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雅思词根联想 部分句子.docx

1、雅思词根联想 部分句子1. How many hours a day on average do you watch TV?2. Building big commercial buildings underground can be a way to avoid disfiguring or threatening a beautiful landscape.3. Our experience would suggest that the long-term effects of incentive awards on absenteeism are questionable.4. Most

2、 ecologists were aware that the areas of Amazonia they were working in had been shaped by human settlement.5. The food at the hostel was awful.6. Tom is working towards a Bachelor of Social Siences degree in the university of Cambridge.Word List 22(英文)01, Some of you may come from cultures that acce

3、pt limp handshakes as normal. 02, All bed linen and towels are clearly embossed with the name of the manufacturer. 03, The children lingered at the Zoo until closing time. 04, Industrial training schemes have promoted an increase in linguistic and cultural awareness. 05, Benefits and hours spent on

4、the job are not linked. 06, David got hooked on hard liquor. 07, There is a great concern in many nations about declining standards of literacy in schools. 08, The literal meaning of the phrase “say what you like” is “feel free to say anything you want.” 09, Jane taught English literature at my old

5、high school. 10, Cow pats would litter pastures, making grass inedible to cattle and depriving the soil of sunlight. 11, We understand a port as a centre of land-sea exchange, and as a major source of livelihood and a major force for cultural mixing.12, Some scientists think that the condition of yo

6、ur liver determines how the perfume will smell on you. 13, The country banned the import of all ruminant livestock from Europe. 14, Our camera could be loaded in daylight. 15, Does this mean Im not eligible for a student loan? 16, They were lobbying for stronger environment protection. 17, A species

7、 may have more chances to survive if the individuals do not gather in a single locality.18, The college is located at London Road.19, Which picture shows the correct location of the administration office? 20, The earliest people probably stored fire by keeping slow burning logs alight. 21, Miranda h

8、olds the belief that science and logic will unlock the mysteries of the plague. 22, A longitudinal study of nurses working in two Canadian hospitals examined the reason why nurses took absence from work.23, The smoke may be doing you quite serious long-term damage. 24, These tunnels must loop around

9、 and connect. 25, The soil in which coffee is grown must be rich, moist and sufficiently loose to allow rapid drainage. 26, The lower end of the valley has become one huge camp site. 27, The guys are here to take you and your luggage to the cabins. 28, In April a slight lull ensued, but the volcanol

10、ogists remained pessimistic about this volcano. 29, The Human Genome Project will take longer to accomplish than the lunar mission. 30, He saved some money for luxuries such as fine paintings. 31, The new mayor reformed the machinery of the government. 32, Theres no real magic in the world. 33, The

11、molten rock within was released in a jet of gas and fragmented magma. 34, The electric and magnetic fields are formed due to a passing wave oscillating at a regular frequency. 35, This microscope can magnify an object 100,000 times. 36, Stargazers were struck by the uncommon magnitude of the newly d

12、iscovered comet.37, The weather is mainly cold and wet in England. 38, The radical political views place him outside mainstream of American politics. 39, Health promotion programs and policies would help people maintain healthy behaviors and lifestyles. 40, The school pays for heating and the mainte

13、nance of the buildings. 41, In Mexico city, vehicle pollution is a major health hazard. 42, This treatment is not available in the vast majority of hospitals. 43, Underground shopping malls are already common in China. 44, Why do you think national revenue management has come about? 45, Which langua

14、ge would you like to learn? We offer French, Italian, Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish and Portuguese.46, Computers are very efficient at manipulating information. 47, Within the grounds are a Georgian mansion, an Elizabethan dairy and the tower of a medieval manor. 48, Mary and her family lived in a ma

15、nsion. 49, Magma surged into the volcano from the Earths mantle. 50, Many automobile makers no longer manufacture cheap models. 51, Manufacturers must sell these cleaner cars. 52, In this game, you can insert a marble into a small hole to open the door. 53, You can call or send a message to someone

16、aboard a ship using our Maritime Services. 54, Travel is a marker of status in modern societies. 55, Japan is the worlds biggest marketplace for perfume. 56, When they tried to cross the marsh, their cannons sank into the soft ground. 57, Arboreal marsupials may not recover to pre-logging densities.

17、 58, Mass use of motor vehicles has killed or injured millions of people. 59, In Tokyo, builders are planning a massive underground city to be begun in the next decade. 60, Have you got a Visa card or a MasterCard? 61, A frequent change of role is the training requisite for a mastery of the actors a

18、rt. 62, The scientist observed the rabbits as they mated. 63, Glass is the great building material of the future. 64, Modern society is often called materialistic. 65, A good mattress is a wise investment for people who want to avoid headaches. 66, Jane is very mature for her age. 67, Students on a

19、visitor visa or work permit may study for a maximum of 3 months. 68, In order to protect the ecosystem, the country determined to convert 11 percent of its cropped land to meadow or forest.69, a meaningful experience 70, The country was urgently calling for peace while in the meantime secretly doing

20、 nuclear tests. Word List 22(中文) 01,以你们有些人的习俗,可能认为无力的握手很正常。02,所有的被单、枕套和毛巾上都清楚地绣着生产商的名字。03,动物园关门时孩子们才恋恋不舍地离去。04,工业培训计划促进了语言和文化知晓度方面的进步。05,工作所得与所付出的时间无关。06,大卫喝烈酒成瘾。07,学校文化教育标准的衰落令许多国家十分担心。08,这个短语的字面意思是“说你想说的,不用拘束”。09,简在我的中学母校教英国文学。10,牛粪在草场上随处可见,使得牛群吃不到草,也使土壤得不到阳光的照射。11,我们把港口当作是一个海陆交流的中心,当作是人们赖以生存的重要资源


22、能会对你的身体造成长期严重的损害。24,这些隧道一定是呈环状的而且是相通的。25,种植咖啡的土壤必须肥沃、潮湿且土质十分疏松以便迅速排水。26,这条河谷下游的出口处已经变成了一个巨大的营地。27,这几个人会带你去房间,并帮你把行李拿过去。28, 四月出现了短暂的平静期,但是火山学家对此并不乐观。29,完成人类基因工程的耗时将比人类成功登月花费的时间还要长。30,他积攒了一些钱,为的是想买几幅精品油画之类的奢侈品。31,新市长对政府机构进行了改革。32,这世界上没有真正的魔法。33,内部的熔岩随着喷射的气体和碎裂的岩浆喷涌出来。34,电场和磁场是由振波以固定频率振荡而形成的。35,这个显微镜可将



25、繁地转换角色是掌握表演技能的必要训练。62,科学家观察兔子们交配。63,玻璃是未来最主要的建筑材料。64,现在社会通常被称为是“唯物主义的”。65,对于那些想避免头疼的人来说,买一张好的床垫不失为聪明的投资。66,简年龄不大,却很成熟。67,持旅行签证或工作许可证的学生最多可有三个月的学习时间。68,为了保护生态系统,该国决定将11%的农耕地变为草场或是森林。69,一次有意义的经历70,该国急切呼吁和平的同时却又在秘密进行核试验。Word List 23(英文)01, Tinas due to arrive on Sunday. Meanwhile, what do we do?02, The

26、 article gave the readers a summary of the life of a mechanic.03, Practise that stop until it becomes mechanical.04, Tom replaced the button mechanism in the machine.05, The tourists were shut in the tower of a medieval manor by the kidnappers.06, I thought the play was only mediocre.07, We enjoyed

27、such Mediterranean climate very much08, Mary uses the medium of poetry to make her ideas known. Tome got a job in a medium-sized firm.09. Some Scientists think that melatonin plays an important part in the seasonal behaviors of certain animals.10, Salt helps melt ice.11, You can pay the membership f

28、ee by cheque.12, The trip to that village was memorable for us.13, write a memorandum about sth (这句是利用词典补充的)14, Health is a complete state of physical, mental and social well-being.15, He mentioned in his letter that he might be moving abroad.16, Their activities of merchandising did not provide suf

29、ficient funds for them.17, The mercury in the thermometer rose to 35C yesterday.18, Mere denunciation will not solve this great problem.19, You dont have to be present. Merely send a letter of explanation. I meant it merely as a joke.20, Fact and fiction merge together in his latest thriller.21, All

30、 of the celebration locales are abandoned messes. The wind messed up our hair.22, In literature the dove is often a metaphor for peace.23. The diagram shows how the Australian Bureau of Meteorology collects up-to-the-minute information on the weather.24, methane = mash gas (这句是利用词典补充的)25, The cinema

31、 is in the main square, just two minutes walk from the Metro.26, The microbiology lecture goes for one hour, and then its followed immediately by a lab.27, Malaysias universities have always been a microcosm of Malaysian society.28, Now not even the humblest household object is made without a microp

32、rocessor.29, A microscope can magnify these germs.30, In the midst of a glade were several huts.31, The migrants fly to the south before winter.32, About half the nations 2,000 beekeepers migrate north to find more flowers for their bees.33, She is the mildest woman you could wish to meet. The thief just

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