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1、初一英语人称代词与物主代词专练英语人称代词与物主代词专练一、按要求写出下列代词的形式1、I(宾格) 2、he(形容词性物主代词) 3、 us(主格)4、they(宾格) 5、she(宾格) 6、you(名词性物主代词)7、it(宾格) 8、him(复数) 9、her(形容词性物主代词)10、my(复数) 11、they(名词性物主代词) 12、we(单数)二、用括号里的代词的适当形式填空1,Mr Yang is _(we) teacher._(him) is from Beijing._(his) teaches_(our) English.2,Look,there is a cat._(th

2、ey) is Lilys._(it) name is Mimi.3,Let_(I) tell _(she) about_(he) life at school.4,This is _(they) room.Where is _(our)?5,Dont use the eraser._ is _(me).6,The lady under the tree is_(me) aunt._(her) often sings with _(she) husbandI.用be的适当形式填空1.-How_ you? -I_ fine.2.I_ David,and my family name_ Green.

3、3.-What color _ your clock? -It_ white.4.-What_ this in English?-It_ an apple.5.Toy_my brother.David_my brother,too.They _ my brothers.6.Look!These_apple trees.7.We_ good students and you_ good teacher.8.My sister and my brother_ students.9.Five and three _ eight.10._your card number 5578?11.Where_

4、your pencils?12.Thses sweaters _ fifty dollars.13.How much _ his jacket?14.My brothers birthday_ December 11th.15.When _ Kates birthday? 七年级英语上册必背句子 1你好吗?好。谢谢! -_ _you? -_, _.2很高兴见到你。 _ _ _ _.3这个以用英语怎么说? _this _ _?4怎样拼写这个单词? _ _ _ _ this word?5你的钢笔什么颜色? _ _ _ your pen?6他的电话是什么号? _ is _ _ _?7请问,这是你的书

5、吗? _ _. _ _ your book?8.请拨打495-3539联系王先生。 Please _ Mr Wang _ 495-3539.9谢谢你寄来的全家福。 _ _ the photo _ your _.10请把这些东西带给你弟弟。 Please_ these things _ your brother.11明天把你的课本带到学校来。 _ your textbook _ school tomorrow.12让我们踢足球吧。 _ _volleyball.13听起来不错。 It_ good.14弟弟有收集体育用品的习惯。 My brother _ a sports_.15跑步健将Sandra

6、吃一些健康食品。 _ _ Sandra _ _ _ _ food.16我可以帮你什么呢? _ I _ you?(_ _ I _ _ you?)17我买下了。 I_ it/them.18来亲自看看。 _ and _ _ _.19我们出售的毛衣价格合理。 We _ sweaters _ a good _.20我们有红色、蓝色和绿色的体恤衫。 We _ T-shirts _ red,blue and green.21这鞋多少钱。 _ _ _ the shoes?22他什么时候生日?九月九日。 _ _ his _? Its _ _.23你妹妹多大了?十二岁了。 _ _ _ your _? She is

7、 _.24你想去看电影吗? _ you_ _ _ _ a _?25魏华喜欢什么样的电影? _ _ _ _ _ Wei Hua _?26他常和我一起去看电影。 He often _ _ _ _ _ _ me.27她认为她能了解中国的历史。 She _ she can_ _ Chinese_.28这是一部非常成功的电视剧。 This is _ _ movie.29你会弹吉他吗? _ you _ _ _?30你想加入哪个俱乐部? _ _ _ you _ _ _?31晚上你常干什么? _ _ you often _ _ the _?32早晨几点起床? _ _ _ you _ _ _ the_?33弟弟

8、晚上7点写作业。 My brother _ _ homework _7:00 _ the _.34我们最喜欢蓝色和绿色。 _ _ _ _ blue and green.35你为什么喜欢英语? _ _ you _ English?36她最喜爱的学科是什么? _ _ her _ _?37.课后我们打一个小时的篮球。 We_ basketball _ an hour _ class.38老师很严格,并且我们在课后感到比较累。 The teacher_ very _ and we _ _ after class.39.我喜欢玩小狗。 I _ to _ _ dog.40.我们确实喜欢英语。 We_ _

9、English.41他们什么时候吃午饭? _ _ they _ _?42请写信告诉我你在中国的生活情况。Please _ and _ _ _ your _ in China.43.今天我们非常高兴。 We_ _ _ _.人教新目标七年级英语上学期期末测试题 (附答案)选择题部分(55分)单项选择(20分)1Look after your brother, please He s very_. Ayoung Bsmall Cold Dnew2_are good friends. AI and she BI and herCShe and I DShe and me3Lily is_redAon

10、Bat Cfor Din4Who s that?I think_is Mr Green. Ahe Bthis Chim Dit5Let s_. Ato go home Bgo to homeCat home Dgo home6_man is your father?The one in a black car. AWhat BWho CWhich DWhose7There is sixty minutes(分钟)in_hour. Aa Ban Cthe D8Where is my hat?I can t_it. Alook for Blook afterCfind Dlook9The clot

11、hes are yours. Please_. Aput on Bput on themCput it on Dput them on10Lily and Lucy are twins. They_. Alook like Blook like the sameClook the same Dlooks like11Which of the two pencils_yours?Aare Bis Chave Dhas12Is there_money in the bag?Aa Bany Csome Dmany13We often_TV at 600. Alooks Bsees Cwatchs Dwatch14It s_old photo_my family. Aa,at Ban,in Cthe,of Dan,of15It s time_. Ato get school Bget to schoolCfor school Dget to school16Can she_it_Mr Zhang?Agives, Bgive,to Cgives,to Dgive,17Whose watches are they?They are_. ALily and Lucys BLily and

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