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1、英语演讲比赛演讲稿英语演讲比赛演讲稿 英语演讲比赛演讲稿Lng lng ag, in a land far aa, there lived a beautiful ung girl She as ver sad Beause her ther had died and her father had arried again His ne ife had t ugl daughters, Eserelda and GriseldaSn after, her father als died and life iediatel(立即) hanged fr the girl”u ill be ur s

2、ervant(仆人), “said her stepther(继母) “u ill d everthing e sa”“u ust sleep in the ithens” said the stepsistersThere she had t d hard r fr rning until evening, get up befre dabrea(黎明), arr ater, ae the fires, , and ash Besides(除了) this, the sisters did everthing iaginable(可以想象) t hurt her The ade fun f

3、her In the evening hen she had red herself ear(厌倦), there as n bed fr her Instead she had t sleep b the hearth in the ashes(灰) And beause she alas led dust(尘土飞扬) and dirt, the alled her inderella ”There are inders(煤渣) all ver ur lthes!” exlaied(喊叫) the stepther “ inderella Thats ur ne nae lear these

4、 things aa, inderella”inderella! inderella!” Eserelda and Griselda said “h, h lever u are, aa!”ne da, an invitatin(邀请) arrived fr the palae”Girls, listen t this,” said the stepther inderella as serving(准备) the breafast She listened as her stepther read the invitatin”The ing is having a ball,” she sa

5、id exitedl(兴奋) “He is ling fr a ife fr the Prine! h, dears, this is nderful He ill prbabl hse ne f u, but it ill be suh a hard hie t ae”A I invited t, stepther?” ased inderella”u! ertainl(当然) nt!” exlaied(惊呼) her stepther “The thught f suh a thing A sruff servant(破旧的仆人) ging t a ball, hen nl beautif

6、ul ladies are invited!”Hah! Hah!” laughed the stepsisters “Beautiful! That desnt inlude u, inderella!”u a help t lvel girls t get read,” said her stepther”h,” said inderella”e shall all have ne dresses, girls, and e shall g shpping tda lear aa these things, inderella”h, I ish I uld g t the ball, thu

7、ght(认为) inderellaThe da f the ball arrived and the hle da as spent preparing Eserelda and Griselda inderella did her best t ae the sisters l prett, but it as an ipssible tasFinall, the ah arrived t llet the girls and their therinderella as ver tired and she andered ba t the ithens”h, I did s ant t g

8、,” she sighed(叹气) as she sat dn b the fire”hats t stp u?” ased a vie(声音)”hs that?” ased inderella, ling arund”I here b the dr” A strange an aled up t inderella “I heard u the ther da, ishing u uld g t the ball ell, the ball is this evening, and ure ging”But h?” ased inderella “hat an u d?”Anthing I

9、ant t,” said the an “I ur fair(仙女) gdther, and I here t send u t the ballShe sat dn”e n,” she said “Dr thse tears(擦干眼泪) e have r t d I need a large pupin(南瓜), t ie(老鼠) and a frg an u find these?”es,” said inderella, stified(迷惑) b the request(请求)”ff u g, then”hen inderella fund all the things, her fa

10、ir gdther t the all utside”N fr the agi,” she said She aved(挥舞) her hands and the air began t tinle(闪烁) and sparle(闪光) The pupin began t gr and hange, until standing there as a ahThe ie hanged int t fine ften(步兵), the frg int the driver, and the rats(老鼠) int t beautiful hrses t pull the ahinderella

11、lapped(拍) her hands “Its beautiful!” she ried”In u get,” said her fair gdther”But I ant g lie this,” said inderella”Lie hat?” ased the fair gdther “u l lvel t e”inderella led at herself hile the agi had been ring n the pupin, it had als been ring n her Instead f her ragged(破烂) dress she re a beautif

12、ul ball gn(晚礼服), ith glass slippers(玻璃鞋) n her feet”h, fair gdther,” said inderella “Its lvel H an I than u?”B ging t the ball,” said the fair gdther “ff u g, but reeber, the agi stps ring at idnight(午夜) Everthing ill hange ba then N g and en urself”Gd-be, fair gdther,” alled inderella, as the ah se

13、pt ffinderella arrived at the palae(皇宫) and aled int the ballr Everne stpped and stared(看着)”h is she?” peple ased, inluding her stepther and stepsistersThe Prine sa her, and had ees fr n ne else fr the rest f the evening inderella daned nl ith the Prine(王子), and as the evening passed, he fell in lve

14、 ith herA l hiing(报时) reinded inderella f her fair gdthers arning(警告) It ust be eleven l, she thught(告知), but she ased the Prine “hat tie is it?”Alst idnight,” he ansered”h, n!” ried inderella “I ust g!”u ant Nt n,” said the Prine”I ust” And inderella sept ut f the r, and ran ut f the palae As she r

15、an, the l finished hiing inderellas lthes hanged ba int rags(破布), and the ah and hrses ere nhere t be seenThe Prine tried t fll, but he uldnt ath up hen he reahed(走到) the dr, all he fund as ne glass slipper He ran t the ain dr”as a beautiful girl ust driven(赶) ut f here?” he ased the guard(士兵)”N, ur Highness Ive nl seen a sruff servant(邋遢的仆人) girl,” the guard ansered”Ive lst her,” said the Prine, and he returned sadl t the palaeThe next rning, inderellas stepther and stepsisters ere taling abut the ballThe Prine eanhile(同时) deided t l

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