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1、外刊经贸知识选读复习资料外刊经贸知识选读第一章一、术语1.制成品 manufactured goods 2.资本货物 capital goods 3.国际收支 balance of payments. 经常项目 current account 有形贸易项目 visible trade account 无形贸易项目 invisible trade account 贸易顺差 trade surplus 贸易逆差 trade deficit易货贸易 barter 补偿贸易 compensation trade 反向贸易 counter-trade 组装生产 assembly manufacturin

2、g 工商统一税 industrial and commercial consolidated tax 合资企业 joint venture 延期付款 deferred payment 买方信贷 buyer credit 卖方信贷 supplier credit 软贷款 (低息贷款) soft loan 最惠国待遇 MFN treatment (Most Favored nation treatment)永久性正常贸易关系 PNTR(Permanent Normal Trading Relations) 国民收入 NI(National Income) 国民生产总值 GNP(Gross Nati

3、onal Product) 国内生产总值 GDP(Gross Domestic Product) 国际复兴和开发银行 IBRD(International Bank for Reconstruction and Development) 国际开发协会 IDA(International Development Association) 国际金融公司 IFC(International Finance Comporation) 经济合作和发展组织 OECD(Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development)国际清算银行 BIS(Bank

4、for International Settlement) 欧洲经济共同体 EEC(European Economic Community) 欧洲联盟 EU(European Union) 外商直接投资 FDI(Foreign Direct Investment)二、词语释义:substantially : dramatically, significantly, considerablysubsequently: afterwardsexacerbate: deteriorate, worsen; aggravate; make worsewithdraw: cancellationthem

5、e: principlein return for: in exchange fordisrupt: interruptdestined: designedpronounced: markedin the wake of: following; after withundue: too much; unbearablereverse: change to the oppositebuoyant: briskoutcome: resultboost: stimulate; promote; developrecover: reboundfacilitate: make easyrun-down:

6、 reductionmount exhibitions: hold exhibitionsinsofar as: to the extentbottlenecks: obstacles三、句子翻译1. During the 1950s China exported agricultural products to the USSR and East European countries in return for manufactured goods and the capital equipment required for the countrys industrialization pr

7、ogramme which placed emphasis on the development of heavy industry.20世纪50年代,中国向前苏联和东欧各国出口农产品以换取制成品和国家的工业化计划所要求的资本设备,而国家的工业化计划则强调重工业的发展。2. The growth of foreign trade was distrupted again during the Cultural Revolution when agricultural and industrial production fell sharply and transportation constr

8、aints became more serious.3. Exports grew much faster than imports during this period not only because of the strong emphasis placed on exporting by Chinas economic planners, but also because a number of industrial projects were postponed in 1979. Official recognition that foreign technology could p

9、lay a major role in modernizing the Chinese economy has caused imports to rise by more than 50 per cent in 1978, placing undue strain on the national economy.在这个时期,出口增长要快于进口增长不仅是由于中国经济计划者着重强调出口,也是因为大多工业项目在1979年被推迟了。官方承认外国技术能够在中国经济的现代化化中起重大作用,这导致了1978年中国的进口增加了50%以上,从而给国民经济带来了重压。Nextpage4. Chinese off

10、icial stress the importance of introducing advanced technology to domestic industry, but the need is for technology of varying degrees of sophistication,not necessarily for advanced technology as that term is understood in the West.中国官员强调为国内工业引进先进技术的重要性,但是需要的是各种程度不同的精尖技术,而不是像西方国家理解的先进技术。5. There are

11、 no official statistics covering the invisible account of the balance of payments,but the size of the visible trade surplus during 1981-1983 and a pronounced increase in earnings from tourism suggest that the current account has been in surplus over the past few years. 没有官方的统计资料涉及无形贸易收支,但在1981-1983年

12、期间的有形贸易顺差的大小和旅游赢利的显著增长表明了经常项目在过去几年里有盈余。6. Goods are produced according to a sample provided by the customer,while strong encouragement is given to compensation trade whereby a foreign seller supplies raw materials and equipment and receives manufactured goods, produced by the equipment provided,in r

13、eturn .Compensation trade differs from barter or counter-trade insofar as there is a direct link between the equipment supplied from abroad and the manufactured product. Assembly manufacturing began in 1978 and particular forms of foreign trade are eligible for exemption from customs duties and taxa

14、tion.根据顾客提供的样品来生产产品,同时强烈鼓励补偿贸易。由此国外的供应商提供原材料和设备并收到由其提供的设备生产出来的制成品作为回报。补偿贸易在某种程度上不同于易货贸易和反向贸易,在国外提供的设备和制成品中有直接的联系。来件组装始于1978年,特殊的对外贸易形式有资格免除关税和其他税收。7. The debt problems confronting a number of developing countries have reinforced Chinas determination to introduce foreign technology by means of direct

15、 investment and concessionary finance rather than by raising substantial sums of money on the international capital markets. The authorities do not consider it appropriate to incur large amounts of external debt until a number of practical bottlenecks in the economy, such as an inadequate transport

16、network and energy constraints, have been tackled.许多发展中国家面对的债务问题使中国在引进外国技术时下了这样的决心:采用直接投资和优惠付款方式融资,而不是在国际资本市场筹集大额的资金。在经济中的许多实际瓶颈,如运输网络的不足和能源缺乏被克服以前,官方认为招来大笔外债的做法是不妥当的。第二章一、术语:1.The special Economic Zone 经济特区2.a well-placed source 一位高层消息灵通人士3.infrastructure 基础设施 stock 实际资本5.consumer goods 消费

17、品6.preferential tax rate 优惠税率7.cooperative enterprise 合作(经营)企业8.ETDZ ( Economic &Technical Development Zone )经济技术开发区9.entrepreneurship 企业家精神10.means of production 生产资料11.stock-taking 评估12.Allocation of resources 资源配置13.macroregulation and control 宏观调控14.fiscal policies 财政政策15.tight monetary policy 紧

18、缩的货币政策16.working capital 运营资本17.basic policy 基本国策18.technical transformation 技术革新二、词语释义 piecemeal form: piece by piece; gradually 逐渐的2.showpiece: a prime or outstanding example 典范3.pipedream: fantasy; daydream; dream that cannot be realized 白日梦4.from scratch: from the very beginning 从零开始,从最初开始5

19、.grassroots: basic level 基层6.the dust settles: the confusion ends 尘埃落定 the drivers seat: in the dominant position三、句子翻译:1.A clearly confident China has rolled up a large section of its bamboo curtain, declared itself “open to the outside world” and hung signs on nearly all its cities inviting fo

20、reign investors to come and do serious business.明显地,满怀信心的中国卷起了大部分的竹幕,并宣布向外部世界开放,打出邀请外国投资者来它所有的城市投资项目的招牌。2.The literally, this does not make more sense as the parts of the coast which have not been “opened” are simply not ready for the demands of foreign businessman.从字面上来理解,这没有太大的意义,由于部分沿海城市还没有为外商的需求

21、做好准备。3.In the SEZs, which are being built almost from scratch, foreigners can invest in anything which the state deems useful for the country, be it, for example, production of goods for export or construction of private-housing estates.在一切几乎从零开始的经济特区,只要中国政府认为对国家有益,外国人可对任何项目进行投资,例如出口货物的生产或私人住宅的房地产开发

22、。4.So, while comprehensive framework for the country“s modernization has been provided by the central committee”s 21 October 1984 decision to reform the economic structure, it will be some time before the dust settles and local authorities and foreign investors can deal with one another in a systema

23、tic way.因此,虽然中央委员会1984年10月21日的改革经济结构的决定为该国的现代化提供了一个综合的框架,但要等尘埃落定、要等地方政府与外国投资者能有条不紊的打交道却还需要一段时间。5.Stock-taking of the open policy will come later this year when the National Peoples Congress discusses the seventh five-year plan, which will run to the end of the decade.评估开放政策将在这年迟一些到来,在全国人民代表大会讨论第七个五年

24、计划,到10年末将进行。第三章一、术语:1.economic heavyweight 举足轻重的经济强国mercial hub 商业活动中心3.Per capita 人均4.Gross National Product 国民生产总值5.punitive import tariff 惩罚性进口关税6.securities 有价证券7.real estate market 房地产市场8.“ Greater China”trade bloc “大中华”贸易集团9.conglomerate 跨行业公司10.consortium 国际财团11.GATT:General Agreement on Tari

25、ffs and Trade 关贸总协定二、词语释义:1.jockey: bustling with: is filled with3.giddy: dizzy; euphoric4.farfetched: improbable; incredible5.clear: earn a net a hard blow t strike heavily7.rung: level8.retaliation: return of ill treatment for ill treatment; revenge; out of c

26、ontrol: run out of controlNextpage三、句子翻译:1. A farfetched prediction? The new American administration doesnt think so. Bill Clinton has appointed China hands to top Asia posts at the state and Treasury departments. When critics called the appointments a slight to Japan, the leading Pacific economic p

27、ower, U.S. Deputy Treasury Secretary Roger Altman explained the administrations reasoning: by early in the next century, he said ,China may replace Japan in importance to the U.S. as an economic partner. Japan recognizes the rise of China. As a warning shot in an intensifying rivalry, Tokyo last wee

28、k put punitive import tariffs on Chinese steel.一个牵强的预测吗?新美国行政机构不这样俯为,克林顿已被委任中国国务院和财政部在亚洲的要职,评论家称这个委任冷落了日本。最大的太平经济力量,美国的代表-财政部长罗格奥得曼解释行政机构的理由:他说:“在下个世纪初,中国可以会取代日本作为美国经济伙伴的重要地位。”日本承认中国的崛起,上周日本作为在日益激烈竞争中的一次鸣枪警示给中国的钢以惩罚性的进口关税。2.With the U.S. Congress due to consider the renewal of China“s most-favored n

29、ation trade status in June, officials in Beijing fear the trade imbalance could surpass human rights as a source of U.S. opposition to preferred status for China. ”The trade surplus itself will be the NO.1 problem this year.“ Says one Chinese official. ”After Japan, well be first in line for relatio

30、n.“美国议会由于考虑在六月延长中国最惠国待遇,北京的官员担心贸易不平衡可能超越人权问题而作为反对优惠待遇的借口。中国的一位官员说:“贸易顺差将会成为今年首要问题。”继日本之后,我们会成为第一个被报复的国家。3.However, even as the party promotes growth as a national priority, it worries about going too far. Inflation has recently climbed back into double digits, and the party press is issuing strident

31、 warnings, urging restraint on buyers and sellers alike. Rapid development is overwhelming Chinas antique transport networks.然而,正当党把促进增长作为一个国家优先的问题时,它又担心增长的太快。通货膨胀已在近期又回到了两位数,党政刊物发出刺耳的警告,力劝买卖方都要克制。第四章一、术语:1.centrally-planned economy 中央计划经济 economy 市场经济3.disinflationary (anti-inflationary) policies 反通货膨胀政策4.deflation 通货紧缩5.short-term dollar interest rates 短期美元利率modity market 商品市场7.nominal (dollar) terms 名义(美元)价8.constant (dolla

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