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1、仁爱版英语七年级上册必背词句汇总七上Unit 1 Topic 1必背词句一、单词1.好的 good 2.早晨 morning 3.我 I 4.欢迎 welcome 5.到,对 to China 7.你 you 8.美国 the USA9.英国 the UK 10.是,同意 yes 11.不,不是 no 12.不,没有 not 13.令人愉快的 nice 14.结识,遇见 meet 15.也 too 16.喂,你好(两种) Hi/Hello 17.先生 Mr. 18.遇见,看到 see 19.妈妈 mom/mum/mother 20.这,这个 this 21.我的 my 22.老师 t

2、eacher 23.怎样 how 24.做 do 25.爸爸 dad/father 26.女士,小姐 Miss 27.女士 Ms. 28.下午 afternoon 29.再见(两种) goodbye/bye 30.健康的 fine 31.和 and 32.好,行 OK 33.在这里 here 34. be动词(三个) am/is/are 35.谢谢,感谢(v.) thank 36.这(那)个,这(那)些 the 37.谢谢,感谢(n.)thanks 38.元音字母(大小写) Aa Ee Ii Oo Uu 二、短语(字体加粗内容为课后单词表中的短语)1. 欢迎到 Welcome to 三、句子(

3、字体加粗且打*内容为Section D 语法和功能句)*1.P1.早上好! Good morning *2.P1.欢迎来到中国。 Welcome to China! *3.P1.我是康康。 Im Kangkang *4.P1.你是迈克吗?是的,我是。/ 不,我不是。 Are you Michael?Yes,I am./No,Im not. *5.P1.你好!你是玛利亚吗?不,我不是。 Hello/Hi! Are you Maria?No,Im not. *6.P1P2谢谢(两种) Thank you/Thanks *7.P1P3遇见/看见你很高兴。 Nice to meet/see you *

4、8.P3妈妈,这是我的老师,布朗先生。 Mom,this is my teacher,Mr.Brown. *9.P3布朗先生,这是我的妈妈。 Mr.Brown, this is my mom,. _*10.P3看到你我也很高兴。 Nice to meet/ see you,too. *11.P3您好(初次见面)。 How do you do? *12.P5下午好! Good afternoon! *13.P5.你好吗?很好,谢谢。你呢? How are you? Fine,thanks.And you? *14.P5.我很好。 Im OK. *15.P5.给你。谢谢! Here you are

5、. Thanks. /Thank you. *16.P5.再见!Goodbye!/Bye!七上Unit 1 Topic 2必背词句一、单词1.原谅 excuse 2.我 me 3.什么 what 4.你的,你们的 your 5.名字 name 6.请 please 7.在哪里 where 8.来自 from 9.加拿大 Canada 10.美国 America 11.日本 Japan 12.英格兰 England 13.他/她们 they 14. 谁 who 15. 古巴 Cuba 16.他 he 17.她 she 18.看起来 look 19.电话 telephone 20.号码 numbe

6、r /N0. 21.它 it 22.很,非常 very 23.很,多少,许多 much 24.那,那个 that 25.她的 her 26.家庭 family 27.默写0-10 zero one two three four five six seven eight nine ten 二、短语(字体加粗内容为课后单词表中的短语)1.来自 be from/come from 2.全名 full name 3.姓,姓氏 family name 4.名,名字 given name 5.非常,很(短语) very much 三、句子(字体加粗且打*内容为Section D 语法和功能句)*1.P9.

7、打扰了,你是简吗?是的,我是。 Excuse me,are you Jane?Yes,I am. /No,Im not *2.P9.请问你叫什么名字?我叫Sally. Whats your name,please?My name is Sally. *3.P9.你来自哪里?我来自加拿大。 Where are you from?Im from Canada. *4.P9.你也来自加拿大吗?不,我不是.我来自美国。 Are you from Canada,too?No,Im not.Im from America. 5.P10.他们来自哪儿? Where are they from? *6.P10

8、他们来自英国吗? 是,是的。/不,不是。 Are they from England ?Yes,they are./No,they arent. *7.P10他们是谁?她们是玛利亚和简。 Who are they? They are Maria and Jane. *8.P11他她来自哪儿?他她来自日本。 Where is he/she from?He/She is from Japan . *9.P11看!她是谁?她是简/邓亚萍。 Look!Who is she?She is Jane/Deng Yaping. *10.P11她来自加拿大吗?是的,她是。 Is she from Canada

9、?Yes,she is. /No, she isnt. 11.P11看,康康!他是李明吗?不,他不是。他是Yukio。 Look,Kangkang! Is he Li Ming ?No,he isnt.He is Yukio. *12.P13你的电话号码是多少?68075335。 Whats your telephone number? It is /Its 68075335. 13.P13.非常感谢。 不用谢。 Thank you very much. /Thanks very much. Thats OK. 七上Unit 1 Topic 3 and Review of Unit 1必背词句

10、一、单词1.年 year 2.老的,岁 old 3.班级 class 4.在里 in 5.年级 grade 6.英语 English 7.橡皮擦(单/复数) eraser/erasers 8.地图 map 9.钢笔(单/复数) pen/pens 10.铅笔 pencil 11.书桌 desk 12.拼写 spell 13.能,会 can 14.苹果 apple 15.玩具(单/复数) toy/toys 16.试,试图 try 17.再一次 again 18.那些 those 19.书,本子 book 20.这些 these 21.让 let 22.帮助 help 23.尺子(单/复数) rul

11、er/rulers 24.小汽车 car 25.蛋 egg 26.柑橘,橘黄色 orange 27.公共汽车(单/复数)bus/ buses 28.盒子(单/复数) box/boxes 29.现在 now 30.学校 school 31.他的 his 32.相同的 same 33.但是 but 34.朋友(单/复数) friend/friends 35.初级的 junior 36.高的 high 37.女孩(单/复数) girl/girls 38.我们 we 39.学生 student 40.讲,说话 speak 41.一(个,件.) a/an42. 默写11-20 eleven twelve

12、 thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty 二、短语(字体加粗内容为课后单词表中的短语)1.用英语 in English 2.北京国际学校 Beijing International School 3.初中 junior high school 4.几班/年级what class/grade 5.几岁 how old 6.岁,岁数 years old 7.在同一班级 in the same class 8.身份证 ID card 9.好朋友 good friends 三、句子(字体加粗且打*内容为S

13、ection D 语法和功能句)*1.P17你几岁?我也12岁。 How old are you?Im twelve(years old),too. *2.P17你在几班?我在七年级四班。 What class are you in?Im in Class Four,Grade Seven. 3.P18她几岁?她14岁。 How old is she?She is fourteen(years old). *4.P18.你在几年级?我在七年级。 What grade are you in? Im in Grade Seven. 5.P18她在几班?她在八年级十一班。 What class is

14、 she in?She is in Class Eleven,Grade Eight. 6.P18那是谁?那是Nancy。 Whos that?Thats Nancy. *7.P19你怎样拼写它? How do you spell it, please? E-R-A-S-E-R,eraser. *8.P19你能把它拼写出来吗?可以。 Can you spell it? Yes.M-A-P,map. *9.P19这个用英语怎么说?它是一块橡皮擦。 Whats this in English?Its an eraser. *10.P19那个用英语怎么说?它是一幅地图。 Whats that in

15、English?Its a map. 11.P20请再试一下。 Please try again. *12.P21这些是什么?它们是书。 What are these?They are books. *13.P21.那些是什么?它们是尺子和铅笔。 What are those?They are rulers and pencils. *14.P21这些是鸡蛋吗? 是的,它们是/ 不,它们不是。 Are these eggs?Yes,they are ./No,they arent. *15.P21.这些/那些是桔子吗? 是的,它们是/不,它们不是。 Are these /those orang

16、es? Yes,they are./No,they arent. 16.P21不用谢(两种表达)。 Thats OK./Youre welcome. *17.P21让我帮助你。 谢谢! Let me help you. Thank you! /Thanks. 18.P23黄华和简不在相同的班级,但是她们是好朋友。 Huang Hua and Jane are not in the same class, but they are good friends. 七上 Unit 2 Topic 1 必背词句一、单词1.猜 guess 2.有,吃 have 3.小的 small 4.鼻子 nose 5

17、.大的 big 6.眼睛 eye 7.知道 know 8.对的 right 9.头 head 10.脸 face 11.头发 hair 12.耳朵 ear 13.嘴(单/复数) mouth/mouths 14.脖子 neck 15.圆的 round 16.长的 long 17.宽的 wide 18.有(原形/三单形式) have/has 19.演员 actor 20.中国人 Chinese 21.最喜爱的 favorite 22.do的第三人称单数 does 23.胳膊 arm 24.手 hand 25.腿(单/复数) leg/legs 26.脚(单/复数) foot/feet 27.来 co

18、me 28.男孩(单/复数) boy/boys 29.姐,妹 sister 30.不同的 different 31.小刀(单/复数) knife/knives 二、短语(字体加粗内容为课后单词表中的短语)1.出生于,来自 come from 2.在同样的学校 in the same school 3.在不同年级 in different grades 三、句子(字体加粗且打*内容为Section D 语法和功能句)*1.P27我有一个小鼻子,但是他有一个大的鼻子。 I have a small nose,but he has a big one. 2.P27你有大眼睛吗?是,有。 Do you

19、 have big eyes?Yes,I do. 3.P27哦,我知道了,你是康康。 Oh,I know,You are Kangkang. *4.P27是的,你说对了。 Yes,you are right. 5.P28.我们有小眼睛。 We have small eyes. 6.P28他有一张宽嘴巴。 He has a wide mouth. *7.P28.他们有圆脸。They have round faces. *8.P28它有大耳朵。 It has big ears. 9.P28她有长头发。 She has long hair. *10.P29谁是你最喜欢的演员?是成龙。 Who is

20、your favorite actor? Its Jackie Chan. 11.P29他有长头发吗?是的,有。/不,没有。 Does he have long hair?Yes,he does./ No,he doesnt. 12.P29他有一张宽嘴巴吗?是,有。 Does he have a wide mouth?Yes,he does. *13.P29我明白了。 I see. *14.P31我来自英国。 I come from England. *15.P31我们在同一所学校,但不同年级。 We are in the same school,but in different grades

21、. 16.P31.我有一张圆脸和小眼睛。 I have a round face and small eyes. 17.P31.她有一张圆脸,大眼睛,一个小鼻子和一张小嘴巴。 She has a round face, big eyes, a small nose and a small mouth. *18.P32他们有长腿吗?不,没有.他们有短的腿。 Do they have long legs?No,they dont.They have short legs. *19.P32她有小手吗?不,没有.她有大手。 Does she have small hands?No,she doesnt

22、.She has big hands. 20.P32.他有一把长尺子吗?是的,他有。 Does he have a long ruler?Yes,he does. *21.P32你有大刀吗?是的,我有。不,我没有。Do you have a big knife? Yes,I do./No, I dont. 七上 Unit 2 Topic 2 必背词句一、单词1.黑色的 black 2.金黄色的 blond 3.蓝色的 blue 4.颜色 color 5.粉色的 pink 6.红色的 red 7.紫色 purple 8.黄色的 yellow 9.绿色的 green 10.灰色 gray 11.白

23、色 white 12.棕色 brown 13.给 give 14.信 letter 15.对不起 sorry 16.像 like 17.高的 tall 18.将,会 will 19.给,因为 for 20.年轻的 young 21.成年男人(单数) man (复数) men 22.妇女(单数) woman (复数) women 23.雪人(单/复数)snowman/snowmen 24.想要 want 25.买 buy 26.T恤衫 T-shirt 27.便帽 cap 28.一对,一双 pair 29.鞋 shoe 30.外套 coat 31.(女)短裙 skirt 32.裤子 pants 3

24、3.连衣裙 dress 34.照片 photo 35.手套 glove 36.在(几点钟) at 37.强壮的 strong 38.酷,凉爽的 cool 39.幸福的,高兴的 happy 40.下一个的 next 41.男式衬衫 shirt 42.另外,其它 other 43.的 of 二、短语(字体加粗内容为课后单词表中的短语)1.把某物给某人 give to 2看起来像 look like 3.看着 look at 4.看起来一样 look the same 5.在近旁 next to 6.想要做某事 want to do sth 7.一双,一对 a pair of 8.棕色的短发 sho

25、rt brown hair 9. 什么颜色 what color 三、句子(字体加粗且打*内容为Section D 语法和功能句)*1.P35但是你们看起来一样 But you look the same. 2.P35我们都有黑头发,黑眼睛 We have black hair and black eyes. 3.P35我们没有相同的长相,但是我们也是好朋友 We dont look the same, but were good friends, too. 4.P35它是什么颜色?是粉色。 What color is it? Its pink. *5.P37请把这封信交给玛利亚 Please

26、 give this letter to Maria. *6.P37对不起,我不认识她。她长相如何? Sorry, I dont know her. What does she look like? *7.P37 她长什么样?她个子高。What does she look like? She is tall. 8.P37她很高并且她有棕色的短发。 She is tall and she has short brown hair. *9.P37哦,我知道了。我会把它交给她 Oh, I see. Ill give it to her. 10.P37这儿有一封给Maria的信 Here is a l

27、etter for Maria. 11.P37他年龄很大,但是他没有灰色头发。 He is old, but he doesnt have gray hair. 12.P37她很年轻.。 She is young. 13.P39我想买一件T恤衫,一顶帽子和一双鞋。 I want to buy a T-shirt, a cap and a pair of shoes. *14.P39那件T恤衫是什么颜色?它是红色 What color is that T-shirt? Its red. *15.P39那些鞋子是什么颜色?它们是绿色 What color are those shoes? They

28、re green. 16.P40看这张照片 Look at this photo. *17.P40穿黄色连衣裙的这个女孩是玛利亚。 The girl in a yellow dress is Maria. *18.P40他戴着黑帽子和穿着蓝鞋子。 He is in a black cap and blue shoes. 19.P40他们是好朋友并且他们看起来很开心. They are good friends and they look happy. 七上 Unit 2 Topic 3 必背词句一、单词1.谁的 whose 2.那么 then 3.自行车 bike 4.猫 cat 5.香蕉 b

29、anana 6.婴儿 baby 7.书包 schoolbag 8.夹克衫 jacket 9.想,认为 think 10.新的 new 11.同班同学 classmate 12.衣服 clothes 13.找到 find 14.我们(宾格) us 15.他(宾格) him 16.警察 police 17.我的(名物代)mine 18. 你的,你们的(形物代)yours 19. 她的(名物代)hers 20.我们的(名物代)ours 21.他/她/它们的(名物代)theirs 22.我们的(形物代)our23. 他/她/它们的(形物代)their 二、短语(字体加粗内容为课后单词表中的短语)1.帮

30、助某人做某事 help sb do sth 2. 穿不同的衣服 in different clothes 3.玛利亚的书 Marias book 4.吉姆和汤姆的房间(共有) Jim and Toms room 5.我妈妈的房间 my moms room 三、句子(字体加粗且打*内容为Section D 语法和功能句) 1.P43这是你的帽子吗?不,它不是我的 Is this your cap? No, its not mine. *2. P43那么它是谁的帽子?是Sally的 Whose cap is it, then? Its Sallys. 3.P43这是谁的自行车?它是他的自行车.它是他的. Whose bike is this? Its his bike. Its his. 4.P43 那是谁的猫?它是她的猫.它是她的 Whose cat is that? Its her cat. Its hers .

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