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1、湖州师范求真学院是几本【第一篇】湖州师范求真学院是几本湖州师范学院求真学院2020年专业(类)选考科目范围xls【第二篇】湖州师范求真学院是几本湖州师范学院求真学院湖州师范学院求真学院 经管系0708学年奖学金评比名单汇总优秀学生(共42人)050131沈超 奚惠子050132莫潇潇 毛田甜050133张咪 叶燕050134杨月萍 方蓬050135章春燕 郑丽芳060131陈佳洁 樊巧红060132朱秀剑 徐冰兰 贺灵美060133王玉芬 曹燕菲060134罗蓓 葛燕060135童盈 项晓静060136贝蕾 钭译冉060137秦珊 金美兰060138翁洪霞 叶晓俊070131徐舒 李圆圆070

2、132姚佳 罗琴070133张玉婷 顾晓霞070134方羚人 顾蓉萍070135金琼慧 王建萍070136帅童均 赵晓娇 丁银燕070137刘叶秋 陈腾达优秀学生干部(共21人)050131张华050132李裕峰050133翁文燕050134孔幸琪050135刘毅060131龚柳芸060132王敏琴060133王晓倩060134童丹娜060135金凤060136王丽燕060137腾佳琴060138李慧娜070131张晨阳070132李甫鹏070133孔云霞070134吴颖070135戚圆圆070136陈建明 吴瀛070137郭康丽一等奖学金(共44人)050131沈超 奚惠子050132李佳伟

3、 郑青玉 莫潇潇050133朱伟 张咪 吴阳君050134李素娥050135毛晓娴 章春燕060131沈洁 樊巧红060132金芬妹 朱秀剑 王敏琴060133吴红叶 周芸芸 王晓倩060134葛燕 沈玲玲060135项晓静 童盈 江函璇060136王毓喜 乐惠仙060137金美兰 滕佳琴060138陈群 叶晓俊070131李圆圆 张楼070132姚佳 罗琴070133钟艳 孔云霞070134方羚人 陈茜070135金琼慧 张璐070136丁银燕 赵晓娇070137金伟平 张冠丹二等奖学金(共92人)050131施莉芳 阮丹丹 阮妮妮 陈萍050132杨寒星 盛燕 蒋冬梅 沈建丽 毛田甜 周肖

4、楠050133翁文燕 叶燕 罗美聪050134杨月萍 方蓬 李会玉 胡恩丹 胡献敏050135郑丽芳 姚莉亚 夏叶 王小玲060131陈佳洁 周思瑾 胡莹莹 陶飞乐 宋玲玲060132贺灵美 许艳娜 王景春 徐冰兰 马月萍060133陆永琴 陈颖 陆维娜 陈宇敏 黄丽060134罗蓓 冯瑜 陈亚萍 朱滴滴 褚薇薇060135周晓 蒋妃妃 金凤 汪燕 金英060136姚静静 濮珍 徐琴 钭译冉 徐叶红060137张燕 陈佳佳 秦珊 裘慧萍060138丁洁琼 杨香妮 尹升利 李慧娜070131杜语嫣 徐建萍 郑姗姗 孙杰杰070132李婷婷 周婷 徐新燕 陈思 王静晴070133干佳丽 顾晓霞 张

5、玉婷 张晓青 叶颖颖070134陈亚丹 徐红霞 顾丽纳 顾蓉萍 石坚070135戚圆圆 王建萍 吴丽珍 沈朱程070136应彩虹 占淑珍 邱益飞 陈建明070137陈腾达 钟丽婷 陈琳 严红丽 顾燕娣三等奖学金(共140人)050131宋丽 曹静娜 张丽萍 王荷君 费莉 叶静 汤雪娟050132王一 陈斌 范佳吉 秦丽菊 江波 雷丹 郑云娟 金艳英 050133翁国琴 潘燕勤 费红芬050134虞丽娜 许佩晶 张钰菲 蒋海婷 沈勤 丁青芳 朱虹霞 金旺盛 朱莹 王佳成050135徐迪颖 陈丹丹 胡书 李斌 杨强 叶月珍060131张琦 吴云 蔡金枝 陆艳 陈瑞玲 蔡颖 张杰 朱梦烨060132

6、翁佳佳 宋佳 俞青霞 施建虹 竺露萍 杨晓萍 陈晶晶 占恬恬 060133蔡艳云 祝玉琴 胡超琰 王玉芬 曹燕菲 吴佳丽 潘琴 李小萍060134周樱枝 邵慧琴 俞园园 林春聪 邵雅芳 叶陈伟 张凤060135陈华女 邱燕玲 斯晓晓 韩科迪 韩玲 蒋萍萍 戴丽丹 毛珍芳 060136王丽燕 沈小娟 贝蕾 沈丽 邹晓文 张思 葛玲060137董佳媛 鲍玲佳 吴贤 于攀攀 王青青 金亚波060138陈云 刘珍维 李银燕 翁洪霞 蔡薇 孙薇佳 陈王方070131华丽燕 朱晓衡 杨一飞 俞春月 徐舒 李珊珊070132薛燕佳 洪艳 姚梦甜 沈丹丹 李小春 李甫鹏 范辰霞070133曹丽 金晓玲 谢琼瑶

7、 李晶晶 毛淑赟 吴雪萍 周瑜070134楼文蕾 周庆庆 余丹娜 王珊珊 李桑桑 吴颖 陈俊杰070135朱露意 郑伟娜 吴妍慧 刘佳萍 徐珍 余罗意 邓铌湖州师范求真学院是几本070136叶静静 徐燕 章汀丽 帅童均 黄慧慧 陈丽君070137王璐瑶 高贇芳 刘叶秋 王慧青 祝玲玲 钱冬花 王升单项奖学金1、学习特别奖(共208人)(1)大学英语六级(共39名)050131马雅芬 曹静娜 沈超 周伟伟050132黄灵粮 陈琼斯 范佳吉 徐晓艳050133翁国琴 张咪050134: 李会玉 方蓬050135陈丹丹060131樊巧红 陈佳洁 朱立红 王钰 周思瑾 陈瑞玲 沈洁 黄岩桥 蔡金枝 0

8、60132竺露萍 王景春 陈晶晶 徐冰兰060133蒋虹 罗金俏 黄坤 周芸芸 王玉芬060134叶方东060135刘冬儿 项晓静 韩科迪 童盈060137余淑君 陈佳佳060138陈王方(2)计算机三级(共99人)050133陈雅群 叶燕 柳俊耀 施泽 陈旭 董志翔 洪伟 叶其乐 汪长才 王晓峰 叶江 丁国萍 翁国琴 朱伟 费红芬 徐媛 吴阳君050134: 杨月萍 胡恩丹 虞丽娜 许佩晶 张钰菲 蒋海婷 丁青芳 沈勤 金婷婷 赵益敏 王佳成 孔幸琪 蔡亚文 胡咪娜 顾恩业 徐颖 朱望远 梅晓 何建忠 陈向平 陶圣苗 姚坤 闻晓强 王其其 董世云 王小飞 陈成050135傅济强 叶月珍 沈加

9、琴 姒江 徐林君 王剑斌 赵璐 沈洪杰 章春燕 郑丽芳 陈丹丹 徐迪颖 姚莉亚 方南南 王小玲 李斌 沈家悦 陈君清 李伟伟 060132朱秀剑 王瑛 孙晶艳 陈岐峰060133谭煜彦【第三篇】湖州师范求真学院是几本求真学院收费标准、缴费方式2020-2020学年2011级、2020级学生收费标准2020-2020学年2020级学生收费标准目前学校采用银校通收费系统,学生可以采取以下缴费方式进行缴费。【第四篇】湖州师范求真学院是几本湖州师范学院求真学院2020届英语学位考试卷湖州师范学院求真学院2020届学位英语考试试卷A(普通)考试时间分钟学院 班级 学号 姓名 成绩Part I. Voca

10、bulary and Structure (15)Directions: There are 15 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE answer thatbest completes the sentence. If I have any further news, you will be the first person _.A. knew B. known C. to know D. kno

11、wing Taking regular exercise and eating a balanced diet are two keys _ good health.A. in B. from C. of D. to He met Rose in the college library in 2008, _ he was to marry later.A. which B. where C. whom D. what I went to the new restaurant, _ chef was good at making delicious Japanese food.A. when B

12、. whoseC. which D. who I couldnt imagine _ difficult it was for these badly injured people to make it to the hospital.A. when B. how C. what D. where This is the first time that Chinese tennis player Li Na _ a Grand Slam single title.A. had won B. win C. has won D. win You look so tired. You _ have

13、stayed up late again.A. should B. can C. may D. must _, I could not memorize the text.A. However hard did I try B. However hard I triedC. However I tried hard D. However I had tried hard After the quarrel, I tried all my best to fix the misunderstanding between us, but all my efforts seemed _.A. in

14、vain B. in case C. in time D. in trouble10. _ for a whole night, we still couldnt agree on where to go for the holiday.A. Discussed B. To discuss C. Having discussed D. Being discussed1 In front of the house _ with a history of over 100 years.A. a tall tree is standing B. a tall tree standsC. stands

15、 a tall tree D. is standing a tall tree1 How long on earth shall I have to wait?Sorry, sir. Just a minute. There _ a table available.A. is B. was C. will be D. has been1 No sooner _ than the phone rang.A. had he fell asleep B. he fell asleepC. did he fall asleep D. he falls asleep1 The accident was

16、my fault, so I had to pay for the damage to _car.A. another B. the other C. other D. others1 Jack, as well as his friends, _ the new plan because it is a really great one.湖州师范求真学院是几本A. are against B. is against C. are for D. is forPart II Reading Comprehension (40) Section ADirections: There are 3 p

17、assages in this part. Each passage is followed bysome questions or unfinished statements. For each of them, there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D) and choose the best one.Passage 1Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage:Each time we produce a new English dictionary, our aim is a

18、lways the same: what can we do to make the dictionary more helpful for students of English? As a result of our research with students and discussions with teachers, we decided to focus on providing more examples for this English dictionary.Examples help students to remember the word they have looked

19、 up in the dictionary because it is easier both to remember and to understand a word within a context(上下文). The examples also show that words are often used in many different contexts. For these reasons, we have included 40 percent more examples in this new book.We edit all the examples to remove di

20、fficult words and to make sure they are easier to understand.We very much hope this new book will be of use not only to the students of English but also to teachers.湖州师范求真学院是几本 The aim of the author in producing this new dictionary is to _.A. correct mistakes in the old dictionaryB. make it more hel

21、pful for studentsC. increase the number of wordsD. add pictures and photos A word is easier to remember and understand if it is _.A. included in a word list B. pronounced(发音) correctlyC. explained in English D. used in a context What is special about this new dictionary?A. It is small and cheap.B. I

22、t has a larger vocabulary.C. It has 40% more examples.D. It is designed for students and teachers. The purpose of removing difficult words in the examples is to _.A. make them easier to understandB. provide more useful wordsC. introduce more contextsD. include more examples The passage is most proba

23、bly taken from _.A. a letter to the editorB. a comment(评论)on a novelC. an introduction to a dictionaryD. a news-report in the newspaperPassage 2Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passageUsing too much water or throwing rubbish into our rivers are clear ways that humans can put our water su

24、pply(供给) in danger, but we also affect our water supply in less obvious(明显的) ways. You may wonder how paving(铺砌) a road can lead to less usable fresh water. A major part of the water we use every day is groundwater. Groundwater does not come from lakes or rivers. It comes from underground. The more

25、roads and parking lots we pave, the less water can flow into the ground to become groundwater.Human activity is not responsible for all water shortages(短缺). Drier climates are of course more likely to have droughts(干旱) than areas with more rainfall, but in any case, good management can help to make

26、sure there is enough water to meet our basic needs.Thinking about the way we use water every day can make a big difference, too. In the United States, a family of four can use 5 tons of water a day! This shows how much we depend on water to live, but theres a lot we can do to lower the number. You c

27、an take steps to save water in your home. To start with, use the same glass for your drinking water all day. Wash it only once a day. Run your dishwasher (洗碗机) only when it is full. Help your parents fix any leaks in your home. You can even help to keep our water supply clean by recycling batteries

28、instead of throwing them away. Which of the following is most likely to lead to less groundwater?A. Using river water.B. Throwing batteries away.C. Paving parking lots.湖州师范求真学院是几本D. Throwing rubbish into lakes. What can be inferred from the text?A. All water shortages are due to human behavior.B. It

29、 takes a lot of effort to meet our water needs.C. There is much we can do to reduce family size.D. Every family in America makes proper use of water. Which of the following way is NOT the one we can use to save water in our home?A. Washing the same glass once a day.B. Fixing any leaks in our home.C. Running our dishwasher after each meal.D. Recycling batteries instead of throwing them away. The last paragraph is intended to _.A. show us how to fix leaks at homeB. tell us how to run a dishwasherC. prove what d

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