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1、人教版六年级上册英语教材课文翻译Unit13人教版六年級上冊英語教材課文翻譯Unit 1 3 Recycle1Unit1 How can I get there? Hey,Robin. Where is the science museum?嘿,羅賓。科學博物館在哪兒?Its near the library.它在圖書館附近。I see. How can I get there? 我知道了。我怎麼到那兒?Turn right at the school. Then go straight.到學校右轉。然後直走。OK. Lets go.好。讓我們走吧。Excuse me. Can you hel

2、p me?打擾一下,你能幫助我嗎?Sure.當然。How can I get to the science museum? 我怎麼到科學博物館?Its over there.它在那邊。Thanks.謝謝。Oh, where is Robin?哦,羅賓在哪兒?P4 Lets tryWu Yifan and Robin are looking at some robots. Listen and tick.吳一凡和羅賓正在看一些機器人。聽一聽並打鉤。1.Where are they? 他們在哪兒?In the museum在博物館裏。In the bookstore 在書店裏。2.Is Grand

3、pa there? (外)祖父在那兒嗎?Yes,he is是,他在。 No,he isnt.不,他不在。P4 Lets talk部分翻譯Wu Yifan:Robin,where is the museum shop? I want to buy a postcard.吳一凡:羅賓,博物館商店在哪兒?我想要買一張明信片。Robin:Its near the door.羅賓:在大門附近。Wu Yifan:Thanks. Where is the post office? I want to send it today.吳一凡:謝謝。郵局在哪兒?我想今天把它寄出去。Robin:I dont know

4、. Ill ask. Excuse me, sir.羅賓:我不知道。我去問一下。打擾一下,先生。Man:Wow! A talking robot! What a great museum!男人:哇!一個說話機器人!多麼偉大一個博物館啊!Robin:Where, is the post office?羅賓:郵局在哪兒?Man:Its next to the museum.男人:它挨著博物館。Robin:Thanks.羅賓:謝謝。Where is the museum shop/post office? Talk about the places in your aty/town/village.

5、博物館商店由B局在哪兒?談論一下你城市城鎮村莊裏地點。Is there a.?有一(個家)嗎?Where is it?它在哪兒?Its near/next to/behind.它在附近挨著在後面。park公園library圖書館zoo動物園post office郵局school學校museum博物館Lets learnMake a map and talkpet hospital寵物醫院 park公園There is a pet hospital in my city.在我城市裏有一家寵物醫院。Where is it?它在哪兒?Its near the park.它在公園附近。P6 Lets

6、try Wu Yifan is calling Mike. Listen and tick or cross.吳一凡正在和邁克通電話。聽一聽,打鉤或打叉。1.They want to go to the bookstore. 他們想要去書店。2.The cinema is next to the bookstore. 電影院挨著書店。P6 Lets talkPopcorn爆米花Mike:What an interesting film! 多麼有趣電影啊!Wu Yifan:Yes,but Im hungry now. I know a。great Italian restaurant.吳一凡:是

7、,但是我現在餓了。我知道一家很棒意大利餐館。Mike:Yum! I like pizza! Where is the restaurant? 邁克:好呀!我喜歡比薩餅。餐館在哪兒?Wu Yifan:Its next to the park on Dongfang Street. 吳一凡,:它在東方大街上,挨著公園。Mike:How can we get there? 邁克:我們怎麼到那兒?Robin:Turn left at the bookstore. Then turn right at the hospital.羅賓:到書店左轉,然後到醫院右轉。Mike:OK. Lets go! 邁克:

8、好。讓我們走吧!How can Wu Yifan and Mike get to the restaurant? 吳一凡和邁克怎麼到餐館?Talk about a cinema or restaurant you like. How can you get there?談論你喜歡一個電影院或餐館。你怎麼到那兒?I like.我喜歡How can I get to the.?我怎麼到?Turn left / riqht at.到左轉右轉。Lets learnBe a tour guideChen Jie is trying to be a tour guide for Oliver in Bei

9、jing. Can you help her?陳傑正在試著給在北京奧利弗當導遊。你能幫助她嗎?Palace Museum故宮博物院 Beihai Park北海公園 Tiananmen天安門 Youre here.你們在這兒。Now we are in front of Tiananmen. 現在我們在天安門前面。Go straight and you can see the Palace Museum. 直走,你會看到故宮博物院。Read and write P8You are in a car. Which of these can help you find a place?你在一輛小汽車

10、裏。下面這些中哪個能幫你找到一個地方?map地圖 compass指南針 GPS全球(衛星)定位系統 stars星星Robin has GPS!羅賓有全球(衛星)定位系統!Wu Yifans grandpa gave Robin a now featureHe now has GPS. He can help the boys find the Italian restaurant.吳一凡(外)祖父給羅賓提供了一個新特點。他現在有了全球(衛星)定位系統。他能幫助男孩們找到意大利餐館。1 Robin:Were in front of the cinema. Lets go straight and

11、 turn left at the bookstore. Follow me, please! 羅賓:我們在電影院前面。讓我們直走,到書店左轉。請跟著我!2 Mike:Is it far? 邁克:它遠嗎?Robin:No. Now we are behind the hospital, Lets turn right and then turn right again.羅賓:不。現在我們在醫院後面。讓我們右轉,然後再右轉。3 Mike:There is the restaurant! 邁克:餐館在那兒!4 Robin:My new GPS works! 羅賓:我新全球(衛星)定位系統奏效了!W

12、u Yifan:Yes! Ill tell Grandpa. But lets eat first. Im so hungry!吳一凡:是!我會告訴(外)祖父。但是讓我們先吃(飯)吧。我非常餓!Read the text and answer the questions.1.What is Robins new feature?羅賓新特點是什麼?He can find food.他能找到食物。 He can find the way.他能找到路。2How many places did they pass by? 他們經過了多少個地方?Underline them in the text.在課

13、文中給它們畫線。3.Which word under the fourth picture means“奏效,起作用”?在第四幅圖片下面,哪個詞意思是“奏效,起作用”?Fill in the blanks. Then retell the story.Wu Yifan and his friends want to eat some pizza in an ltalian restaurant. They_ and_. They_ and then turn right again.吳一凡和他朋友們想去一家意大利餐館吃一些比薩餅。他們_並_。他們_,然後再右轉。Tips for pronunc

14、iation Listen, look and say.聽一聽,看一看,說一說。Robin has GPS. 羅賓有全球(衛星)定位系統。Follow me,please!請跟著我!Is it far?它遠嗎?Where is the restaurant?餐館在哪兒?P10 Lets checkListen and tick the places you hear. Write the words under the pictures.聽一聽並給你聽到地方打鉤。在圖片下面寫出單詞。Popcorn爆米花Listen again and answer.再聽一遍(錄音)並回答(問題)。1.Wher

15、e does the boy want to go?這個男孩想要去哪兒?2.How can he get there from the post office?他從郵局怎麼到那兒?Lets wrap it upTry to write more words.試著寫出更多單詞。Can you make sentences with these words?你能用這些單詞造句嗎?next to挨著near在附近beside在旁邊Story time P111 Zoom:Hey, that looks tasty. Where can I buy one?祖姆:嘿,那個看起來很好吃。我能在哪兒買一份

16、?Boy: Near the London Eye. Go that way.男孩:在倫敦眼附近。走那條路。2 Zoom:Excuse me. Where is the London Eye? 祖姆:打擾一下,倫敦眼在哪兒?Man:Its next to the film museum near the Thames. 男人:在泰晤河附近,挨著電影博物館。3 Zoom:Excuse me. Is the Thames far from here? 祖姆:打擾一下,泰晤士河離這兒遠嗎?Man:No. Go straight and turn-left. 男人:不遠。直走,然後左轉。4 Zoom:

17、Zip, look!祖姆:次波,看!Zip:Finally! 次波:終於(找到了)!FISH & CHIPS 炸魚薯條5 Zoom:Hi! Three large portions and one small one, please.祖姆:你好!請來三大份和一小份。Man:OK. 男人:好。6 Zoom:Oh,my stomach hurts! I miss my tanghulu! 祖姆:哦,我胃痛!我想念我糖葫蘆!Zip:You still want to eat?! 次波:你還想吃?!Unit 2 The ways to go to school教材第12頁 SUBWAY地鐵Wait!

18、Dont go at the red light! 等一等!別闖紅燈!Sorry.對不起。You must pay attention to the traffic lights.你必須注意交通信號燈。Good morning, John. How do you go to school?早上好,約翰。你怎麼去上學?I often go by subway.我經常乘地鐵去。教材第13頁Hi, Mike. Is this your bike?嗨,邁克。這是你自行車嗎?Yes.是。Nice!好漂亮!Thanks. How do you come to school?謝謝。你怎麼來學校?I usua

19、lly come on foot.我通常走路來。Lets tryAmy meets Mike at school this morning.今天早上埃米在學校遇見邁克。Listen and tick or cross.聽一聽,打鉤或打叉。1.They are talking about a sports meet他們正在談論一場運動會。2.They will go by bus他們將乘公共汽車去。P 14 Lets talkMike:Good morning, Mrs Smith! 邁克:早上好,史密斯老師!Mrs Smith:Hi, children. Youre earlyHow do y

20、ou come to school?史密斯老師:你們好,孩子們。你們真早。你們怎麼來學校?Amy:Usually, I come on footSometimes I come by bus.埃米:通常,我走路來。有時我乘公共汽車來。Mike:I often come by bike. 邁克:我經常騎自行車來。Amy:How do you come to school, Mrs Smith? By car?埃米:你怎麼來學校,史密斯老師?乘小汽車嗎?Mrs Smith:Sometimes,but I usually walk. 史密斯老師:有時,但是我通常走路(來)。Mike:Thats go

21、od exercise. 邁克:那是很好鍛煉。How do Mike,Amy and Mrs Smith come to school? 邁克、埃米和史密斯老師怎麼來學校?What about your classmates and teachers? Do a survey. 你同學和老師呢?進行一個詞查。How do you come to school? 你怎麼來學校?I usually/often/sometimes. 我通常經常有時usually通常 often經常 sometimes有時Three students usually come to school by bike. 三

22、名學生通常騎自行車來學校。P15 Lets learnWrite and sayFrom從起;始於 How?怎樣? To到China中國 USA美國 your school你學校 your home你家A:How do you get to the USA from China?你怎麼從中國到美國?B:By plane.乘飛機。Lets tryWhat does Mrs Smith tell the children to do? Listen and tick.史密斯老師告訴孩子們去做什麼?聽錄音並打鉤。2Lets talkWu Yifan:Mr Jones,how can I get to

23、 the Fuxing Hospital? 吳一凡:瓊斯先生,我怎麼到複興醫院?Mr Jones:Take the No.57 bus over there. 瓊斯先生:在那邊乘57路公共汽車。Wu Yifan:Thanks. Wow! many pictures of bikes! 吳一凡:謝謝。哇!這麼多張自行車圖片!Mr Jones:Theyre from my cousin in the USA. 瓊斯先生:它們來自我在美國表哥。Wu Yifan:Whats t this? 吳一凡:這是什麼?Mr Jones:A helmet In the USA people on bikes mu

24、st wear one.瓊斯先生:一個頭盔。在美國騎自行車人必須戴頭盔。Wu Yifan:I see. Oh, the bus is coming! Bye, Mr Jones.吳一凡:我明白了。哦,公共汽車來了!再見,瓊斯先生。Mr Jones:Hey,dont go at the red light! 瓊斯先生:嘿,別闖紅燈!Wu Yifan:Oh, right! Thanks. I must pay attention to the traffic lights!吳一凡:哦,對!謝謝。我必頦注意交通信號燈!What do you learn about riding a bike fro

25、m the dialogue? 關於騎自行車,你從對話中學到了什麼?Tell your partner: What do these signs mean? Where can you see them?告訴你夥伴:這些標志是什麼意思?你在哪裏能看到它們?You must look right before you cross the road. You can see this on the road in Hong Kong.你必須在橫穿馬路之前看右邊。你能在香港道路上看到這個標志。Dont touch the door. You can see this in the subway.不要

26、接觸門。你能在地鐵上看到這個標志。P16 Lets learnRole-playSlow down and stop! 慢下來並停下!Stop and wait! 停下來並等一等!Lets go! 讓我們走吧!Read and writeHow many ways can you think of to go to school? Talk with your partner.你能想到多少種去學校方式?與你夥伴談論一下。Different ways to go to school去學校不同方式Some children go to school on foot in Munich, Germa

27、ny. 在德國慕尼黑,一些孩子步行去學校。In Alaska, USA, it snows a lot. Some kids go to school by sled. Its fast在美國阿拉斯加州,雪下得很多。一些孩子坐雪橇去學校。它很快。Some children in Jiangxi,China,go to school by ferry every day.在中國江西,一些孩子每天乘輪渡去學校。In Papa Westray, Scotland, the children go to school by ferry,too. But in 2009,they went to sch

28、ool by plane because the ferry didnt work. 在蘇格蘭帕帕韋斯特雷島,孩子們也是乘坐輪渡去學校。但是在2009年,他們乘飛機去學校,因為輪渡不工作了。Grandpa,let me read this for you. (外)祖父,讓我讀這個給你(昕)。Thanks,Robin. 謝謝,羅賓。I dont go to school. I learn at home. 我不去學校。我在家學習。Read the text and answer the questions.1.How many ways to go to school can you find

29、in the text? Underline them.在課文中你能找到多少種去學校方式?給它們畫線。2.Does everyone in the text go to school?課文中每個人都去學校嗎?Choose some suggestions for the kids on page 18.Pay attention!注意! You must你必須 On foot步行You must stop at a red light.你必須在紅燈(時候)停下來。By sled坐雪橇 You must drive slowly.你必須緩慢地駕駛。By ferry乘輪渡 You must wea

30、r a life jacket. 你必須穿救生衣。Dont不要 On foot步行 Dont go at a red light.別闖紅燈。By sled坐雪橇 Dont let the dogs run too fast.不要讓狗跑得太快。By ferry乘輪渡 Dont run on the ferry.不要在輪渡上跑。What suggestions will you give to your friends? Make a poster.你將給你朋友們什麼建議?制作一張海報。Tips for pronunciation Listen,look and say.聽一聽,看一看,說一說。come and have a look過來看一看pictures of 圖片stop at a red light 在紅燈(時候)停下來Look at the text on page 18.Find and say more like these.看18頁課文。找出並說出更多像這樣(句子)。Lets checkListen and number. 聽一聽並標號。Listen again and answer the questions. 再聽一遍(錄音)並回答問題。1.How does Wu Yifan go to the park?. He goes by_. 吳一凡怎麼去公園?他乘_去

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