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本文(上海寒假英语八年级第7讲主题阅读与写作之生活点滴教案南方商城PGYZr.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、上海寒假英语八年级第7讲主题阅读与写作之生活点滴教案南方商城PGYZr精锐教育1对3辅导讲义学员姓名: 学科教师:年 级:八年级 辅导科目:英语授课日期时 间主 题主题阅读与写作之生活点滴 学习目标1. 在阅读中积累词汇短语及句型表达;2. 能灵活运用所学知识。教学内容处理上次课课后巩固作业及预习思考内容。1、 上次课后巩固作业复习; 2、 互动探索。教学建议:1、根据上节课预习思考的要求,让学生分享自己生活当中的趣事;想想生活中你发生了哪些有趣的事情呢?比如去欢乐谷游玩,去迪士尼参观或者是去鬼屋?运用所学时态将这些快乐的事情整理成小故事;下节课请同学来PK说出自己的故事哦教学建议:1. 根据

2、文章难度和学生程度要求学生在限定时间内完成阅读;2. 要求学生概括文章大意,养成从总体上把握文章的习惯;3. 让学生之间相互对答案;4. 鼓励学生自己解释和别人答案不同的题目以便老师了解学生的解题思路及错误原因;5. 让错误较多的学生总结错误原因及注意事项。6. 文章中重点短语及句型学习。7. 让学生从文章中挑选出自己认为的好句子,对句子进行详细解析或者模仿造句。知识名称:生活点滴类阅读理解【知识梳理1】生活点滴类阅读命题的一般特点及相关的解题技巧:1、特点生活点滴类的阅读的体裁多为记叙文,而说明文则是以写人物的经历和事物发展变化为主要内容,通过生动形象的事件来反映生活、来表达作者的思想感情,

3、文章的中心思想蕴含在具体材料中、通过对人、事、物的生动描写来表现。题型的设置主要分为两大类,即表层题和深层题。2、解题技巧:1表层题主要指细节题及主旨大意题。通过阅读文章内容,找出问题答案的具体出处,对文中描述的事实进行判断归纳和总结。 2 深层题包括推理判断题,观点态度题,词汇语义题。这类题着重考察文章的深层含义,通常涉及到文章的主题、结构框架、作者意图等。同学们必须在理解文章表层意思后,通过推理判断得出结论3. 具体解题步骤:1. 读题干:阅读题干,发现关键词和起主导作用的内容。一般情况下,问题出现的前后顺序与文章中细节和事实出现的先后顺序是一致的。2. 找细节:阅读文章内容,寻找与题干相

4、符合的具体细节。要注意的是,对作者使用的同义词或与之相关的词语和句子千万不能忽略。【例题精讲】例1.When I was 14, I was on my way to California, following my dreamWhen I reaching downtown EI Paso, I met abum, on the street cornerHe stopped me and asked me if I was running away from homeI told him, “Not exactly, sir” because my father had given me

5、a ride to the station and said,” It is important to follow your dream,son.” After talking for a few minutes, the friendly bun told me to follow him. He took me to a EI Paso Public LibraryThe bum first took me to a table and asked me to sit down and wait for a momentA few moments later, he returned w

6、ith some old books in his handThen he said, “There are two things that I want to teach you, young man”and they are these :Number one is to never judge a book by its cover, for a cover can fool you” He continued, “you think Im a bum, dont you, young man?” I admitted“Well, young man, Ive got a little

7、surprise for youI am one of the richest men in the world I realized there were certain things I had not yet experienced in life. so for the past year, I have been going from city to city living as a bum.So, you see, dont ever judge a book by its cover “Number two is to learn how to read, my boy. The

8、re is only one thing that people cant take away from you, and that is your wisdom” At that moment, he showed me the old booksThe bum then took me back to the street where we first met. He asked me never to forget what he taught me when we left each other.1. The word bum in the second paragraph means

9、 a person who is _ . A. homeless and poor B. polite and friendly C. rich and generous D. old and knowledgeable2. How did the writer arrive at the train station ? A. He rode to the station himself B. His father gave him a ride to the station. C. A bum took him to the station D. He followed his dream

10、to the station.3. “Never judge a book by its cover “ means a cover of the book sometimes can _ you. A. upset B. satisfy C. excite D. fool4. Finally, they left each other _ . A. on the street corner B. at the library C. in the California D. at the train station5. Which of the following statements is

11、NOT TRUE according to the passage. A. Wisdom is one thing that people cant take away from you. B. The bum asked the writer to read some old books in the library. C. The bums hope was to have different kinds of experiences in life. D. The writers father supported his choice of following his dream.6.

12、The best title of the passage is _ . A. Follow your Dream B. Never Judge a Book by Its Cover C. An important Lesson D. Wisdom is Important【答案与解析】根据文章作者因为追寻梦想而离家,后来遇到一个体验生活追寻自我的“伪乞丐”真富豪,这个真富豪教导他两件事,让他好好记住,第一:不要以貌取人,第二,学会阅读 1.A,猜测词义题,阅读文章,后面bum 说了不要以貌取人也说了自己的身份,可以推断出bum是乞丐的意思.。 2. B,细节题,根据第二段because m

13、y father had given me a ride to the station可知答案为B. 3. D,理解题,根据第四段Number one is to never judge a book by its cover, for a cover can fool you可知答案为D. 4.A,细节题,根据最后一段The bum then took me back to the street where we first met.回到我第一次见到他的地方,和第二段When I reaching downtown EI Paso, I met a bum, on the street co

14、rner相呼应,答案是A. 5. B,细节题,根据文章ACD全部都提到了,所以答案是B 这个乞丐带作者到图书馆的目的并不是看书,是让作者明白never judge a book by its cover不要以貌取人,所以答案是B. 6.C,主旨大意题,根据文章作者因为追寻梦想而离家,后来遇到一个体验生活追寻自我的“伪乞丐”真富豪,这个真富豪教导他两件事,让他好好记住,所以通读全文,作者应该从这个人身上学到了重要的一课,所以答案是C.【巩固练习】Emily Mason and George Peters have lived next door to each other as long as

15、they can remember. When they were little children, they used to play together. They were good friends, _1_they sometimes fought over toys or argued about what games they would play. As they grew older, they played together less. Emily preferred to be with girls, and George preferred to play with boy

16、s, When they were about fifteen years old, they almost stopped speaking to each other, not because they had disagreed with each other about anything, but because they belonged to different groups. Emily had begun to study French, and she _2_ French so much that she began to write short plays in Fren

17、ch. In addition, She liked television programmes, and she was interested in watching football games very much. Her mother used to say, Emily, Ive _3_ heard of a girl who likes football as much as you do. Mrs. Mason simply did not approve of her daughters interest. Football, she felt, was for men and

18、 boys.While Emily was working on her French lessons or watching football games on TV, George was working for his father in his store after school. He liked selling things to people. Mr. Peters found George so helpful that he thought about offering him a higher _4_. When George wasnt working at the s

19、tore, he would like to be with a group of his boy friends who were organizing a sports team._5_, it was football that brought Emily and George back together. When George was going home one afternoon, he looked in the window of Emilys living room and he saw that she was watching a football game on TV

20、. He walked up and knocked at the door. Emily was surprised to see him, but she asked him to come in and they watched the rest of the game together. At some time during the afternoon, George looked at Emily, and he noticed that she had become a very pretty young lady. Emily and George are good frien

21、ds again. They still have _6_ ideas about things sometimes, but they agree with each other that football is the worlds best game. Mrs. Mason doesnt seem to disapprove of her daughters interest in football as much as used to.( ) 1. A) though B) because C) unless D) while( ) 2. A) liked B) hated C) cr

22、eated D) imagined( ) 3.A) ever B) already C) never D) yet( ) 4.A) point B) pay C) proof D) program( ) 5.A) In all B) In return C) In short D) In fact( ) 6. A) famous B) different C) wonderful D) similar解析:【文章大意】讲述小时候的玩伴从分到和的故事。1. 【解析】:选A. 由前面的“他们是好朋友”和后面的“他们有时会为了玩具和讨论他们玩什么游戏而打架”可知两者是转折,所以填though。2.

23、【解析】:选A. 根据文中意思,Emily学习法语而且用法语写故事,说明她很喜欢法语。3. 【解析】选C. 根据常识,女孩一般都是不喜欢足球赛的,所以应该是从未听说过,填never。4. 【解析】选B. 工作努力所以是加薪。Pay有工资的意思5. 【解析】选D. in all 总共 in return 反过来作为回报 in short 简而言之 in fact 事实上符合文中句意的只有in fact。6. 【解析】选B. 此空可根据still 回归到文章开头,他们经常争吵,所以也就是说他们现在还是会有不同意见的时候。 【知识梳理2】1. 记叙文模板 I. 交代是谁/什么事 A:XXX is t

24、he est person that I have ever met. Whenever I think about him, I cannot but feel B:doing is the est thing that I have ever done/ it s since I did sth. However, I will forget the moments that I spend with XXX II.交代经过。 It was on .(注意时态大多应该是过去时), III. 经验总结/感想/名言 According to my personal experience, I

25、completely understand the meaning of the famous saying: “.”1 After that, I learnt thatII. 写作的基本步骤 :一审题目二. 列提纲三写全文四查疏漏1. 查主题,文章是否符合题目要求,内容是否完整。(check the theme)2. 查语法,是否有时态错误,是否有主谓不一致,是否有语态问题,是否有词形错误,是否有不合乎搭配的词组。(check the grammar)3 查标点,是否有标点错误 (check the punctuation)4. 查拼写,是否有拼写错误和大小写问题 (check the s

26、pelling)5 查表达,是否有不合乎英语惯用的表达,是否有中国式英语表达。(check the ways of expression)【例题精讲】Write a passage of at least 60 words on the topic “An unforgettable lesson”. (以“记一堂难忘的课”为题写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格)(注意:文中不得出现任何姓名、校名及其它相关信息,否则不予评分。)Use the following points as a guide. (短文必须包含下列要点)1. Which lesson do you think wa

27、s unforgettable?2. Why do you think it was so unforgettable? (give at least two reasons)3. What have you learned/got from it?范文1: An unforgettable last lessonLast Friday, we had a lesson and it was really unforgettable because it was the last lesson given by our kind English teacher, Mr. Tang. When

28、Mr. Tang slowly went into the classroom, we could see clearly that it was hard for him to leave us. We all listened attentively to every word he said. Though we didnt want our good teacher to go, it seemed to be too late. As the saying goes, “only when we lose something do we realize the value of it

29、. At last, with the bell ringing, his last lesson was over too. He hoped that we would make progress in our study and become good citizens in society. What an unforgettable and sad lesson!范文2:Actually, it is hard to please my severe dancing teacher. Last Sunday, it was an unforgettable lesson and sh

30、e was dissatisfied with me and even became upset because I could hardly follow the rhythm of the music well. Anyhow, I made up my mind to give a wonderful performance the next time. I practiced harder than before. I danced hundrds of times to make sure I could do it well. Today, I danced so fluently

31、 and correctily that my teacher got shocked. However, I will still remember that lesson in my heard as a warning. I really dont want my teacher to be disappointed and I also realize that if we put our heart into it, nothing is difficult.【巩固练习】Write at least 60 words about the topic “ A success experience in my memory” (以“我记忆中的一次成功经历”为题,写一篇不少于60词的短文,标点符号不计入在内。)Use the following points as reference. (以下问题仅供参考) When did you have your success experience? How did it happen? (Please write in detail.) What have you learnt from the expe

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