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1、湖南省中考英语单项选择题真题汇编2019湖南省中考英语单项选择题真题(郴州2019中考英语)21.-My dn加油aughter seldom has breakfast.-n加油-Its _unhealthy habit. Breakn加油fast is very important to health.A. a n加油 B. an n加油C. the22.-Have you n加油ever been to South Tower Park?-Yes. n加油I _there a fewn加油 months ago.A. went n加油 B. have been C. have gone2

2、3.-Do yn加油ou know the student _gon加油t an A in the English en加油xam?-Of course. She is mn加油y deskmate, Li HongA. who n加油 B. whom C. wn加油hose24.-You can only keepn加油 the books for two weeks, Tom. Remember n加油_them on time.-I will. A. retn加油urn B. retun加油rning C. to return25.-n加油Look at the girl in the

3、square!-Oh. In加油m surprised that a _ girl cann加油 dance so well!A. three-yean加油rs-old B. three-yen加油ar-old C. three years old2n加油6.-Sally, its already 10: n加油00 pm. Its time for you to go to n加油bed.-OK. Dad. Ill turn _n加油_ the TV right now.A. on n加油 B. down C. off27.-n加油-Do you know when and whern加油e

4、 the 24 Winter Olympic Games_n加油_?-In Beijing and Zhangjiakou, n加油in 2022.A. is held n加油 B. will be held n加油 C. will hold28.-I sawn加油 Toms father bought lots of bon加油oks yesterday.-Thats not strange. n加油Not only Tom but also his n加油father _readinn加油g.A .enjoy B. enjoys n加油 C. enjoyedn加油29.-May I be

5、allowed n加油to choose a summer course?-Its up ton加油 you. Youre _ to make your own n加油decision. A. too old n加油 B. enough old C.n加油 old enough30. My grandfather dn加油oes Chinese Kung Fu every day n加油_ he is over eighty. A. sin加油nce B. though n加油 C. until(湘西州20n加油19中考英语)21Hi Mom Where is my_?n加油Oh, it is

6、 in your room Aschoolbagsn加油 Ba schoolbag Cschn加油oolbag22_is your Tshirt, n加油Kate?Its seven dollars AHow n加油much BHow many CHow old23n加油When is your birthday, n加油Mike?My birthday is_ _June n加油3rd Aon Bn加油in Cat24Whan加油t happened just now?n加油A car hit an old lady at the crossingSn加油he was hurt,_not t

7、oo n加油bad Aand Bbut n加油 Cor25Hi, Bob What club do yn加油ou want to join?I want to Joinn加油 a sports club I can_ n加油very well Aplay the n加油football Bplay a n加油football Cplay footbaln加油l 26What time_ Jim usually tn加油ake a shower, Rick?He usn加油ually takes a shower at six forty An加油do Bdoesn加油 Cdid27How n加

8、油far is it from_ home to n加油school?Im not sureaboun加油t 10kilometers Ayour n加油Byou Cyours28Excuse n加油me, Mary Can you read 198 in Englishn加油?Yes, of course_n加油 AOne hundred ninetyein加油ghtBOne hundred nine eighn加油tCOne hundred and ninetyeight29Lindn加油a, why do you often go to see n加油the pandas?I go to

9、 sen加油e_ because they are very n加油interesting Athey Btn加油hem Ctheir30Excun加油se me Is there a bank near here?n加油_ Its just betn加油ween my house and a post n加油office AYes, it is BNon加油,there isnt CYes, there is3n加油1What is Bill doinn加油g right now?He_ sn加油occer He_ soccer every Sn加油aturday Aplay; plays

10、Bplays;n加油 is playingCis playing; plays3n加油2Can you come to my birtn加油hday party tonight?Yes, Id love to n加油But I have to finish_ mn加油y English homework firstn加油 Adoing Bto do Cdn加油oes33Mr Wang, musn加油t I come back to clean the classroom n加油again?No, you_ I have asken加油d Kate to do it()Amustnt n加油 B

11、neednt Cshouldnt34In加油n our English study, I think speakn加油ing is as important as readingI dn加油ont agree with you Readn加油ing is _than speaking, I think Ain加油mportant Bmore imn加油portantCthe most important35 Yon加油ur ring looks niceYes, and it_n加油_ _in Thailand Amakes n加油Bmade Cwas maden加油36What kind o

12、f teachers do yon加油u like, John?I like the teachers _n加油_are friendly to us An加油which Bwhosen加油 Cwho37I think Karn加油en should go swimming with KateIf shen加油 _, she will have great fun Adon加油es Bdo Cwilln加油 do38Alice does her homework as_n加油 as Peter Acarefully n加油Bmore careful Ccareful39Li n加油Wen is

13、 a normal_ _boy fromn加油 the countryside He works n加油hard and does well in schon加油ol A15 years old B1n加油5yearsold C15yearn加油old40Look! Whats on the groundn加油?Oh, its my sweatern加油 Please_ Apick itn加油 up Bpick up it Cpn加油ick my sweater up 41Where do yon加油u live, Lin Tao?I live inn加油 Beijing now I_ n加油

14、here for ten years Amoved n加油 Bhave moved n加油 Chave been342_un加油seful advice you give me! In加油 will follow it and try to do en加油verything best()AHow BWhan加油t CWhat a43Can yon加油u tell me_?Suren加油 He lives on Center Street Awhern加油e does he live Bwhen加油re he live Cwhere he lives n加油 44Molly has change

15、d so much! Sn加油he_ be shy and quietYeah Butn加油 now she_ speaking in front ofn加油 class Aused to; is used to n加油 Bis used to; usen加油d toCused to; used n加油to45Hi, good morning n加油My name is Tim This n加油is my first time to be hen加油re_ AIts all rightn加油 BNice to meet you CThat won加油uld be very nice(永州2n加

16、油019中考英语)21. What do you thinkn加油 of movie Amazing Chinn加油a?Its wonderful.A. a B.n加油 the C./22. Mom, can you help men加油 wash my clothes?Sorry, dn加油ear. Help .A.n加油 myself B. ourselves n加油C. yourself23. Stephen加油n Hawking, a great scientist, dn加油ied the morning of Marcn加油h 14, 2019.A. on n加油 C.a

17、t24. Playing computer n加油games too often bad for us.An加油.am C. n加油are25. Slow down! Someone n加油 the road.Easy. I wn加油ill.A. has crossed n加油B. was crossing crossing26. n加油Is our playground still oven加油r there?No, a large librarn加油y on it two years ago.A.in加油s built B. was built n加油 C. has b

18、uilt27. Dont forget n加油 the windows before yon加油u close n加油 B. closing C. closen加油d28. !Yeah, I love her sn加油o much.A. How lovely n加油Peggy is B. What lovely Peggn加油y is C. How lovely is Peggy2n加油9. Excuse me, couln加油d you tell me I can bn加油uy something to eat?There in加油s a supermarket ahe

19、ad.A. how n加油B. what C. where30. n加油Im sure youll achieve it in the en加油nd you keepn加油 on doing than加油t long as C. unless (长沙20n加油19中考英语)21-The weathen加油r report says its going to have a showen加油r this afternoon-In加油t does? Wed better_ nn加油ow, just in case Ato leavn加油e Bleaving C

20、leave22-Isn加油 the man over there Adamn加油?-It_be himHe has gone to Hn加油ong Kong on vacation Amn加油ust Bcant Cmustnt23. -Do then加油 twins look the same?-NoJane is_n加油taller than Claire Alittle Bmorn加油e Ca little24. - How many apples cn加油an I have?-You can have two_are forn加油 Jim AThe others n加油BOthers C

21、The other25. You mustnn加油t drive a car on the road_n加油you get a drivers license Aunless n加油 Bif Csince26-Mn加油om, I bought us two ticn加油kets to the 2019World n加油Cup in Russia-Really?_pleasant sn加油urprise! AHow BWhat CWn加油hat a27British physin加油cist Stephen Hawking, who_ as tn加油he smartest man alive,

22、passed away n加油in England on March 14, 2019 n加油Apraised Bwas praised n加油Cwill be praised 28. As long as tn加油he whole of our society_trying,n加油 we will make our skies bn加油lue again Akeeps n加油 Bwill keep Ckept29. Kids, n加油I hope youll remember the good old n加油days_we spent together in junior hn加油igh t

23、hough its time to say goodbyn加油e Awho Bwhat Cn加油which30. -Does anybody want to shn加油are_ on Fathers Day?n加油-Guess what? Ill wn加油rite a poem for my dadn加油 Awhen will you shopn加油 Bwhat you will do Cwhere n加油you will go(邵阳2019中考英语)21. Is this n加油your English book? Nn加油o, its my brothers. n加油 is over th

24、ere.A. Mn加油ine B. My C. Me22. My daughn加油ter is years old. Today is hen加油r birthday.A. nine; ninetn加油h B. nine; ninth C. ninth; n加油nine 23. Where is Jim? Look! Hn加油e _ under the treen加油.A. is standing B. ston加油od C. stands24. n加油_do you watch TV? Twice n加油a week.A. How often B. Hown加油 long C. How so

25、on25. n加油Remember _ some fruit when youn加油 come back.A. buying n加油 B. to buy C. buy26. Gn加油uangzhou is one of _cities in Chin加油na.A. the biggest B. big n加油 C. bigger27. Must In加油 go home now? No, you_. n加油 A. mustnt B. needntn加油 C. shouldnt28. _ Wugangn加油 Airport_ last year?n加油 A. Did; build B. Had;

26、n加油 built C. Was; built29. Tn加油 h e man_ is talkingn加油 to my math teacher is my father.n加油 A. who B. which n加油 C. what30. My mothn加油er was badly ill in hospital n加油yesterday. I had to look after her,n加油 so I didnt go to havn加油e the picnic. _n加油_.A. Never mind Bn加油. I am sorry to hear that C.n加油 No p

27、roblem (岳阳2019中考英语)这个工作可让学生分组n加油负责收集整理,登在小黑板上,每周一换。要求学生抽空抄录并且阅读成诵。其目的在于扩n加油大学生的知识面,引导学生关注社会,热爱生活,所以内容要n加油尽量广泛一些,可以分为人生、价值、理想、学习、成长、责任、友谊n加油、爱心、探索、环保等多方面。如此下去,除假期外,一年便可以积累40多n加油则材料。如果学生的脑海里有了众多的鲜活生动的材料,写起文章来还用乱翻参n加油考书吗?21Its such ln加油ovely panda that we all n加油love it A/ Ba Can22Is tn加油his your dicti

28、onary?Yes its n加油Ame Bmy Cmine23The little gn加油irl over there is cousinn加油 ATom BToms Cthe Tom24I hn加油ave to study too much n加油 I don t get enoun加油gh sleep Abut Bso Cor25Everyone n加油knows that China is getting n加油Astrong and strong Bstrongest and stn加油rongestCstronger and stronger 26Then加油y asked th

29、eir son n加油 the bed last weekend n加油Ato make Bmaking Cmade27n加油My grandmother is going to n加油 a hobby like shopping n加油on the Internet An加油take up Blook up Cget upn加油28Excuse me, do you know ?Itn加油 closes at 9: 00 PM Awhen加油n does the bookstore close tn加油odayBwhen the bookstore closes todan加油yCwhen will the bookstore cln加油ose today afte

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