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1、牛结核病防治技术规范六、牛结核病防治技术规范牛结核病(Bovine Tuberculosis)是由牛型结核分枝杆菌(Mycobacterium bovis)引起的一种人兽共患的慢性传染病,我国将其列为二类动物疫病。为了预防、控制和净化牛结核病,根据中华人民共和国动物防疫法及有关的法律法规,特制定本规范。1 适用范围本规范规定了牛结核病的诊断、疫情报告、疫情处理、防治措施、控制和净化标准。 本规范适用于中华人民共和国境内从事饲养、生产、经营牛及其产品,以及从事相关动物防疫活动的单位和个人。2 诊断 2.1 流行特点本病奶牛最易感,其次为水牛、黄牛、牦牛。人也可被感染。结核病病牛是本病的主要传染源

2、。牛型结核分枝杆菌随鼻汁、痰液、粪便和乳汁等排出体外,健康牛可通过被污染的空气、饲料、饮水等经呼吸道、消化道等途径感染。2.2 临床特征: 潜伏期一般为36周,有的可长达数月或数年。 临床通常呈慢性经过,以肺结核、乳房结核和肠结核最为常见。肺结核:以长期顽固性干咳为特征,且以清晨最为明显。患畜容易疲劳,逐渐消瘦,病情严重者可见呼吸困难。乳房结核:一般先是乳房淋巴结肿大,继而后方乳腺区发生局限性或弥漫性硬结,硬结无热无痛,表面凹凸不平。泌乳量下降,乳汁变稀,严重时乳腺萎缩,泌乳停止。 肠结核:消瘦,持续下痢与便秘交替出现,粪便常带血或脓汁。 2.3 病理变化: 在肺脏、乳房和胃肠粘膜等处形成特异

3、性白色或黄白色结节。结节大小不一,切面干酪样坏死或钙化,有时坏死组织溶解和软化,排出后形成空洞。胸膜和肺膜可发生密集的结核结节,形如珍珠状。2.4 实验室诊断2.4.1 病原学诊断 采集病牛的病灶、痰、尿、粪便、乳及其它分泌物样品,作抹片或集菌处理(见附件)后抹片,用抗酸染色法染色镜检,并进行病原分离培养和动物接种等试验。2.4.2 免疫学试验牛型结核分枝杆菌PPD(提纯蛋白衍生物)皮内变态反应试验(即牛提纯结核菌素皮内变态反应试验)(见GB/T 18646)。2.5 结果判定 本病依据流行病学特点、临床特征、病理变化可做出初步诊断。确诊需进一步做病原学诊断或免疫学诊断。2.5.1 分离出结核

4、分枝杆菌(包括牛结核分枝杆菌、结核分枝杆菌)判为结核病牛。2.5.2 牛型结核分枝杆菌PPD皮内变态反应试验阳性的牛,判为结核病牛。3 疫情报告3.1 任何单位和个人发现疑似病牛,应当及时向当地动物防疫监督机构报告。3.2 动物防疫监督机构接到疫情报告并确认后,按动物疫情报告管理办法及有关规定及时上报。4 疫情处理 4.1 发现疑似疫情,畜主应限制动物移动;对疑似患病动物应立即隔离。4.2 动物防疫监督机构要及时派员到现场进行调查核实,开展实验室诊断。确诊后,当地人民政府组织有关部门按下列要求处理:4.2.1 扑杀对患病动物全部扑杀。4.2.2 隔离 对受威胁的畜群(病畜的同群畜)实施隔离,可

5、采用圈养和固定草场放牧两种方式隔离。隔离饲养用草场,不要靠近交通要道,居民点或人畜密集的地区。场地周围最好有自然屏障或人工栅栏。对隔离畜群的结核病净化,按本规范5.5规定进行。4.2.3 无害化处理 病死和扑杀的病畜,要按照GB16548-1996畜禽病害肉尸及其产品无害化处理规程进行无害化处理。4.2.4 流行病学调查及检测 开展流行病学调查和疫源追踪;对同群动物进行检测。4.2.5消毒 对病畜和阳性畜污染的场所、用具、物品进行严格消毒。 饲养场的金属设施、设备可采取火焰、熏蒸等方式消毒;养畜场的圈舍、场地、车辆等,可选用2%烧碱等有效消毒药消毒;饲养场的饲料、垫料可采取深埋发酵处理或焚烧处

6、理;粪便采取堆积密封发酵方式,以及其它相应的有效消毒方式。4.2.6 发生重大牛结核病疫情时,当地县级以上人民政府应按照重大动物疫情应急条例有关规定,采取相应的疫情扑灭措施。5 预防与控制 采取以“监测、检疫、扑杀和消毒”相结合的综合性防治措施。5.1 监测 监测对象:牛 监测比例为:种牛、奶牛100%,规模场肉牛10%,其它牛5%,疑似病牛100%。如在牛结核病净化群中(包括犊牛群)检出阳性牛时,应及时扑杀阳性牛,其它牛按假定健康群处理。成年牛净化群每年春秋两季用牛型结核分枝杆菌PPD皮内变态反应试验各进行一次监测。初生犊牛,应于20日龄时进行第一次监测。并按规定使用和填写监测结果报告,及时

7、上报。5.2 检疫 异地调运的动物,必须来自于非疫区,凭当地动物防疫监督机构出具的检疫合格证明调运。动物防疫监督机构应对调运的种用、乳用、役用动物进行实验室检测。检测合格后,方可出具检疫合格证明。调入后应隔离饲养30天,经当地动物防疫监督机构检疫合格后,方可解除隔离。5.3人员防护 饲养人员每年要定期进行健康检查。发现患有结核病的应调离岗位,及时治疗。5.4 防疫监督结核病监测合格应为奶牛场、种畜场动物防疫合格证发放或审验的必备条件。动物防疫监督机构要对辖区内奶牛场、种畜场的检疫净化情况监督检查。鲜奶收购点(站)必须凭奶牛健康证明收购鲜奶。5.5 净化措施被确诊为结核病牛的牛群(场)为牛结核病

8、污染群(场),应全部实施牛结核病净化。5.5.1 牛结核病净化群(场)的建立5.5.1.1 污染牛群的处理:应用牛型结核分枝杆菌PPD皮内变态反应试验对该牛群进行反复监测,每次间隔3个月,发现阳性牛及时扑杀,并按照本规范4规定处理。犊牛应于20日龄时进行第一次监测,100120日龄时,进行第二次监测。凡连续两次以上监测结果均为阴性者,可认为是牛结核病净化群。凡牛型结核分枝杆菌PPD皮内变态反应试验疑似反应者,于42天后进行复检,复检结果为阳性,则按阳性牛处理; 若仍呈疑似反应则间隔42天再复检一次,结果仍为可疑反应者,视同阳性牛处理。5.5.2 隔离疑似结核病牛或

9、牛型结核分枝杆菌PPD皮内变态反应试验可疑畜须隔离复检。5.5.3 消毒5.5.3.1 临时消毒:奶牛群中检出并剔出结核病牛后,牛舍、用具及运动场所等按照4.2.5规定进行紧急处理。 经常性消毒:饲养场及牛舍出入口处,应设置消毒池,内置有效消毒剂,如35%来苏尔溶液或20石灰乳等。消毒药要定期更换,以保证一定的药效。牛舍内的一切用具应定期消毒;产房每周进行一次大消毒,分娩室在临产牛生产前及分娩后各进行一次消毒。附件 样 品 集 菌 方 法痰液或乳汁等样品,由于含菌量较少,如直接涂片镜检往往是阴性结果。此外,在培养或作动物试验时,常因污染杂菌生长较快,使病原结核分枝杆菌被抑制。下列

10、几种消化浓缩方法可使检验标本中蛋白质溶解、杀灭污染杂菌,而结核分枝杆菌因有蜡质外膜而不死亡,并得到浓缩。1 硫酸消化法用46硫酸溶液将痰、尿、粪或病灶组织等按1:5之比例加入混合,然后置37作用12小时,经30004000rpm离心30分钟,弃上清,取沉淀物涂片镜检、培养和接种动物。也可用硫酸消化浓缩后,在沉淀物中加入3氢氧化钠中和,然后抹片镜检、培养和接种动物。2 氢氧化钠消化法取氢氧化钠3540g,钾明矾2g,溴麝香草酚兰20mg(预先用60酒精配制成0.4浓度,应用时按比例加入),蒸馏水1000mL混合,即为氢氧化钠消化液。将被检的痰、尿、粪便或病灶组织按1:5的比例加入氢氧化钠消化液中


12、1mol/L柠檬酸钠50mL,N乙酰L半胱氨酸0.5g,混合。取痰一份,加上述溶液2份,作用2448小时,以3000rpm离心15分钟,取沉淀物涂片镜检、培养和接种动物。3 安替福民(Antiformin)沉淀浓缩法溶液A:碳酸钠12g、漂白粉8g、蒸馏水80mL。溶液B:氢氧化钠15g、蒸馏水85mL。应用时A、B两液等量混合,再用蒸馏水稀释成1520后使用,该溶液须存放于棕色瓶内。将被检样品置于试管中,加入34倍量的1520安替福民溶液,充分摇匀后37作用1小时,加12倍量的灭菌蒸馏水,摇匀,30004000rpm离心2030分钟,弃上清沉淀物加蒸馏水恢复原量后再离心一次,取沉淀物涂片镜检

13、、培养和接种动物。Prescribed and alternative diagnostic tests for OIE listed diseasesTerrestrial CodeChapter No.Terrestrial ManualChapter No.DiseasenamePrescribedtestsAlternative tests11. tuberculosisTuberculin testGamma interferon testCountry or zone free from bovine tuberculosisTo qualify as

14、free from bovine tuberculosis, a country or zone should satisfy the following requirements:1.M. bovis infection in domestic (permanently captive and owned free-range) bovines including cattle, water buffalo and wood bison is a notifiable disease in the country; on-going awareness programme shoul

15、d be in place to encourage reporting of all cases suggestive of bovine tuberculosis;3.regular and periodic testing of all cattle, water buffalo, and wood bison herds demonstrated that M. bovis infection was not present in at least 99.8% of the herds and 99.9% of the cattle, water buffalo and wood bi

16、son in the country or zone for 3consecutive years;4.a surveillance programme should be in place to detect bovine tuberculosis in the country or zone through ante-mortem and post-mortem inspection as described in Chapter6.2.;5.if the surveillance programme described in points3 and 4 above has not det

17、ected infection with M.bovis for 5consecutive years, surveillance may be maintained through ante-mortem and post-mortem inspection as described in Chapter6.2.;6.cattle, water buffalo and wood bison introduced into a country or zone free from bovine tuberculosis should be accompanied by a certificate

18、 from an Official Veterinarian attesting that they come from a country, zone, compartment or herd free from bovine tuberculosis or comply with the relevant provisions in Article11.7.5. or in Article11.7.6.Chapter 11.7.bovine tuberculosisArticle 11.7.1.General provisionsThe recommendations in this ch

19、apter are intended to manage the human and animal health risks associated with Mycobacterium bovis (M.bovis) infection in domestic (permanently captive and owned free-range) bovines including cattle (Bos taurus, B.indicus and B.grunniens), water buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) and wood bisons (Bison bis

20、on and B. bonasus).Standards for diagnostic tests are described in the Terrestrial Manual.Article 11.7.2.Country or zone free from bovine tuberculosisTo qualify as free from bovine tuberculosis, a country or zone should satisfy the following requirements:1.M. bovis infection in domestic (permanently

21、 captive and owned free-range) bovines including cattle, water buffalo and wood bison is a notifiable disease in the country; on-going awareness programme should be in place to encourage reporting of all cases suggestive of bovine tuberculosis;3.regular and periodic testing of all cattle, water

22、buffalo, and wood bison herds demonstrated that M. bovis infection was not present in at least 99.8% of the herds and 99.9% of the cattle, water buffalo and wood bison in the country or zone for 3consecutive years;4.a surveillance programme should be in place to detect bovine tuberculosis in the cou

23、ntry or zone through ante-mortem and post-mortem inspection as described in Chapter6.2.;5.if the surveillance programme described in points3 and 4 above has not detected infection with M.bovis for 5consecutive years, surveillance may be maintained through ante-mortem and post-mortem inspection as de

24、scribed in Chapter6.2.;6.cattle, water buffalo and wood bison introduced into a country or zone free from bovine tuberculosis should be accompanied by a certificate from an Official Veterinarian attesting that they come from a country, zone, compartment or herd free from bovine tuberculosis or compl

25、y with the relevant provisions in Article11.7.5. or in Article11.7.6.Article 11.7.3.Compartment free from bovine tuberculosisTo qualify as a compartment free from bovine tuberculosis, cattle, water buffalo or wood bison in a compartment should be certified by the Veterinary Authority as satisfying t

26、he following requirements:1.cattle, water buffalo and wood bison:a.showed no sign of bovine tuberculosis or lesions at ante-mortem or post-mortem inspection for at least 3consecutive years;b.were over 6weeks of age at the time of the first test and have shown a negative result to at least two tuberc

27、ulin tests carried out at an interval of a minimum of 6months, the first test being performed at least 6months following the slaughter of the last affected animal;c.met one of the following conditions:i.showed a negative result to a biannual tuberculin test to ensure the continuing absence of bovine

28、 tuberculosis if the annual percentage of herds confirmed as infected with tuberculosis is more than 1% of all herds in the country or zone during the last 2years; orii.showed a negative result to an annual tuberculin test to ensure the continuing absence of bovine tuberculosis if the annual percent

29、age of herds confirmed as infected with tuberculosis is more than 0.2% but not more than 1% of all herds in the country or zone during the last 2years; oriii.showed a negative result to a tuberculin test every 3years to ensure the continuing absence of bovine tuberculosis if the annual percentage of

30、 herds confirmed as infected with tuberculosis is not more than 0.2% of all herds in the country or zone during the last 4years; oriv.showed a negative result to a tuberculin test every 4years to ensure the continuing absence of bovine tuberculosis if the annual percentage of herds confirmed as infe

31、cted with tuberculosis is not more than 0.1% of all herds in the country or zone during the last 6 years;2.cattle, water buffalo and wood bison introduced into the compartment come from a herd free from bovine tuberculosis. This condition may be waived for animals which have been isolated for at lea

32、st 90days and which, prior to entry into the compartment, were subjected to at least two tuberculin tests carried out at a 6-month interval with negative results with the second tuberculin test performed during the 30 days prior to entry into the compartment;3.cattle, water buffalo and wood bison in a compartment free from b

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