1、适合高中生背诵的经典英语短文The Force Of HabitSHabits, Whether good or bad, are gradually formed. The more We do a thing, the more We tend to like doing it; and if We do not continue to do it, We feel Un comfortable. ThiS is called the force of habits, and the force of habits should be fought aga in st.ThiS appli
2、es even to SUCh good things as work or rest. Some people form a bad habit of work ing too much, and OtherS of idli ng too much. Bad habits, once formed, are difficult to get rid of.The WiSe man always remembers to CheCk any bad habit. He WarnS himself “Inow becoming idle ” or “I like too many SWeetS
3、 ” or “I smoke too much “I will get myself out of this bad habit at on ce. ”The Way to AChieVe SUCCeSSMany people Say that they owe much of it to the CUItiVati on of Certa in good habits in early life. In formi ng good habits, I thi nk We should Pay atte nti on to four thin gs, that is hon esty, i n
4、dustry, en thusiasm and thrift.“Honesty is the best policy. ” ThiS is a PrOVerb to WhiCh We must Pay attention. There are so many temptati ons in SOCiety that through a little CareIeSS ness We may go astray. BUt Whe n We are hon est, people will not be dish on est to us.In dustry gives every man and
5、 woma n, every boy and girl, PrOPer work to do. To do nothing is going to ruin on eself.En thusiasm is a great force. One soul will expa nd if one devotes on eself to a noble cause. The difficulties in our Way are tremendous, but What Can We not accomplish, if With en thusiasm?There are many proverb
6、s, WhiCh Set forth the adva ntages of thrift. SinCe We live in the world in WhiCh money is a Very POWerfUl thing, We should always try to SaVe a porti on of our earnings for future use.TheSe are the four things to WhiCh We must Pay atte nti on .It is only by this Way that We Can achieve success.TV A
7、 BIeSSi ng or a Curse?AS TV en ters more and more families, people beg in to won der about its adva ntages and disadva ntages. Some believe it is a bless ing, OtherS hold that it is a CUrSe to society.TV, as a mass media, Can bring to people new in formati on on econo mies, culture, arts, and many o
8、ther fields. People Can enjoy their favorite PrOgramS at home. In some coun tries, some TV StatiO ns PrOVide SUCh PrOgramS as look ing for dan gerous Crimi nals and lost ChiIdre n, help ing to find an ideal lover, and OtherS WhiCh are quite ben eficial to society, some TV Stations PrOVide VariOUS US
9、efUI Seminars for people of VariOUS ages and social status. BUt on the other hand, TV may exert bad in flue nce on people. Some PrOgramS are full of viole nce. AS a result, people, especially juve niles, are led to COmmit Crimes. An in CreaS ing nu mber of people are so in dulged in TV PrOgramS that
10、 some eve n n eglect their duties.In my opinion, the attitude towards TV all depe nds on on eself. People should choose those PrOgrams, WhiCh are useful, and Can bring to them the SenSe of beauty.On TeSt and TeSt TakingThe PUrPOSe of a test is to CheCk how much We StUdents have learned about a subje
11、ct. It not only helps make our newly acquired knoWIedge Permanent, but also en ables US to find out What n eeds to SPe nd more time improv ing.BUt SOme StUdents do not deal With test correctly. SOme Of them are afraid Of faili ng in a test. They Cheat eve n at the risk of being CaUght on exams. ThOU
12、gh Cheat ing might give one “ bettegrades ” it, adds nothing to one snoWIedge. ThiS dishonest behavior will do one more harm tha n good.I think that We go to college in order to have our further studies, and PrePare US to be qualified for the future job. Therefore, We should take a COrreCt attitude
13、towards test. AS long as We StUdy dilige ntly and review our less ons regularly, We are SUre to be USed to SerVe its real purpose.The DiCti onaryThe dictionary is a living teacher. Whenever you come across a new word, just con sult it and you will get a clear defi niti on. EVery StUde nt, Whether at
14、te nding school or self-taught, should always have a dicti onary at hand. AS a StUdy aid, it is convenient, in expe nsive and almost omni SCie nt (all-k nowin g).Lan guage skills will develop With your con Sta nt USe of VariOUS dicti on aries. The more you USe them, the more familiar you will become
15、 With them. Sooner or later, you will be quite skilled in finding the page, SCanning the entries and loCating the exact meanings of the new words. BUt you should have one thi ng in mi nd. AS a Ian guage StUde nt, you Can n ever become too much attached to dicti on aries; basic Ian guage skills do no
16、t come from dicti on aries, but from your practice. EXPOSe yourself to the Ian guage by liste ning, SPeak in g, read ing and Writi ng more, and that is the only Way to the mastery of a Ian guage.On Lear ningLear ning is One S OWn bus in ess, WhiCh CannOt rely On others. AS We kno w, Iear niris a PrO
17、CeSS of accumulating knoWIedge. It is one Sfe -long task, WhiCh CannOt be accomplished in one move. A SUCCeSSfUI lear ner is an in depe ndent one who has both an in domitable (Uny ield ing) will and amaz ing en dura nce. He will try to discover his ownWay of learning. InStead of Waiting for the teac
18、her S help, he will make effavorable con diti ons on his own in itiative. It will Certa in Iy be of great help, if there is good en viro nment, SUffiCie nt books and equipme nt, as well as in StrUCti ons from teacher and ben eficial frien ds. BUt eve n if one has got all these favorable con diti ons
19、, OneCannOt be SUre to SUCCeed in Iear ning.So the most important factor in Iearning conSiStS in one S own effort,rather a Pain Stak ing and PerSeVeri ng bUS in ess. Many a man is a failUre becaUse he CannOt bear SUCh indispensable hardships. Unremitting (never stopping) efforts Can compe nsate for
20、the lack of tale nts and thUS en able one to get con SiderabIe PrOgreSS in Iearning.IS FaiIUre a Bad Thing?FaiIUre is a com mon OCCUrre nce (happe ning) in OUr daily life. WhateVer We do, there are always two POSSibIe resUlts: SUCCeSS or failUre. AIthoUgh every one WantS to SUCCeed in What he tries,
21、 SOmetimeS failUre Can t be avoided.Different people hold differe nt attitUdes towards failUre. When faced With it, someCan Sta nd UP to it, draw a USefUI less on from it and try their best to fUlfill What they are determined to do. Others, however, lose heart and give in. They do nothing bUt compla
22、 in aboUt themselves and ObjeCtiVe con diti ons.AS a popular Saying goes, “ FailUreteaCheS success. I” my opinion, What really COUntS is not the failure itself, but the PrOPer attitude We should take after it. I trust that as long as We keep to What is right and COrreCt What is wrong, that is to say
23、, learn a less on from failure, We will be Certa in to succeed. So I am of the opi nio n that failure is not a bad thing.ReCreati onIt is impossible to keep in good health Unless We take SUffiCient (enoUgh) recreati on. The mind, too, requires Cha nge to make it acute (SharP) and vigorous. There is
24、much truth in the old Say ing, “ All work and no play makes JaCk a dull boy.There are many games for people to indulge (enjoy) after their work of study. Among them are football, tennis, and kite-fly ing. Other forms of recreati on are boati ng, fish ing, garde ning, cycli ng, walki ng, CheSS-PIay i
25、ng, and read ing. Those who SPe nd most of their time in the open air and have conStant muscular employment, should adopt read ing or some other quiet forms of recreati on. PerS ons who Sit much at their bus in ess should take a ki nd of recreati on that will SUPPIy their muscles With exercise.ReCre
26、ati on PrOVideS people With the kind of rest and relaxati on .It makes people feel happy, en ergetic and con fide nt, mean while it PrePareS people to do much better tha n ever in their daily work.On Today S EdUCationI thi nk one of the main problems With today itfeafcluxoatiouch emphasisis PIaCed o
27、n test score. It has become the most importa nt Criteri on (Sta ndard) for college enrollment. A StUdent, however CreatiVe and intelligent, will not be admitted into a college for his total SCOreS are just One POint IeSS than required. It is also On Of the CrUCial (decisive) factors either in job as
28、sig nment or in employme nt COmPetitiO ns.The COmPetition for high SCOreS among StUdents becomes intense. StUdents find themselves COnCen trati ng more on StrategieS to achieve high SCOreS tha n on acquiri ng the knoWIedge. They will play truant (Stay away from) of some SUbSidiary (less importa nt)
29、COUrSeS and SkiP over the SUbSta nce, WhiCh will not be tested on.TeaCherS are apt to give their StUde nts high SCores. AS their job is judged mainly by the StUde nts PerfOrma nce in terms of SCores, some teachers tend to Set easy PaPerS to test their StUde nts on or n arrow dow n the scope of the e
30、xam, eve n give them the hints to exams, or favor their StUde nts With higher SCores.AS a result, the COmPetition for high SCOreS becomes so intense that it actually affects our educatio n results.Weeke ndWeeke nds are importa nt. They PrOVide people With the kind of rest and relaxati on that are es
31、sential to a happy and healthy life. I m oow bbthdoenjbo kntheir IeiSUre on the Weeke nd. A good sleep at SatUrday ni ght usually helps me to recover from the hard labor of the week. A delight SUn day trip to the SUbUrbS makes me fresh and free from any tension.If I Stay at home, I usually do Sbme l
32、ight read ing or PraCtiCe Chin ese calligraphy -a traditional Writing skill WhiCh has an extraordinary calming effect. SOmetimeS mother in ViteS me to help her cook and I am always happy to accept her in Vitati on.A good rest on the Weeke nd always makes me feel happy, en ergetic, con fide nt and ready to all the hard work ahead of me. You Cannbt work happily and efficiently Until youIearn how to rest and relax On the Weeke nd.My VieW on Job-Hopp ingSome people tend to StiCk to their POSiti ons all the time, as they thi nk the Ion ger one works in a PartiCUIar fiel
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