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1、152页稿鲁教版七年级下册英语全部导学案答案Unit 1 答案第一课时(Section A)课前预习:1、为测试而学习 2、帮助我的父母 3、去看医生 4、拜访我的姑姑 5、上钢琴课 6、come to my party 7、on Saturday afternoon 8、have to go to my guitar lesson9、go to the movies 10、have too much homework 11、go to the concert 12、have fun 13、this weekend 14、study for the math test 15、visit my

2、aunt走进课堂:一、1、Im sorry,I cant. 2、Can you come to my party? 3、When is it? 4、I have a piano lesson. 5、What a small party!二、1、I have to go to my guitar lesson 2、Im going to the movies. 3、I have too much homework this week. 4、Maybe another time. 5、Thanks for asking me.三、1、Can 2、party 3、When 4、Friday 5、fo

3、ur-thirty反馈训练(略)第二课时(Section B 1a-2c)课前预习:1、the day before yesterday 2、yesterday 3、today 4、tomorrow 5、the day after tomorrow 6、play soccer 7、go to (see) the doctor 8、study for a test 9、have a piano lesson 10、babysit his sister 11、play tennis 12、write on the calendar 走进课堂:一、1、C 2、E 3、A 4、B 5、D二、略反馈训练

4、一、1.B 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.D 6.D 7.C 8.A 9.A 10.C 11. C 12.D 13. B 14.D 15.C 16.B 17.B 18.B 19.C 20.C二、1.A 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.D 6.D 7.C 8.B 9.B 10.B第三课时Section B(3a - 4)课前预习:1.Wednesday 2.Thursday 3.Friday afternoon 4.on Saturday evening 5.go to the dentist 走进课堂: 一、1.invitation 2.busy 3.birthday 5.wee

5、kend 7.test 8.Thursday 9.movies 10.on 二、1、Thank you for your invitation to vosit next week. 2、I have a busy week.3、On Monday , I have to go to the doctor. 4、On Friday , Im going on a vacation with my parents. 5、I have to study for my math test.反馈训练 一、 2.Did, feel 3.ran, found 4. invitin

6、g ringing二、 - named swim - swimming e - coming 4.have - be 5.are on the table - is on the table 三、1. A 2. C 3. B 4. D 5. A第四课时(self check )课前预习:1.join you 2.keep quiet 3.the whle day e over 5.culture club 6.disscus the science report7.Do you want to come to my birthday party ? 8.Plea

7、se keep quiet . 9. I cant jion you because I have to help my mum. 10. Can you come over to my house on Wednesday evening to disscus the science report? 走进课堂:一、visit going to play have to suday .come 二、1.can come to on Sunday 2.have to to the 3.too much this weekend 4. are going to 5. thanks invitati

8、on 6.has to for test me vacation e to movies with on反馈训练:一、1. A 2. B 3. D 4. B 5. D二、1.D 2.D 3.B 4.D 5.A三 、略unit2参考答案Unit2 I am more outgoing than my sister.第一课时:一、 1.bag; lighter than; ball; heavier than 2.long; longer; the longest 3.small; big; are smaller二、1.ways 2.both 4.Although 5

9、.athletic 6.outgoing 7.quieter 8.However 第二课时:一. 1. taller 2. heavier 3. shorter, longer 4. lighter 5. smaller二. 1. 不如一样 2. 停止交谈 3. 超过,多于 4. 去参加聚会 5. 在一些方面 6. 看起来一样 7. twin brother 8. make sb. laugh 9. enjoy sports / doing sports 10. be good at 三. ABCCC, BBDCC四. BDACD, ABCBA第三课时:(听力原文见教参)【实战演习】参考答案S

10、ectionA: (2a)smart quiet; athletic serious (2b)more outgoing, more athletic; more serious, smarter, quieterSectionB:Holly: likes to do the same things, popular, good at sports They are both pretty outgoingPetes more athletic,funnier and wilder, Holly is quieterMaria: good listener, keeps secrets loo

11、k alike, both tall both have long, curly hairVera is quieter and smarter. Maria is more outgoing反馈训练一、1. athletic 2.quiet 3.kind 4.funny 5.outgoing二. 1.A 2.D 3.C 4.B 5.D 6.A 7.C 8.B 9.D 10.A三、 1.B 2.B 3.A 4.B第四课时:一、1. athletic 2. funny 3. outgoing 4. little 5. quieter 6. different 7. interests 8. he

12、avier二、1. shorter, curlier 2. are photos 3. more athletic 4. telling funnier 5. differences 6. get 7. drawing三、ABACB ABBAB AACBD CCACA四、1. is Jims 2. both lots of 3. different from 4. thinner more outgoing 6. good at well in 五、 1. often, visits, three, four times 2. same as, outgoing 3. clean,

13、classroom 4. good at swimming 5. look the same六、TFFTF七、 Yesterday on my way home I met a classmate of mine. We were in a primary school two years ago. Her name is Zhou Yan. I found she was much taller than before. She told me that she liked playing tennis. She was on the school team and she was very

14、 poplar in her school. So she looked more athletic than before. Then she told me that she studied well in her class. All her classmates and teachers said she was very intellectual. We talked for a long time. We talked a lot. She told me a lot of funny stories of her. I thought she was more outgoing

15、and polite than before. At last we decided that we would play tennis together next Sunday.答案 Unit3Section A一、1amount 2.mix 3.Add 4.peel 5.cut 6.put 7.ingredient 8.top9.countable 10.sandwich二、1How much 2.How many 3.How much 4.How much 5.How many三、1.B 2.C 3.B 4.B 5.A 6.C 7.B 8.A 9.B 10.C11.C 12.C 13.C

16、 14.A 15.B 16.B 17.B 18.C 19.C 20.B四、1eggs 2.shelves 3.knives 4.childrens 5.cats 6.carry 7. is play 9.Dont worry 10.watching五、1put 2.much 3.else 4.up 5.many 6.on 7.What 8.all 9.should 10.another六、1what would 2would like 3What size 4Would he 5dont or七 、1put on of 2mix up 3Turn on for 4cut up 5Ho

17、w ,make , smoothie八、1-5 BCADA 6-10 BDCCB 九、1-5 BACCCSection B 1a-2c一、1Turn on 2mix up 3Two teaspoons of relish 4Addto5two eggs and wiches 6一薄片砚 7把倒入 8做一个香蕉思木西 9.多少 10.切碎二、1Runners 2.halves 3.hours 4.lives 5.teaspoons 6.mustnt 7.cross 8.swimming learn arrive三、1Dont pour 2How many teaspoons

18、 of 3How many bananas 4Dont do 5Do,need ,any 6How long ,did,take 7Like best 8Can you pour 9.Do you ,No, I dont 10.How much , can四、1.nothing 2.hours 3.big 4.much 5.healthy 6.good best 8.friendly 9.better 10.whole五、1.First 2.Then 3.slices 4.Finally 5.teaspoons六、1-5 ADCCB 6-10 ABCBD七、1-5 ACDDC八、

19、1.need some help 2.First ,put ,on, slice 3.How much cinnamon 4.make fruit salad 5.pour ,into 6.How , make , smoothie 7.How many 8.Then , cup up ,Add, to 9.Finally, another slice, on the top put ,into九、略Section B 3a-selfcheck一、1relish 2.mayonnaise 3.super 4.recipe 5.slice二、1.very 2.a,a 3.out 4.

20、on ,into 5.carefully三、1slices 2.sandwiches 4.turn 5.them buy 7. Dont turn8.finally 9.tomatoes 10.is四、1How much 2.How ,did ,have to 3.How often does 4.How soon 5.How far 6.Thanks a lot 7.What a 8.Are, any 9.They are,photos 10.What did have五、1-5 ACBBA 6-10 BDCDC 11-15 ACBAC 16-20 CCBBB六、正确顺序

21、为:EAHCFBGJDI七、1-5 AABDC 6-10 DACBC八、1-5 DBABD九、1 I need some help .Can you cut up the tomatoes, please? 2.Next you need to put everything into a blender. 3.Then pour hot water into the blender. 4.Add some cinnamon and mix up the ingredients. 5.turn on the blender for about two minutes.十、略单元达标检测题听力部分

22、一、1Id like a pizza. 2.Would you like some mushrooms ? 3.The hot dog is my favorite food. 4.The little girl likes hamburgers very much. 5.There are three onions on the table.二、1What would Gina like on the pizza? 2.What size pizza would you like? 3.What can I do for you? 4.What food do you dislike? 5.

23、Does the Californian pizza have olives and green peppers on it ?三、1M:Lily, why do you like a medium pizza? W:Because I like the special one , Its delicious. Q:Is the medium pizza delicious? 2.M:Would you like some orange juice or iced tea ,Kate? W:Id like some iced tea , please. Q:Which drink would

24、Kate like? 3.W:Whats your address,Mike? M:Its 223 Green Street. Q:Where does Mike live? 4.M:Annie, what kind of pizza would you like? W:Id like a mushroom , tomato and cheese pizza. Q:What kind of pizza would Annie like? 5.M:Madam, can I help you ? W:Id like a large pizza with green peppers and onio

25、ns on it , please. Q:What would the lady want on the pizza?一、1-5 BDECA 二、1-5 ACCAB 三、1-5 CCBAA二、1-5 ABCCA 6-10 BABCA 11-15 BBACC 16-20 BCACC三、1-5 CADAC 6-10 BCDBC四、1-5 CDBAD五、1make 2.turn 3.sandwiches 4.mustard 5.apples 6.uncountable 7.pieces 8.listening buy 10.stop六、1.same 2.has 3.for 4.late 5

26、.take 6.plays 7.habbits 8.does 9.much 10.walk七、1Which 2.medium, with drink 4.How, make 5.Can make八、First dig a hole larger enough for the tree, Put the tree in the hole and knock a long .strong stick into the earth next to the tree.Next put the tree in the hole and push it down hard . Then ti

27、e the tree to the top of the stick to keep it straight . Finally water it weel.参考答案Unit 4 How was your school trip ?第一课时 (Section A)一、请根据第一个字母和上下文的意思补全单词1、famous 2、giant 3、else 4、win 5、end二、英汉互译1、拍照 2、过的愉快3、取得签名 4、hang out 5、at the end of 6、win a prize三、单项选择 1、B 2、B 3、A 4、B 5、C 6、D 7、B 8、A 9、B 10、C四

28、、请根据上下文和给出的第一个字母填空1、had, 2、watched, 3、watched, 4、where, 5、Gift,6、bought,7、happy, 8、took, 9、end, 10、happy 五、翻译句子 1、 How was Toms school trip? 2、 Did you hang out with your friends? 3、 Did they have a good time on the school trip? 4、 We had a maths exam at the end of last month. 5、 Did you take any ph

29、otos? 六、用下面动词的适当形式填空 1、was 2、hung 3、Did go 4、watching 5、won 七、阅读理解 1、A 2、B 3、A 4、B 5、B 第二课时 (Section B)一、请根据第一个字母和上下文的意思补全单词 1、late 2、Unfortunately 3、opinion 4、off 5、 kind 二、英汉互译 1、上课 2、睡的太晚 3、去兜风 4、 have fun doing sth 5、kind of 6、yard sale 三、单项选择1、C 2、B 3、A 4、D 5、A 6、A 7、B 8、D 9、B 10、B四、请根据上下文和给出的第

30、一个字母填空 1、was, 2、fun, 3、have, 4、visited, 5、stayed, 6、watched, 7、put, 8、sale, 9、Unfortunately, 10、because五、翻译句子1、Dont sleep late!2、Lets go for a drive.3、The weather was awful today.4、Do you want to have a yard sale? 5、They had fun swimming in the pool.六、用下面动词的适当形式填空1、listening 2、read 3、teaching 4、go 5

31、、to take 七、阅读理解 1、B 2、D 3、C 4、A 5、 B 第三课时 (Selfcheck)一、根据第一个字母和上下文的意思补全单词 1、 player 2、future 3、back 4、for 5、met 二、英汉互译 1、获得一等奖 2、帮某人做某事 3、在将来 4、singing competition 5、football player 6、have pizza for lunch 三、单项选择 1、B 2、A 3、C 4A 5、B 6、D 7、B 8、A 9、B 10、B四、完型填空 1、B 2、D 3、C 4、D 5、A 6、A 7、A 8、C 9、D 10、D五、翻译句子1、We saw some really clever kids.2、Can you help me take these books to the classroom?3、Did Mary com

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