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1、专题31130150814专题3中考考点分析)分析近5年广西各地市中考英语真题可知,对 冠词的考查角度主要为不定冠词、定冠词和 零冠词的辨析。其中不定冠词a/an表泛指的 用法是考查的重点。其主要在单项选择题型 中考查。广西各地市中考对冠词的考查主要在单项选 择中,通常考查1道小题。冠词主要涉及三个 命题点:不定冠词a/an的用法(必考点)、定冠 词the的用法(高频点)和零冠词的用法(高频点) O值得注意的是:考查形式以单空考查为 主,少量涉及双空的混合考查;所给题干 的语境简单易懂,并与学生的日常学习和生 活息息相关;不仅考查冠词的基本用法,也 因此,考生在解答冠词类试题时,首先要分 析语

2、境,若是能直接翻译成一个,则通常 用不定冠词a/ano当空后的词以元音音素开 头时用an,当空后的词以辅音音素开头时用a ;若空后的名词为特指,则通常用定冠词the 零冠词一般有其特殊的用法。b考题例析(2018 河池)一What did you do last night, Grace?First, I did my homework, and then Iplayed piano for 30 minutes.A . a B . anC . the D . /【方法点拨】第1步:由四个选项可知是考查 冠词的辨析(不定冠词a/an表泛指,定冠词the 表特指);第2步:此处考查“play +

3、乐器”的 堆万出田乞土 claw UH萸仝;言B车田口汁 亜+1门左有肾广西真题精选1. (2018 玉林)一How often do you play tennis?DTwice week.And I often play it in sports center in our school.A. the; / Bb a; anC. an; the D. a; the2. (2018 百色)Alice is honest girl.Shenever tells lies.A. a B. anC. the D. /3. (2018 贺州)CarolBs uncle has eggand some

4、 bread for his breakfast every morning.A. a B. anC. the D. /B4. (2017 北部湾经济区)He often watchesnews on TV for nearly hour after dinner.A. a B. anC. the D. /5. (2017 河池)一What is in your schoolbag, Ann? It look heavy.Some books and EnglishChinesedictionary.a c aA. a B. anC. the D. /6. (2017 -百色)Nancy ha

5、s bird. bird is very cute.A. a; The B. the; AC. an; The D. /; The歹重点突破1.不定冠词a/an的基本用法(1)不定冠词a和an的区别:a用在以辅音音素开头的单数可数名词前;an 用在以元音音素开头的单数可数名词前。 (2)下表是常见的以元音字母开头的单词用a和an的猗AaId 為)退:an artist an aunt an Asian country an American girlEea European country an egg an eightyearold boyIian idea an interesting s

6、toryOoan orange an old man an outgoing girlUua usefiil book a university student a UFO a usual stoiy an umbrella an ugly man an uncle an unusual story特别记不规贝U : an hour an honest man以兀音音素开头的子母:a, e, f, h, i, 1, in, n, o, r, s,X用法例句用确異卿敝或事物 的名词前I have a stoiy book我有一本故事 书。用来指一类人或事物中的任何一个,相当于anyI want

7、to buy an English book.我想 买一本英语书。表示数量,相当于one或eachAn apple a day keeps the doctor away.天 个平果, 医生远禺 我。指某人或某物,但不具体指 明哪个人或物The sun is a sta匚太阳是 颗f曰星o表示类别”泛指某一类人或 物A horse is bigger than a rabbit 马比 兔子大。=4= 4=7 rr AM-er- CT 4口、1 / once a week 一周一次 200不定冠词的常见搭配:a lot of许多 a sort/kind of种;有点儿at a time次 as

8、a result因此; 结果have a cold感冒 have a good time过得开心have a rest休息 have a try试一试in a word总之in a way在某种程度上take a walk散步 take a break休息一下示例-f-f- 1 一 rrq、-1用在决话鬲輸議的斟词前,表示特指mTediiSnto the classroom, please汤 姆,请到教室来。用在再次被提到的名词前There is a book on the desk.Tlie book is mine桌子上有一本书。那本书是我的O和一些名词连用,表示 类别The light

9、bulb was invented by Edison. 电灯泡是爰迪生发明的。用在被形容词、介词短语 或定语从句修饰的名词前I know the man on the bike我矢口道 自彳亍 车上那位男士。用在形容词的最咼级或序 数词前Tom is the tallest in our class汤姆是我 们班最高的。用法示例用在世界上独一无的事 物或乐器前the sim太阳the moon月亮 play the piano弹钢琴用在姓氏的复数刖表不“ 家人”或“夫妇”The Turners are at breakfast table. 特纳 家人坐在早餐桌旁。与某些形容词连用表不一 类

10、人或事物The young should help the old年轻 人应该帮助老人。用在由普通名词构成的专 有名词前the Great Wall长城 the United States美国 the Spring Festival 春节定冠词的常见搭配:at the same time同日寸 all the time直by the way顺便问一下 in the end最后in the past在过去in the dark在黑暗中in the way 挡道;碍事 in the distance在远处in the open air在户夕卜 in the middle of在 中间go to t

11、he cinema去看电影 on the otherhand另一方面the number of 的数量in the morning/afternoon/evening在早上/下午/用法例句 3.零冠词的基 用在专有名词或不可数 名词前本法a great country.中国是一个伟 大的国家。Wine is made from grapes.酒是用葡萄 制成的。名词刖有指示代词、物 主代词或不定代词作定 语时Go along this load沿着这条路走。Eveiy student likes chatting.每个学生 都喜欢聊天。复数名词表示一类人或 事物时My parents are

12、drivers.我的父母是司 机。用在节日、年份、日期 、月份、季节前Today is Womens Day.今天是妇女节oIf s hot in sunune匚夏大热。中肚主 口 彖 讹He went to school without bwnkfhsL他零冠词的常见搭配:最后at night/noon 在夜晚/正午 day and night H日夜夜for example例如 go home回家hand in hand手拉手 in fact事实上in danger处于危险中 make progress取得进步 on time准时on earth究竟;到底歹活学巧练1. This is s

13、tich important meeting to usall, so we cant be late.A. a B. anDC. the D. /2. Youd better have good rest afterwalking for a long way.A. an B. theC. / D. a3. Look! Whos the girl under the tree?Oh, she is my sister, Vlary.She is lovelygirl.A. the B. acC. / D. an4. Cheer up! You will get A in thelisteni

14、ng test.A. a B. theC. an D. /5. I learned tfo play piano at the age offour.A. a B. ancC. the D. /6. Susan joined an art club at age of sixand she paints well now.A. a B. anC. the D. /7. People often go swimming in summer.8. Peter is not going t6 Shanghai by trairdnstead, he will take a plane.A. a B. anC. / D. Bthe9. The man had supper at a smallrestaurant.BA. a B. /C. the D. an10. I think playing football is a goodway to learn the spirit of teamwork.

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