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1、加油站租赁合同加油站租赁合同甲方(出租方) 法定代表人 地址 乙方(承租方) 住址 根据中华人民共和国合同法及有关法律规定,甲乙双方本着平等互利等价的原则,经协商一致,就乙方租赁甲方加油站从事成品油销售业务事宜达成如下协议: 一、 租赁标的物 1.本租赁合同标的物(以下简称“租赁物”)是位于 加油站的全部资产及经营权 2.乙方所租赁甲方的加油站,甲方必须向乙方保证该加油站手续合法及各种证件齐全【包括,营业执照(主、副本)及企业法人代码证;2.国地税务登记证(主、副本);3(成品油零售经营批准证书(主、副本);4.危险化学品经营许可证(主、副本);5.防雷装置定期检测认可证;6.土地使用证;7.

2、选址认可证;8.环境保护合格证;9.消防验收合格证;10.道路开口于可证;11.村镇规划建设许可证;12.电器检测报告;13.供油协议书;14.加油站主项批复;15.建设工程规划许可证和建设用地规划许可证;16.计量合格证;17.施工图纸(工艺、电照、防雷、静电);18.公共卫生场所卫生许可证;19.房屋产权证;20.储油罐检定证书和容积表;21.machines, hanging from the deviation is ? 3mm. Hoist machinery and equipment installation and debugging should also comply wi

3、th DL/T5019 5th. provisions of article 2.2. 4) hoist installation shall conform to the construction and installation of electrical equipment drawings, technical documents of the supplier. All electrical equipment should be reliable grounding. 5) should send experienced professionals responsible for

4、debugging on each hoist the load limiter, stroke, gate open indicator, brake, locking device, and so on. Debugging after passing the adjustment parts coated with paint. 6) each hoist installed, the hoist should be clean, repair damaged coating and according to the suppliers technical documentation r

5、equirements, and lubricants, grease. (2) installation of hoist for lifting roughly in place: proposed overall 25T truck crane hoist crane to hoist room and roughly in place. Hoist for precise installation: frame accurate displacement, frame leveling. Displacement 5T hoist the fuselage completed. Lev

6、eling of the fuselage using hand tools such as chain hoists, jacks after leveling, adjust the bolt and anchor plates of metal welding, welding blocks between the anchor plates and rack. Fuselage after the installation is complete, connect, intermediate shaft coupling. (3) fixed hoist opening and clo

7、sing machine of commissioning opening and closing machine installation finished Hou for 加油机鉴定证书;22、道路开口有效证件并向乙方提供】并向乙方提供原件,需变更的应全部变更到乙方指定名下,费用由甲方承担。 二、租赁期限: 租赁期限为 年,自乙方派人员接管加油站之日起计算,即从 年 月 日至 年 月 日。 三、租金及支付方式: 1、乙方于 年 月 日先向甲方交定金人民币 元(大写: 元)乙方向甲方支付的年租金为人民币 万元(大写: )五年共计租金 万元(大写: )并定于 年 月 日交清第一年租金,于 年

8、月 日交清第二年租金,于 年 月 日交年 月 日交清第四年租金,于 年 清第三年租金,于月 日交清第五年租金。 2、租金支付方式:以现金(人民币)或转帐(均以收据和转帐票据)为准。 3、有下列情形之一:甲方免除乙方在相应期间租金(或延长乙方租赁期限)免除部分由乙方从应付租金中扣除或由甲方退还。 (1)在租赁期间,因道路施工、扩展、修路、修桥和证照不全等因素造成加油站不能正常营业或停止营业期间。 (2)因不可抗力修复或重建期间。 四、加油站设施约定及费用承担 1、加油站设施、设计应符合国家现行加油站(或油库)设计规范machines, hanging from the deviation is

9、? 3mm. Hoist machinery and equipment installation and debugging should also comply with DL/T5019 5th. provisions of article 2.2. 4) hoist installation shall conform to the construction and installation of electrical equipment drawings, technical documents of the supplier. All electrical equipment sh

10、ould be reliable grounding. 5) should send experienced professionals responsible for debugging on each hoist the load limiter, stroke, gate open indicator, brake, locking device, and so on. Debugging after passing the adjustment parts coated with paint. 6) each hoist installed, the hoist should be c

11、lean, repair damaged coating and according to the suppliers technical documentation requirements, and lubricants, grease. (2) installation of hoist for lifting roughly in place: proposed overall 25T truck crane hoist crane to hoist room and roughly in place. Hoist for precise installation: frame acc

12、urate displacement, frame leveling. Displacement 5T hoist the fuselage completed. Leveling of the fuselage using hand tools such as chain hoists, jacks after leveling, adjust the bolt and anchor plates of metal welding, welding blocks between the anchor plates and rack. Fuselage after the installati

13、on is complete, connect, intermediate shaft coupling. (3) fixed hoist opening and closing machine of commissioning opening and closing machine installation finished Hou for 和消防安全法规要求; 2、加油站供水、供电应满足加油站正常经营的要求,加油站的进出道路,公路开口已获得有关部门批准,并能满足和油站正常经营需要,排污、排水符合城建,环保要求。 3、甲方负责处理加油站经营过程中与包括政府职能部门、加油站相邻权人,周边环境与

14、村民村事、水、电供应者在内的一切外部关系,保证乙方正常经营。处理上述事务所发生的费用由 承担。 4、因加油站设施本身的质量瑕疵,使乙方及任何第三方的人身为或财产遭受损害的,甲方赔偿由此造成的一切损失。 5、在租赁期内,甲方如将加油站转让或抵押,甲方应提前30天以书面形式通知乙方,并经乙方同意。甲方不得单方终止合同。 6、甲方在乙方每次支付租金时向乙方开具合法有效的固定资金租赁发票。 7、因不可抗力致使加油站毁损不能正常使用,甲方在接到乙方通知之日起 日内修复或重建。 8、乙方在开业前甲方必须将加油站全套完整的证照原件交乙方营业使用,合同期内,甲方负责办理证照的年审,更换手续,其费用由甲方负责。

15、 9、风险抵押金(向安全生产监督管理局所交的押金)由甲方负责。 五、乙方义务 1、乙方应按本合同约定支付租金。 2、乙方应正常使用并管理租赁物,因乙方的故意或过失造成租赁第machines, hanging from the deviation is 3 页 ? 3mm. Hoist machinery and equipment installation and debugging should also comply with DL/T5019 5th. provisions of article 2.2. 4) hoist installation shall conform to th

16、e construction and installation of electrical equipment drawings, technical documents of the supplier. All electrical equipment should be reliable grounding. 5) should send experienced professionals responsible for debugging on each hoist the load limiter, stroke, gate open indicator, brake, locking

17、 device, and so on. Debugging after passing the adjustment parts coated with paint. 6) each hoist installed, the hoist should be clean, repair damaged coating and according to the suppliers technical documentation requirements, and lubricants, grease. (2) installation of hoist for lifting roughly in

18、 place: proposed overall 25T truck crane hoist crane to hoist room and roughly in place. Hoist for precise installation: frame accurate displacement, frame leveling. Displacement 5T hoist the fuselage completed. Leveling of the fuselage using hand tools such as chain hoists, jacks after leveling, ad

19、just the bolt and anchor plates of metal welding, welding blocks between the anchor plates and rack. Fuselage after the installation is complete, connect, intermediate shaft coupling. (3) fixed hoist opening and closing machine of commissioning opening and closing machine installation finished Hou f

20、or物损坏的,乙方应负责修理。 3、乙方所有在合同期间债权、债务(包括合同期间员工工资、水、电费、税金、司机工资)由乙方负责与甲方无关。 4、甲方在乙方经营前将加油站所有财产设备登记造册(并经双方签字后一式二份)交给乙方,无故丢失损坏照价赔偿。 六、交付及验收 甲乙双方应按照约定进行交付验收,若甲方交付的资产不符合上述约定,乙方有权拒收,直至符合上述的约定,验收后,双方签署“租赁资产交接明细表”同时,乙方派人员接管加油站。 七、人员安置 甲方应对加油站原有人员,另行安排并承担相关费用,乙方接管加油站后,自主安排用甲方原加油站人员及其他有关人员不得干涉,否则,由此给乙方造成的一切损失由甲方赔偿。

21、 八、加油站改造 1、乙方经甲方书面同意,可对加油站进行扩建或改造,由乙方出资添置或更换的设施、设备,所有权归乙方所有,租赁期满或根据本合同约定解除合同后,对于不可拆除或拆除后严重损害其价值、或可能影响加油站正常经营的设施、设备,双方协商确定价格后,由甲方受让;其余设施,设备由乙方自行处置。 2、甲方负责办理加油站扩建或改造所需的各种政府批文,费用由甲方承担。 九、债权承担 machines, hanging from the deviation is ? 3mm. Hoist machinery and equipment installation and debugging should

22、also comply with DL/T5019 5th. provisions of article 2.2. 4) hoist installation shall conform to the construction and installation of electrical equipment drawings, technical documents of the supplier. All electrical equipment should be reliable grounding. 5) should send experienced professionals re

23、sponsible for debugging on each hoist the load limiter, stroke, gate open indicator, brake, locking device, and so on. Debugging after passing the adjustment parts coated with paint. 6) each hoist installed, the hoist should be clean, repair damaged coating and according to the suppliers technical d

24、ocumentation requirements, and lubricants, grease. (2) installation of hoist for lifting roughly in place: proposed overall 25T truck crane hoist crane to hoist room and roughly in place. Hoist for precise installation: frame accurate displacement, frame leveling. Displacement 5T hoist the fuselage

25、completed. Leveling of the fuselage using hand tools such as chain hoists, jacks after leveling, adjust the bolt and anchor plates of metal welding, welding blocks between the anchor plates and rack. Fuselage after the installation is complete, connect, intermediate shaft coupling. (3) fixed hoist o

26、pening and closing machine of commissioning opening and closing machine installation finished Hou for 乙方接管加油站前所产生的债务由甲方承担,对一切在本合同签署日期前未被发现但起因于本合同签署日期前的应由甲方承担的索赔、负债和责任,由甲方承担,并免除乙方的一切赔偿责任,甲方清理原债务不能影响乙方的正常经营,否则,由此给乙造成的一切损失由甲方无条件赔偿。 十、甲方承诺 1、甲方保证加油站符合当地政府规划。 2、甲方保证对租赁物,租赁物的经营权及其土地使用权、房屋享有合法的出租权。 3、甲方保证在

27、租赁期内不得干涉乙方自主经营。 十一、租赁物处置 1、租赁期满后,除非甲方收回租赁物自用,否则乙方有优先租赁权,续租事宜双方另行协商。 2、租赁期满,乙方不再续租时,应自租赁期满之日起, 日内将加油站归还甲方。 十二、合同变更及解除 1、甲乙双方协商一致,可以变更或解除本合同。 2、加油站经营环境发生重大变化(如公路改造、架桥、道路封闭或隔离)导致乙方无法实现租赁合同签定时的预期,不宜继续经营的,乙方可单方解除合同,甲方退还租金。 3、因甲方原因致使乙方不能正常营业连续90日或在任意连续的3个月内累计超过60日,乙方单方解除合同甲方退还现金。 第machines, hanging from t

28、he deviation is 5 页 ? 3mm. Hoist machinery and equipment installation and debugging should also comply with DL/T5019 5th. provisions of article 2.2. 4) hoist installation shall conform to the construction and installation of electrical equipment drawings, technical documents of the supplier. All ele

29、ctrical equipment should be reliable grounding. 5) should send experienced professionals responsible for debugging on each hoist the load limiter, stroke, gate open indicator, brake, locking device, and so on. Debugging after passing the adjustment parts coated with paint. 6) each hoist installed, t

30、he hoist should be clean, repair damaged coating and according to the suppliers technical documentation requirements, and lubricants, grease. (2) installation of hoist for lifting roughly in place: proposed overall 25T truck crane hoist crane to hoist room and roughly in place. Hoist for precise ins

31、tallation: frame accurate displacement, frame leveling. Displacement 5T hoist the fuselage completed. Leveling of the fuselage using hand tools such as chain hoists, jacks after leveling, adjust the bolt and anchor plates of metal welding, welding blocks between the anchor plates and rack. Fuselage

32、after the installation is complete, connect, intermediate shaft coupling. (3) fixed hoist opening and closing machine of commissioning opening and closing machine installation finished Hou for十三、违约责任 以上条款双方应共同遵守,任何一方违约,均应向另一方支付租金 %的违约金。 十四、免责条款:由于天灾、地震、水灾、战争等不可抗拒因素 ,致使不能履行合同义务,应有双方协商解决或者部分免除履行义务合同的责任或延期合同。 十五、争议解决 本合同在履行过程中如发生争议,双方应友好协商解决,协商不成的,任何一方均可在各自户口所在地人民法院提起诉讼。 十六、合同效力及附件 1、本合同自双方签字并盖章之日起生效。 2、本合同附件是本合同组成部分与本合同具有同等法律效力。 3、本合同未尽事宜双方可另行签订补充合同,补充合同是本合同的组成部分,与本合同具有同等法律效力。 4、本合同一式贰份,双方各执壹份,具有同等法律效力。 甲方(盖章): 乙方(签字): 法定代表人: 法定代表人: 日期: 日期: machi

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