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1、高级英语修订版第一册重排版课后练习答案高级英语修订版第一册重排版课后练习答案 词汇(Vocabulary) Lesson 10 sweltering ( adj.) :that swelters or suffers from the heat;very hot;sultry热得发昏的;酷热 counsel ( n.) :a lawyer or group of lawyers giving advice about legal matters and representing clients in court辩护律师;法律顾问;辩护人 silver-tongued ( adj.) :eloq

2、uent;persuasive雄辩的;口才流利的 orator ( n.) :a skilled,eloquent public speaker雄辩家 jury ( n.) :a group of people sworn to hear the evidence and inquire into the facts in a law case,and to give decision in accordance with their findings陪审团 erupt ( v.) :burst forth or out,as from some restraint进发;爆发;喷出 clash

3、 ( n.) :a sharp disagreement;conflict抵触;冲突;意见不一致;对立 fundamentalism ( n.) :religious beliefs based on a literal interpretation of everything in the Bible and regarded as fundamental to Christian faith and morals原教旨主义(相信圣经所记载的传统的基督教信仰,反对较为近代的教义) legislature ( n.) :a body of persons given the responsib

4、ility and power to make laws for a country or state(esp. the lawmaking body of a state,corresponding to the U.S.Congress)立法机构(尤指美国的州议会) prohibit ( v.) :refuse to permit;forbid by law or by an order禁止;不准 legality ( n.) :quality,condition,or instance of being legal or lawful;conformity with the law合法性

5、 indict ( v.) :accuse;charge with the commission of a cime; esp. make formal accusation against on the basis of positive legal evidence usually said of the action of a grand jury控告, 控诉;指控,告发,对。起诉 prosecute (v.) :institute legal proceedings against,or conduct criminal proceedings in court against对。起诉

6、 festoon ( v.) :adorn or hang with festoons饰以(或悬挂)花彩,结彩于 sprout (v.) :grow or develop rapidly迅速生长,迅速发展 rickety ( adj.) :1iable to fall or break down because weak;shaky易倒的;易垮的;不结实的;不稳固的 evangelist ( n.) :anyone who evangelizes(esp. a traveling preacher or a revivalist)福音传教士(尤指巡回说教者或信仰复兴者) exhort ( v.

7、) :urge earnestly by advice,warning,etc.规劝,劝告,劝戒 infidel ( n.) :a person who holds no religious belief无宗教信仰者,不信宗教者 florid ( adj. ) : flushed with red or pink(said of the complexion)(脸色)红润的 paunchy ( adj. ) :derog. or humor(esp. of a man)having a fat stomach贬或幽(尤指男性)大腹便便的 attorney ( n.) :.any person

8、legally empowered to act as agent for. or in behalf of,another(esp. a lawyer)(被当事人授权的法律事务中的)代理人 shrewd ( adj.) :keenwitted,clever,astute or sharp in practical affairs机敏的;精明的;伶俐的 magnetic ( adj.) :vpowerfully attractive(said of a person,personality,etc.)有吸引力的;有魅力的(指人或个性等) steep ( v.) :immense,saturat

9、e,absorb,or imbue(esp. used as steeped锄:thoroughly filled or familiar with)沉浸;埋头于(尤用作steeped in充满着;沉湎于;精通) agnostic ( n.) :a person who believes that the human mind cannot know whether there is a God or an ultimate cause,or anything beyond material phenomena;atheist不可知论者 growl (v.) :complain in an a

10、ngry or surly manner牢骚满腹地说 spar ( v. ) :wrangle or dispute争论;争吵 drawl ( v.) :speak slowly,prolonging the vowels慢慢吞吞地说 bigotry ( n.) :the behavior,attitude,or beliefs of a bigot:intolerance;prejudice偏执的行为(或态度、信念等);偏执;顽固;偏见 rampant ( adj. ) :spreading unchecked;widespread蔓延的;猖獗的 faggot ( n.) :a bundle

11、 of sticks,twigs,or branches(esp. for use as fuel)柴捆;柴把 contaminate ( v.) :make impure,infected,corrupt,etc.使感染,传染,毒害 mammal ( n.) :any of a large class of warmblooded. usually hairy vertebrates whose off springs are fed with milk secreted by female mammary glands哺乳动物 snort ( v.) :wave,shake. or exh

12、ibit in a menacing, challenging,or exultant way(威胁地、挑战似地、狂喜地)挥舞 denounce ( v.) :condemn strongly as evil谴责,指责,痛斥 sonorous ( adj. ) :having a powerful,impressive sound(声音)响亮的;洪亮的 reconcile ( adj. ) :settle(a quarrel,etc.)or compose(a difference,etc.)调解;调和;使一致;使相符 divine ( adj. ) :given or inspired by

13、 God;holy;sacred神授的,天赐的;神圣的 fervour ( n.) :great warmth of emotion;ardor;zeal;passion热烈;热情,热心,热诚 arena ( n.) :any sphere of struggle or conflict竞争场所;活动场所 prairie ( n.) :a large area of level or slightly rolling grassland大草原 scorch (v.) :char,discolor,or damage the surface of sth. by superficial burn

14、ing;burn;make a caustic attack on;assail scathingly;excoriate烧焦;烤焦;挖苦;严厉指责(或批评) pop ( v.) :colloq.arise;happen or arrive unexpectedly口突然发生,突然出现,突然来到 duel ( n.) :any contest or encounter suggesting such a fight,usually between two persons(常指两人间的)争斗,冲突,斗争 hush ( n.) :absence of noise;quiet;silence寂静,平

15、静,安静;默不作声,沉默 adjourn ( v. ) :close a session or meeting for the day or for a time休会,闭会;延期 swarm (v.) :be filled or crowded;teem(with)充满,被挤满(常与with连用) hawker ( n.) :a person who hawks goods in the street;peddle;huckster(沿街叫卖的)小贩 entrepreneur ( n.) :Fr.a person who organizes and manages a business und

16、ertaking.assuming the risk for the sake of the profit法语企业家 ape ( n.) :any of a family(Pongidae)of large,tailless monkeys that can stand and walk in an almost erect position猿 ponder ( v.) :weigh mentally;think deeply about;consider carefully默想;深思;考虑 cower ( v.) :shrink and tremble,as from someones an

17、ger,threats,or blow(因别人发怒、威胁或打击而)畏缩;发抖,哆嗦 sulphurous ( adj.) :violently emotional;heated;fiery异常激动的;激烈的;暴怒的 dispatch ( n.) :a news story sent to a newspaper,radio station,etc.,as by a special reporter or news agency(特派记者或新闻社发给报社、电台的)(新闻)电讯,电文,通讯 yokel ( n.) :a contemptuous terma person living in a r

18、ural area;rustic;country bumpkin贬乡巴佬,土包子 perch ( v.) :alight or rest on or as on a perch栖息;停歇;坐在高处 gawk ( v.) :stare like a gawk,in a stupid way(像呆子般)呆呆地盯着,呆视 wily ( adj.) :full of wiles;crafty;sly狡猾的;狡诈的;诡计多端的 repel ( v.) :drive or force back;hold or ward off击退;抵挡住 fervent ( adj.) :having or showin

19、g great warmth of feeling;intensely devoted or earnest;ardent;passionate热烈的,满怀热情的,热心的,深表热诚的;强烈的 Genesis ( n.) :the first book of the Bible,giving an account of the creation of the universe创世纪(圣经旧约的首卷) snigger ( n.) :a sly,derisive,partly stifled laugh窃笑;暗笑 twirl (v.) :rotate rapidly;spin(使)快速旋转,(使)迅

20、速转动 serpent ( n.) :a snake,esp. a large or poisonous one蛇(尤指大蛇或毒蛇) livid ( adj.) :grayishblue;pale;leadcolored青灰色的;铅色的 slur ( n.) :any remark or action that harms or is meant to harm someones reputation;aspersion,reproach,stigma,etc.诽谤;污辱;诋毁,中伤,破坏。的名誉 gavel ( n.) :a small mallet rapped on the table

21、by a presiding officer in calling for attention or silence or by an auctioneer(会议主席、法官或拍卖商用以敲击桌子的)小木槌,议事槌 quell ( v. ) :crush;subdue;put an end to镇压;平息 hubbub ( n.) :a confused sound of many voices;noise;uproar;tumult吵闹声,喧哗,喧嚣;鼎沸;骚动 forlorn (adj.): abandoned or deserted被抛弃的;被遗弃的;孤独的,寂寞的forlornly adv

22、. verdict ( n.): the formal and unanimous finding of a jury on the matter submitted to them in a trial裁定;判决 conviction ( n.): a convicting 0r being convicted证明有罪;(被)判罪;定罪 短语 (Expressions) adhere to : continue to obey or maintain(esp,a rule,standard or belief)坚持,忠于 例: She adheres to her principles th

23、roughout her teaching career. 她在整个教学生涯中始终坚持自己的原则。 take on : begin to have呈现 例: Her voice took on a troubled tone.她的声音里有些不安。 under way: begin,start(开始)进行,在前进中。 例: We have several plans under way.我们已将几项计划付诸实施。 Answer to Excercises in the Text I. Omitted. II. 1) We have some clever and unexpected tacti

24、cs and we will surprise them in the trial. 2) The case had come down upon me unexpectedly and violently. 3) The fundamentalists believe in a word-for-word acceptance of what is said in the Bible. 4) that all life had developed gradually from a common original organism 5) Lets accuse Scopes of teachi

25、ng evolution and let the court decide whether he is breaking the law or not. 6) People from the nearby mountains, mostly fundamentalists, came to support Bryan against those professors, scientists, and lawyers who came from the northern big cities and were not fundamentalists. 7) As my father compla

26、ined angrily, That s no jury at all. 8) He is here because unenlightenment and prejudice are widespread and unchecked. 9) People had to pay in order to have a look at the ape and to consider carefully whether apes and humans could have a common ancestry. 10) and the crowd, who were mainly fundamenta

27、lists, took his words showing no fear as if they were prayers, interrupting frequently with Amen . Omitted. . 1) legal terms: court, defence, criminal lawyer, leading councel for the prosecution, state legislature, trial, testify, a jury trial, case, indict, the U. S. Supreme Court, defend, presidin

28、g judge, attorney-general, open the session, juror, legality, witness, evidence, accuse, adjourn, verdict, jurymen, guilty, conviction 2) religious terms: fundamentalists , modernists, the Old Testament, fundamentalism, the Bible, agnostic, Catholic, Jew, infidel, God, Amen, Genesis . 1) Today the t

29、eachers are put on trial because they teach science, soon the magazines, books and newspapers will not be allowed to express new ideas. 2) It is doubtful whether man (rather the fundamentalist) has reasoning power, Darrow said in a contemptuous way. 3) The Christian believes that God in heaven made

30、human being but the evolutionist thinks human beings come from lowly animals. The implication is there is nothing lofty, noble about human beings in the eyes of the evolutionist. 4) This is a pun, i.e. playing on words. This sentence may have two different interpretations, depending on how you read

31、it. If you pause before the dash, it means Darwin, the naturalist is correct. If you read out the whole sentence, it means Darwin the shop owner is directly inside. 5) Even the ape shuddered when it realized that it might share the same ancestry with human beings (especially the fundamentalists). 6)

32、 Malone considered the defeat a blessing in disguise, although Scopes was found guilty, they had succeeded in drawing the attention of the people all over the United States to this issue. 7) The statement conveys false modesty about being with the people and indicates regional narrow-mindedness and bigotry. 8) This shows that the jurors were ignorant, prejudiced and narrow minded. There couldnt be a fair and impartial trial. 9) Bryans role is self-appointed. T

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