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本文(初一英语试题精选七年级英语上册期末专项复习题新版人教版.docx)为本站会员(b****6)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、初一英语试题精选七年级英语上册期末专项复习题新版人教版2018年七年级英语上册期末专项复习题(新版人教版) w 七年级上学期词汇 -专项练习I 根据句意和首字母填单词,使句意完整。8 Please have a l_ at this shop13 We have shirts in all c_ at $ Chicken and tomatoes A What; for B What; / C How; for D How; /4 Oranges are a kind of _ A vegetables B vegetable C fruits D fruit5 What _ Tom like

2、 _ for breakfast? A does; eat B is; eat C does; to eat D is; to eat7 Does your friend like salad? - _ A Yes, she like B No, she does C Yes, she doesnt D No, she doesnt9 Does your English teacher sing very _ ? -Yes, She does A good B nice C great D well10 Lets _ baseball -OK Lets _ A play; go B plays

3、; go C play; to go D play; goes11Tom likes eggs ,oranges and bananas _ breakfastA in B of C for D on 13 For _ lunch , she has some hamburgers A a B an C the D /14 Bill likes bananas, he likes _, too A strawberry B strawberries C strawberrys D strawberres15 This is my sister , _name is lily A she B s

4、he is C Her D her18 He is _ student _Class 4 A the , in B a , of C a , in D an , on 19 That is _ room A Lily and Lucy B Lily and Lucys C Lilys and Lucys D Lilys and Lucy-Do you know the girl in the hat? -_ A Yes, I am B Yes , she is C Yes, I know D Yes , I do12 Does your sister _ ice cream? A has B

5、have C is there D there are13Lets _ A go home B to go to home C go to home D to go home15 The boy _ hamburgers very much So he eats a lotA like B likes C dont like D doesnt like16Lets have oranges _ AThats sound good BThat sound good CThats sounds good DThat sounds good17 Do you like apples? _ AYes,

6、 I am BYes, I do CNo, Im not DNo, I not18 Does your son like carrots? _ AYes, she does BYes, he is CNo, he doesnt DNo, she doesnt19He has _ egg and _ hamburger Aan, an Ba, a Can, a Da, an22What _ she have _ dinner? Ado, in Bdoes, for Cis, at Dcan, to25We need lots of _ every day Ahealthy food Bsalad

7、s Cmilks Dvegetable27_ your mother _ carrots? ADo; eat BIs; eat CDoes; eat DAre; eat28Our friend _ like salad Adont Bdoesnt Cisnt Darent29-Do they like hamburgers? -Yes, they like _ very much Ait Bthem Ctheir Dits31Her parents _ lunch at home Adoesnt have Bhavent Chasnt Ddont have 32We have lots of

8、food _ dinner Ain Bat Cfor Don33-_ does Lucy like?- Tomatoes AHow BWhat CWhere DWhy34Aunt Li likes _ bananas Aeat Beating Ceats Deatting35The green shorts are _ sale for $25AforBonCat36The socks _ all colors for just 2 yuanAin Bfor Con38_colour do you like? White and redAWhoBWhatCHow much39_ is that

9、 hat? $15AHow much BWhichCWhat color40Can I help you? _ANo,please dontBYes,pleaseCYoure wele41How much_ those pants? Theyre 2uanAisBareCam42His clothes_over there,in that roomAisBareCam47The boy _ the black bike is Li Wei Ain Bat Con Dof 48What _ in the bags? Apples Ais Bare Chave Dcolor 49-What col

10、or is it? -Its _orangeIts _orange sweater Aa;an Ban;an C/;an Dan;/ 51That bag is blackIts _ Ablack bag Bthe black bag Ca black bag Da black 57 How much _ these things? Ais Bare Chas Dhave 60 I want to buy a shirt _ my fatherA to B on C for D in62 Lets go and have _ his new CDA look atB a look at C a

11、 lookD the look at63 Jims _ is redA shoesB bagC socksD pants64 How much are the pants? _ twenty dollarsA It hasB It isC They haveD They are65 Are these your shoes? Yes, _A theyreB they are C these are D therere66 The T-shirt is only ten dollars Ill _itA buyB takeC saleD sell67 I like red but my brot

12、her _A likes red, tooB doesnt C does D doesnt like69 What color is it? _A Its a green car B Its a greenC Its green D Its green car70 We have _ studentsA fourty four B four fourty C forty four Dfour forty 71 How much _ do you want?A tomatoes B bananasC hamburgersD chicken73 They have T-shirts _ green

13、 and black for only $13_ the shopA at; at B in; inC with; with D at; in76The red shoes _ 25 dollarsAis Bdoes C are D do78- What do you want? - I want a _Asocks B pants C apple D hat79 -How much _ the T-shirt and bag? - _ 46 dollarsAis;Its B is; They is C are; They are D are; They do81 These socks ar

14、e only 3 dollarsDo you want _?A it Bthem C that D those82 - Thank you very much - _A Here you are BYoure wele C Thank you too D Not thanks83 We have T-shirts _ redAfor B at C in D of85We have all pants _ all colors _ $18A for;for Bat;for C in; at D at; at86Mary _ a bag _ schoolA need; at B need; for

15、 C needs; at D needs; for87The yellow shirt is _sale _ 24A at; at B on, for C at; for D on; of89When _ your mothers birthday?Aam BisCare91Our school trip is _MayAinBonCat93_is your Art Festival?AWhatBWhenCWhich94-Lets go swimming -Good idea!It sounds _Ainteresting Bboring Cdifficult95This shop _ all

16、 kinds of clothesAsell Bsells Cbuys96I dont _ chicken for supperAlikes BsellChave98My ID card is _ my schoolbagAatBin Cfor107Beijing Opera is really _My father likes itAfunnyBboringCsad108I often go to the shops _ weekendsAfor BonCin109Everyone in our class _ Alike singing Blikes play football Clike

17、 watch TV Dlikes playing games 110They often play basketball _ Wednesday afternoon Aat Bin Con Dwith 116Jack _ like baseball_ volleyball Adont;or Bdoesnt;or Cdont;and Ddoesnt;and 118My father _ go to a movie with my mother Awant Bwants Cwant to Dwants to 119Can Lucy _ Chinese? Asay Btalk Cspeak Dspe

18、aks 1-_ do you want to join the chess club? - Because I like chess very muchA Who B How C Why D What145 What is the first day of the week? _A Monday B Friday C Saturday D Sunday146Let _ go and give this apple to _ Ame;me Bme;his CI;him Dme;him 152 Can he play_ ping-pong? A/ Ba Can Dthe 162Can I _ so

19、me books? Sorry,I dont have oneAtakeBgetChave164The students often play games _ their teacherAandBfor Cwith166My grandfather always watches the early news _ TVAat Bon Cfrom167Thanks _ your letter Youre weleAto Bfor Cwith170_ weekends we go to school _ 7 oclock AIn; at BOn; at COn ; in DIn; on 171We

20、have _ breakfast _ morning Athe;inB/;in the Cthe; in the D/;in 174 She has a ruler, but she _ an eraser Adoesnt haveBhavent Cdont haveDhas 178_ do you have supper? At 700 AWhenBWhere CWith whomDHow 182 He likes _ the radio(收音机)。 A listens B to listen to C listens to D to listen183 I _ at sevenA go t

21、o the school B go to a schoolC go to school D go school190 Jie Min usually gets up(起床)_A at six thirty B at thirty six C on six thirty D on thirty six191 Rick often does _ homework at 600A her B his C my D your FootballAfood Bsubject Ccolor Dsport224Mr Cheng teaches _ math We all like _ very muchAus

22、, his Bour, his Cus, him Dour, him226Do you have history _ the afternoon of MondayAin Bat Con Dfor3 Tim usually goes to bed at 1000 (提问)_ _ Tim usually _ to bed?4 I do homework at seven (否定句)I _ _ homework at seven5 He often has lunch at school _ _ he often _ lunch?6 where,play,you,usually,do,friend

23、s,with,your,chess(连词成句)_?9 She doesnt have lunch (变肯定句)She _ lunch11 We play volleyball (变成由Let开头的祈使句)_ _ volleyball12Does Tom like eggs for breakfast?(否定回答) _ , _13She doesnt have lunch(变为肯定句) She _ lunch12Im fourteen years old(就划线部分提问) 13We have an Art Festival each year(变成一般疑问句) 14She likes baske

24、tball game(变成否定句) 15Is Teachers Day in October? (作出完整回答) 16Beijing is in China(对划线部分提问)17Are you their friend?(做肯定回答)18Kate has a new English dictionary(改为一般疑问句)19I have a nice ball(改为否定句)20Lucy likes bananas and oranges very much(变一般疑问句)21Ann likes rice and noodles(变否定句) 22Kate has a nice cat(变否定句)

25、 23Lily wants to have a cup of tea(变否定句) 24Bob likes edies(就划线部分提问) 25I want to join the art club(就划线部分提问) 26My e-mail address is rickleihaoyahoo(就划线部分提问)29We want to join the English club(变成否定句) 30Zheng Zhuos father goes to work by car(改为一般疑问句)36My math teacher is Miss Yu(就划线部分提问) 37I have lunch at

26、 twelve oclock (就划线部分提问) 38I have English on Wednesday(变成否定句) 39Lily likes history very much(变成一般疑问句) 40Emma and Paul like salad(改一般疑问句)43My uncle has hamburgers for lunch(改一般疑问句)44My good friend likes apples and oranges(对划线部分提问)46My father doesnt like playing tennis (变为肯定句)47I think tennis is very

27、interesting (变为否定句)48Tim has a watch (变为一般疑问句)49I play sports every morning (变为否定句)51I have some baseball bats?(改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答) 52We have a big TV in our house? (改为一般疑问句) 56He likes his new room(改为一般疑问句)57We like our school(对划线部分提问)58She has a soccer ball(改为否定句)四选择正确的代词形式填在横线上。1Whats (you) _ favorit

28、e subject? 2Who is (Mary and Alice) _ math teacher? 3What are (John) _ favorite subjects?4Why does (Mary) _ like Spanish?选词完成句子,在所选词下划上横线。6Who (is / are) your music teacher?7Why does she (like / likes) Spanish?8Because they (is / are) boring9Why (do / does) they like math?10Whats (you / your) favorite subject?句型转换(A)1The red sweater is 18 dollars(

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