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届高考英语顶尖学案新课标人教版 必修2 Unit 3 Computers.docx

1、届高考英语顶尖学案新课标人教版 必修2 Unit 3 Computers2012届高考英语顶尖学案:新课标人教版Unit 3 Computers计算机核心词汇1Where can I_(下载)the exercises from the Internet?2More problems like those at the nuclear power plant are certain to_(出现)3During the winter holidays,I_(辅导)some students for English exams.4. They achieved their_(目标)of incr

2、easing sales by five percent.5It is such a hard problem that it is impossible for me to_(解决)6Money does not always bring_(幸福)7These changes are due to an increase in the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere since the beginning of the Industrial_(革命)8There is another kind of beauty that has nothing to do

3、 with_(外貌),but comes from the heart.9It is just her childhood experiences that affect her_(性格)and later life.10After the president made an official announcement,he expressed his_opinion._speaking,I agreed with his opinion.(personal)11I would like to_for the job advertised in the newspaper,so I have

4、sent my_before July 20,2010.(apply)12Can you say that dolphins are much more_than other animals?Well,they are animals of high_and they can communicate.(intelligent)1.download2.arise3.coached4.goal5.solve 6.happiness7.Revolution8.appearance9.character10.personal;Personally11.apply;

5、ligent;intelligence高频短语1_ 从时起2_ 结果3_ 如此以致于4_ 在某种程度上5_ 在的帮助下6_ 处理;安排;对付7_ 看守;监视8_ 共有;共用9_ 弥补10_ 毕竟 a a way 5.with the help common9.make up10.after all重点句式1_,I was made smaller.随着时间的流逝,我被做得更小了。2I developed very slowly and_nearly two hundre

6、d years_I was built as an analytical machine by Charles Babbage.我发育缓慢,差不多到了两百年之后,查尔斯巴比奇才把我制成了一台分析机。3_my memory has developed so much that,like an elephant,I never forget_!随着时间的推移,我的记忆力发展得如此之快,就像一头大象一样,我从来不会忘记告诉我的任何事情!4And my memory became_large_even I couldnt believe it!我的存储量变得如此之大,连我自己都不能相信!5_,my g

7、oal is to provide humans with a life_.不管怎样,我的目标是为人类提供高质量的生活。1.As time went took;before3.Over time;anything I have been;that5.Anyhow;of high quality1.totallyadv.完全地,整个地(回归课本P18)As a result I totally changed my shape.结果,我彻底改变了形状。 归纳拓展例句探源I totally agree with you.我完全同意你的看法。(朗文P2182)In t

8、otal,over 250 employees completed the safety training.总共有超过250名员工完成了安全培训。The plan was a total failure.那项计划完全失败了。A total of 100 teachers will attend the meeting.总共100名老师将参加会议。即境活用1Do you know how many students took part in the sports meet?About 400_.Aall together Bafter allCin total Dat total解析:选C。表达

9、“总共,完全”可以使用下列短语:altogether,in all或in total。2.arisevi.出现;发生;起身,起床(回归课本P23)Then she prepares reliable moves to use if a new situation arises.接着她准备好了可行的步骤来应对新情况的出现。归纳拓展例句探源(朗文P89)More problems like those at the nuclear power plant are certain to arise.该核电站一定会出现更多类似那样的问题。A great idea arose in her mind.一

10、个好主意浮现在她的脑海中。Accidents often arise from carelessness.事故往往是由疏忽大意而引起的。易混辨析 arise,arouse,rise,raise原形过去式过去分词v.ingarise(vi.)出现,发生,起因于arosearisenarisingarouse(vt.)唤醒,激起arousedarousedarousingrise(vi.)升起,起身,增长,上升roserisenrisingraise(vt.)举起,唤起,提高,饲养raisedraisedraisingWe were watching the children raising th

11、e national flag,and saw it rising slowly in the wind,which aroused our patriotic(爱国的)minds.我们在观看孩子们升国旗,看到国旗在风中徐徐升起,这唤起了我们的爱国之心。即境活用2我们应永记心中,开车时事故是由粗心引起的。We should always keep in mind that accidents_ _ _while driving.答案:arise from carelessness3.anyhowadv.无论如何;即使如此(回归课本P18)Anyhow,my goal is to provide

12、 humans with a life of high quality.不管怎么样,我的目标是给人类提供高质量的生活。归纳拓展例句探源(朗文P76)Anyhow,we have plenty of time to plan ahead.不管怎样,我们有很多时间去提前作计划。Its too expensive and anyhow(anyway) the color doesnt suit you.(而且)这个太贵,而且颜色也不适合你。Im afraid we cant come,but thanks for the invitation anyhow(anyway)(即使这样)恐怕我们来不了,

13、不过还是感谢邀请。Anyhow(Anyway),lets forget about that thing for the moment!(无论如何)无论如何,咱们此刻忘记那件事吧!【温馨提示】somehow表示“以某种方式;不知怎么地”,与anyhow意义不同。Somehow,I dont feel I can trust him.不知怎么地,我觉得不能信任他。4.signalvi.& vt.发信号 n信号(回归课本P23)For example,I have learned to signal to my teammates in computer language to give me t

14、he ball when I am open and have a good shot for a goal.例如,当我启动的时候,我可以用计算机语言向队友示意把球传给我,这样可以有一个漂亮的射门。归纳拓展例句探源(2009年高考湖北卷)In our class,when the bell rang and the teacher closed his book,it was a signal for everyone to stand up.在课堂上,铃声响起,老师合上书就是我们要起立的信号。(牛津P1865)She signalled (to) him to follow.她示意他跟她走。

15、He signalled that it was time to leave.他示意该走了。即境活用3What did our teacher do?He raised his arm as a(n)_for us to stop.AsignalBrealityCapplication Dgoal解析:选A。考查名词辨析。答句句意:他抬起手臂示意我们停下。signal意为“信号,手势”。4(2010年龙岩一检)The door and the windows were all closed and there was no_of forced entry.Ascene BsignalCsign

16、 Dsight解析:选C。考查名词辨析。句意表示“门窗都关闭着,没有强行侵入的迹象”。这里sign表示“迹象”;scene表示“场景,景色”;signal表示“信号”;sight则表示“视野”。根据句意,选C项。 a way从某一角度看;在某种程度上(回归课本P23)In a way our programmer is like our coach.从某种程度上讲,我们的程序员就好比是我们的教练。归纳拓展例句探源(朗文P2316)In a way,Im a little surprised he accepted the offer.从某种意义上讲,他接受了这个报价让我觉得有点儿惊讶。

17、Only in this way can you get rid of your bad habits.只有用这种方法你才能改掉你的坏习惯。In no way should you lose heart.你决不应该失去信心。Dont stand in the way.Move aside and let me pass.不要挡着路,靠边点让我过去。即境活用5I think he is taking an active part in social work.I agree with you _.Ain a way Bon the wayCby the way Din the way解析:选A。

18、此题考查介词短语的含义。in a way在某种程度上;on the way在路上,即将成为;by the way在主要话题或交谈中用以插入题外的话或问题,常译为“顺便问一下”;in the way阻碍。6He is on his way to _ a doctor after having finished his four years study in the university.Abecome BbecomingCbecame Dhaving become解析:选B。on ones way to sth./doing sth.即将成为,其中to为介词。 a result结果(回归

19、课本P18)As a result I totally changed my shape.结果我的外形完全改变了。例句探源(牛津P1703)He made one big mistake,and,as a result,lost his job.他犯了个大错,结果丢了工作。I was very busy.As a result,I couldnt take care of her.我非常忙,因此无法照料她。易混辨析as a result,as a result of,result in,result from(1)as a result因此,结果,副词短语,常作状语,使用时其前常有一个表示原因

20、的句子。(2)as a result of是介词短语,只能连接名词/代词/动名词及what引导的宾语从句。(3)result in相当于lead to,结果为;导致,主语是原因,宾语是结果。(4)result from相当于lie in,因为,源自,主语是结果,宾语是原因。We helped each other in studies and as a result we became good friends.As a result of the car accident,Jackson couldnt work any longer.His carelessness resulted in

21、 his failure.His failure resulted from his carelessness.即境活用7(2009年高考全国卷)Jenny nearly missed the flight_doing too much shopping.Aas a result ofBon top ofCin front of Din need of解析:选A。句意:由于购物花费时间太多,珍妮差点错过航班。as a result of作为的结果,由于;on top of在之上;in front of在前面;in need of需要。8My friend Martin was very sic

22、k with a high fever;_,he could neither eat nor sleep.Aas a result Bafter allCanyway Dotherwise解析:选A。因生病而导致了后面的结果,所以选as a result。 with处理;安排;对付(回归课本P24)This means that it should clean the house,mop the floors,cook the dinner and deal with telephone calls.这就意味着它应该打扫房子、拖地、做饭以及接电话。例句探源(牛津P512)She i

23、s used to dealing with all kinds of people in her job.她已习惯于和工作中遇到的各种各样的人打交道。I found her quite hard to deal with.我发现她很难相处。This is a book dealing with Asian problems.这是一本论述亚洲问题的书。【温馨提示】deal with常与how连用,而do with则常与what连用。I dont know how to deal with the situation.我不知道如何处理这种情况。I dont know what to do wit

24、h the situation.我不知道如何处理这种情况。即境活用9You look so worried.Whats the matter?I dont know_these boring problems.Awhat to deal withBhow to do withCwhat can I do with Dhow to deal with解析:选D。考查短语的用法。deal with通常与how搭配,而do with通常与what搭配,C项语序不对。故选D。10With the world changing fast,we have something new_with all by

25、 ourselves every day.Adeal BdealtCto deal Ddealing解析:选C。该句为“have something to do”结构,动词不定式短语作定语。句型梳理1【教材原句】As time went by,I was made smaller.(P18)随着时间的流逝,我被做得更小了。【句法分析】as意为“随着”,引导时间状语从句。As we grow older,we get wiser.随着年龄的增长,我们会变得越来越聪明。As time went on,Einsteins theory proved to be correct.随着岁月的推移,爱因斯

26、坦的理论被证明是正确的。易混辨析as,with(1)as是连词,引导时间状语从句。(2)with是介词,后接名词或代词构成with短语或with复合结构。As our life improves,we find more and more time entertaining.With the time going by,they became close friends.即境活用11_children get older,they become more and more interested in the things around them.AWhile BWhenCAs DWith解析:

27、选C。as可表示两个同步发展的动作或行为,意为“随着”;while表示一段较长的时间或过程内主从句谓语动作同时发生;when作“当的时候”讲,指较短的一段时间或点时间;with不能引导从句。12I couldnt do my homework with all that noise_.Agoing on Bgoes onCwent on Dto go on解析:选A。with复合结构在句子中作伴随状语。“withn.doing/done/介词短语”为固定结构。noise与go on之间为主动关系,故选A。2【教材原句】And my memory became so large that eve

28、n I couldnt believe it!(P18) 我的存储量变得如此之大,连我自己都不能相信!【句法分析】so/such.that引导结果状语从句,意为“如此以至于”。so.that.的基本句式:(1)so形容词(副词或分词)that从句She was so excited that she couldnt go to sleep.她兴奋得睡不着觉。There are so many people in the street that I cant get through.街上有这么多人我过不去。There was so little water left that only little children were given some.剩下的水不多了,只给小孩分了一些。归纳拓展It was such fine weather that we had a picnic together.天气那么好我们一起去野餐了。It was such a lovely day that we decided to go outing.It was so lovely a day that we decided

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