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1、学期论文范本英国文学A Study of the Marriage Between Elizabeth and Darcy in Pride and Prejudice 班级: :学号:ContentPart1 Introduction of Jane Austen 1.1 Jane Austens background 1.2 Jane Austens marriage experience and her view of marriagePart2 Analysis of Elizabeth and Darcys characters 2.1 Analysis of Elizabeths

2、characters 2.2 Analysis of Darcys charactersPart3 Marriage between Elizabeth and Darcy 3.1 A happy marriage between Elizabeth and Darcy 3.2 A successful and ideal marriage between Elizabeth and DarcyPart4 ConclusionAbstractThe marriage between Elizabeth and Darcy is the most appreciable one in Pride

3、 and Prejudice. Some of their characters make conflicts and also to some extent promote their understanding between each other. For example, Darcys pride make conflict with Elizabeths prejudice, in other words, her rebellious character. However, Darcys integrity and Elizabeths witty observations and

4、 her intelligence helped to resolve the contradictions and release those misunderstandings. The first part of this essay is to give some introduction of the author, Jane Austen to have a better understanding of her background and her view of marriage. The second part is to analysis some characters o

5、f Elizabeth and Darcy respectively to identify the two character. The third part of the essay is to analyze the happy successful and ideal marriage between Elizabeth and Darcy. Finally, there will be a conclusion of the essay.Part1 Introduction of Jane Austen 1.1 Jane Austens background Jane Austen

6、was born in a village in Hampshire, 1775. Her father was a rector. She was the second daughter and seventh child in a family owning eight child. The first 25 years of her life Austen spent in Hampshire. She was educated at home with her sisters. Her parents were good readers and she received a broad

7、er education. In comparison to many women of her time, she was better educated than ordinary people. Her life was very quietly, cheerfully, and she did small domestic duties at home.In her adult life, Britain was at war with France. At that period of time, there were a lot of injuries caused by the

8、war. Her brothers, Frank and Charles served in the Royal Navy. On one hand, they brought some wealth and honor. On the other hand, they were in constant danger. Womans choices were severely limited at that time. Marriage was not just a problem of love, what is more, it was also a problem of money an

9、d ones social status. As it was described in the first chapter of Pride and Prejudice, “It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife”, women owned no property at that period of time and marriage was the only way for women to gain

10、social status and recognition.1.2 Jane Austens marriage experience and her view of marriage Jane Austen did not marry in her whole life. Jane Austens father would like Austen to marry a rich man. However, Jane fell in love with a young lawyer who owned just a little asset. Therefore, his father disa

11、greed with their marriage and required that lawyer come back to his hometown and did not allow the two to meet with each other. Finally, that lawyer married with another woman and Jane Austen chose to be unmarried in all her life. Her own experience influenced her view of marriage to some extent. In

12、 Jane Austens view, marriage should be based on both love and economic condition, but love plays a more significant role between the both. At that time, she thought it is wrong to marry for money, but at the same time it is unwise to marry without money. Therefore the most ideal marriage is to marry

13、 based on both love and economy in her heart. The marriage between Elizabeth and Darcy is just what Jane Austen thought the most successful and ideal marriage. Part2 Analysis of Elizabeth and Darcys characters2.1 Analysis of Elizabeths characters In Pride and Prejudice, Elizabeth appeared as a uniqu

14、e girl who was rebellious and brave with sharp intelligence and witty observation. She is outstanding and she is totally different from other women around her. She dares to speak as well as act. She is determined and strong-minded. She will do anything she thinks right rather than do everything acco

15、rding to social norms. For example, when Mr. Collins made a proposal to her, she did not just obey her mothers willing and she followed her own heart to speak against the ridiculous proposal. She refused Mr. Collins directly, “I am very sensible of of the honor of your proposals, but it is impossibl

16、e for me to do otherwise than decline them.” She is definitely brave and believes in love, she want to find a man she really loves but not just accept the engagement for family will. She was straight-forward to refuse him, after all, as far as herself concerned, it was absolutely impossible for her

17、to accept such an engagement. Her feelings in every respect forbid it, so she was brave enough to decline the no love involved proposal directly without hesitation. Her rebellion also represented in the conversation with Lady Catherine de Bourgh. As Lady Catherine was considered as a noble image of

18、the high status, nearly all people flattered her deliberately with hypocrisy. However, as for Lady Catherines air of ungracious, insolent and disagreeable, especially her sarcasm, Elizabeth brave enough to against it. When Catherine came to Elizabeths home to blame her because of her engagement with

19、 her nephew Darcy, she had taken courage to negotiate with Lady Catherine. We all know in that period of time, there were social ranks in the society, however, she does not feel inferior to others. Instead, she is confident enough to rebel the social stereotype. She challenge the authority, “But you

20、 are not entitled to know mine; nor will such behavior as this ever induce me to be explicit.” In response to Lady Catherine-the one represents authority, she didnt give up but to involve and against as her own will.2.2 Analysis of Darcys characters There is no doubt that Darcy was pride of himself

21、because of his identity and he was differentiate himself from others. At the ball, from the conversation between Darcy and Binley revealed this character, “I certainly shall not, you know how I detest it, unless I am particularly acquainted with my partner. As such an assembly as this, it would be i

22、nsupportable. Your sisters are engaged, and there is not another woman in the room whom it would not be a punishment to me to stand up with.” We can see how pride was he for actually there were many pretty girls in the ball, however, he just ignore them and even thought to dance with them was even a

23、 punishment for him. When Binley recommended Elizabeth as his partner, he despised with mock that she is tolerable, but not handsome enough to tempt him. What is more, he would not to invite those young ladies who were slighted by other men. He attached too much importance of himself. His pride made

24、 a bad impression for Elizabeth when they met in the first time.However, he was also a man of integrity. He would like to express himself in a direct way rather than hide his sincere feeling. He did not like other common people who would like to convey their feelings in an indirect way. When Darcy E

25、lizabeth and Bingley talk about the writing style, they have the following conversation. Bingley said, “My ideas flow so rapidly that I have no time to express them by which means my letters sometimes convey no ideas at all to my correspondents”. He says those words to express his humility. But at t

26、hat time Darcy says, “Nothing is more deceitful than the appearance of humility. It is often only carelessness of opinion, and sometimes an indirect boast”. He was a true friend with integrity and he did not conceal his real feeling. We may see that he is a true friend. What is more, at his first pr

27、oposal to Elizabeth, he did not say any flattered words, he expressed all his opinion about her family and his true love for her sincerely. When Elizabeth was playing piano, as he ever said to Elizabeth, “I certainly have not the talent which some people possess of conversing easily with those I hav

28、e never seen before. I cannot catch their tone of conversation, or appear interested in their concerns, as I often see done.” He did not hide his flaw and talked with Elizabeth faithfully. It is the character of integrity helped to melt the misunderstanding between them later which finally lead to t

29、heir happy marriage.Part3 Marriage between Elizabeth and Darcy3.1 A happy marriage between Elizabeth and DarcyThe marriage between Elizabeth and Darcy was a happy ending because their marriage was based on sincere love. Darcy was attracted by Elizabeths cheerful and lovely characters as time went by

30、 although at the first sight he thought she was just tolerable. However, Elizabeth believed in what others said about Mr. Darcy, her prejudice arose the misunderstood between them. However, Darcys integrity shorts their distance of their heart. He told Elizabeth his feeling, then Elizabeth made refl

31、ection of her former judgment with her calm intelligence.Actually, it was not just one side that could make the wonderful marriage, it was their love really does matter. A true love is the one that can still reserve entirely although there were many misunderstandings before, just like the marriage b

32、etween Darcy and Elizabeth. They married each other on equal terms after breaking each others pride and prejudice.The true happy marriage is based on love and sense, the two major characters fell in love with sense, therefore, their love was a wonderful happy marriage.3.2 A successful and ideal marriage between Elizabeth and DarcyThe marriage between Darcy and Elizabeth was a successful marriage in view of two aspects. Materially, Darcy was a rich man who own a large sum of money. At that period of time, a really true love is based on both economy and love. The

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