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1、人教版九年级上册英语第四单元学案设计Unit 4I used to be afraid of the dark.Period1Section A 1a-2d【课型】 听说课学习目标1.能掌握以下单词:humorous,silent,helpful,from time to time,score 能掌握以下句型:Paula used to be really quiet.Did Mario use to be short?Yes,he did.Whats he like now?Hes tall now.2.能用英语描述自己或他人过去常常做的事情;发现自己或他人在外表、性格、兴趣等方面所发生的变

2、化。3.能明白事物是在不断发展、变化的道理,养成积极向上的心态。学习过程【自主学习】1.写出下列单词短语(1)有幽默感的 (2)沉默的 (3)有用的 (4)时常;有时 (5)分数 2.根据首字母或汉语提示完成句子(1)He used to get good s in the final exam.(2)I want to be a (有帮助的) person to my country when I grow up.(3)Our English teacher is quite h.(4)Though he has a good a,he cant do things well.(5)My f

3、riend used to do things in the s way.3.表示外表的词汇有: 表示性格的词汇有:师生互动【新课导入】观察金秀贤的照片,描述其外表。【新知呈现】1.通过讨论后,填写1a表格。Appearance: Personality: 3.观察蔡依林和杨紫的前后照片对比,说出她们的变化。Cai Yilin used to ,but now she .Yang Zi used to ,but she now.【新知学习】听力活动1 1bBefore listening观察1a图片,描述Bob的朋友外貌的对比变化。观察与思考1:仔细观察1a图片上的人物过去和现在的样子,你认为

4、下面横线上应该填什么?试着写写吧!1.Mario used to be .He used to wear .2.Amy used to be .She used to have hair.3.Tina used to have and hair.While listeningListen for the first time.For the second time,listen and try to fill in the blanks with the right words.Listen again and check your answers.【拓展提升结对活动】1.Look at th

5、e picture in 1a and make conversations in pairs.2.Work in pairs to ask and answer the appearance about Mario,Amy and Tina.e.g.A:Did Mario use to be short?B:Yes,he did.He used to be really short.A:Whats he like now?B:Hes tall now.3.Some pairs role-play the conversation.听力活动2 2aBefore listening观察与思考2:

6、1.Look at the picture in 2a and answer:where are they?what are they doing?2.Look at the words in 2a.Read the words aloud. friendly outgoing serious humorous silent active brave quiet helpfulWhile listeningListen for the first time.For the second time,listen and check the words they hear.Listen again

7、 and check the answers.听力活动3 2bBefore listening观察与思考3:仔细观察表格里的内容,关于Paula的过去和现在,你能知道哪些?While listeningListen for the first time.For the second time,listen and fill in the blanks with the right words.Listen again and check the answers.After listeningTalk about “what was Paula like in the past and what

8、 is he like now”,and then read the sentences in the chart together.【拓展提升】1.Make conversations about Paula using the information in 2b.2.Act out the conversations.e.g.A:Paula used to be really quiet.B:I know.She was always silent in class.【角色扮演】1.通过观察图片和快速浏览文本,回答问题:(1)Where are the speakers?(2)Whats

9、the relationship between Alfred and Gina?(3)What are they talking about?2.跟老师读。3.再次读对话完成下列表格Billy has changed so much! He used to be so and .His face always turned when he talked to girls! He studied hard and got good on his exams.He used to be ,but now he is and .4.Role-play the conversation in gro

10、ups.【课堂练习】.单词拼写1.He has plenty of (幽默的) stories to tell us.2.Youd better keep (沉默) about what happened.3.The lazy cat isnt very (有用的) in catching mice.4.Tom got the highest (得分)in the exam.翻译句子1.他过去常常在卧室抽烟。.2.汤姆过去常常去那儿看电影,但现在他不去了。.自我反思1.我的收获Words and expressions:Sentences:2.学习本节后,我能用英语进行:3.我的易错点:参考答

11、案【课堂练习】.1.humorous2.silent3.helpful4.score.1.He used to smoke in the bedroom.2.Tom used to go to the movies there,but now he doesnt go there.Unit 4I used to be afraid of the dark.Period 2Section A 3a-4c【课型】阅读、语法练习学习目标1.能掌握以下单词:background,interview,Asian,deal with,dare,private,guard,require,European,

12、African,British,speech,public,in public并复习巩固上一课时所学的生词和词组,达到熟练运用的目标。2.阅读短文,能按要求获取相关的信息,并且通过阅读训练来提高自己的阅读能力。能总结 used to 的不同句型,学习运用used to句型结构来表达“过去常常”存在的状态或发生的动作。3.能明白事物是在不断发展、变化的道理,养成积极向上的心态。学习过程【自主学习】1.翻译下列单词短语。(1)背景(2)采访(3)亚洲(人)的(4)对付(5)害羞(6)敢于(7)观众(8)许多(9)私人的(10)警卫(11)需要(12)年轻世界(13)开始从事(14)放弃(15)继续

13、战斗(16)做到最好(17)不再2.课前认真预习3a文章,熟读全文。【新课导入】Look at the picture of Candy Wang and try to answer the following questions:1.What do you think the girl in the picture is doing?2.Whats in her hand?3.Whats she like?Is she outgoing or shy?【新知呈现】1.Know the title of the passage From Shy Girl to Pop Star.2.Discu

14、ss the following questions:(1)What was the girl like in the past?(2)What kind of music does she like?(3)What do you think the reading passage is about?【新知学习】ReadingWork on 3a Read the article and identify the paragraphs in which the following information appears.Number the information 1-3. how Candy

15、s life has changed Candys advice to young people Candys backgroundWork on 3bRead the article again and complete the sentences about Candy.1.She used to be shy,but now shes not shy .2.She didnt use to be in school,but now she gets lots of attention.3.She used to with friends,but it is almost impossib

16、le now.4.She didnt use to how she appears to others,but now she does.Work on 3c1.Suppose you are the interviewer and your partner is Candy.Ask and answer questions.e.g.You:What were you like?Were you good at singing when you were very young?Your partner:No.I used to be really shy.I took up singing t

17、o deal with my shyness.As I got better,I dared to sing in front of the class and then for the whole school.2.Work in pairs.Try to ask and answer questions according to the passage.3.Some pairs ask and answer.【语法聚焦】1.Read the sentences in Grammar Focus,and find out all the sentences with the structur

18、e “used to”.2.Work in groups of four and try to find out the different sentence patterns about “used to”.3.Read together again.【拓展提高】Work on 4a1.Look through the words in each sentence and guess the meaning of the sentence,getting ready for writing sentences.2.Try to write correct sentences.3.Check

19、the answers.Work on 4b1.Read the chart in 4b and try to write sentences about Emily with the information.2.Try to write sentences by yourselves.3.Show your sentences.Work on 4c1.Read the blank.2.Check the boxes according to their own opinions.3.Ask two or three partners in the group and check the bo

20、xes.4.Show in front of the class. e.g.A:Did you use to be afraid of the dark?B:No,I didnt.But I used to be afraid of being alone.C:Did you use to be afraid of flying?D:No,I didnt.But I used to be afraid of high places.【拓展训练(一)】.选词填空require,guard,deal with,background,private1.Getting good grades a lo

21、t of hard work.2.The wont let anyone through the gate without a pass.3.Its impolite to ask others information,such as the age,salary and so on.4.We know nothing about his .5.He has a lot of business to today.用所给词的适当形式填空1.Rice is the main food in many (Asia) countries.2.Young people must dare (think)

22、,speak up,and act.3.Paul tried his best to overcome his (shy).4.Miss Li took up (dance) ten years ago.5.Its (possible) for us to finish the task in such a short time.【拓展训练(二)】完成句子1.葆拉以前害怕在公众前演讲。Paula be afraid of a speech in .2.这种机器人是用来帮助老人的吗?Are those robots the old?3.她以前害怕独自一人,不是吗?She be afraid of

23、 alone, she?4.珍妮以前在学校里并不受欢迎。Jenny be popular in school.5.我不习惯住在这里。Im used to here.【课堂练习】.完成句子1.Mr Black (以前是一位歌手),but now he is a doctor.2.Did your mother (过去常常看电视) after supper?3.Lily used to have long curly hair, (不是吗)?4.I (以前常常骑自行车去上学),but now I (习惯走着去)。5.I (采访了二十岁的亚洲歌手)Salina.6.She (从事歌唱) to (解决

24、)her shyness.7.My friend doesnt have time (不再有很多个人时间).8.She with friends(过去常和朋友一起闲逛).完成句子1.Mother used to grow flowers in her garden.(改为否定句)Mother grow flowers in her garden.2.Bill used to collect stamps when he was in middle school.(改为一般疑问句) collect stamps when he was in middle school?自我反思.我的收获Word

25、s and expressions:Sentences:2.学习本节后,我能用英语进行:3.我的易错点:参考答案【拓展训练(一)】 think3.shyness4.dancing5.impossible【拓展训练(二)】1.used to;giving;public2.used to help3.used to;being;didnt4.didnt use to5.not;living【课堂练习】.1.used to be a singer2.use to watch T

26、V3.didnt she4.used to ride to school;am used to walking to school5.interviewed 20-year-old Asian singer6.took up singing;deal with7.much private;any more8.used to hang out.1.didnt use to2.Did Bill use to Unit 4I used to be afraid of the dark.Period 3Section B 1a-1e【课型】听说课学习目标1.能正确使用下列新词汇:ant,insect。

27、2.能掌握以下句型:Did you use to.?Yes,I did./No,I didnt.3.能够运用used to表达“过去常常”发生的事情,以对比现在做的事情。学习过程【新知呈现】1.Fill in the blanks under the pictures given.And use “used to” to describe the pictures. sentences about the pictures with “used to”.【新知学习】1.Work on 1c and check the sentences you hear.2.Li

28、sten again and work on 1d.3.Listen again and check the answers.Then retell the content of the tape.【探究学习】一、观察并说明use to的用法1.I didnt use to like tests.2.Did he use to like tests?Yes,he did./No,he didnt.二、观察worry的用法I dont worry about tests.我不担心考试。Dont worry about Tom.Hell be back soon.不必为汤姆担忧。他马上就回来。【跟踪训练】1.Dont (担心).We can get there on time.2.Dont (担心)your daughter.She is old enough.3. How is Helen in the new school? She is doing very well.There is nothing to worry .【课堂练习】.选词填空painting,team,use,a lot,worry about1.Tom is good at volleyball and he is on the school .2.Dont me.I can loo

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