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1、高中英语必修4Unit1知识点详解带练习和答案解析Book 4 Unit1 Women of achievement1、achievement n.(1)C 成就,功绩:have a sense of achievement有成就感(2)U 达到,完成:achieve vt.(经过长期努力)达到,实现,取得;achievable adj.可完成的,可达到的;achiever n.成功人士【即学即练1】( )Although medical science_control over several dangerous diseases,what worries us is that some o

2、f them are returning. A.achieved B.has achieved C.will achieve D.had achieved【即学即练2】( )Its through learning that the individual _many habitual ways of reacting to situations. A.retains B.gains C.achieves D.acquires2、put.to的三个主要含义:(1)使某人在某地或或某种状况下,尤指睡觉、休息或死亡:She put her child to bed.(2)问(问题);提(建议):I

3、put a question to him.(3)以某种方式试验(某人或某事):Lets put the matter to a vote.【即学即练3】( )At last the government put the criminal _by hanging him. die death be dying D.into death【即学即练4】( )I was hoping Mr Brown could _for a few days. A.put me in B.put me down C.put me on D.put me up 3、welfare n

4、U (1) 幸福,健康;福祉:Our only concern is the childrens welfare.我们唯一关心的是孩子们的幸福。(2)对有个人或社会问题的人提供的帮助;福利welfare benefits/services/programmes:the provision of education and welfare services提供教育和福利服务(3) 政府向穷人或失业者发放的救济金on welfare:Most of the people in this neighborhood are on welfare.这一街区的大多数人都领取福利救济。4、project v

5、 (1)T预计,推断be projected to do sth:Total expenditure is projected to rise by 25%.总开支预计增加25%。(2)I 凸出,突出:projecting teeth龅牙+ out/from/through etc Four towers projected from the main building.从主楼上凸出来四个塔楼。(3)T 放映;投射project sth onto sth:She projected the slide onto the wall.她将幻灯片投射到墙上。(4)T 呈现出样子,表现自己projec

6、t yourself (as sth):his attempts to project himself as a potential leader他试图表现出自己作为未来领导的样子(5)计划,预定the projected closure of the hospital计划关闭这所医院(6)project your voice放开声音使大房间的每个人都能听见(7)T 传播:The plant projects its seeds over a wide area. 那种植物可以把种子散播到很大的范围。(8)T使某人迅速成功;让某人迅速获得更好的工作project sb into/onto et

7、c sth:His success projected him onto Channel 4s comedy series Packet of Three.他的成功让自己跻身于第四频道的系列喜剧三人帮中。(9)T 想象他人具有自己的思想感情;把自己的感情投射到他人身上project sth on/onto sb:Youre projecting your insecurity onto me.你在把自己的不安全感强加到我身上。5、specialist n 专家(1)specialize vi.专注,专攻,specialize in sth专攻.(major in主修.)(2)specialty

8、 n.专业,特长6、campaign n./v.(1)n. C运动,活动;战役:+to do为(做)的;+for/against为/反对的The campaign to seize the city was a failure. 攻占这个城市的战役失败了。 The city hall is planning to start a campaign against smoking. 市政府计划发起禁烟运动。 (2)vi. 作战;参加运动 + for/against/to doThey are campaigning to save the area from building developme

9、nt.他们正开展一场反对在这个地区进行房地产开发的运动。(3)campaigner n.竞选者,从军者,出征者,老兵【即学即练5】( )The company is starting a new advertising _to attract customers. A.principle B.attitude C.campaign D.thunder7、organize v (1)T 组织,筹划,安排活动:The course was organized by a training company.(2)T 组织,安排人员做某事organize yourself:The scientists

10、need to organize themselves and work as a team.这些科学家要组织起来,作为一个团队来工作。(3)T to管理,安排(manage也有此意思)He doesnt need you to organize his life for him.他不需要你来安排他的生活。Organize yourself to arrive at places on time.你要安排好时间,准时到达预定地点。(4)T 排列,编组:We are learning about how genes are organized.我们在了解基因是如何排列的。(5)organized

11、 adj. 有组织的;有条理的,有安排的:井井有条地in an organized way(这个短语要多用)(6)organization n.组织,机构,团体:世贸组织(WTO)the World Trade Organization 8、behave v I (1)表现+ towards I think he behaved disgracefully towards you.我觉得他对你太不像话了。+ like grown men behaving like schoolboys表现得像小学生一样的成年男子behave as if/though:He was a little boy,

12、but he behaved as if he was an adult.他是个小男孩,可表现得跟大人一样。(2)举止规矩有礼;检点 OPP misbehave:Behave yourself! 规矩点! Will you children please behave!你们这些孩子能不能规矩一点!well-behaved/badly-behaved:a badly-behaved class 不守规矩的班级(3)always + adv/prep作出反应,发生作用Quantum mechanics is the study of the way atoms behave.量子力学是研究原子运动

13、的学科。(4)be on ones good/best behavior行为检点,举止规矩【即学即练6】根据中文提示完成句子:(1)I want you to _(举止得体)while Im away.(2)Im sorry about what I did last night_(我太幼稚了)【即学即练7】( )(2009湖南六校联考)The children do not know how to _ themselves at the party. AactBperform Cbehave Dadvance9、concern v/n(一)vt(1)be the business of st

14、h,be important to,affect影响,对.有重要性Dont interfere in what doesnt concern you. The loss was a tragedy for all concerned.(2)关于:a report that concerns drug abuse(v/n滥用,谩骂).concerning(=respecting) prep.关于.(3)concern oneself with/in/about sth忙于.,对.感兴趣:There is no need to concern yourself with this matter,w

15、e are dealing with it.(4)使.担忧,烦恼,打扰.:Our losses are beginning to concern me.(5)to whom it may concern 敬启者写在正式信函开头的一句套话,用于写信人不知道收信人的姓名时(二)cn/un(1)U 忧虑,担心,关切+ for our concern for human rights我们对人权的关注+ about/over/with the rise of concern about the environment对环境越来越多的关注concern that:increased concern tha

16、t the war could continue for a long time怕战争会长期继续下去而日益增加的担心be a cause for concern/cause concern:The activities of the far right have been a cause for concern for a while now.极右分子的活动引起关注已经有一段时间了。(2)C 担心的事,关切的事Education remains the electorates main concern.教育仍是选民主要关心的问题。(3)C,U关系到你自己的重要的事情+ for The cons

17、umer has become a major concern for this government.消费者成了这届政府关注的重点of concern to sb:topics of concern to television viewers(4)singular, U 关爱,关怀:+ for parents loving concern for their children(5)sbs concern某人的责任:The money side of the business is your concern.这件事钱的方面由你负责。(6)not sbs concern/none of sbs

18、concern某人不感兴趣的事;与某人无关的事His affairs were none of her concern.他的私事与她无关。【即学即练8】( )The farmers are concerned _their farmland,because it is concerned _their food. A.for,about B.about,for C.about,with D.with,about【即学即练9】( )All the memories of his childhood had _ from his mind by the time he was 65. A.fade

19、d B.illustrated C.confined D.concerned【即学即练10】( )_money,she is quite rich.However,this does not mean that she is happy. A.Concerning B.As to C.In terms of D.In the sight of10、shade n/v(1)un. 荫;阴凉处:I saw him sitting in/under the shade of a tree. 我看见他坐在树荫下。重点词组:in the shade在阴凉处,默默无闻:The actress still

20、remains in the shade.a shade 少量,稍微:The results were a shade better than we expected.结果比我们预计的稍(2)vt. 遮住光线, 遮蔽,蔽荫:Trees shade the streets. 重点词组:shadefrom/against使免受的照射She shaded her eyes from/against the sun. shade into sth渐渐与分辨不清,逐渐变成His impatience shaded into anger.他由不耐烦逐渐变成了愤怒。(3)shadow影子,阴影(是一个平面)

21、;而shade是一个立体空间,指遮挡阳光的地方。【即学即练11】( ) (2009宜春期末)AIDS is spreading all over the world at a shocking speed. Where its dark _ appears,we see pain,tears and death. Ashape Bshadow Cambition Dmark E.symbol【即学即练12】( )Nobody yet knows how long and how seriously the _in the financial system will drag down the

22、economy. A.shallowness B.shakiness C.scantiness D.stiffness11、move off离开;启程;出发 Last night he moved off without saying goodbye to me.其他move的短语:move about四处走动,转换工作;move away搬走;move in迁入新居;move down下降等级;move up上升,晋升;move on开始做别的事,换话题;move out搬出去,迁出【即学即练13】( )It was decided to _ the search when there wa

23、s no hope of finding the missing girl. Acall off Bmove off Ckeep off Dmove away【即学即练14】( )They had planned to _in the morning but were stopped by the storm. A.move out B.move over C.move away D.move off12、worth adj 只能做表语 be (well) worth doing (很)值得做 (主动形式表被动意义)(1) 重点词组:get ones money worth使某人的钱花的有价值

24、;worth ones salt称职的;for whats it worth不管怎样;worth it有用的,值得的(2)worthy adj.值得的值得做某事be worthy to be done =be worthy of being done =be worthy of + n. (牢记)(3)worthwhile adj. 值得做的;值得花费时间(精力)的;可作定语和表语a worthwhile experiment/job. The experiment is worthwhile.做某事是值得的 It is worthwhile to do sth;It is worthwhil

25、e doing sth;be worth ones while to do/doing(4)be worth +钱数:The bicycle is worth 50.这辆自行车值50英镑。【即学即练15】( )The problem he put forth at the meeting was _.Which one of the following is WRONG? A.worth thinking over B.worthy to consider C.worthy of being thought over D.worthy of consideration【即学即练16】( )I

26、am sure this painting was not painted by Picasso.Its only an unsuccessful fake and so its _. A.priceless B.invaluable C.worthless D.precious13、observe vt.(1)T not in progressive 看到,注意到,观察到 observation n.观察,预测,监视observer n.目击者;under observation在观察中;在监视中observe that:It was observed that 40 percent of

27、patients had high blood pressure.observe sb doing/do sth:Officers observed him driving at 90 miles per hour.(2)I,T 观察,监视,观测:The police have been observing his movements.。(3)T 说,评论:Sid looks ill, Doherty observed. (4)T 遵守,奉行法律或协议observance n.(对法律、习俗的)遵守So far the ceasefire has been observed by both s

28、ides.遵守着停火协定。(5)T 遵守,奉行宗教或习俗,庆祝:Some people observe Christmas here. (6)表示“使,让”的动词make, have等,以及感官动词see , watch,observe, feel,hear,listen to,look at等,变为被动语态,成为主语补足语的不定式时,必须带toHe observed her come across the street. She was observed to come across the street.【即学即练17】( )(2011广西百校联考)It is required that

29、all traffic participants should_the traffic rules to make traffic safer and safer. A.perform B.observe D.possess【即学即练18】( )All individuals are required to _to the laws made by their governments. A.obey B.conform C.concede D.observe14、respect v/n(1)v/n尊敬;敬重 respect for sb./ sth. 尊重某人/某事;gai

30、n/earn/win ones respect 赢得某人的尊重;show/pay respect for sb.尊敬某人;out of respect for sb出于对.的尊敬;hold respect尊敬某人;give/send ones respects to sb待某人向某人问好(=remember sb to sb)(2)n.方面 重点词组:in all respect=in every respect在各个方面;in respect of/to关于,对.来说;with respect to关于;in no respect无论在哪方面都不是,完全不是;without respect to不考虑;不管 (3)词汇辨析1)respectable:of acceptable social position,decent and proper in appearance or behavior of a moderately good standard or size,not bringing disgrace or embarrassment2)respected:admired by many people because of your good work or

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