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1、B3U7B课文单词New Words:slavery slavery (n.) -slave (n. /v.);n. U the system of having slaves 奴隶制度EG:The result was that people cared little about slavery. 结果是人们不太关心奴隶制。In 1772 the law turned against slavery in Britain. 1772年英国的法律开始反对奴隶制。abolish vt. put an end to a law or system officially 废除,终止EG:When w

2、as capital punishment abolished here? 这里什么时候废除了死刑?He served over 27 years in prison for fighting to abolish white-only rule. 他为废除白人专治而斗争,但为此坐了27年牢狱。bloody bloody (a.) -blood (n.) -bleed (v.);a. with a lot of killing and injuries 血腥的,残暴的EG: a bloody battle 血腥的战斗He begins his career with bloody experi

3、ments on live animals. 他拿活动物做血腥试验,以此开始了自己的职业生涯。treaty n. C a formal written agreement between two or more countries or governments 条约EG: Some countries are still refusing to sign a treaty banning chemical weapons. 有些国家依然拒绝签署禁止化学武器的条约。There are no provisions in the treaty that would exclude them from

4、 taking part in it. 条约中没有规定他们不能参加。plantation plantation (n.) -plant (n. / v.); n. C a large piece of land in a hot country where tea, cotton, tobacco, etc. are grown 种植园EG: The plantations would be open to foreign acquisition but overall foreign ownership would be limited to 30 or 40 percent. 外国人可以获

5、得这些种植园,但其总拥有权将限定在30%或40%。He simply agreed to stay away from his rubber plantation. 他只好同意离开自己的橡胶种植园。bribe bribe (n. / v.) -bribery (n.);vt. illegally give money or gifts to sb. in order to persuade them to do sth. for you 向.行贿;贿赂EG: They got a visa by bribing an official. 他们买通了一位官员,拿到了签证。I bribed him

6、 into giving me the documents. 我向他行贿,让他给我提供了文件。They tried in vain to bribe the jury with money. 他们企图用钱贿赂陪审团,但没成功。The witness was bribed to give false evidence.那个目击证人因受贿而作伪证。evil a. very bad; causing harm 邪恶的;有害的EG: In the movie, the hero has to rescue the world from an evil scientist. 电影中,主人公必须从一个邪恶

7、的科学家手里拯救世界。He was an evil dictator responsible for the deaths of millions. 他是个暴君,对数以百万人的死负有责任。n. U a power that makes people do sth. bad or harmful; wicked behavior 邪恶EG: Drugs and alcohol are two of the evils of modern society. 吸毒和酗酒是现代社会的两大祸害。She wanted to protect her children from the evils of th

8、e outside world. 她想保护自己的孩子,使之不受外面世界邪恶的侵袭。bloom vi. 1. develop successfully 兴旺;繁荣EG: She was positively blooming the last time I saw her. 我上次看到她之后,她越长越好看了。The experiment bloomed into a $50 million business. 该实验发展成了一家五千万美元的公司。2. produce flowers 开花EG: The roses in the garden are blooming. 园中的玫瑰花正在盛开。Th

9、e apple trees had already finished blooming, but the tiny green fruit could hardly be called apples yet. 苹果树已开过花了,但枝上长的小小的绿果还称不上苹果。persuasion persuasion (n.) -persuade (v.); n. U the process of persuading sb. to do sth. 说服;劝说EG: I suggested going to the beach and the others didnt need persuasion. 我提

10、议到海滩去,而其他人不用劝说就同意了。After a little gentle persuasion, Jimmy agreed to let us in. 稍微婉言劝说了几句,吉米就同意让我们进去了。injection injection (n.) -inject (v.);n. C, U the addition of sth. to sth. else 注入EG: Mr. Wilson, Im going to give you an injection to help you relax. 威尔森先生,我给你打一针以帮助你放松。It is a universal truth that

11、 all children hate having injections. 所有的孩子都讨厌打针,这是普遍事实。avenue n. 1. C (A) used in the names of streets in a town or city 大街EG: Fifth Avenue 第五大道They live at 27 Shaftesbury Avenue. 他们住在沙夫茨伯里大街27号。2. C (BrE) a road or broad path with trees on either side that leads to a large house 林阴道EG: The house w

12、as situated in a wide, tree-lined avenue. 房子坐落在一条宽阔的林荫大道上。She drove down along the wide London Avenue.她沿着宽阔的伦敦大街一直往下开。supreme a. 1. the highest in rank or position 最高的EG: Parliament is all-powerful, the supreme authority within the legal system. 国会的权利最大,是立法体制中的最高权威。The supreme leader is appointed by

13、 a body of experts who are elected by the people. 最高领导是由人民选出的专家团体任命的。2. most important 最重要的EG: It had been with supreme effort that he had controlled his temper. 用了很大的劲他才控制住自己的脾气。Jane, the supreme example of self-control, did not know what was happening to her! 简是自制的典范,可此时却不知道自己怎么啦!court n. 1. C, U

14、a place where trials take place in front of a judge or a jury 法庭;法院EG: Four people will appear in court today, charged with possessing explosives. 今天将有四个人出庭,他们被指控携带炸药。Id rather resolve our differences without going to court. 我想不上法庭来解决我们间的争端。2. C an area where certain ball games are played 球场EG: A th

15、ick white line divides the gym into two basketball courts. 一条粗粗的白线将室内体育馆分成了两个篮球场。He was reinforcing the posts that held up the wire netting around the tennis court. 他那时正在加固网球场四周支撑铁丝网的柱子。reverse vt. change a decision, judgment, etc. to the opposite 推翻;取消;废除EG: The companys profits have been steadily

16、falling, and his job is to reverse this trend. 公司的利润在一步步下跌,他的工作就是要扭转这一趋势。Many of the former administrations policies were reversed by the new president. 原先的行政政策很多都被新总统废除了。a. opposite to what is expected or has just been described 相反的;颠倒的EG: Please read the names on this list in reverse order. 请将这张单子

17、上的名字从末尾读起。The wrong attitude will have exactly the reverse effect. 错误的态度无疑将带来相反的效果。n. (the ) the opposite 相反;反面EG: This should be a relaxing holiday but its just the reverse. 这个假期本来可以轻松一下,谁知情况正好相反。Are you pleased? Quite the reverse, Im very disappointed. “你满意吗?” “完全相反,我非常失望。”Put the car in / into re

18、verse. 挂上倒车当。The superpowers are putting the arms race into reverse.超级大国正把军备竞赛转成裁军。segregate segregate (v.) -segregation (n.); vt. separate one group of people or things from the rest 分开;隔离EG: The two groups of football fans were segregated to avoid trouble. 那两群足球球迷被分隔开,以免发生冲突。Male prisoners were st

19、rictly segregated from the females. 男性囚犯与女性囚犯被严格地隔离开。amend vt. correct or make small changes to sth. 修改EG: The following year he amended the constitution, opening the way for a third term. 第二年,他修改了宪法,为他的第三任铺平了道路。Programs written in languages such as BASIC are very easy to edit and amend. 诸如用BASIC 语言

20、编写的程序很容易编辑和修改。amendmentn. C, U the act of making a change to improve a rule, law, statement, etc. 修正,修订EG: Your plan needs some amendment if you want it to be practical. 如果你想让你的计划切实可行,那就需要作些修正。So many amendments were made to the law that its original meaning was completely changed. 这条法令经多次修改,以致原意完全改

21、变了。arrest vt. take sb. away because they have done sth. illegal 逮捕EG: He has kept drunk driving and for this he has kept being arrested. 他老是酒后开车,为此老是被逮捕。A 60-year-old bar owner was arrested last fall in connection with the murder. 去年秋天,一位60岁的酒吧老板因涉嫌谋杀而被捕。n. C, U an act of arresting sb. 逮捕EG: The pol

22、ice made ten arrests after the riot. 暴动之后,警方拘捕了十个人。He was under arrest for murder. 他因涉嫌谋杀而被逮捕。cooperationcooperation (n.) -cooperate (v.);n. U a situation in which people work together to achieve a common result 合作EG: A working group will be established to promote cooperation. 将成立一个工作小组以促进工作。Their d

23、uties involved close cooperation with the prince. 他们的职责需要他们与王子密切合作。bulletin n. C a short notice or news report intended to be made public without delay 公告;新闻快报EG: Here is the latest bulletin about the Presidents health. 这是总统健康情况的最新报道。The next news bulletin on this channel is at nine oclock. 本台下一次新闻简

24、报九点播报。discriminationdiscrimination (n.) -discriminate (v.);n. U the act of treating different groups or people in different ways, esp. unfairly 歧视EG: sexual/racial/religious discrimination 性别/种族/宗教歧视 Laws have got to be tougher to stop discrimination against the disabled. 法律应该更加严厉以禁止歧视残疾人。segregatio

25、nn. U the act of of segregating 隔离EG: Civil rights protestors called for an end to all segregation. 民权抗议者呼吁结束一切隔离。Legal segregation may be gone, but the idea of segregation survives. 合法化的隔离可能不存在了,但隔离观念依然不死。accord accord (v./ n.) -accordance (n.) -according (ad.) -accordingly (ad.);vi. match; agree w

26、ith 与.一致;相符EG: It is absolutely wrong for him to amend his data to accord with his theory. 他修改数据以吻合自己的理论的做法是完全错误的。What you have just said does not accord with what you told us yesterday. 你刚才说的和你昨天告诉我们的不一样。n. C a formal agreement between countries or groups 协议;条约EG: The two sides are completely in ac

27、cord with each other on this matter. 双方在这个问题上意见完全一致。The two sides signed a peace accord in 1994 after a nine-year civil war that killed 500,000. 经历了九年内战,死了五十万人后,双方签署了和平协议。With one accord they all stood up and cheered. 他们全体一致起立欢呼。He joined the army of his own accord.他自愿参军了。Such an act would not be in

28、 accord with our policy.这种做法与我们的政策不符。They live in perfect accord with each other.他们生活在一起十分融洽。constitutionconstitution (n.) -constitute (v.);n. C a set of basic laws of a country that describe the rights and duties of its citizens and the way in which it is governed 宪法EG: the Constitution of the Peop

29、les Republic of China 中华人民共和国宪法According to the United States Constitution presidential elections are held every four years. 根据美国宪法,总统选举每四年举行一次。propose propose (v.) -proposal (n.) -proposition (n.);vt. suggest 提议,建议EG: I propose delaying our decision until the next meeting. 我提议推迟到下次会议再作决定。I wish to

30、propose John for membership of the club. 我提议接受约翰为本俱乐部成员。vi. make an offer of marriage 求婚EG: Weve been going out for a long time but he still hasnt proposed. 我们已经交往了好一段时间,可他还没有向我求婚。Did he propose to her, or did she propose to him? 是他向她求婚还是她向他求婚?regulate regulate (v.) regulation (n.); vt. 1. control s

31、th. by rules 控制;管理EG: Hence criteria to regulate the use of nuclear energy become increasingly urgent. 因此控制使用核能的标准变得越来越严格了。But giant telecommunications firms favor a less regulated market. 但是大的通讯公司喜欢较少控制的市场。2. adjust 调节EG: Special valves in the radiator allow you to regulate the temperature in each room. 暖气装置内有特制阀门,可调节每个

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