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1、IPC国际专利分类表IPC国际专利分类表国际专利分类(International Patent Classification,缩写为IPC)是世界各国专利机构都采用的专利分类方法,它对于专利检索几乎是必不可少的工具。 IPC按五级分类:部、大类、小类、主组、分组。部以下的分类会阶段性调整、增加,从而形成新的IPC版本;因此,专利检索时既要细化分类以缩小范围,又要顾及临近分类专利以免遗漏。 IPC形式为:部(1个字母)大类(2个数字)小类(1个字母) 主组(1至3个数字)/分组(2至4个数字)。 外观设计在国外属于设计(design)范畴,因此采用另外的分类方式。 世界专利网根据上述分类原则收集

2、整理了近百万项中外专利全文资料,并将根据实际情况陆续更新。 A01:农业;林业;畜牧业;打猎;诱捕;捕鱼 A:人类生活需要 Human Necessities A21:焙烤;食用面团 A22:屠宰;肉品处理;家禽或鱼的加工 A23:其他类不包括的食品或食料;及其处理 A24:烟草;雪茄烟;纸烟;吸烟者用品 A41:服装 A42:帽类制品 A43:鞋类 A44:男用服饰;珠宝 A45:手携物品或旅行品 A46:刷类制品 A47:家具 A61:医学或兽医学;卫生学 A62:救生;消防 A63:运动;游戏;娱乐活动 B01:一般的物理或化学的方法或装置 B:作业,运输 B02:破碎、磨粉或粉碎;谷物

3、碾磨的预处理 Performing B03:用液体或用风力摇床或风力跳汰机分离固体物料;从固体物料或流体Operation,Transporting 中分离固体物料的磁或静电分离 B04:用于实现物理或化学工艺过程的离心装置或离心机 B05:一般喷射或雾化;对表面涂覆液体或其他流体的一般方法 B06:一般机械振动的发生或传递 B07:将固体从固体中分离;分选 B08:清洁 B09:固体废物的处理 B21:基本上无切削的金属机械加工;金属冲压 B22:铸造;粉末冶金 B23:机床;未列入其他类的金属加工 B24:磨削;抛光 B25:手工工具;轻便机动工具;手动器械的手柄;车间设备;机械手 B26

4、:手工切割工具;切割;切断 B27:木材或类似材料的加工或保存;一般钉钉机或钉U形钉机 B28:加工水泥、粘土或石料 B29:塑料的加工;一般牌塑性状态物质的加工 B30:压力机 B31:纸品制作;纸的加工 B32:层状产品 B41:印刷;排版机;打字机;模印机 B42:装订;图册;文件夹;特种印刷品 B43:书写或绘图器具;办公用品 B44:装饰艺术 B60:一般车辆 B61:铁路 B62:无轨陆用车辆 B63:舰舶或其他水上船只;与船有关的设备 B64:飞行器;航空;宇宙航行 B65:输送;包装;贮存;搬运薄的或细丝状材料 B66:卷扬;提升;牵引 B67:开启或封闭瓶子、罐或类似的容器;

5、液体的贮运 B68:鞍具;室内装璜 B81:微观结构技术 B82:超微技术 C01:无机化学 C:化学,冶金 C02:水、废水、污水或污泥的处理 Chemistry,Metallurgy C03;玻璃;矿棉或渣棉 times makes balance of table views sense volume into 0.1mg/grid, and 0.01mg/grid, and 0.001mg/grid. Therefore, also known as one out of 10,000 scales, one out of 10,000, one out of 10,000 balan

6、ce scales. Due to the lower actual sense, so that it can soon reach a balance to achieve fast weight, but also improve the accuracy of reading, and in the 10mg (of one out of 10,000 balance 1mg, 0.1mg one out of 10,000 balance) weighing no less than plus weight readings directly from the screen, is

7、a balance of people love to use. Third, electro-optical balance weighing method 1. direct weighing methods: the alleged material such as small crucibles, beakers, petri . . Directly, such as electro-optical balance to the left (or right) on the weighing pan, add weights or turn the index to balance

8、projection screen, plus weight is the weight of the material. 2. Specifies the weighing method: when weighing is not stable in water, in the air samples, such as metal specimens, ore . . And so on, this method can be used. The procedures of this method is: first known container weight (such as small

9、 beakers, Petri, such as paper, aluminium shovel, sulfuric acid), and then adds the index weights or disk to the specified weight, gently vibrating the sample slowly with a horn Spoon into containers, make balance consistent with said container. 3. decrement technique: when the sample is easy to abs

10、orb water and oxygen-sensitive or when reacting with carbon dioxide, then the sample is placed in a weighing bottle, weighed sample plus the total weight of the weighing bottle W1 g, and then pour a portion of the sample, and said the remaining sample plusComponents have the same statutory status as

11、 the SI units. Form 6, by a combination of the above units units of two, basic use of legal units of measurement 1. name of the legal units of measurement (1) name of the legal units of measurement, unless otherwise indicated, the name generally refers to the legal units of measurement, used in the

12、descriptive text and the oral, is generally not used in formulas, data tables, drawings etc. Abbreviation of organization names are given in the table can be used as the unit of Chinese symbols (referred to as Chinese symbol). Chinese symbol only at primary and junior high school textbooks used when

13、 necessary and ordinary books. (2) name combination units, in principle, with the symbols of the order. Multiplication sign symbol does not correspond to the name, as long as the name read out in succession. For example: n m name: NM abbreviation: NM divide slash (/), the corresponding name is per,

14、and there are several units in the denominator, per only shows up in front of the denominator. For example: j/(kg K) name: joule per thousand kekaierwen abbreviations: kJ/kg open wrong: W/K/m W/K m (3) if the unit with the power, the power of names shall be before the. Second power for the quadratic

15、, cubic power three times, in turn, and so on. M 4 name: four meters (4) if the length of the second and third power representing area and volume, the corresponding index name are called the square and cubic, and before the unit of length such as: M2 name: sq m 2/s when used to represent the kinemat

16、ic viscosity, and named two meters per second; When used to represent coverage rate, or meters per second. (5) the powers of negative numbers meaning in addition to, either by using the power of names, you can also use per. 2. legal units of measurement and the prefix symbols (1) unit of measure sym

17、bol, symbol is divided into units (international symbol) and unit symbols inC04:水泥;混凝土;人造石;陶瓷;耐火材料 C05:肥料;肥料制造 C06:zhayao;火柴 C07:有机化学 C08:有机高分子化合物;其制备或化学加工;以其为基料的组合物 C09:染料;涂料;抛光剂;天然树脂;粘合剂;其它各种材料;材料的各种应用 C10:石油、煤气及炼焦工业;含一氧化碳的工业气体;燃料;润滑剂;泥煤 C11:动物或植物油、脂、脂肪物质或蜡;由此制取的脂肪酸;洗涤剂;蜡烛 C12:生物化学;啤酒;烈性酒;果汁酒;醋;微生

18、物学;酶学;突变或遗传工程 C13:糖工业 C14:小动物皮;生皮;毛皮;皮革 C21:铁的冶金 C22:冶金;黑色或有色金属合金;合金或有色金属的处理 C23:对金属材料的镀覆;用金属材料对材料的镀覆;表面化学处理;金属材料的扩散处理;真空蒸发法、溅射法、离子注入法或化学气相沉积法的一般镀覆;金属材料腐蚀或积垢的一般抑制 C25:电解或电泳工艺,其所用设备 C30:晶体生长 D01:天然或人造线、纤维;纺纱 D:纺织和造纸 D02:纱线;纱线或绳索的机械整理;整经或络经 Textiles & Paper D03:织造 D04:编带;花边制作;针织、饰带;无纺织物 D05:缝纫、绣花、簇绒 D

19、06:织物等的处理;洗涤;其他类不包括的柔性材料 DO7:绳;除电缆以外的缆索 D21:造纸;纤 维素的生产 E:固定构造 E01:道路、铁路或桥梁的建筑 Fixed Constructions E02:水利工程;基础;疏浚 E03:给水;排水 E04:建筑物 E05:锁;钥匙;门窗零件;保险箱 E06:一般门、窗、百嘎窗或卷辊遮帘、梯子 E21:钻进;采矿 F01:一般机器或发动机;一般的发动机装置;蒸汽机 F:机械工程,照明,加F02:燃烧发动机;热气或燃烧生成物的发动机装置 热,. F03:液力机械或液力发动机;风力、弹力、重力或其他发动机;未列入其Mechanical 他类的产生机械动

20、力或反推力的发动机 Engineering,Lighting, F04:液体变容式机械;液体泵或弹性液体泵 Heating, F15:流体压力执行机械;一般液压技术和气动技术 F16:工程元件或部件;为产生和保持机器或设备的有效运行的一般措施;Weapons,Blasting 一般绝热 F17:气体或液体的贮存或分配 F21:照明 F22:蒸汽的发生 F23:燃烧设备:燃烧方法 F24:供热;炉灶;通风 F25:制冷或冷却;加热和制冷的联合系统;热泵系统;冰的制造或储存;气体的液化或固化 F26:干燥 F27:炉;窑;烘烤炉;蒸馏炉 F28:一般热交换 G01:测量;测试 G:物理 G02:光

21、学 Phisics G03:摄影术;电影术;利用了光波以外其它波的类似技术;电刻术;全息摄影术 G04:测时学 G05:控制;调节 G06:计算、推算、计数 G07:核算装置 G08:信号装置 G09:教育;密码术;显示;广告;印鉴 G10:乐器;声学 G11:信息存贮 G12:仪器的零部件 G21:核物理;核工程 times makes balance of table views sense volume into 0.1mg/grid, and 0.01mg/grid, and 0.001mg/grid. Therefore, also known as one out of 10,00

22、0 scales, one out of 10,000, one out of 10,000 balance scales. Due to the lower actual sense, so that it can soon reach a balance to achieve fast weight, but also improve the accuracy of reading, and in the 10mg (of one out of 10,000 balance 1mg, 0.1mg one out of 10,000 balance) weighing no less tha

23、n plus weight readings directly from the screen, is a balance of people love to use. Third, electro-optical balance weighing method 1. direct weighing methods: the alleged material such as small crucibles, beakers, petri . . Directly, such as electro-optical balance to the left (or right) on the wei

24、ghing pan, add weights or turn the index to balance projection screen, plus weight is the weight of the material. 2. Specifies the weighing method: when weighing is not stable in water, in the air samples, such as metal specimens, ore . . And so on, this method can be used. The procedures of this me

25、thod is: first known container weight (such as small beakers, Petri, such as paper, aluminium shovel, sulfuric acid), and then adds the index weights or disk to the specified weight, gently vibrating the sample slowly with a horn Spoon into containers, make balance consistent with said container. 3.

26、 decrement technique: when the sample is easy to absorb water and oxygen-sensitive or when reacting with carbon dioxide, then the sample is placed in a weighing bottle, weighed sample plus the total weight of the weighing bottle W1 g, and then pour a portion of the sample, and said the remaining sam

27、ple plusComponents have the same statutory status as the SI units. Form 6, by a combination of the above units units of two, basic use of legal units of measurement 1. name of the legal units of measurement (1) name of the legal units of measurement, unless otherwise indicated, the name generally re

28、fers to the legal units of measurement, used in the descriptive text and the oral, is generally not used in formulas, data tables, drawings etc. Abbreviation of organization names are given in the table can be used as the unit of Chinese symbols (referred to as Chinese symbol). Chinese symbol only a

29、t primary and junior high school textbooks used when necessary and ordinary books. (2) name combination units, in principle, with the symbols of the order. Multiplication sign symbol does not correspond to the name, as long as the name read out in succession. For example: n m name: NM abbreviation:

30、NM divide slash (/), the corresponding name is per, and there are several units in the denominator, per only shows up in front of the denominator. For example: j/(kg K) name: joule per thousand kekaierwen abbreviations: kJ/kg open wrong: W/K/m W/K m (3) if the unit with the power, the power of names

31、 shall be before the. Second power for the quadratic, cubic power three times, in turn, and so on. M 4 name: four meters (4) if the length of the second and third power representing area and volume, the corresponding index name are called the square and cubic, and before the unit of length such as:

32、M2 name: sq m 2/s when used to represent the kinematic viscosity, and named two meters per second; When used to represent coverage rate, or meters per second. (5) the powers of negative numbers meaning in addition to, either by using the power of names, you can also use per. 2. legal units of measurement and the prefix symbols (1) unit of measure symbol, symbol is divided into units (international symbol) and uni

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