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1、英语阅读期末复习Unit OneBudgetHe has budgeted his lucky money carefully.他已经认真地安排了自己的压岁钱。The council proposes to budget 100,000 to provide grants.理事会建议在预算中安排100,000英镑的拨款。She budgeted for a holiday.她为了去度假而制定预算/节省开支.Chargecharge (sb) (money) for sth那顿饭他给我打了五折。He charged me half price for the dinner.我们给你包邮。We w

2、ont charge you for delivery.AssessWe should equitably assess historical figures.我们应该公正地评价历史人物。Damages were assessed at 1000 RMB.损失估计达一千元人民币。这是不是一种新趋势还很难估计。 It is difficult to assess whether this is a new trend.Probeprobe ones body from top to bottom对某人进行彻底的搜身probe into ones past打听某人的过去Given考虑到目前的条件,

3、 我认为她已做得相当出色。Given the present conditions, I think shes done rather well.Given good weather, Ill do it again.如果天气好, 我会再干一次。The work must be done within the given time.这个工作必须在规定的时间内完成。Conductconduct both domestic and foreign affairs处理国内外事务conduct an experiment做实验conduct a survey among students在学生中间做调

4、查Copper conducts electricity better than other materials.铜导电比其它材料好。他因良好的行为而远近闻名。 He is famous for his good conduct.ElapseMany days elapsed before we met again.我们过了很多天才再见面。SYNONYM :go by, lapse, pass.Fulfil如果你许诺了, 你就要履行你的诺言。If you make a promise you should fulfil fulfil an ambition.实现抱负达到某人的要求f

5、ulfil ones requirements.Paraphrase & TranslateAssignments are, consequently, felt to be given added weight by the passage of time. People think that the longer you spend, the more important assignments will be.因此,人们觉得花的时间越长,所作的事情也越显得重要。Paraphrase & Translate1.This attitude results in a nation of peo

6、ple committed to researching, experimenting and exploring.2.To us the impersonality of electronic communication has little or no relation to the significance of the matter at hand. 3.Unless a certain amount of time is allowed to elapse, it seems in their eyes as if the task being considered were ins

7、ignificant, not worthy of proper respect. 4.Assignments are, consequently, felt to be given added weight by the passage of time. 英译汉(1)This attitude results in a nation of people committed to researching, experimenting and exploring. T1.这个态度造就了一个投身于研究、实验和探索的民族。P1.This attitude causes a nation of peo

8、ple devoted to researching, experimenting and exploring.(2)To us the impersonality of electronic communication has little or no relation to the significance of the matter at hand.T1.就我们而言,电子交流的缺乏人情味与我们手头上事情的重要性之间很少有或完全没有关系。P1.As for us, there is little or no relation between the impersonality of ele

9、ctronic and the importance of the matter at hand.(3)Unless a certain amount of time is allowed to elapse, it seems in their eyes as if the task being considered were insignificant, not worthy of proper respect.T1.在他们看来,如果不花一定时间来处理某件事的话,那么这件事就好像是无足轻重的,不值得给予适当的重视。P1.In their view, if you dont take som

10、e time to deal with something, then it seems to be trivial, not worth the attention of the appropriate.(4)Assignments are, consequently, felt to be given added weight by the passage of time.T1.因此,人们觉得用的时间长会增加所做事情的重要性。P1.Therefore, people think that in a long time will increase the importance of doin

11、g things.Unit3幻灯片1New Words Compromise n. C,U an agreement that is achieved after everyone involved accepts less than what they wanted at first 妥协,折中 to reach/ arrive at/ come to/ make a compromise 经过几小时的讨论,他们达成了妥协。 After several hours of discussion, they managed to reach a compromise. 幻灯片2New Words

12、 Compromise: 2. vi. reach an agreement by making a compromise 妥协,折中 to compromise with sb. on/ over sth. The company is prepared to compromise with the workers over their pay demand. 我们最终达成妥协,商定了一个价格。 We finally compromised on a price.幻灯片3 keep (a thought or feeling) in ones mind, especially secretl

13、y 心怀,抱有,怀有(想法,感情) she started to harbour doubts about the wisdom of their journey. 她开始暗暗怀疑他们此行究竟是否明智。幻灯片4prejudice He has a prejudice against country folks. He tries to prejudice his daughter in favor of her stepmother.幻灯片5New Words Compatible: a. 1. (of people) able to have a good relationship beca

14、use of similar opinions or interests 合得来的;情投意合的 compatible family relationship 和谐的家庭关系 A compatible married couple 婚姻和睦的一对 我从未见过如此情投意合的一对儿。 I have never seen two people who were more compatible. 幻灯片6New Words Compatible: a. 2. (of equipment) able to be used together 兼容的;配套的 我想买一台和我的电脑兼容的打印机。 I d lik

15、e to buy a printer compatible with my computer. 这个方案和公司的长远规划不一致。 This project is not compatible/ incompatible with the companys long-term plans.幻灯片7New Words Confirm: vt. prove that sth. is true 证实,证明;确定 她脸上的表情证实了我的怀疑。 The expression on her face confirmed my suspicions. X光检查证明他没有任何骨折。 X-rays have co

16、nfirmed that he has not broken any bones.幻灯片8New Words Confirm: 2. v. make a plan, meeting, etc. certain esp. by telephone or writing 确认 Id like to make a reservation now, and I will call later to confirm. (vi.) You may confirm your reservation by letter or fax. (vt.)幻灯片9New Words Overlook: vt. 1. n

17、ot notice sth. 没注意到;忽略 Thieves often succeed because people overlook dangers. 作为秘书,她从不忽视任何细节。 As a secretary, she never overlooks any details. 2. have a view of a place from above 俯视,眺望 Our room could overlook the Central Park. 从我们的房间可以俯视中央公园。幻灯片10New Words Suspect: vt. think that sth. is probably t

18、rue 怀疑 如果你怀疑病情可能严重的话,就及早就医。CET-4 If you suspect that the illness might be serious, you should go to see the doctor as early as possible. to suspect sb. of doing sth. 怀疑某人做某事 马克被人怀疑为了发财把公司秘密泄露给了竞争对手。 Mark was suspected of revealing the companys secret to the competitor in order to make a fortune.幻灯片1

19、1New Words * doubt Vs. suspect 1. doubt: “无把握,不相信”,怀疑其无 dont believe /think I doubt that he has stolen my watch. 我不相信他偷了我的手表。 2. suspect:“有存在或属实的想法;相信”,怀疑其有 The doctor suspected he had got a flu. 医生怀疑他得了流感。幻灯片12New Words Proceed: vi. go to a further or a next stage; go on 继续进行 proceed to do sth. 他停下

20、来看了看笔记,然后提了更多的问题。 He paused to consult his notes, and proceeded to ask more questions. proceed to/ with sth. 开始进入;继续进行 We now proceed to the main business of the meeting. The work was almost finished when we receive orders to proceed no further with it. CET-4幻灯片14Paraphrase and Translate We had expe

21、rienced the usual ups and downs of a couple learning to know,understand, and respect each other. Like any other couples who were learning to know, understand, and respect each other, we had had both happy and unhappy periods. 我们的关系经历了起伏,这是一对情侣在学着相互了解、理解和尊重时常常出现的。幻灯片15 But through it all we had hones

22、tly confronted the weaknesses and strengths of each others characters. From beginning to end, we had honestly faced and tried to deal with the weak sides and good sides of each others characters. 我们一直坦诚地面对彼此性格中的弱点和优点。幻灯片16 Gail and I had no illusions about what the future held for us as a married, m

23、ixed couple in America. Gail and I were not idealistic about what the future would offer us in America as a married couple, one being black and the other being white. 作为一对居住在美国、异族通婚的夫妇,我和Gail对未来没有不切实际的幻想。幻灯片17 Its never too late to change your mind. You can change your mind any time, however soon or

24、 late. 你什么时候改变主意都不晚。幻灯片184. Useful Expressions 好运坏运交替;盛衰;浮沉优缺点坦诚相待热衷于对存有幻想性格差异期望按照某种方式发展;结果是经历遇到一直 ups and downs weaknesses and strengthens Be open with each other Be involved with have illusions about personality conflicts in the expectation that work out go through meet with all along幻灯片194. Usefu

25、l Expressions 支持一听到这个消息对持有保留意见把看作表面上,从表面上看种种显示表明最差的一面获悉;认识到处理 Be supportive of upon/on hearing the news harbor reservation about seeas on the surface with every indication that at ones worst learn of take care of幻灯片1confront the weaknesses and strengths of sb.1. 面对某人的弱点和长处 2. 增强我们的关系 3. 仇恨微妙的表现形式 4.

26、 永不枯竭的力量源泉 5. 花时间去做 6. 经历一场痛苦的婚变7. 一度 8. 造成负面影响 9. 处于萌芽状态的关系 10. 把消息告知家人 enhance our relationship subtle forms of hatred the continual source of strength take the time to do sth. go through a painful divorce for a time have a negative effect on a budding relationship spread the news to ones family幻灯

27、片211. 建议某人做某事 12. 跟某事无关 13. 表面上 14. 以诚恳的态度对待某事 15. 获悉;听说 16. 在方面有问题 17. 负责;处理 18. 明确表示 19. 接着做某事 20. 解决全部疑难问题 counsel sb. to do sth. have nothing to do with sth.on the surfaceapproach sth. with an honest attitude learn of have problems with take care of make it very clear that proceed to do sth.reso

28、lve all doubt幻灯片31. 对(不)抱幻想 2. 热衷于某事 3. 以某种方式发展 4. 支持,赞成 5. 对持保留意见 to have (no) illusions about to be involved with sth. to work out to be supportive of to harbor reservations about 幻灯片1confront the weaknesses and strengths of sb.1. 面对某人的弱点和长处 2. 增强我们的关系 3. 仇恨微妙的表现形式 4. 永不枯竭的力量源泉 5. 花时间去做 6. 经历一场痛苦的

29、婚变7. 一度 8. 造成负面影响 9. 处于萌芽状态的关系 10. 把消息告知家人 enhance our relationship subtle forms of hatred the continual source of strength take the time to do sth. go through a painful divorce for a time have a negative effect on a budding relationship spread the news to ones family11. 建议某人做某事 12. 跟某事无关 13. 表面上 14. 以诚恳的态度对待某事 15. 获悉;听说 16. 在方面有问题 17. 负责;处理 18. 明确表示 19. 接着做某事 20. 解决全部疑难问题 counsel sb. to do sth. have nothing to do with sth.on the surfaceapproach sth. with an honest attitude learn of have problems with take

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