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1、初中英语知识点人称代词1、An Australian driver _ on his way to the train station yesterday morning.A. has picked us up B. picks up usC. picked us up D. picked up usC此句为过去时,而且pick up 为动词加副词短语,其后跟代词时,代词放两者之间。故选C。2、Lucy picked up a purse on her way to school. She _ when she got to school.A. handed it on B. handed i

2、t in C. handed it up D. handed it outBhand. on. 把传递下去;hand in 上交;hand up 举起手来;hand out 分。根据句意选B。3、We must plant more trees after we _ every year.A. cut off them B. cut them off C. cut down them D. cut them downD根据句意“在每年砍掉树后我们必须种植更多的树”可知本题应选cut down。cut down 为动词加副词短语,后接代词作宾语时,要把代词放在中间。4、I want to _,

3、but I dont have your phone number.A. call up you B. call you upC. call on you D. call you onB由题干可知是打电话;call up表示“叫出来;召集;打电话给;【电讯】呼唤;”;call on表示“号召;指名要(某人)去干(某事);请求;访问”;又因为动词加副词构成的词组后跟代词作宾语,代词要放在中间。5、Maybe _ is possible for everyone to use a computer in China in the future.A. this B. that C. it D. he

4、C根据固定句式its +形容词+ for sb. to do sth.,故选C。6、We can guess the meaning of the word instead of _ in the dictionary.A. look it up B. looking it up C. look for it D. looking for itBinstead of后面只能是动名词,查字典是look up the dictionary, 故选B。7、My mother asked you _ when you come back.A. ring up her B. ring her upC.

5、to ring up her D. to ring her upDask sb. to do sth. “让某人做某事”;ring sb. up“给某人打电话”,代词作宾语放在ring和up的中间。8、-Who taught _ Japanese?-I learned it by _.A. you; myself B. your; meC. you; me D. your; myselfAteach sb. sth. “教某人某事”;learn sth. by oneself“自学” 。9、Judy, dont put your keys here. _, please.A. Put them

6、 away B. Put up themC. Put them up D. Put away themA 考查固定搭配put away“将收起来”的用法。如果宾语是代词,必须放在中间,故选A。10、-I like the pants very much. Can I _?-Sure.A. try on it B. try it onC. try them on D. try on themCtry on的宾语为人称代词时,人称代词应用宾格,放在try和on之间。pants为复数,应用them代替。11、-Help _ to some _,kids.-Thank you.A. yourself;

7、 fish B. yourselves; bananaC. yourselves; apples D. yourself; orangesC由面的称呼语kids, 反身代词要用复数,排除A、D; Some修饰可数名词时,可数名词用复数,排除B。12、_ a black cat. _ name is Bob.A. Its; Its B. Its; ItsC. Its; Its D. Its; ItsBits是it is的缩写式,意为“它是”;而its意为“它的”。13、Mr. Li teaches(教)_ English. We all like _.A. our; her B. us; him

8、 C. we; him D. us; herBteach sb. English意为“教某人英语”,用人称代词宾格。由Mr. Li可知选B。14、That girl is new. We can help _.A. him B. his C. her D. sheC动词后面跟宾格。因前面名词为this girl, 故动词后跟her。15、He is a good boy. He usually(经常)helps _.A. your B. us C. we D. oursB help为动词,后面要用人称代词的宾格形式。16、-What color _ Marys shoes?-_ black.A

9、. are; Theyre B. is; TheyreC. is; It is D. do; TheyreA因shoes用复数形式,故be动词用are, 人称代词用they。17、-Who is she?-_ is Miss Li.A. she B. She C. He D. heB人称代词的形式应在上下句中保持一致,且句子开头作主语应用主格She。18、-Where are Liu Xiang and Deng Yaping from?-_ are from China.A. They B. She C. He D. YouAhe和she的复数形式是they。19、A lot of peop

10、le find _ necessary to take exercise every day.【选项】A. thisB. thatC. themD. itD考查代词。此处用it作形式宾语,而把真正的宾语to take exercise every day放在后面,避免句子结构头重脚轻。20、My parents are unhappy today. I think I shall come up with ways to _.【选项】A. cheer him upB. cheer up himC. cheer them upD. cheer up themCcheer up意为“振作起来”,是

11、“动词+副词”构成的短语,代词作宾语时需置于两词之间;此处的宾语替代my parents, 所以用 them。21、_ are League members.【选项】A. Both you and meB. Both you and IC. Both me and youD. Both I and youB both. and. 意为“既又;两个都”,此句缺的是主语成分,所以both. and. 连接主语,排除A、C选项;主语中有“you”和“I”时,“I”通常置于后面,以示礼貌。故答案为B项。22、(2013江苏淮安清中教育集团下学期期中) Look ! The lights in the

12、classroom are still on. Oh , I am sorry. I forgot to _ . 【选项】A. turn them offB. turn them onC. turn off themD. turn on themA由前句表达“教室的灯还亮着”可知本句句意:我忘记关掉它们了。短语turn off意为“关闭”,是“动词+副词”构成 的短语,代词作宾语需置于两词之间。故选A。23、They think _ is rude to laugh at people in trouble. 【选项】A. that B. this C. itsD. itD此处是宾语从句的形式

13、主语。24、We enjoyed _ at your birthday party.【选项】A. weB. usC. ourD. ourselvesenjoy oneself“玩得愉快”。25、(2013江苏姜堰第一学期期末,39,) I have more paper clips than _ ,but my CDs are fewer than _ .【选项】A. she; herB. she; hersC . yours ; yourD. hers ; her句意:我拥有的纸夹比她拥有的多,但是我的CD比她的少。前半句的主语为I,故两者比较应该用主格形式she;后半句的主语是my CDs

14、,所以后半句的空格处应填hers( = her CDs)。26、When there is a fire, we can _ with a wet blanket.A. put off itB. put it outC. put out itD. put it offBput out 意为“扑灭”,out是副词,宾语是代词时必须放在中间,故选B。27、(2013江苏镇江江南中学单元测试)There are some things on the floor. Will you _, Jack?OK, Mrs Wang.A. pick them upB. pick it upC. pick up

15、themD. pick up itA句意:地上有些东西。杰克,你把它们捡起来好吗?好的,王老师。代替上文提到的可数名词复数,用 them, 排除B和D;pick up 是“动词+副词”构成的动词短语,当代词作宾语时,代词应位于副词之前,排除C。故选A。28、(2013江苏靖江实验中学期中)Are these shoes _?No, they arent _. They are _.【选项】A. your; yours; MarysB. yours; mine; MarysC. mine; mine; yoursD. mine; yours; yoursB句意:这些鞋是你的吗?不,不是我的。是玛

16、丽的。第一空 yours=your shoes; 第二空 mine=my shoes; 第三空是名词所有格,Mar/s意为“玛丽的(鞋)”。29、(2013江苏扬州邗江期中)Lucy,do people in England celebrate Thanksgiving Day like Americans?No, we dont. It is _ festival, not _.【选项】A. their; oursB. theirs; oursC. theirs; ourD. their; ourA第一空后有名词festival,故选用形容词性物主代词 their; 第二空用名词性物主代词o

17、urs 相当于our festival。 所以选A。30、(2010 江苏徐州)His Walkman is different from _, and its more expensive.【选项】A. himB. mineC. myD. herB句意:他的随身听与我的不同,并且它更贵些。mine相当于 my Walkman。31、(2013 江苏淮安) After Mo Yan won the Nobel Prize, more people began to read _ books.【选项】A. heB. himC. hisD. himselfC考查代词的用法。he人称代词主格“他”,

18、him人称代词 宾格“他”,his形容词性物主代词“他的”,himself反身代词 “他自己”。句意:在莫言获得诺贝尔奖之后,更多的人开始阅读他的书。books名词,前面应用形容词性物主代词,所以选择C。32、(2011江苏无锡前洲中学期中)The new bike is _. It belongs to _.【选项】A. mine; hersB. his; hisC. yours; yourD. mine; meD句意:这辆新自行车是我的,它属于我。mine=my bike, belong to 后面接人称代词宾格。33、Is that _ football?No, its not _.【选

19、项】A. your; myB. yours; myC. your; mineD. yours; mineC第一空修饰名词football用形容词性物主代词;第二空用名词性物主代词mine,相当于my football。34、Could you help _ with _ Maths?【选项】A. I; myB. me; meC. me; myD. my; IC第一空作help的宾语,所以用宾格形式;第二空用在名词Maths的前面,所以用形容词性物主代词。35、_has many stickers. _ stickers _ beautiful.A. She; Shes; isB. He; He

20、s; isC. She; Her; areD. He; He; areC第一空作主语用主格;第二空修饰名词stickers用形容词性物主代词;第三空主语stickers是复数,谓语动词要用复数形式。36、Mr White is in _ classroom. Miss Green is in _.【选项】A. our; yoursB. my; herC. yours; ourD. his; yourA第一空用形容词性物主代词修饰classroom; 第二空用名词性物主代词yours, 相当于your classroom。37、Are these books _?No, they are not

21、 mine. They belong to _.【选项】A. your; herB. yours; herC. you; hersD. yours; sheB第一空yours相当于your books; 第二空belong to 后接名词或代词宾格。38、I like these trousers. Can I _?【选项】A. try it onB. try them onC. try on itD. try on themBtrousers是名词复数。try on跟代词作宾语时,要将代词置于try与on之间。39、(2013江苏泰兴实验初中期末) -I like this pair of

22、trousers a lot. Can I _?-Yes, of course.【选项】A. try on themB. try on itC. try them onD. try it onC句意:-我非常喜欢这条裤子,我可以试穿它们吗?-当然可以。trousers应用them来代替; try on构成动词短语,当宾语是代词时,应置于try与on之间。故选C。40、We wont believe it until _ see it with _ own eyes.A. we; usB. us; weC. we; ourD. we; oursC前一空用人称代词主格作主语;后一空用形容词性物主代词修饰名词,故选C。

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