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1、学士学位英语词汇表abandonbndn 遗弃,抛弃 (give up)放弃abilitybiliti 能力,智能,才能 (enable/be capable of doing sthaboardb:d 在船(飞机,车)上 on aboard absencebsns 缺席,不在场absent(op) present/presence 在场,出席absolutebslu:t 绝对的,完全的 completeabsolutelybslu:tli 绝对地,极其,完全地 completelyabsorbbs:b 吸收(water/knowledge) be absorbed in 沉浸在。abuseb

2、ju:z 虐待academickdemik 学院的,学术的 academic records 学习成绩acceleratekselreit 加速,促进 accentksnt 腔调,口音,重音 dialect 方言 language 语言 tone 语气acceptksept 接受,认可(主观) receive (客观)接受,接收acceptancekseptns 接受,接纳,承认accidentksidnt 事故,意外accidently/ by accident 偶然得 =by chanceaccompanykmpni 陪伴,伴随 accompany sb ac+companyaccompl

3、ishkmpli 完成(goal/task) accomplishment =achievement 成功成就accordancek:dns 一致 in accordance with (according to 根据)accountkaunt 账户,账目,说明,解释(account for)accumulatekju:mjuleit 积累,积聚 accumulationaccuratekjurit 准确的,精确的 n.accuracy (近)exact/preciseaccusekju:z 谴责,指控,告发 be accused of =be charged with accustomedk

4、stmd 惯常的,习惯的 be accustomed to sth/doing =be used toacheeik headache 头痛 stomachache 胃痛肚子痛backache背痛 toothahce牙痛 earache 耳朵痛 achieveti:v 完成,达到,获得(success/ambition (抱负)achievementti:vmnt 完成,成绩,成就acidsid 酸,酸性物质,酸的 acid rain 酸雨acid test 酸性测验acquaintancekweintns 熟人,相识 (have a nodding acquaintance)点头之交acqu

5、irekwai 取得,获得(knowledge,reputation名声)require 要求acreeik 英亩 feet 英尺 inch 英寸actkt 行为,动作,表演 action 行动 activity 活动 active 活跃积极的actorkt 男演员 actress女演员 waitor/waitress actualktjul 实际的,现实的 actual fact/situationactuallyktuli 实际上 as a matter of fact/in factadditiondin 加法,增加 in addition =besides additionaldinl

6、 附加的,另外的adequatedikwit 足够的,恰当的 enough/sufficient(sufficiency)adjustdst 调节,调整 适应adjust to sth =be used to/adapt to sth administrationdministrein 管理,经营,行政机关,政府 Obamas Administration 奥巴马政府 adminstrative admiredmai 羡慕,赞赏,钦佩 admiration admitdmit 允许进入,接纳,承认 admission to sth 入场费、adoptdpt 收养,采取,通过 adopted s

7、on 养子adultdlt, dlt 成人 grown-up people teenager (青少年)children 儿童advancedv:ns 推进,促进,前进 in advancedig 挖 dug dugadvancedovercome 克服 overcame overcomedv:nst 前进的,先进的 advanced level 先进水平 advanced societyweave 编织 wove wovenadvantagedv:ntid 优点,有利条件 take advatage of=make use of 利用bite 咬 bit bitten / bitHave a

8、 great advantage over sb 比某人有优势Disadvantage 劣势、不利条件 (两者常做事物的利弊比较)have / has 有 had hadadventuredvent 冒险,惊险活动 take adventurespeak 说 spoke spokenadvertisementdvrtaizmnt 广告 (ad.) advertising 广告业 advertise vtadviseleave 离开 left leftdvaiz 忠告,劝告,通知 advise sb to do (follow ones advice) affairf 事务,事情,事件 pers

9、onal affair 私事 不规则动词表affectcome 来 came comefekt 影响 vt.=have an effect on sb/sth influence 影响seek 寻觅 sought soughtaffectionfekn 爱,感情 for/towards sb/sth 很深的感情、爱戴。热爱affordf:d 担负得起,买得起 afford to do (经济上、金钱上)afraidfreid 担心的,害怕的 be afraid of /fear 恐惧Africafrik 非洲Africanfrikn 非洲人,非洲的agenteidnt 代理人,代表 agenc

10、y 代理机构 travel agency 旅行社 house agency 房屋中介 insurance agency 保险公司 employment agency 职业介绍所 news agency 通讯社aggressivegresiv 挑衅的,放肆的 aggression 侵略、敌对agreementgri:mnt 同意,一致,协定come to/reach agreement 达成一致Agree on/upon 同意 agree with sb agriculturegriklt 农业 agriculturalaideid 援助,救援 =help/assistence first ai

11、d 急救aimeim 志在,旨在,目标(for the purpose of) aim to do sthaircraftekr:ft 飞机,飞行器 airlineelain 航空公司,(飞机)航线airportep:t 航空站,机场alarml:m 惊恐,忧虑,报警alcohollkhl 酒精,乙醇 alikelaik 相同的,相像的 (表语) look alike (op.different)alivelaiv 活着的,活跃的 (op.dead)allowlau 允许, 承认 be allowed to do sth aloudlaud 出声地,大声地 read sth aloud/lou

12、dlyalter:lt 改变,变更 changeamazemeiz 使惊愕,使惊叹 amazing/be amazed at ambitionmbin 雄心,野心 adj.ambitious ambulancembjulns 救护车amountmaunt 不可数数量,数额,合计 a large amount of=a lot ofamusemju:z 经以消遣,给以娱乐 amusement/entertainmen娱乐analysisnlsis 分析,解析 vt. analyse ancestornsst 祖宗,祖先ancienteinnt 古代的,古老的 ancient China/Gree

13、k ancient history angerg 愤怒,气愤 angry (hunger/hungry)announcenauns 宣布,通告 announcement annoyni 使烦恼,使生气,打搅 be annoyed at 对感到厌烦annualnjul 一年一次,年度(period) quaterly季度monthly/每月 weekly/daily (可与杂志,报刊合用)anticipatentisipeit 预料,预见,期望 anticipation/expectationanxietyzaiti 焦虑,挂虑,渴望 be anxious about sth =be worri

14、ed about anyhowenihau 无论如何,不管怎样 anywayapartp:t 分离,隔开,相距 aparture 离开apartmentp:tmnt 一套公寓房间 department 系 English department 英语系 department store 百货商店apologize/-ise道歉,认错 apologize for sth to sbapologypldi 道歉,歉意 accept ones apologyapparentprnt 明显的 obvious appaentlyappearpi 出现,出场,仿佛 disappear 消失、失踪Appear

15、 to be =seem to be 看起来、appearancepirns 出现,露面,外表 appetitepitait 食欲,胃口applicationplikein 申请,申请书,应用applyplai 申请,运用,应用 apply for a job 找工作Apply sth to sth 把。应用到。appointpint 任命,委派,约定 be appointed to =be sent to appointmentpintmnt 约会,约见,任命approachprut 接近,途径,方法 way/method approach to sthappropriateprupri:t

16、 适合的,恰当 suitable/fit for approvepru:v 赞成,同意,批准 approve of sth /approvalapproximatelyprksimtli 似地,约 aboutarchitecture:kitekt 建筑学,建筑术,建筑风格 architect 建筑师areaeri 面积,地区,范围(region 区域)district (区)argue:gju: 争论,主张 argue for/against sth (debate 辩论)dispute (争议)argument:gjumnt 辩论,论点,论据 ariseraiz 出现,发生,起源于 aris

17、e from arouse=rauz 引起,激起,唤起,唤醒(memory)arrangereind 整理,布置,安排(for sth)arrangementreindmnt 安排,准备工作arrestrest 逮捕,扣留artificial:tifil 人工的/man-made op.naturalartist:tist 艺术家,美术家 art ashamedeimd 惭愧的,害臊的 be ashamed of Shame 羞耻 shameful assemblesembl 集合,集会,装配assemblysembli 集会,会议,装配assignmentsainmnt 任务,作业,分配 a

18、ssign=appointassistsist 帮助,协助 helpassistancesistns 帮助,援助assistante=sistent 助手,助教,助理的assumesju:m 假装,假定,设想,承担,采取 assumption assureu 向某人保证,使确信 assure sb of sth/thatastonishstni 使吃惊,使惊讶 astonishing/astonishmentastronautstrn:t 宇航员Atlantictlntik 大西洋的,大西洋atmospheretmsfi 空气,大气,气氛 atomtm 原子attachtt 贴上,系上,使依附

19、 be attached to sth attacktk 攻击,进攻,抨击 attaintein 获得,达到 succeed in doing sthattempttempt 试图,努力 try to do/attempt to do/in an attempt to doattendtend 出席(meeting)attend school上学 attendance 出席人数attentiontenn 注意,注意力pay attention to sth attitudetitju:d 态度,看法 have attitude towards sthattracttrkt 吸引,招引,引诱 a

20、ttraction/attractiveattractiontrkn places of attraction 名胜attractivetrktiv 有吸引力的audience:dins 听众,观众,读者author: 作者 writer/co-author 合作者automatic:tmtik 自动的 auto-自动的、自动化的 automatic washing-machine 自动洗衣机automobile/auto汽车(motor vehicle机动车) mobile 移动的东西 China Mobile 中国移动autumn:tm 秋 fall 秋天 Mid-autumn Day 中

21、秋节availableveilbl 可利用的,可得到的 ticket/room/avenuevnju:, vinju: 林荫路,大街,途径 averagevrid 平均,平均数 average score 平均分above/below/on averageavoidvid 避免,逃避 avoid doing sth /avoidable/unavoidableawakeweik 醒着的状态(op.asleep睡着的/sleepy 困)动作:wake up 醒了fall asleep 入睡了awardw:d 奖,奖品,授予prize (reward 回报报答奖金酬劳)Oscar Award/aw

22、ard the golden medal to sb/Nobel Prize 诺贝尔奖Reward sb for sthawarewe 知道的,意识到的 be aware of sth/doing Awareness 意识awkward:kwd 尴尬的/别扭的、使用不方便的、笨拙的 Awkward dancer 跳舞笨手笨脚 awkward door 门不好开backgroundbkgraund 背景,经历 资历backgroud information/musicbackwardbkwd 向后的(op.forward) 落后的 underdeveloped(op.developedbadmi

23、ntonbdmintn 羽毛球 tennis 网球 baseball 棒球baggagebgid 行李luggage/suitcasebakebeik 烤,烘,焙(cake/bread) baker面包师傅 bakery面包房balanceblns 平衡均衡 keep,lose balance/on balance/balanced保持平衡ballb:l 舞会,球、球形的 meat ball 肉丸子balloonblu:n 气球bandbnd 乐队,军乐队,一群,条,带,绑扎bankbk 岸,堤,银行bareb 赤裸的(feet/leg/back/head)光秃的(tree/floor)空的(

24、shelf/boxbargainb:gin 讨价还价(no bargain)便宜货 a good bargain 买到便宜货barrierbri 障碍,屏障(language barrier)语言障碍basebeis 基础,基地,根据地 be based on以为根据、基础 on basis ofbasicbeisik 基本的,基础的basic principles 基本原则basic needbatbt 蝙蝠bathebei 洗澡,游泳,浸,冲洗 have a bathbathroomb:rum, -ru:m 浴室,盥洗室living room/bedroom/kitchenbattlebt

25、l 战斗,战役,斗争battle for=fight for baybei 海湾,港湾 beachbi:t 海滨,海滩 beach-ball 沙滩球coast海岸beanbi:n 豆,菜豆bearbe(r) 忍受=stand,容忍,负担,结果实,生孩子beardbid 胡子beatbi:t 打败,战胜,节拍,跳动,打,敲打beautybju:ti 美丽,美人,美丽的东西beautiful beginningbigini 开端,开始 at the beginning/ending/come to the endBegin/start with 以为开始 end with 以为结束behalfbi

26、h:f 利益 on behalf of/on ones bahalf 代表。behavebiheiv 举动,举止,运转 well/badly behave oneselfbehavio(u)r行为,举止beliefbili:f 信仰religious belief 宗教信仰,信条faithbelieve in sth bellbel 钟,铃 belongbil 属,附属,隶属 belong to=of ones own 属于某人beltbelt 带,腰带 safe-belt安全带bendbend 弯曲,弯腰,曲折处,折弯beneficialbenifil 有益的 be good for/fre

27、sh air is beneficial to healthbenefitbenifit 利益,恩惠 benefit from 从中受益besidebisaid 在旁边,和相比besidesbisaidz 而且,还有,除之外 in addition to Biblebaibl 圣经billbil 账单,单子,招牌billionbiljn 十亿 million 百万 thousand 千 hundred 百biologybaildi 生物学birthb: 出生be born in,出身 place of birth/date of birth/birthdaybiscuitbiskit 饼干 cookiebitterbit 苦的,痛苦的blamebleim 责备,责任,过失 blame sb for sth/blame sth on sb 归咎于。blankblk 空白

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