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1、阅读理解之判断正误型2017年全国各地市中考英语试卷分类解析汇编:阅读理解之判断正误型【2017福建泉州】阅读A There are about 5,000 different kinds of ladybugs in the world. They come in many different colors. Their bright colors warn other animals or insects not to eat them. Ladybugs taste bad. A bird or a frog that eats a ladybug will remember the b

2、right colors and it will not eat another ladybug with the same colors again. When ladybugs are in danger, they will give out a fluid(液体)that tastes terrible. In many cultures, the ladybug is considered to be a symbol of good luck. Most ladybugs are kind to humans. They eat other insects which destro

3、y crops. One ladybug can eat up to 5,000 insets in its lifetime.Ladybugs have six short legs. They live in many different places, including green lands, forests, cities, the countryside and along rivers. Different ladybugs have different spots(点). Some of them dont have spots at all. The most common

4、 kind in North America is the 7-spotted ladybug. The 7-spotted ladybugs are the most active from spring to autumn. When the weather turns cold, they look for a warm place to sleep, such as under stones or in houses.根据短文内容,判断下列句子是否正确,对的涂(A),错的涂(B)。61. Ladybugs can give out a terrible fluid to protect

5、 themselves.62. In many cultures ladybugs are believed to bring good luck.63. Most of the ladybugs are harmful to crops.64. Ladybugs live in many places except cities.65. Winter is the best time for 7-spotted ladybugs to go out for food.【主旨大意】本文是说明文,主要介绍了瓢虫的生活习性和生理特点。61.A【解析】细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句“When lad

6、ybugs are in danger, they will give out a fluid that tastes terrible.”可知:瓢虫散发出难闻的液体是为了保护自己,本句正确。62.A【解析】细节理解题。根据第二段中的“In many cultures, the ladybug is considered to be a symbol of good luck.”可知本句正确。63.B【解析】细节理解题。根据第二段中的“Most ladybugs are kind to humans.”可知本句错误。64.B【解析】细节理解题。根据第三段中的“They live in many

7、 different places, including green lands, forests, cities, the countryside and along rivers.”可知:包括城市,故本句错误。65.B【解析】细节理解题。根据第三段中的“When the weather turns cold, they look for a warm place to sleep, such as under stones or in houses.”可知:冬天他们去睡觉而不是出去寻找食物,故本句错误。【2017福建福州】(判断正误)A long time ago, there was a

8、n emperor. He had a beautiful garden. In the garden, there was a little nightingale ( 夜莺) singing very beautifully.One day, the emperor heard about this little birds beautiful voice. He asked his guards to bring her to him. As soon as the emperor heard the nightingales voice, he said, Put her in a g

9、olden cage, so she can stay and sing for me whenever I want to hear her.The little bird was so unhappy about being kept in the cage that she stopped singing one day. The emperor was very angry. He ordered the scientists in his palace to make a robot bird for him. The bird could sing very beautifully

10、,too.The emperor was pleased.Soon the robot bird became old. It no longer sang beautiful songs. Just at that time,the emperor became very weak. One morning, while lying in bed, the emperor wanted it to sing once again. But the robot bird couldnt sing any more. Suddenly, the nightingale landed on the

11、 window. She began to sing her most beautiful song. The emperor was very happy! He became better and better each day.After the emperor was well, he changed a lot and became kind to his people. From then on, all his people cherished(爱戴)him for his love and kindness.56. Both the nightingale and the ro

12、bot bird had a beautiful voice.57. The emperor kept the nightingale in a golden cage in order to hear her sing at any time.58. The nightingale was very happy after she was kept in the golden cage.59. The emperor was not satisfied with the robot bird at first.60. The emperor learnt from the nightinga

13、le what love and kindness was.【主旨大意】本文讲述了一位国王在一只夜莺”无心的帮助”之下完成自我救赎,最终赢得百姓爱戴的故事。3. 【解析】答案为T。细节理解题。由第一段的In the garden, there was a little nightingale ( 夜莺) singing very beautifully.和第三段的最后一句The bird could sing very beautifully,too.可知夜莺和机器人夜莺都唱得很好。4. 【解析】答案为T。细节理解题。由第二段国王的话Put her in a golden cage, so s

14、he can stay and sing for me whenever I want to hear her. 国王把鸟放进笼子的目的是为随时听到鸟儿歌唱。58. 【解析】答案F。细节理解题。由第三段的The little bird was so unhappy about being kept in the cage that she stopped singing one day. 可知鸟儿不开心,以至于不再歌唱。59. 【解析】答案F。细节理解题。由第四段的The emperor was pleased.可知国王对于机器人夜莺很满意。60. 【解析】答案T。推理判断题。由最后一段可知国

15、王改变了他以往的作风,以仁爱和爱治国,故推知国王从这只鸟儿身上学得了仁和爱。【2017黑龙江哈尔滨】(C) Deep down in the sea, Oliver ,a little octopus(章鱼) sat on the floor covered with sand, bored and upset. He watched pretty fish swimming in and out of rocks, which were laughing and dancing in the sea. “Why am I so different?” he said to himself s

16、adly.“You are an octopus, Oliver. Thats special.” The sweet voice of Cherub, beautiful purple angelfish(神仙鱼), always made Oliver feel better. Oliver looked up at the purple angelfish and smiled. Cherub suggested, “Lets play hide-and-seek(捉迷藏).” They were having so much fun that they didnt realize th

17、ey had swum far from home. Suddenly, Cherub saw a large shark(鲨鱼)swimming above them. “It was Big White the biggest , scariest shark in the sea,” she shouted to Oliver. Cherub looked at Big White hopelessly. And idea came to Oliver. He quickly sprayed(喷射)a very dark cloud of black water to the shark

18、s eyes. Then Oliver and Cherub escaped and got home safely.“Are you OK?” ask Oliver. Cherub laughed happily, “That was the most interesting trip ever! you save me just now, Oliver. I am lucky to have you as my friend!” Olivers face turned red. “I guess being different can be pretty cool in some situ

19、ations,” Oliver said. “That is what I tried to tell you,” Cherub smiled.根据短文内容判断正、误。 (注意:考生将答题卡相应位置涂黑。正确的涂“A”,错误的涂“B”)( ) 56. In the beginning , Oliver laughed when he say pretty fish swimming around him.( ) 57. Oliver and Cherub were enjoying themselves when Cherub noticed Big White swimming above

20、them.( ) 58. Cherub was brave and clam when she faced the unexpected danger.( ) 59. Olivers quick mind and action saved Oliver himself and Cherub.( ) 60. From this passage, we know we have our own advantages in all situations, though we are different.【主旨大意】本文是一篇寓言故事。小章鱼Oliver觉得自己与别人不同,感觉自己很无聊和烦恼。一只漂

21、亮的神仙鱼Cherub告诉他“你是一只章鱼Oliver,这就是你的特别之处”。当他们在深海玩捉迷藏的游戏时,碰到了危险的大白鲨,小章鱼Oliver靠自己的智慧使他们两个成功脱险。56B【解析】细节理解题。由第一段中He watched pretty fish swimming in and out of rocks, which were laughing and dancing in the sea.可知此句表述错误,故填B。57A【解析】细节理解题。由第二段中They were having so much fun that they didnt realize they had swum

22、 far from home. Suddenly, Cherub saw a large shark(鲨鱼)swimming above them.可知此句表述正确,故填A。58. B【解析】推理判断题。由第二段中Cherub looked at Big White hopelessly. And idea came to Oliver. He quickly sprayed(喷射)a very dark cloud of black water to the sharks eyes. Then Oliver and Cherub escaped and got home safely.可知神

23、仙鱼Cherub看到大白鲨后很绝望,章鱼Oliver想出了注意,并让他们两个成功脱险,故推知Oliver面对危险表现勇敢和平静而不是Cherub,故此句表述错误。59. A【解析】细节理解题。由第二段中And idea came to Oliver. He quickly sprayed(喷射)a very dark cloud of black water to the sharks eyes. Then Oliver and Cherub escaped and got home safely.可知此句表述正确。60. B【解析】主旨大意题。由第三段中I guess being diffe

24、rent can be pretty cool in some situations我们知道在一些情况下每人都有自己的优点,而不是在所有情况下,故选B。【2017湖南益阳】 Mrs . Jackson is an American doctor. She is now in China. She works in a childrens hospital in Chongqing. She is also learning Chinese medicine there. She likes Chinese medicine very much. She loves to work for ch

25、ildren. She works hard in the day and reads English books on Chinese medicine at night. She learns Chinese from the Chinese doctors and her Chinese friends. Now she can speak some Chinese. She can read some Chinese, too. Her husband, Mr. Jackson, is a teacher. He teaches English in a middle school i

26、n Chongqing. He works hard, too. He works from Monday to Friday. He teaches three classes every day .he wants to make more money. 46. The Jacksons are from England. 47. Mrs . Jackson works in a childrens hospital in Shanghai.48. Mrs . Jackson is learning Chinese now. 49. Mr. Jackson is an English te

27、acher50.Mr. Jackson doesnt work hard .【答案】 46-50 FF T T F【主旨大意】本文内容比较浅显易懂,介绍的是Jackson 夫妻两在中国工作生活的情况。46.解析:F细节理解题。由短文中第一段第一句“Mrs . Jackson is an American doctor ”可知:她不是来自英国,而是美国。47. 解析:F 细节理解题。由短文中第一段第三句“She works in a children s hospital in Chongqing .”可知:她在重庆的一家儿童医院里工作,而不是上海的。48. 解析:F 细节理解题。由短文中第一段

28、第四行“She learns Chinese from the Chinese doctors and her Chinese friends . ”可知:她向中国医生和她的中国朋友学习汉语。49. 解析:T细节理解题。由短文中第二段第一行“ He teaches English in a middle school in Chongqing . ”可知: 他在重庆一所中学里教英语。50. 解析:F 细节理解题。由短文中第二段第二行“He works hard ,too.”可知:他工作很努力。【2017广西南宁】AThere are many things we need to know, b

29、ut we do not learn them at school. For example, if we want to use our money wisely, we need to shop carefully. We need to know how to compare the prices of the same things in different shops. We also need to know how to make the best decision when we shop. It is a life skill, and we need to practice

30、 it in our daily life.Supermarket WBusiness hours: 6:00 am-10:30 pmEggs (1 kilo): 6.50Apples(1 kilo): 3.80Pork(1 kilo): 18.20Tomatoes(1 kilo): 1.58Environment: Very goodService: ExcellentSupermarket MBusiness hours: 5:30 am-10:30 pmEggs (1 kilo): 6.60Apples(1 kilo): 3.96Pork(1 kilo): 18.20Tomatoes(1

31、 kilo): 1.50Environment: Very goodService: GoodSupermarket YBusiness hours: 6:00 am-10:00 pmEggs (1 kilo): 6.20Apples(1 kilo): 3.30Pork(1 kilo): 17.20Tomatoes(1 kilo): 1.30Environment: Need improvingService: Ordinary Supermarket ZBusiness hours: 6:00 am-9:30 pmEggs (1 kilo): 6.90Apples(1 kilo): 3.90

32、Pork(1 kilo): 18.60Tomatoes(1 kilo): 1.60Environment: OrdinaryService: Bad根据短文内容.判断下列句子正误.正确为“T” 错误为 “F”. 并在答题卡上把“T或F涂黑。51. Supermarket M has the longest business hours.52. The price of the pork in Supermarket Y is higher than that in Supermarket Z.53. If you want to pay the least money for eggs, you will go to Supermarket Y.54. The environment in Supermarket Z is very good.55. The service maybe

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