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1、集体备课教案驻马店市第十三中学2016-2017学年度第二学期学科:数学 教研组长审批: 周次:1课题: 3.1 圆序号1备课组九年级主备人岳素贞授课时间2017年 2月 教学目标11理解确定圆的条件及圆的表示方法;(重点)2掌握圆的基本元素的概念;(重点)3掌握点和圆的三种位置关系(难点)重 点理解确定圆的条件及圆的表示方法;(重点)难 点掌握点和圆的三种位置关系(难点)教学方法讲练结合教具教学过程一、情境导入古希腊的数学家认为:“一切立体图形中最美的是球形,一切平面图形中最美的是圆形”它的完美来自于中心对称,无论处于哪个位置,都具有同一形状,它最谐调、最匀称观察图形,从中找到共同特点二、合

2、作探究探究点一:圆的有关概念【类型一】 圆的有关概念 下列说法中,错误的是()A直径相等的两个圆是等圆 B长度相等的两条弧是等弧 C圆中最长的弦是直径 D一条弦把圆分成两条弧,【类型二】 圆的概念的应用 如图,CD是O的直径,点A为DC延长线上一点,AE交O于点B,连接OE,A20,ABOC,求DOE的度数解析: 探究点二:点与圆的位置关系【类型一】 判定几何图形中的点与圆的位置关系 在RtABC中,C90,AB10,BC8,点D、E分别为BC、AB的中点,以点A为圆心,AC长为半径作圆,请说明点B、D、C、E与A的位置关系解析:先根据勾股定理求出AC的长,再由点D、E分别为BC、AB的中点求

3、出AD、AE的长,进而可得出结论解:在RtABC中,C90,AB10,BC8,AC6.AB106,点B在A外;在RtACD中,C90,ADAC,点D在A外;ACAC,点C在A上;E为AB的中点,AEAB56,点E在A内方法总结:解决本题关键是掌握点与圆的三种位置关系【类型二】 根据点与圆的位置关系确定圆的半径的取值范围 有一长、宽分别为4cm、3cm的矩形ABCD,以A为圆心作A,若B、C、D三点中至少有一点在圆内,且至少有一点在圆外,则A的半径r的取值范围是_【类型三】 在平面直角坐标系中判断点与圆的位置关系 如图,O过坐标原点,点O的坐标为(1,1),试判断点P(1,1),点Q(1,0),

4、点R(2,2)与O的位置关系解【类型四】 点与圆的位置关系的实际应用 如图,城市A的正北方向50千米的B处,有一无线电信号发射塔已知,该发射塔发射的无线电信号的有效半径为100千米,AC是一条直达C城的公路,从A城发往C城的客车车速为60千米/时(1)当客车从A城出发开往C城时,某人立即打开无线电收音机,客车行驶了0.5小时的时候,接收信号最强此时,客车到发射塔的距离是多少千米(离发射塔越近,信号越强)(2)客车从A城到C城共行驶2小时,请你判断到C城后还能接收到信号吗?请说明理由解:(1)过点B作BMAC于点M,则此时接收信号最强AM600.530(千米),AB50千米,BM40千米所以,客

5、车到发射塔的距离是40千米;(2)到C城后还能接收到信号理由如下:连接BC,AC602120(千米),AM30千米,CMACAM90千米,BC10千米100千米所以,到C城后还能接收到信号方法总结:解决本题的关键是能够正确理二次备课板书设计圆1圆的有关概念2点和圆的位置关系设O的半径为r,点P到圆心的距离OPd,则有:点P在圆外?dr;点P在圆上?dr;点P在圆内?dr. 教学反思驻马店市第十三中学2016-2017学年度第二学期学科: 教研组长审批: 周次:课题:序号2备课组主备人授课时间年 月 日教学目标-重 点难 点教学方法教具教学过程二次备课板书设计驻马店市第十三中学2016-2017

6、学年度第二学期学科: 教研组长审批: 周次:课题:序号备课组主备人授课时间年 月 日教学目标-重 点难 点教学方法教具教学过程二次备课板书设计驻马店市第十三中学2016-2017学年度第二学期学科: 教研组长审批: 周次:课题:序号备课组主备人授课时间年 月 日教学目标-重 点难 点教学方法教具教学过程二次备课板书设计驻马店市第十三中学2016-2017学年度第二学期学科: 教研组长审批: 周次:课题:序号备课组主备人授课时间年 月 日教学目标-重 点难 点教学方法教具教学过程二次备课板书设计20162017学年度第一学期学科:九年级英语 教研组长审批: 周次: 分数:课题:Unit7? Wh

7、ere would you like to visit Section A 1a-1c (period 2)序号备课组 Grade 8执笔人授课时间2016年 月 日教学目标(1)Train students to talk about places they would like to visit with the target language(2)Train students to describe vacations with different adjectives(3)Train students listening skill重 点Describe vacations with

8、different adjectives难 点Talk about different places with the target language教学方法教具教学过程Step 1. 1. Check the new words .tiring adj.educational adj.peaceful adj.fascinating adj.thrilling adj.take it easyFloridatrek v.Amazonjungle n.Niagara FallsWhat kind of places would you like to go on vacationStep 2.

9、 Lets talk and learn.Tell which place youd like to visit and why.A: Where would you like to visitB: I like to because Step 3. Lets extend and improve. Some useful expressions 1.goonvacation 2. trek through the jungle 3. go trekking 4. hope to do sth. 5. some day / one day 6. go somewhere relaxing St

10、ep 4. Lets practice and improve.- Can a plane fly _ the Atlantic Ocean - Yes but it needs to go _ the clouds for hours. (2011 山东烟台) A. across through B. through across C. across across D. through through答案:A解析:across,表示从物体的表面“穿过,越过”; through 表示从某物的内部“穿过”。句中“飞越大西洋”要使用 fly across, 从云层中“穿过”,要使用 through

11、。 The young men walked _ the forest and came to a big river at last. (2009漳州中考) A. on B. over C. through D. across选 CThe policeman helped the old woman _ the road. (2008芜湖中考) A. above B. across C. through D. over选 B Step 5.Lets sum up.二次备课板书设计教学反思20162017学年度第一学期学科:九年级英语 教研组长审批: 周次: 分数:课题:Unit7? Wher

12、e would you like to visit Section A 3a-4 (period 3)序号备课组 Grade 8执笔人授课时间年 月 日教学目标(1)Train students to talk about places they would like to visit with the target language(2)Train students to describe vacations with different adjectives(3)Train students listening skill重 点Describe vacations with differe

13、nt adjectives难 点Talk about different places with the target language教学方法教具教学过程Step 1. 1. Check the new words .touristy adj. spotlight n.consider v.lively adj.sight n. including prep.tower n.convenient adj.underground adj. general general wine n.translate v.pack v.light adj.Step 2. Read

14、 and learn.For your next vacation, why not consider visiting Paris why not = why dont you 为什么不用于表示提议、劝导等,在why not结构中,not后接动词原形。 Why not come and see me tomorrow = Why dont you come and see me tomorrow 明天来找我怎么样?consider是动词,意为“考虑,思考”,相当于think, 后面可以接名词、代词、动词-ing形式或从句。 Were considering moving to Seattle

15、. 我们考虑搬往西雅图。 consider后面还可以接“特殊疑问词+ 动词不定式”结构。 I am considering what to do next. 我正在考虑下一步该做什么。consider还可以意为“认为”,常用于“be considered (as / to be) + 名词”或“be considered (to be) + 形容词”结构中,意为“被认为是(的)”。 Tom is considered (as / to be) a bad student. 汤姆被认为是一名坏学生。 Jean considered herself (to be) very lucky. 琼认为自

16、己非常幸运。consider用于被动语态,后面还可以接动词不定式,意为“被认为”。 Mary is generally considered to work hardest.大家公认玛丽工作最努力。? consider的名词形式为consideration, 意为“考虑”。 step 3. Lets extend and improve.Step 4. Lets practice and improve.1. The supermarket is near my home, so its _ (方便的) for me to go shopping. 2. There is an _ (地下的)

17、 supermarket in our neighborhood. 3. He told a very _ (生动的) storyabout his life in America.4. The woman is ill, so she can only do some _ (轻的) work. 5. Notre Dame Cathedral is one of the most famous _ (教堂) in the world. Step 5.Lets sum up.二次备课板书设计教学反思20162017学年度第一学期学科:九年级英语 教研组长审批: 周次: 分数:课题:Unit7?

18、Where would you like to visit Section B 1a-1c (period 5)序号备课组 Grade 8执笔人授课时间2016年 月 日教学目标(1)Train students to talk about places they would like to visit with the target language(2)Train students to describe vacations with different adjectives(3)Train students listening skill重 点Describe vacations wit

19、h different adjectives难 点Talk about different places with the target language教学方法教具教学过程Step 1. 1. Check the new words .I hope to visit places where: the people are friendly.the food is delicious. the weather is has a long history.there is much to do.there are many places of interest.Step2. L

20、earn and talk. A woman is travelling in a warm place.A girl is watching a great whale in the sea.Many kids are playing happily.A: WhLearn and talk.ere would you like to goB: Id like to go somewhere warm.A: What else can you tell meB: I dont want Step 3. Lets extend and improve.What else can you tell

21、 me 形容词else修饰what作后置定语。else 与 other 的区别:else与other都可作形容词, else只用于修饰不定代词、疑问代词和疑问副词,并且必须要位于这些修饰词之后,作后置定语;而other用来修饰名词,其位置与else正好相反,它位于被修饰的名词之前。What else could I say我还有什么可说的?There must be somebody else in the classroom. 教室里肯定还有别的人。I remember I have read the story in otherbooks. 我记得我在别的书上看过这个故事。Step 4.

22、Lets practice and improve.1. We havent _ where to go on holiday yet. 2. The girl _ to go to a famous university in Beijing in the future.3. I have to _ by myself at noon because my parents arent at home.4. You can find a beautiful park in the _ part of the city. 连词成句。?1. go, want, where, tomorrow, d

23、o, you, else, to ?_ 2. milk, with, we, the, provided, children? _. 3. how far, it, from, dont, I, mind, is, here? _. 4. me, suggestions, could, you, give, some? _ Step 5.Lets sum up.二次备课板书设计教学反思20162017学年度第一学期学科:九年级英语 教研组长审批: 周次: 分数:课题:Unit 7 Where would you like to visit Section B 3a-4 (period 6)序号

24、备课组 Grade 8执笔人Zhai Haiyan授课时间2012年 月 日教学目标(1)Train students to talk about places they would like to visit with the target language(2)Train students to describe vacations with different adjectives(3)Train students listening skill重 点Describe vacations with different adjectives难 点Talk about different p

25、laces with the target language教学方法教具教学过程Step 1. 1. Check the new words .Ace TravelEastern adjprovide v.firm n.Confucius Where would you like to travelDo you like to travel alone or with others WhyWhat do you think about a tripStep2. Learn and talk.1. The person has a lot of money to spend on

26、the vacation. _2. The person wants to relax and do nothing on vacation. _3. The person is a man. _4. The person has children . _5. The person likes to swim. _6. The person wants to go to another country. _1.Who will the author travel with2. When do they want to take a trip3. What place would they li

27、ke to travelStep 3. Lets extend and improve.Imagine you work for Ace Travel Agency. Write an e-mail message to S.T. Zhang. Tell where you think he or she should go on vacation.Step 4. Lets practice and improve.Complete the survey using words from the box and any other words. Then survey three students. Agree on the best place to go.Id like to go to Qufu.B: Why go to QufuA: Confucius was born there. Its very educational.Step 5.Lets sum up.二次备课板书设计教学反思驻马店市第十三

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