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1、系中英文课程内容摘要植保系碩士班Department of Plant Protection課程代號 科 目 名 稱 (中 文) 學 分 科 目 名 稱 (英 文) 頁次Course Course (Chinese) Credite Course (English) PageNumber專業必修科目 Required Courses156001 實驗設計與數據分析 2 Experimental Design and Data Analysis156002 專題討論 4 Special Topics on Biological control of (含資訊技術與論文寫作)專業選修科目 Elec

2、tive Courses156003 植物病害生物防治特論 2 Special Topics on Biological control of Plant Diseases156004 植物病原學特論 2 Special Topics on Plant Pathogen156005 植物流行病學 2 Plant Disease Epidemiology156006 植物病態生理學 2 Physiological Plant Pathology156007 植物檢疫防疫法規 2 Plant Quarantine and Inspection Law156008 作物抗病育種 2 Plant Br

3、eeding Against Plant Diseases156009 電顯技術 2 Electronic Microscopy156010 植物病害傳播學 2 Dissemination of Plant Diseases156011 血清學技術 2 Serology156012 高等昆蟲學 3 Advanced Entomology156013 高等昆蟲生理學 2 Advanced Insect Physiology156014 昆蟲行為學特論 2 Special topics on Insect Behavior 156015 農藥與毒理特論 2 Special Topic on Pes

4、ticides and Toxicology 156016 作物抗蟲育種 3 Plant Breeding Against Insect Pests156017 昆蟲分類與演化 2 Insect Taxonomy and Evolution156018 熱帶作物蟲害特論 2 Special Topics on Tropical Crop Insect Pests 156019 植物害蟲鑑定與檢疫技術 2 Identification and Quarantine of Insect Pests 156020 雜草特論 2 Special Topics on Weeds 156021 璊蜱學特論

5、 2 Special Topics on Acarology156022 害蟲生物防治特論 2 Special Topics on Biological control of Insect Pests156023 熱帶作物病害特論 2 Special Topics on Tropical Crop Diseases156024 生物技術特論 2 Special Topic Biotechnology156025 植物病害診斷與檢疫技術 2 Diagnosis and Quarantine of Plant Diseases 156026 蟲害發生與預測 2 Outbreak and Forec

6、ast of Insect Pest156027 昆蟲生態學特論 2 Special Topics on Insect Ecology156028 有害生物綜合防治特論 2 Special Topics on Integrated Pest Management156029 高等植物病理學 3 Advanced Plant Pathology植物保護系Department of Plant Protection一、必修科目Required Courses156001實驗設計與數據分析 必 張念台介紹生物學上數據的收集與統計處理、藉基本實驗設計原理及方法的說明,強調適當實驗設計導致較佳統計分析的

7、結果。156001 Experimental Design and R N. T. Chang Data AnalysisAn introduction to the collecting a statistical handling of biological data. The principles and methods of experimental designs, which lead to better statistical analysis, are discussed.156002 專題討論 必本課程旨在訓練研究生對資料蒐集、整理及表達的能力。學生選擇與植物保護學門或碩士論

8、文有關的主題,蒐集文獻、閱讀、整理成摘要,然後提出報告討論,並由參與教師評分。156002 Seminar RThis course is designed to train graduate students the ability in searching literature, organization of material and presentation. Students are required to select a topic in the field of plant protection or those related to their thesis, search

9、and review literature and draw up a brief. This presentation is scheduled for every student once a semester. Their performance is evaluated by the faculty member.二、選修科目Elective Courses156003 植物病害生物防治特論 選 劉顯達本課程由細胞及分子層次,探討各種生物防治因子如病毒、真菌、細菌及線蟲作為植物病害防治之作用機構,生物防治因子與植物病原相互作用關係。進而說明應用各種可能之生物技術將該因子作量產培養,生物

10、製劑之方法及遺傳工程之基因轉殖發展更具防治潛力之生物因子或基因轉殖之抗病品種之植物。156003 Special Topies on Biological 2 S Shan-Da Liu Control of Plant DiseaseThe attempt of this lecture is try to understand the biocontrol mechanism of biological agents, such as bacteria, fungi, viruses and nematodes against plant disease to reduce disease

11、 damages or infection potential of pathogens from cellular or molecular level. Knowing the interaction between biocontrol agent and pathogen on the host plant or in environment is another objective of this lecture. The application of biocontrol agents and genetic engineering of a transgenic agent to

12、 improve or enhance its biocontrol effectiveness or to develop the transgenic resistant variety would be brought for detail discussion.156004 植物病原學特論 選 梁文進本課程主要在深入了解植物病原真菌、細菌、病毒和線蟲等之形態、分類、生理、生態及其致病為害之特性。156004 Special Topics on Plant S W. J. Liang PathogenThis course is to discuss the biotic factors

13、 that caused plant diseases and characteristics of morphology, physiology, ecology, and classification and pathogenically of pathogens.156005 植物流行病學 選 梁文進本課程討論植物流行病學之主因子,寄主病原體,環境因子,人類耕作管理與流行病發生之關聯性;流行病之發生類型與比較,發展過程,模式及電腦模擬;植物流行病之預測及預警與植物病理上專家系統之結合。156005 Plant Disease Epidemiology S W. J. LiangThe c

14、ontents of this course are: plant disease elements (host, pathogen and environment factors) affecting the development of plant disease epidemics, the patterns and comparison of epidemics; the development, modeling and computer simulation of plant disease epidemics; and the forecasting and disease-wa

15、rning systems of plant disease epidemics which are integrated with expert systems of plant pathology.156006 植物病態生理學 選 梁文進植物病態生理學課程乃在教導學生了解植物病原體在疾病發展過程中,其引發疾病之武器及機制,植物對病原體抗拒之防禦系統,植物病原體之交互作用所引起植物生理生化之變化,及病原體致病力與植物抗病力之遺傳學。156006 Physiological Plant Pathology S W. J. LiangThe course of physiological pla

16、nt pathology is to introduce the weapons of pathogens and mechanisms of pathogen infection in the disease cycle, the defense systems of host plant against to the pathogens, the effects of pathogens on plant physiological functions, and the genetics of virulence in pathogens and of resistance in host plants.156007 植物檢疫防疫法規 選 趙永

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