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1、英语语法填空专题练习及答案及解析英语语法填空专题练习(及答案)及解析一、语法填空1阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 New Years Eve is the last day of the year. It is always an exciting time because people look forward to _(welcome) a new year. It is also a good time to think back and say goodbye to the old year. New Years Eve is a _(nati

2、on) holiday for many people around the world. In a lot of countries , people go back to their hometown for the New Year, so usually the trains and buses_(pack) with people. In England, there is always a New Years Eve party, _ is usually held at someones home and the host invites friends, families an

3、d neighbors. The living room becomes a mini disco as everyone dances_ loud music. I have lots of good _(memory) of New Years Eve . I once spent one freezing New Years Eve in Trafalgar Square in the center of London. It snowed and was _(bitter) cold . I also spent many wonderful New Years Eves in Jap

4、an. There, it is a tradition_(visit) a shrine(圣坛)and pray for good things. I think wherever you are, New Years Eve is always _exciting day. Maybe the last way to welcome the New Year _(be)watching amazing fireworks displays in the worlds cities.【答案】 welcoming;national;are packed;which;to;memories;bi

5、tterly;to visit;an;is 【解析】【分析】本文是一篇夹叙夹议文,对世界各地的许多人来说,除夕是国家的假日。作者回忆了除夕的许多美好记忆。 (1)考查非谓语动词。句意:这总是一个令人兴奋的时刻,因为人们期待着迎接新的一年。look forward to固定短语,“期待”,to是介词,后面接动名词,所以填welcoming。 (2)考查形容词。句意:对世界各地的许多人来说,除夕是国家的假日。该空修饰名词holiday,用形容词,所以填national。 (3)考查时态语态。句意:在很多国家,人们会回老家过年,所以通常火车和公共汽车上都挤满了人。描述经常或反复发生的动作,用一般现在

6、时。火车和公共汽车与挤满之间是被动关系,用被动语态,所以填are packed。 (4)考查定语从句。句意:在英国,人们通常在某人家里举行新年晚会,邀请朋友、家人和邻居。_ is usually held at someones home and the host invites friends, families and neighbors.是一个非限制性定语从句,先行词是a New Years Eve party,关系词在从句中作主语,指物,故填which。 (5)考查介词。句意:客厅变成了一个迷你迪斯科舞厅,每个人都随着响亮的音乐跳舞。dance to固定短语,“随着起舞”,故填to。

7、(6)考查名词。句意:我对除夕有很多美好的回忆。美好的回忆是复数意义,用名词复数,故填memories。 (7)考查副词。句意:天下着雪,冷得刺骨。修饰形容词cold,用副词,故填bitterly。 (8)考查非谓语动词。句意:在那里,参拜神社并祈求好运是一种传统。不定式作主语,一般用it作形式主语,把作主语的不定式短语后置,故填to visit。 (9)考查冠词。句意:我想无论你在哪里,除夕总是一个令人兴奋的日子。泛指一个令人兴奋的日子,exciting的首字母发音是元音,所以填不定冠词an。 (10)考查时态。句意:也许迎接新年的最后一种方式是在世界各地的城市观看令人惊叹的烟花表演。描述经

8、常或反复发生的动作,用一般现在时,所以填is。 【点评】本题考点涉及非谓语动词,形容词,时态语态,定语从句,介词,副词以及故此等多个知识点的考查,是一篇文化类阅读,要求考生在理解细节信息的基础上,进一步根据上下文的逻辑关系,并结合相关语法知识,进行分析推理,从而写出正确的单词形式。2阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 Cathy Martin is a hurricane hunter with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). For six months each y

9、ear, she is part of a team that collects _she describes as vital data, to save life and property.When winds pick up, _(spin) toward the Caribbean and U. S. coastline, Martin and _(she) flight team spring into action. They use instruments called dropsondes, which _(set) free from a tube at the back o

10、f the plane. As a dropsonde makes its 10,000-foot landing into the sea, it sends out information about air temperature, pressure, humidity, and the speed and _(direct) of the wind. On an eight-hour flight, Martins team _(typical) drops 15 to 20 dropsondes while flying from one side of the storm _the

11、 other, trying to cover as much ground as possible. They head for the center (or eye) of the storm, _theres no wind, and also search for the strongest winds, to help people on the coast prepare for whats coming. Sometimes, they will use an unmanned aircraft _(gather) data closer to the oceans surfac

12、e. Though these flights can be long,_(tire) and often last several days in a row, Martin likes her job and wishes she could fly every day.【答案】 what;spinning;her;are set;direction;typically;to;where;to gather;tiring 【解析】【分析】本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了Cathy Martin 以及她的团队是如何收集数据预测飓风的。 (1)考查宾语从句。句意:每年有六个月的时间,她是一个团队的成员

13、,这个团队收集她所说的“重要数据,以拯救生命和财产”。本句为宾语从句,因为从句中缺少宾语,指代事物,故填what。 (2)考查非谓语动词。句意:当风力增强,向加勒比海和美国海岸线旋转时,马丁和她的飞行团队立即行动起来。spin与逻辑主语wind是主动关系,故填现在分词作状语,故填spinning。 (3)考查代词。修饰名词flight team使用形容词性物主代词,故填her。 (4)考查时态语态。句意:他们使用一种叫做下投式探空仪的仪器,这种仪器从飞机后部的管子中释放出来。主语是dropsondes与谓语动词构成被动关系,结合上下文使用一般现在时,主语为复数名词,故填are set。 (5)

14、考查名词。句意:当探空仪降落在10000英尺的海面上时,它会发出有关空气温度、压力、湿度以及风速和风向的信息。根据上文名词并列结构the speed and可知,应填名词,故填direction。 (6)考查副词。句意:在8小时的飞行中,马丁的团队从风暴的一边飞到另一边时,通常会放下15到20个探空仪,试图覆盖尽可能多的地面。修饰动词drop应用副词,故填typically。 (7)考查介词。fromto固定短语,“从到”,故填to。 (8)考查定语从句。句意:他们前往风暴中心(或风眼),那里没有风,也寻找最强的风,帮助沿海地区的人们为即将到来的风暴做好准备。本句为定语从句修饰先行词cente

15、r,且在定语从句中作地点状语,故填关系副词where。 (9)考查非谓语动词。句意:有时,他们会使用无人驾驶飞机收集更接近海洋表面的数据。本句为不定式to do作目的状语,故填to gather。 (10)考查形容词。句意:虽然这些飞行时间很长,也很累,而且常常会持续好几天,但马丁喜欢她的工作,希望她能每天都飞。根据上文系动词be可知,应填形容词作表语,修饰物,故填tiring。 【点评】本题考点涉及宾语从句,非谓语动词,代词,时态语态,名词,副词,定语从句以及形容词等多个知识点的考查,是一篇故事类阅读,要求考生在理解细节信息的基础上,进一步根据上下文的逻辑关系,并结合相关语法知识,进行分析推

16、理,从而写出正确的单词形式。3阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 With the development of modem technology, people can stay _ (connect) with their families and friends easily, however far apart they are from each other. WeChat is one of the most _ (frequent) used means of communication in China. It is reported th

17、at the number of the WeChat users _ (reach) over 1.1billion so far. Once joining the WeChat, people can find more and more people start to add them _ friends. They dont have to consider time _ (zone) when communicating. Another reason why ifs so popular is that it costs nothing. Its also very conven

18、ient for people to immediately update _ they are doing by WeChat. However, addiction to WeChat will rob people of the time that should otherwise _ (spend) on something more important. And the many so-called friends on it are not really friends at all, who simply want _ (put) ads or sell items on Mom

19、ents. Besides, people on the Wechat are more likely to compare _ (they) with others, which will make them feel bad when finding some people seem to be _ (success).【答案】 connected;frequently;has reached;as;zones;what;be spent;to put;themselves;(more) successful 【解析】【分析】这是一篇议论文。文章介绍了微信给人们带来方便的同时,也存在着一些

20、弊端。 (1)句意:随着现代技术的发展,人们可以很容易地与家人和朋友保持联系,不管他们相距多远。系动词stay后,用形容词connected“有联系的”,stay connected with“与保持联系”。故填connected。 (2)句意:微信是中国最常用的交流方式之一。修饰形容词used,用副词。故填frequently。 (3)句意:据报道,到目前为止,微信的用户数量已经超过11亿。so far做时间状语时,应使用现在完成时,the number of做主语时,谓语动词使用第三人称单数形式。故填has reached。 (4)句意:一旦加入微信,人们可以发现越来越多的人开始添加他们作

21、为朋友。根据句意,此处使用介词as表示“作为”。故填as。 (5)句意:他们在交流时不需要考虑时区。“时区”是复数意义,前面没有冠词,应用名词复数形式。故填zones。 (6)句意:人们可以很方便地通过微信立即更新他们正在做的事情。_6_ they are doing by WeChat是一个宾语从句,引导词在从句中做doing宾语,表“正在做的事情”,应使用what引导。故填what。 (7)句意:然而,沉迷于微信将会剥夺人们原本应该花在更重要事情上的时间。“时间”和“花费”之间是被动关系,用被动语态,由空前should可知,此处be动词使用原形。故填be spent。 (8)句意:而许多所

22、谓的朋友根本不是真正的朋友,他们只是想在朋友圈里放广告或卖东西。固定短语:want to do sth. “想要做某事”。故填to put。 (9)句意:此外,在微信上的人更有可能自己与他人比较,这将使他们当发现一些人似乎更成功,感觉难过。文中表示“人们自己与他人比较”,用反身代词。故填themselves。 (10)句意:此外,在微信上的人更有可能自己与他人比较,这将使他们当发现一些人似乎更成功,感觉难过。be后,用形容词作表语,根据语境此处可以使用形容词原级或比较级。故填more successful。 【点评】考查语法填空,考查词汇在语篇中的应用能力。对于给出提示词的空,要注意提示词在句

23、子中充当的成分,若充当谓语,注意动词的时态和语态;若充当非谓语,注意给出单词与被修饰词的主被动关系;若给出形容词,名词,代词等,注意根据句子结构进行变形。若没给出提示词,注意分析句子成分,填出合适的词。4阅读下面材料,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 Since _ first fully artificial plastic was invented in 1907, humans _(find) innumerable uses for the material. It has found _(it) way into our tools, our clothes and

24、 even our bodies. In a new study in _(environment) science and technology, researchers estimate the average American eats more than 50,000 pieces of microplastic particles, _(small) than 5 millimeters in length every year and breathes in another 50,000. Although the health _(effect) of consuming the

25、se tiny bits of plastic are unclear, researchers stress the real volume that people are _(casual) swallowing is alarming. The largest contributor came _ drinking bottled water, in _ the bottle itself added more than 32 times more plastic to a diet _(compare) with tap water, The Guardian reports.【答案】

26、 the;have found;its;environmental;smaller;effects;casually;from;which;compared 【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文。文章提出了人工塑料渗入到我们生活的方方面面。在环境科学与技术的一项新研究中,研究人员估计,美国人平均每年吃掉5万多块塑料微粒,这些微粒的长度小于5毫米,再吸入5万粒塑料微粒。主要诱因是饮用瓶装水。 (1)考查冠词。句意:自从1907年第一个完全人工塑料被发明以来。根据first可知此处用冠词the。故填the。 (2)考查时态。句意:人类已经发现了这种材料的无数用途。since引导的时间从句要用一般过去时

27、,主句要用现在完成时。分析句子成分可知,主语是humans,故谓语动词为have found。故填have found。 (3)考查代词。句意:它已经渗入我们的工具、我们的衣服甚至我们的身体。way是名词,此处应该用形容词性物主代词修饰名词。故填its。 (4)考查形容词。句意:在环境科学与技术的一项新研究中。此处要用形容词修饰名词science and technology(科学与技术)。故填environmental。 (5)考查形容词。句意:美国人平均每年吃掉5万多块塑料微粒,这些微粒的长度小于5毫米,再吸入5万粒塑料微粒。根据than可知此处要用形容词比较级。故填smaller。 (6

28、)考查名词。句意:尽管食用这些小塑料碎片对健康的影响尚不清楚。根据the health是主语的一部分,可知此处用名词作主语,且谓语动词是are,故用可数名词复数,填effects。 (7)考查副词。句意:但研究人员强调,人们随意吞下的塑料碎片的实际数量令人担忧。此处要用副词修饰动词swallowing 。故填casually。 (8)考查介词。句意:最大促成物来自饮用瓶装水。come from,固定短语,“来自”。故填from。 (9)考查定语从句。句意:瓶装水在日常饮食中添加的塑料量是自来水的32倍多。分析句子成分可知,先行词为drinking bottled water,指物,且作in的宾

29、语,故此处填which。故填which。 (10)考查非谓语动词。句意:瓶装水在日常饮食中添加的塑料量是自来水的32倍多。分析句子可知,the bottle itself与compare在逻辑上是被动关系。故填compared。 【点评】本题考点涉及冠词,时态,代词,形容词,名词,介词,副词,定语从句以及非谓语动词的等多个知识点的考查,是一篇环保类阅读,要求考生在理解细节信息的基础上,进一步根据上下文的逻辑关系,并结合相关语法知识,进行分析推理,从而写出正确的单词形式。5语法填空 Nearly 800 new pupils of Lianhua Elementary School in Hef

30、ei, Anhui Province, is reported _(receive) a unique gift: an admission letter _their names are written by teachers using Chinese writing brush. _(similar), Shaanxi Normal University has been sending their freshmen calligraphy admission for eleven years. Several former professors in _70s take about a

31、 week writing more than 4,500 admission letters every year. It is believed in China that handwriting is the man, _(mean) good handwriting can not only cultivate ones temperament (气质), but can also reflect ones literacy and character. At present, _(tradition) calligraphy has again become a compulsory lesson in many Chinese primary and middle schools, which aims _(enhance) students cultural competence. At the same ti

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