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重庆大学529 级论文模板解释说明.docx

1、重庆大学529 级论文模板解释说明重庆大学本科学生毕业论文从跨文化的角度分析跨国公司在中国的广告策略学 生: xxx学 号:xxx指导教师:xxx 专 业:英语重庆大学外国语学院二一五年六月Graduation Thesis of Chongqing UniversityStudy on the Advertising Strategies of Multinational Corporations in China: A Cross-cultural Perspective Undergraduate: xxxSupervisor: xxxMajor: English School of F

2、oreign Languages and CulturesChongqing UniversityJune 2015AcknowledgementsI would like to express my gratitude to my supervisor, Professor Li Hong, whose expertise, understanding, and patience, added considerably to my undergraduate experience. I appreciate her vast knowledge and skills in many area

3、s and her assistance in writing this thesis. Without her prudent proofreading, expert comments and above all generous understanding, I would not have been able to accomplish this thesis. It has been a privilege and great joy to study under her supervision during the time of thesis writing. My specia

4、l gratitude also goes to Professor Yu Manjun, whose academic writing course has bestowed me with a foundation on academic writing and enlightened me with the right way of making research, and Professor Zhu Wanzhong, whose cross-cultural business course has expanded my horizon and given me great insp

5、irations in writing this thesis.I would also like to thank all of my other teachers, all of my classmates for their care and help during the past four years of study.I must also give my acknowledgment to my family for the support they provided me through my university life, and without their love an

6、d encouragement, I would not have finished this thesis. 摘要越来越多的跨国公司在意识到中国市场的巨大潜力后把他们的目光转向这里。为了在激烈的竞争中处于优势地位,他们采取各种不同的营销策略。广告作为营销和宣传的重要手段有着不可或缺的作用。而克服文化差异被认为是跨国广告成功的基石。然而,怎样的广告才适用于有着不同文化背景的消费者呢?是标准化还是要地方化?近40年来这些问题都是国际市场及广告文献所争论的焦点。 本文以跨文化传播为理论依据,以内容分析和案例分析为研究方法,致力于研究跨国公司在中国的广告策略。文章首先阐述了跨国公司在中国的广告背景,

7、其次从跨文化传播的角度谈跨国广告的传播效果,然后提供三种跨国公司在中国的广告策略,并以麦当劳在中国“全球策略,本土表现”的广告策略为例阐明何为行之有效的广告策略,最后为跨国公司中国广告策略提出建议,如认识并尊重中国本土的文化,迎合中国消费者的消费心里,在广告中融入中国元素、渲染中国传统文化特色等。本文不仅是国际广告文献的必要补充,也为己经进入和即将进入中国市场的跨国公司更好地参与市场竞争提供参考依据。关键词:跨文化传播,跨国公司,广告,标准化,本土化 AbstractAn increasing number of multinational corporations turn their at

8、tention to Chinese market by recognizing its substantial potential for expansion and profit. In order to occupy an advantageous position in the fierce competition, they are adopting different marketing strategies. As an important means of marketing and promotion, advertising plays a very indispensab

9、le role and it is universally acknowledged that understanding cultural differences is often considered a prerequisite for successful international advertising. However, is it possible to persuade consumers in different markets with the same advertising message? Or should the message be customized to

10、 reflect the local culture? These questions have been the subject of extensive debate in the international marketing and advertising literature for nearly four decades.This thesis employs cross-cultural communication theory as theoretical foundation and mainly focuses on the advertising strategies o

11、f multinational corporations in Chinese market. It adopts content analysis and case study as research methods. It first gives a brief introduction of the background of multinational corporations advertising in China; then it explains the communication effect of cross-cultural advertisement from the

12、perspective of cross-cultural communication. After that, it presents three alternatives for multinational corporations advertising strategy in China and cites MacDonald as a typical case to demonstrate a successful advertising strategy in China, namely, think global, act local. At last, it provides

13、some suggestions for multinationals advertising in China, such as recognize and respect the cultural differences in China, cater to the common psychology of the local customers, explore the unique customs and traditions of local markets and incorporate the images of local characters and settings int

14、o international advertising appeals.The result of this thesis will be a supplement to the literature on international advertising and be able to provide some reference for the corporations that enter Chinese market, assisting them performing better in the competition.Key words: cross-cultural commun

15、ication, multinationals, advertisement, standardized, localizedContentsAcknowledgements I摘要 IIAbstract III1 Introduction 12 Literature Review 32.1 Hofstedes Five Dimensions of Culture 32.2 Porter and Samovars Cross-cultural Communication 42.3 Access to Cross-cultural Advertising Effectiveness 53 Adv

16、ertising Strategy Alternatives for Multinationals in China 83.1 Standardized Strategy 83.1.1 Definition 83.1.2 Advantages of Standardized Strategy 93.1.3 Disadvantages of Standardized Strategy 103.2 Localized Strategy 103.2.1 Definition 103.2.2 Necessities of Localized Strategy 113.2.3 Disadvantages

17、 of Localized Strategy 133.3 In-between Strategy Global Brand with Local Execution 143.3.1 Definition 143.3.2 Seeking a Balance Case Study of McDonalds 154 Suggestions for Advertising of Multinationals in China 175 Conclusion 195.1 Major Findings of the Study 195.2 Limitations and Suggestions for Fu

18、rther Research 20References 211 IntroductionEver since the end of the Second World War, great stride has been taken in world trade over the past 60 years. Thanks to the establishment of some international and regional economic organizations, such as WTO (in 1995), NAFTA (in 1994), EU (in 1992) and A

19、PEC (in 1989), economic boundaries between nations gradually faded away. As corporations in different countries realizing the substantial potential for expansion and profit the international markets provide, they are taking the initiative in participating in the international business and turning th

20、eir attention to foreign markets with the aim to occupy a favorable place in the fierce competition. Especially those in developed countries, where slow population growth, saturated domestic markets, increasing foreign competition inhibit their further development, have already begun to look abroad

21、for new markets and taste the high profit margins on foreign soil, such as BMW, Nestle, Nokia, McDonalds, Nike, Toyota, Coca Cola, Gillette, Samsung, Colgate (Waller, 2002).China, the worlds fastest growing economy and the largest market, is witnessing increasing presence and involvement of multinat

22、ional corporations. So far, 400 out of the worlds top 500 multinational companies have made investments in over 2000 projects in China. More than half of the 500 big in the U.S. have set up projects in China. It was reported that 19 of the 20 biggest manufacturers in the U.S., 19 of the 20 biggest m

23、anufacturers in Japan and 9 of the top 10 manufacturers in Germany have all set up investment programs in China (Lu, 2002). Whats more, more than 510 thousand overseas-funded enterprises from nearly 200 countries or areas have settled in China, covering manufacturing, trade, agriculture and so on (H

24、e, 2007). It is rare that so many multinational corporations invest in the same markets at the same time. Along with the huge opportunity for development, the Chinese market also brings with them fierce competition and great threat. As players of the international economy, these multinational corpor

25、ations have no choice but to energetically take the initiative to meet the international challenge and safeguard their sphere of influence. As companies are more inclined to market and promote their products and services in a different market, they need to have a comprehensive and intensive understa

26、nding of the difficulty they will face in developing and implementing advertising. In fact, these companies face both an unfamiliar marketing environment with different economic development, different legal constraints, different public infrastructure and different political systems and customers wi

27、th different sets of values, customs and consumption patterns, as well as dissimilar purchase motives and abilities. In order to occupy an advantageous position in the fierce competition, they are adopting different marketing strategies. As an important means of marketing and promotion, advertising

28、plays a very indispensable role.Advertisement, a bridge to connect customers with product, will goes beyond national and cultural boundaries. However, is it possible to persuade consumers in different markets with the same advertising message? Will they respond favorably? Or should the message be cu

29、stomized to reflect the local culture? These questions are among the most fundamental decisions when companies plan an advertising campaign in different cultures.In the international advertising literature, the issue of standardization versus localization has ignited a long-running debate among the

30、scholars and practitioners. While this debate still goes on and no ultimate agreement has been reached, many practitioners keep on failing to get their message across the target consumers, even offending them as a result of not taking care of the local customs, beliefs, values, economic reality, and

31、 legal regulations of a new market. The present-day situation of international advertising necessitates further cross-cultural research to demystify the dilemma, for the very reason that international advertising is advertising that reaches beyond national and cultural boundaries, that is, an attemp

32、t to persuade its potential consumers across cultures. To comply with this demand, this paper employs cross-cultural communication theory as theoretical foundation and mainly examines cultural influence on advertising strategies of multinational corporations in China. It adopts content analysis and case study as research methods. The result of this paper will be a supplement to the literature on international advertising and be used as reference for Chinese companies in foreign market.2 Literature ReviewTh

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