart for a person no longer my place.25、即使心情再不好,對著重要的人,也要微笑。Even if the mood is not good, for the important people, but also to smile.

8、26、叫我滚,滚了。叫我回来,对不起,滚远了。Call me roll, roll. Call me back, Im sorry, roll away.27、把你曾经所经历的变成你内心最坚硬的铜墙。Have you ever experienced the hardest fight into your heart.28、所谓放假,家里遭嫌,出门没钱,每天特闲。The so-called holiday, the family was suspected, go out no money, every day special leisure.29、不是我內向,只是有些人根本不值得我外向。It

9、s not me, but some people dont deserve me at all.30、我最想念的人是你,最不想打扰的人也是你。The person I miss the most is you, the last person I want to disturb is you.31、我没有在等他,只是我还不想喜欢上另一个人。Im not waiting for him, but I dont want to like another person.32、当个坏人吧,好人没前途除了哭就是细数痛苦。When a bad, not good future in addition t

10、o cry is the breakdown of pain.33、我一秒都没有拥有过,却感觉已经失去了千万次。I did not have a second, but I feel lost a million times.34、做数学时感觉一万只陈赫在我耳边喊:你是猪吗?When doing math, I feel ten thousand Chen he shouted in my ear: you are a pig?35、如果我用你待我的方式来待你,恐怕你早已离开。If I use the way you treat me, Im afraid you have already l

11、eft.36、原来那些痛得快要死去的事情是可以一笑而过的。The original pain of dying things can smile.37、人生何处不相逢,终会有一人陪你骑马喝酒走四方。Where life is not met, there will always be a person to accompany you to ride a horse to go to the quartet.38、这次月考我要让你们知道,我们年级到底有多少人。This month I want to let you know, how many people in the end we hav

12、e.39、我觉得我的数学成绩,很对得起我数学老师的颜值!I think my math scores, very worthy of my math teachers face value!40、有兩種不聯系:壹種是忘記了,壹種是放在回憶裏。There are two kinds of non contact: one kind is to forget, one kind is put in the memory.41、你让我心酸的模样有很多,沉默不语这种最让我难过。You make me sad. There are many, the most let me sad silence.42

13、、我大好的一个人,凭什么跑到别人的生命里去当插曲。I am a good person, with what ran into someones life when the episode.43、不想接我电话你就直说,别老让中国移动替你说对不起。Dont want to answer my call, you say, dont let China Mobile for you to say sorry.44、喜欢一个人的时候,看着他的名字都觉得心里软成一片。Likes a persons time, looks at his name to feel in the heart soft in

14、to one.45、我生气的时候你别笑,你一笑我就跟着笑,这样很没面子。I get angry when you do not laugh, you laugh I laugh, this is not a face.46、成長,最殘酷的部分就是,女孩永遠比同齡的男孩要成熟。Growth, the most brutal part is that girls are always more mature than boys of the same age.47、劝人的话就像清晨的闹钟只对别人有用却永远叫不醒自己。To persuade people, as early as the early

15、 morning alarm clock is only useful for others but never wake up.48、一个人的时候并不孤单,想念一个人的时候才是真正的孤单。When a person is not alone, miss a person is really lonely.49、放弃是经过好久才决定下来的,但绝望却可以是一瞬间的事。To give up is a long time to decide, but it can be a moment of despair.50、遇见你已经花光我所有的运气,我再也没有机会蒙对选择题。Meet you have s

16、pend all my luck, I never have the chance to have the choice.51、女生喜欢让她笑的男生,但她真正爱的,却是让她哭的男生。Girls like to make her laugh, but she really love, but it is to let her cry of the boys.52、听天气预报说要降温我就笑了,这哪是降温这简直就是速冻。Listen to the weather forecast said it would cool down I laughed, this is what the cooling

17、is simply frozen.53、愿你一生努力,一生被爱,想要的都拥有,得不到的都释怀。Wish you a lifetime of effort, life is love, want to have, not to have.54、如果哪一天全世界都背叛了你,我会站在你身旁去背叛全世界。If one day the whole world betrayed you, I will stand beside you to betray the whole world.55、我想好了从现在开始我不养狗不养猫只想养你毕竟养猪能致富。I think from now on I do not

18、have a dog does not raise a cat only want to keep you, after all, pigs can become rich.56、你在人潮里不知所措,我却跟在你身后,伸手怕犯错,缩手怕错过。You at a loss in the human tide, I was behind you, for fear of making mistakes, or fear of missing.57、别人只能看见你的脸上云淡风轻,但谁都看不见,你的牙咬的多紧。Others can only see your face clear, but who can

19、 not see, you bite the tight.58、不要把自己的不幸告诉别人,你讲的是你的故事,他们听的是笑话。Dont tell other people about your misfortune. You are telling your story. They are listening to a joke.59、我就是这样,注定和你不一样,谢谢你的不欣赏,我的风格是限量版。I was like this, and you are not the same, thank you for not appreciate, my style is limited edition.

20、60、我并不想做个征战四方的女汉子,可是你们谁也没把我当成个小姑娘。I do not want to be a woman who fought the Quartet, but you who did not take me as a little girl.61、为什么有些女生特别坚强?因为她们害怕再一次受伤所以开始学会伪装。Why are some girls especially strong? Because theyre afraid of being hurt again, they begin to learn how to fake it.62、别人都是手牵手,我却手里牵条狗

21、,走一走,瞅一瞅,看谁不爽咬两口。Others are hand in hand, but I have a dog in the hand, take a walk, Chou Chou, to see who is not bad bite two.63、以后谁再说爱你,上去啪就一嘴巴子,他要是没还手就证明是真的爱你。Whos to say I love you, go bang on a mouth, he did not fight back if it proved to be true love you.64、1人往往在闲得蛋疼的时候最矫情最脆弱,在深渊挣扎的时候最清醒最坚强。1

22、people are in the idle time of the awful most affected the most vulnerable, when abyss struggling the most sober most strong.65、我想成为一个很厉害的人,让世界都为我有点变化,而那个世界就是你的心。I want to be a very powerful person, make the world a little change for me, and the world is your heart.66、你说清醒容易孤独我就陪你酩酊大醉,你说黑夜太过难熬我就陪你日夜

23、颠倒。You said I will accompany you to awake lonely night you said completely drunken too hard, I will accompany you to the night.67、姑娘你能不能在任何人面前都不要懦弱,即使狼狈不堪,依旧高傲甩头就走。The girl you can not in front of anyone cowardly, even embarrassed, still proud went away.68、该来的都会来,该走的全会走,别抗拒,别挽留,别贪恋,别不舍,别担心。That will

24、 come to the meeting, go away, dont resist, dont stay, dont love, dont give up, dont worry.69、不懂我的人有什么资格对我指指点点,不了解我的人凭什么对我说三道四的。I do not understand people who have what qualifications pointing to me, I do not know what I say to people.70、老是跟你说一些连我自己都觉得无聊的话题,其实不过只是想和你多说几句。Always told you that some ev

25、en I myself feel boring topic, but just want to say a few words with you.71、就算发现一条路走错了,不要停,也不要回头,因为世上最难走的,是回头路。Even if you find a way to go wrong, do not stop, do not look back, because the worlds most difficult to go, is the way back.72、就算我今天把话说得再难听,明天醒来还是会继续喜欢你,我多没出息你知道。Even if I speak poorly toda

26、y, wake up tomorrow will still continue to love you, I know you nothing.73、初中的时候约了人放学后打群架,他叫了几十号人,我只叫了一个,那就是他妈。About the middle school after school fight, he called a few people, I just called one, that is his mother.74、亲爱的女孩,无论经历过什么,都要努力让自己像杯白开水一样,要沉淀,要清澈。Dear girl, no matter what you have experien

27、ced, try to make yourself a cup of boiling water, to precipitate, to clear.75、从今以后你是我的公主,我做你的英雄,只为你拔刀,你尽管惹祸,我来替你收场。From now on, you are my princess, I can be your hero, only for your sword, although you trouble, I will help you.76、全世界最动听的三句话:我给你带好吃的、我带你去吃好吃的、我们一起去吃好吃的。The worlds most beautiful three

28、 words: I bring you good, I take you to eat delicious, we go to eat delicious.77、姑娘,我看你眉清目秀,一身正气,不知可否百年之后葬入我家祖坟,做镇墓辟邪之用!Girl, I see you with an upright, I dont know if I can do my after death buried in the graves, the tomb of the town!78、你说为往事再哭一次,再爱也不回头,但无论你哭多少次,他一伸手,你还是会跟他走。You say for the past cr

29、y again, and then love does not look back, but no matter how many times you cry, he reached a hand, you will go with him.79、不如就利用孤单一人的时间使自己变得更优秀,给来的人一个惊喜,也给自己一个好的交代。It is better to use the time alone to make themselves better, to give people a surprise, but also to give yourself a good account.80、这是一个神奇的年代,小学生自称神和魔,初中生自称本宫和朕,高中生自称哥爷爸,大学生自称宝宝。This is an amazing time, pupils claiming to gods and demons, junior high school students claiming to the house and I, senior high school students self proclaimed brother God Father, college students claiming to baby.

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