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优品课件之六年级英语上册Unit12 Christmas知识点归纳.docx

1、优品课件之六年级英语上册Unit12 Christmas知识点归纳六年级英语上册Unit12 Christmas知识点归纳六年级英语上册Unit12 Christmas Module 6 Festivals知识点归纳 Unit 12 Christmas 138. sput up 竖起 139. share v.分享 140. wonderful adj.奇妙的;奇异的 141. hurry n.v.匆忙;赶忙 142. bring v.带来(过去式是brought) 143. *ham n.火腿 144. *turkey n.火鸡179. Christmas一、写出下列动词的第三人称单数形式过

2、去式形式现在分词形式 1. do does did doing 2. keep _ _ _ 3. are- _ _ _ 4.let _ _ _ 7. begin-_ _ _8. meet_ _ _ 9. bite-_ _ _ 10. put- _ _ _ 11. blow-_ _ _12. read-_ _ _. 13. buy-_ _ _14. ride- _ _ _ 15. catch-_ _ _16. run-_ _ _ 17. come_ _ _18. say-_ _ _ 19. cost-_ _ _ 20. see-_ _ _ 21. cut-_ _ _ 22. sing-_ _ _

3、 23.dig-_ _ _ 24. sit-_ _ _ _ _ 26. sleep-_ _ _ 27. draw-_ _ _28. speak-_ _ _ 29. drink-_ _ _30. sweep-_ _ _. 31. eat-_ _ _ 32. take-_ _ _ 33.fall-_ _ _ 34.teach-_ _ _ 35. feed-_ _ _36. tell-_ _ _ 37.feel-_ _ _ 38.think-_ _ _ 39. fly _ _ _ 40. throw-_ _ _ 41.forget-_ _ _42.understand_ _ _ 43

4、. get-_ _ _ 44. give-_ _ _ 45. wake-_ _ _46. go-_ _ _ 47. wear-_ _ _48. grow-_ _ _. 49. win-_ _ _ 50. have/has-_ _ _ 51. write-_ _ _52. know-_ _ _. 二、听力训练 课堂表现: 三、Unit12单词 竖起 分享 奇妙的;奇异的 匆忙;赶忙 带来(原/过去式) 火腿 火鸡 圣诞节 如果 健康的 繁忙的 大量的 新鲜的 分钟 (is/am过去式) 出生 昂贵的 街道 超市 交通 假日 不同于 外面;在外面 也许;可能 去(原/过去式) 小心的 跌倒;降落(

5、原/过去式) 有(原/过去式) 旅游 说(原/过去式) 岛 带;取(原/过去式) 一点 当时 保持(原/过去式) 卡通;漫画 大多数 节日 春节 当;在期间 听起来 大山;山脉 四、Unit12 短语 put up, tell the truth, all over the world 五、Unit12 句型 1. Christmas is the most important festival of the year. 2. When is Christmas Day? 六、知识考点 1. everyone = everybody 每人,不指具体哪个人,而是强调整体。 作主语时,一般与单数谓

6、语动词连用。 如:Is everyone here? 知识拓展: 不定代词当三单使用 2. share with 和分享 如:She (share) the cake other children. 3. 辨析:bring与take的区别: 1)bring 意思是“带来”是把东西带到说话人的方向或所在地。 bring sb. sth. bring sth. to sb. 如:bring your book here 把书带到这来 2)take 意思是“带走”, 是把东西从说话人的所在地或者方向带到其它的地方。 take sb. sth. = take sth. to sb. 如:take th

7、e book to him 把书带去给他 4. tell常见短语: tell the future 预测未来 tell a story 讲故事 tell a joke 讲笑话 tell the truth 说实话 tell a lie 说谎 5. Christmas is the most important festival of the year. 圣诞节是一年中最重要的节日。 The most important是形容词的最高级,最高级通常用于三个或者是三个以上人或事物间的比较,表示“三者或者三者以上最的”。当形容词有两个以上音节时,前面加most变为最高级。 如:She is beau

8、tiful girl in the class. 6. 语法:一般现在时 1)、当句子表状态说明主语是什么或怎么样时,其句型:主+ be动词(am, is, are)+表语,否定式是在be动词后加not,疑问句是将be动词提前到句首(即在主语之前) 。 如:The twin sisters are from America. 这对孪生姐妹是美国人。 The twin sisters are not from America. Are the twins from America? 2)、当谓语由实义动词充当,主语不是第三人称单数时,句子结构:主语+动词原形+其它;否定式为:主语+dont+动词

9、原形+其它;疑问句为:Do+主语+动词原形+其它? 如:We speak Chinese. Do you speak Chinese? They dont speak Chinese. 3)、当主语是第三人称单数时:句子结构为主语+动词(词尾加s或es)+其它。 否定式为:主语+doesnt+动词原形+其它。 疑问句式:Does+主语+动词原形+其它? 如:He likes playing football. He doesnt like playing football. Does he like playing football? 课堂训练: 1) 单项选择 ( )1.Its half p

10、ast six in the afternoon. Its time_, boys and girls! A. for supper B. for the supper C. for class D. for the Class ( )2. -Excuse me,_? -It is over there. A. Whats on the desk B. Wheres your room C. Whose bag is it D. Which shoes are yours Yeah , ( )3. Whose watch is this ? -Is it a black _, B.o

11、ne C. this D. that ( )4. Please _ these babies carefully ,nurse . A. look after B. look for C. look like D. look at ( )5. - Im sorry ,I cant play the computer games . - Dont worry , Ill _ you . A. speak to B. play C. learn D. show ( )6. -What is 5 plus 2 ? -_. Oh, Its seven , A. All right B. Thanks

12、C. Let me see D. Not at all ( )7. Its cold today . You must _ your coat , A. take off B. put on C. pick up D. turn on ( )8. Whose bag is bigger, _ or _? A. your , I B. yours, my C. you , me , D. yours ,mine , ( )9. How many _can you see in the picture , A. man B. child C. people D. woman ( )10. - Wh

13、eres shopping center ? - Its _ Zhongshan Road . A. at B. on C. over D.of ( )11. _ like to join us ? A. Can you , B. You would C. Do you D. Would you , ( )12. I have got a toothache , Im going to the _. A. dentist B. park C. teacher D. butcher ( )13. -Whose ruler is it ? - Maybe its_. A. Peter B. Pet

14、ers C. Marys and Peters D. Mary and Peter s ( )14. _ is your uncle ? A. Who , B. Where , C. What , D. How , ( )15.There is _ orange tree in my garden , under _tree, there is _ old man A.a the an B. an the an C. a an an a an ( )16.Mike _ a big box under his bed , _many toys in the box . A. has,

15、There are B.have , there is C.had, There are D.have , There was ( )17. Mr black is from _. He is _ He speaks _. A. America , American , English B. Chinese , China , Chinese C. Australia , Australian , Russian D. England , French , Brahms ( )18. Neither you nor_ a teacher . B. am C. are D. be (

16、)19. I want something special for Christmas , A.something special B. special anything C. special something D. anything special ( )20. I saw a girl_ in the room just now . A. jumps B. to jump C. jumped D. jumping 2) 根据实际情况回答问题 1. How many hours does the Earth turn on its axis in one day? How long doe

17、s it take,the earth goes around the sun? ( Just write the numbers) _ _ . _ _ . 2. The_ is a satellite(卫星) of the earth. 3. Chemical(化学) change is a change that produce(生成)_ substance(物质)? 4. If your friend got one hundred in the exam, What will you say to him? _ _ . 5. Factors(因素) which makeiron(铁)

18、rusting(生锈) is_ and _. 6. Whats the date of tree planting day?(write in English not only numbers) _ _ . 7. Who is the father of modern China? (You can write in Chinese) _ _ . 8. Where was Chairman Mao born? _ _ . 9. What season is it in China when it is autumn in Australia? _ _ . 10. Magnifier (放大镜)

19、 is often used in scientific experiments(科学实验). What is its feature(特点)? Its_ in the centre, But_ at the edge (边)。 3) 选词填空 Mid-Autumn Festival Spring Festival Christmas May Day New Years Day Easter Childrens Day Halloween National Day Dragon Boat Festival1. _is in December. People have beautiful Chr

20、istmas trees in their homes and give presents to each other. 2. _is the first day of a year. People usually go to parties. 3. There are dragon boat races at . 4. _is in January or February. People visit their relatives and friends and eat a lot of delicious food. 5. People usually make colourful egg

21、s at _. 6. People eat moon cakes at _. Its usually in September or October. 7. At _, people usually dress up in costumes and go to parties. 4) 改写句子 1. Do you often play football after school? (肯定回答) _ 2. I have many books. (改为否定句) _ 3. Gao Shans sister likes playing table tennis (改为否定句) _ 4. She liv

22、es in a small town near New York. (改为一般疑问句) _ 5. I watch TV every day. (改为一般疑问句) _ 6. David has got a goal. (改为一般疑问句) _ 7. I usually play football on Friday afternoon. 否定句: _ 一般疑问句:_ 划线提问:_ 8. Su Yang usually washes some clothes on Saturday. 否定句: _ 一般疑问句:_ 划线提问: _ 5) 完形填空 Cyril got in through the wi

23、ndow and gave the food to the others, Who were outside. There was some cold meat, half a cold chicken, _1_ bread and a bottle of soda-water, Then they all flew back up onto the church roof _2_it . They were very hungry , _3_they really enjoyed it . But when youre hungry ,and then you eat a big meal

24、and sit_4_the hot sun on a roof , its very _5_to fall asleep . And so they did -while the sun_6_went down in the west .They slept_7_ a long time .When they woke up it was dark -And of course ,they had no wings .We _8_get home , Cyril said .“ Theres a door over there ,.Thats the way_9_ , But when the

25、y tried the door ,they found that it was locked from _10_ side. They were on top of the church and they had no wings ! How were they going to get down ? ( )1. A. any B. some C. many D. little ( )2. A. eating B. ate C. to eat D. eat ( )3.A. so B. or C. still D. but ( )4.A. under B. for C. on D. in ( )5.A. easy B. tired C. hard D. hungry ( )6. A. fast B. soon C. slowly D. brigh

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