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1、短文写作5大写作亮点设计短文写作5大写作亮点设计 一篇优秀的作文,除了做到结构清晰、句式多变以外,往往还会出现一到两个让教官眼前为之一亮的亮点,这样的亮点设计会给你的作文大大增色,往往会给考官留下深刻的印象。一、遣词用语准确地道1认真辨析同义词由于英语词义范畴非常广泛,即便是同义词也只是某种程度上的近似,不可能在意义上完全对等。这就需要考生在选词时斟酌其含义的微妙差别,辨析同义词在具体语境中的不同用法。【例1】 1. Everyone had special interest while reading so we could choose different books to read ac

2、cording to our personal interests.2. Everyone had special interest while reading so we could select different books to read according to our personal interests.【分析】choose指的是“一般性的选择”;而select则强调“在一定范围内挑选”,此处明显用后者更为恰当。2恰当使用限定词用词准确从另外一个角度讲就是要使论述客观、适度,这就需要考生适当使用一些限定词,以避免观点的绝对化,从而提高说服力和可信度。写作中常见的限定词有:may,

3、 maybe, perhaps, probably, mainly, generally, commonly, personally, comparatively, typically, usually, sometimes, often, most, mostly, nearly, almost, not necessarily, in general, at least, at most, may as well, had better, to some extent, to some degree, more often than not, for the most part等。【例2】

4、 I dont agree with the first argument to some extent.【分析】to some extent意为“在某种程度上”,表明观点的客观性,避免了绝对化,为自己留有余地。3注意词语的习惯搭配用词准确不但要求考生掌握具体单词的含义,还要熟悉词语的习惯搭配,一定要避免受汉语语意的干扰而出现错误。【例3】 1. The traffic in many big cities is getting more and more crowded.2. The traffic in many big cities is getting heavier and heav

5、ier.【分析】汉语中我们可以说“交通拥挤”,但英文中traffic和crowded是不能搭配的,因为crowded是表示街道、房间等地方挤满了人或东西,我们可以说“The street is crowded.”,但不能说“The traffic is crowded.”。而要表达“交通拥挤”,应该用heavy一词。4避免生造词语生编硬造词语是考生在写作中常犯的错误之一,主要表现为将汉语意思生译成英文,即所谓的“中国式英语”。【例4】 1. To be a three good student is always a symbol of achievement for the Chinese

6、students.2. To be an all-round student is always a symbol of achievement for the Chinese students.【分析】a three good student在此是表示“三好学生”,中国人都能看懂,但却令外国人费解,是典型的“中国式英语”;而恰当的表达应该是“an all-round student”,或用比较直白的方式将其译为“an excellent student in all aspects”。5避免口语化六级作文除个别应用文以外,基本都属于较正式的书面文体,因此在写作时要避免使用口语化的词汇,具体遣

7、词时要注意以下几点:1)避免使用缩写形式,比如 do not不要写成dont,it is不要写成its。2)避免使用方言俚语,比如a whole nother(完全不同的)或flip side(另一面,反面)等。3)避免使用非标准化的表述方式,比如gonna, wanna之类的口语。4)尽量使用单词而不是短语,比如用investigate要优于用look into,用determine要优于make up ones mind,因为相对单词来说,短语更加口语化,而且不够精练。5)不要总使用常用的、口语色彩较浓的词汇,比如many, about, do之类的词。【例5】 1. Many colle

8、ge students are gonna take part in CET-4.2. Many college students would like to take part in CET-4.【分析】be gonna与would like to都可以表示“想要或打算”,但be gonna是口语中的非正式用法,不能出现在书面文体中。6避免赘言啰嗦考生在写作时要有意识地使用同义词、同根词或上、下义词来取代上文中出现过的词汇以避免重复和啰嗦,以求文采。【例6】 1. With the publication of the novel, he became famous as the great

9、est writer living then, and he has been more and more famous as a major American author ever since. He is now also becoming more and more famous with Chinese readers.2. With the publication of the novel, he became famous as the greatest writer living then, and his reputation as a major American auth

10、or has been on the increase ever since. He is now also becoming more and more popular with Chinese readers.【分析】第1段中表示“闻名”使用的都是同一个词“famous”,给人感觉单调乏味,缺少文采;而第2段中则使用了“famous”、“reputation”和“popular”三个词性不同、意义接近的词来表达“闻名”的意思,而且“on the increase”和“more and more”表达的也是同样的意思,这样就避免了用语的重复,表达灵活生动,颇具文采。二、遣词用语形象生动文章的

11、形象生动是由多方面因素决定的,遣词用语也是一个重要的方面。要做到选词形象生动,主要应注意以下几个方面:1选用具体明确的词在特定的语境下,要根据表“情”达“意”的需要,尽量选用含义比较形象具体的词来取代那些含义比较抽象的词,也就是要从一般趋于特定、由抽象趋于具体、由模糊趋于明确。【例7】 1. No one saw the bank being broken into.2. No one witnessed the bank being broken into.【分析】see表示“看,看见”,意思比较抽象,范围较大;而witness则强调“亲眼目睹”,描述的动作更为具体生动,更符合“目睹银行抢劫

12、”这一具体的语境。2利用不同的词类英语和汉语在词性的运用上有很大区别,但很多考生往往受汉语思维的影响,经常完全依据汉语的词性对译英文,导致作文中出现多个谓语动词集结的错误或造出来的句子十分生硬死板。因此,考生在平时训练时一定要注意摆脱汉语思维的束缚,学会根据具体的语境活用不同的词类,这样才能写出地道生动的句子。1)抽象名词的使用【例8】 1. They are written in plain langua2. They are written in plain language so that everyone can read for entertainment or relaxation

13、.【分析】第2句中用抽象名词entertainment和relaxation代替了第1句中的动词entertain和relax,将时间状语从句简化成介词短语,使句子表达更加简洁地道。2)形容词的使用【例9】 1. Piracy has become a phenomenon that can be seen everywhere.2. Piracy has become a prevailing phenomenon.【分析】第2句中用具体的形容词prevailing代替了第1句中的定语从句,更加形象生动地描述了这种现象。3)介词短语的使用【例10】 1. To start with, pir

14、ated products often cost much less than the original ones, so they enjoy unbeatable advantage in price though their quality is relatively poor. 2. To start with, pirated products often cost much less than the original ones, so they enjoy unbeatable advantage in price despite their relatively poor qu

15、ality.【分析】第1句中的让步状语从句并不强调动作,只是一种存在的事实,因此第2句用介词短语“despite”代替了该从句,句子结构更加简化,表达上更加体现出英语味道。3动态动词的使用要做到选词形象生动,还要注意选择具有动态意义的词,这些表示具体动作的动态动词往往比be, there be, make, need等静态动词更有活力,可以达到更好的写作效果。【例11】 1. There are various answers among different groups of people.2. Answers vary among different groups of people.【分

16、析】第1句中使用的there be句型属典型的静态表达,第2句中则使用了动词词组take place,明显比第1句多了一分动态的生气。4注意词语的感情色彩英语中许多词带有自己的感情色彩,有褒义词、中性词和贬义词之分。选词时必须注意这种区分,否则会因褒贬失宜而造成用词不当,影响句子的准确表达。另外,除了褒贬之分,词语还带有很多其他的感情色彩,如有的明快,有的凝重,有的有讽刺意味,有的带有幽默色彩,如能够恰当运用,无疑会使表达更加形象生动。【例12】 I am firm, you are stubborn, he is pig-headed.【分析】firm, stubborn和pig-heade

17、d三个词都有“不轻易改变决定”的意思,firm是通常是褒义词,意为“坚定”,stubborn通常是中性词,意为“固执,执着”,而pig-headed通常是贬义词,意为“顽固,僵化”,使用时要注意根据具体的语境选择合适的词。三、开头结尾突破常规1开头的写法文章的开头除了要表明主题外,还有一个重要的任务就是吸引阅卷老师的注意。因此,开头一定要具有与众不同的吸引力,这样才能给阅卷老师留下深刻的印象。下面介绍几种实用有效的开头方式及常用句型:1)现象法所谓现象法,就是在文章开头就指出某种社会现象或问题。这种开头方式在六级写作中十分常见,主要应用于现象解释型作文和问题解决型作文。【常用句式】 Recen

18、tly/ Presently the phenomenon/ issue/ problem of has been brought into focus./ aroused public attention/ become a heated topic/ been in the limelight. With , there arises a heated debate as to With the steady/ rapid/ amazing development of, people begin to In the past years, many have been faced/ tr

19、oubled/ confronted with Nowadays/ Recently, one of the hottest/ most popular topics/ problems many people complain/ concern about/ talk about/ discuss is Nowadays, our society is witnessing more and more In the past years, there has been a sharp/ dramatic increase/ growth/ rise/ decline in According

20、 to an official report/ survey/ poll, In recentyears, has experienced an alarming increase/ growth/ rise/ decline in 【例13】Nowadays, one of the hottest problems many people complain about now is piracy. Books, tapes, VCDs and other high-tech products have been pirated. For instance, when a new produc

21、t comes onto market, most probably, its pirated version will soon show up in the market, too.【分析】本段文字是关于如何解决盗版问题的文章开头,运用了现象法,段首句使用了句式。2)对立法所谓对立法,就是引出人们对要讨论问题的不同看法和观点,然后提出自己的看法或者表明自己偏向哪一看法。这种开头方式方式一般用于有争议的主题,主要适用于对比选择型作文。【常用句式】 When asked, a great/ vast majority of people/ most say that But I think/

22、view quite differently. / But in my eye/view, When it comes to, some people believe that, but some others argue/ claim that (the opposite/ reverse is true). There is probably some truth in both arguments/ statements, but (I tend to agree to/ would prefer the former/ latter.) Now, it is commonly/ gen

23、erally/ widely believed/ held/ acknowledged that. They claim/ believe/ argue that But I wonder/ doubt whether Nowadays there is no agreement among people as to. Some people focus on/ advocate/ favor while others may think. (From my point of view, ) When faced with/ In the face of quite a few people

24、claim that but other people argue There is much discussion/ public debate/ controversy nowadays as to the problem of Some people say that Others hold that There is a general debate over the phenomenon of People who are against/ object to it claim/ hold But people who advocate it, on the other hand,

25、claim/ argue The value of this form of is now being questioned by/There is growing skepticism toward【例14】Nowadays there is no agreement among people as to the best measure of a countrys success. Some people focus on rich economy while others may think it is the quality of life that has nothing to do

26、 with money. 【分析】本段文字是关于什么是社会成功的标准的文章开头,运用了对立法,段首句使用了句式。3)观点法所谓观点法,就是开门见山,直截了当地提出本文要论证的观点或要解决的问题。这种开头方式主要适于观点论证型作文和问题解决型作文。【常用句式】 Now there is a growing awareness/ recognition of the necessity to/Now people are becoming increasingly aware/ conscious of the importance of It is true that No one can de

27、ny , which has been generally accepted. The truth of it is deep and profound/ self-evident. Now people in growing/ significant numbers are beginning/ coming to realize/ accept/ be aware that Nowhere in / Never in history has the issue/ change/ idea of been more evident/ visible/ popular/ serious tha

28、n in Perhaps/ May式】 Recently/ Presently the phenomenon/ issue/ problem of has been brought into focus./ aroused public attention/ become a heated topic/ been in the limelight. With , there arises a heated debate as to With the steady/ rapid/ amazing development of, people begin to In the past years,

29、 many have been faced/ troubled/ confronted with Nowadays/ Recently, one of the hottest/ most popular topics/ problems many people complain/ concern about/ talk about/ discuss is Nowadays, our society is witnessing more and more In the past years, there has been a sharp/ dramatic increase/ growth/ rise/ decline in According to an official report/ survey/ poll, In recentyear

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