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1、IC经典教材网络开放课件资源MIT开放课件:Berkeley:1. Berkeley的课程体系结构: 2位数的如ee20, cs70 是本科低年级课程;三位数且以1开头的ee141,ee140 是本科生高年级课程; 三位数且以2开头的,如ee240,ee241为研究生课程。EE20 Structure and interpretation of system and signalEE130 IC devicesEE123 digital signal processingEE141 DIC Digital Integrated CircuitsEE140 AIC Analog Integrat

2、ed CircuitsEE225b Digital Image processingEE241 ADIC Advanced Digital Integrated CircuitsEE240 AAIC Advanced Analog Integrated CircuitsEE245 introduction to MEMS designCS3 introduction to symbolic programmingCS61a the structure and interpretationCS61b data structure and advanced programmingCS61c mac

3、hine structuresCS70 discrete mathematics and probability theoryCS152 computer architectureCS150 components and design techniques for digital systems.CS162 operating systems and system programming2Text BOOKEE141Text Book: Digital Integrated Circuits : A Design Perspective ( Ed.) 清华大学出版社影印版,此刻已经能买到,是数

4、字集成电路设计的圣经级读物.EE140Text Book: Analysis And Design of Analog Integrated Circuits (Fourth Edition) 高教出版社影印版,如前所述,已能买到,是模拟集成电路设计的宝典。其他书籍:每一门课程都有相应的课件,里面有必备及推荐书籍,有的书国内已有影印版,有的尚未,希望大伙儿能踊跃主动的去学习,自己想方法去寻觅相应的书籍。我的建议是先到网上去查国内有无影印版的,如有,解决。如无,看本校图书馆有无原版书,如有,借来缩印(为省钱)。3更多课程信息 每学期都更新,若是网速快,能够在线观看,通过一些地址侦测工具及流格式下

5、载工具,能够下载,这也是这些资料的来源。至于具体方式,呵呵,自己想方法了。另外,MIT将她所有的课程都公布了,可惜大多数每录像。但其中的信息量已足够大,有书籍信息,notes,project,assignment 等,教科书可用前面介绍的方式取得。关于自学能力较强,及有志培育自学能力的同窗来讲,这是专门好的机遇,在必然程度上说,你能够在国内享受到世界顶级的教育。模拟集成电路3本经典模拟集成电路设计(第二版) (美)艾伦(Allen .)等 And Design of Analog Integrated Circuits (Fourth Edition) 高教出版社影印版,(美)格雷 等模拟集成

6、电路 (美)拉扎维(razavi) (Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits),这本书西安交大出了中文译本,也比较容易买到的,入门必备!模拟电路除三巨头之外,还有一本听说也不错,只是没看过analog integrated circuit designdavid a johns&ken martin有扫描版的 数字IC前端几本经典书籍经典书籍:1 Writing Testbenches, Functional Verification of HDL Modelsby Janick Bergeron本书要紧以HDL(verilog/vhdl)为例,详细

7、讲述了在IC DESIGN FLOW中Verification 和Test的设计思想、方式和技术,涵概了测试的方方面面,是目前进行IC设计的同仁们最为推荐的一本宝典!作者的个人网页有详细的介绍:2 Priciples of Verifiable RTL Design, 2nd Ed. by Lionel Bening & Harry Foster比较早的介绍有关RTL Validation设计的宝典书籍,是原先HP的一名大牛撰写的!你能够到作者的网站看看,有相关的本书的设计范例和script下载!若是想使RTL设计超级的完美,保证你的后端设计一次成功的,这本书是不可缺少的。3 A Practi

8、cal Guide for Designing, Synthesizing, and Simulating ASICs and FPGAs using VHDL or Verilog(HDL Chip Design) by Douglas J. Smith最为经典的讲述VHDL和Verilog 设计的宝典书籍!设计范例涵盖很多设计中常经常使用的设计模块,可谓IC设计的 “词典”,书中的很多范例都能够作为你设计应用中的IP进行应用!4 Advanced ASIC Chip Synthesis Using Synopsys Design Compiler and PrimeTime by Hima

9、nshu Bhatnagar CONEXANT, Newport Beach, CA, USA迄今为止唯一的一本针对主流IC设计平台工具,synopsys design compiler和primetime的设计流程进行具体指导的宝典!参考本书你能够专门快就能够够对RTLdesign flow 和static timing analysis有很深的明白得,设计功力也会增加那么一点点了,固然还需要你勤加练习!5 Reuse Methodology Manual for System-on-a-Chip Designs Third Editi on Edited by Michael Keatin

10、g Synopsys, Inc., Mountain View, CA, USA Pierre Bricaud Synopsys, Inc, CA, USA进行SOC/IP 设计和可重用设计的宝典书籍!是synopsys的一名牛牛写的!要紧以mentor和synopsys的设计工具为流程,讲述了SOC/IP可重用设计,验证设计的大体方式。 Layout 经典书籍1. CMOS电路设计、布局与仿真(英文版)CMOS:Circuit Design, Layout, and Simulation作者: 美 Baker;Harry ;David 2. The Art of Analog Layoutb

11、y Alan Hastings, Roy Alan HastingsPublisher: Prentice Hall; ISBN: 07; 1stedition (December 15, 2000)3. IC Mask Design: Essential Layout Techniquesby Christopher Saint, Judy SaintPublisher: McGraw-Hill Professional; ISBN: 00;1st edition (May 24, 2002)(very practical and eazy to read) RFICCMOS 射频集成电路设

12、计(英文版)The Design of CMOS Radio-Frequency Integrated Circuits作者: 美Lee,.著The following book will be one of the best books for the person to start to design the fundamental CMOS analog IC design. After you design some circuit such as two-stage Op-amp, you will get feeling. By the way, analog design is

13、very interesting, but also very challenge.CMOS Analog Circuit Design By Philip E. Allen, Douglas R. HolbergHardcover / February 2002 / 05Share a little experience1. Got a job on mixed-signal design which means I had simulator (HSpice)without taking any analog IC design class( actually a LONG story)

14、: outcome - simulator2. Took a class on mixed-signal IC design : outcome - design a two-stage op-amp follow the recipe of Allens book(1st edition 1987)- a feeling for analog IC design3. continue on other company projects : more experience analog IC design engineerSeveral years later, one student in

15、my CMOS analog IC design classtold me the same thing : by doing the assigned project, he got the FEELING.Analog IC design make me humble since it so challenge, but after I got the feeling by doing project, I love it.I think two factors will be very important for an analog IC design engineer - love m

16、ath and enjoy need to find out what is your desire and design. CMOS analog/mixed-signal IC (AMSIC) is my third, but the best career.The reason I wrote so many words is because I really wish more people will work on CMOS analog IC design in China.IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits is the best refer

17、ence for circuit design.毕查德拉扎维(这家伙让俺明白啥叫牛人啊,出书每一本经典,发文每一篇NB)毕查德拉扎维于1985年在沙里夫理工大学的电气工程系取得理学学士学位,1并别离于1988年和1992年在斯坦福大学电气工程系取得理学硕士和博士学位.他曾在AT&T贝尔实验室工作,随后又受聘HewlettPackard实验室,直到1996年为止.1996年9月,他成为加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校的电气工程系副教授,随后晋升为教授.目前他从事的研包括无线收发.c频率合成,2高速数据通信及数据转换的锁相和时钟恢复.拉扎维教授别离于1992年到1994年在普林斯顿大学(新泽西州普林斯顿)

18、和1995年在斯坦福大学任副教授.他是VLSI电路专题讨论会的技术程序委员会和国际固体电子协会(ISSCC)的成员,3在其中担任模拟小组委员会的主席.另外,他还别离担IEEE固体电路杂志.cIEEE电路和系统杂志及高速电子学国际杂志的特邀编辑和副编辑.拉扎维教授于1994年因为卓越的编辑能力获ISSCC的Beatrice奖,1994年在欧洲固体电子会议上获最正确论文奖,1995年和1997年ISSCC的最正确专题小组奖,1997年TRW创新教学奖,1998年IEEE定制下面的清单有点变态,听说是某大牛列的,书满是经典,我大体没看过TitleAuthorPublisher(see below)I

19、SBN# CommentsAnalog Circuit Design: Art, Science, and PossibilitiesWilliams (editor)BH0-7506-9166-2Lots of good stories here. Every new IC designer should read Derek Bowers chapter.Art and Science of Analog Circuit DesignWilliams (editor)BH0-7506-9505-6More good stories. Eric Swansons view of digita

20、l vs. analog resonated with me.Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated Circuits - 3rd Ed.Gray and MeyerWI0-471-57495-3A popular introductory text. I used the first edition for guidance on my first custom IC (a bipolar array)Analogue IC design: The Current-Mode ApproachTomazou, Lidgey, & Haigh (edit

21、ors)IEE0-86341-215-7Great reference for current mirrors, translinear circuits, MOS transconductors, current-conveyors.Analog MOS Integrated Circuits for Signal ProcessingGregorian & TemesWI0-471-09797-7Best introduction to switched-capacitor circuit design.CMOS Analog Circuit DesignAllen & HolbergHR

22、W0-03-006587-9Probably the best introductory book for analog designers unfamiliar with CMOS techniques.Design of MOS VLSI Circuits for TelecommunicationsTsividis & Antongnetti (editors)PH0-13-200643-XReplaced by the 2nd edition. Get this one too, if you can find it, for some material that was replac

23、ed on digital filter mechanization.Design of Analog-Digital VLSI Circuits for Telecommunications & Signal Processing- 2nd Ed.Franca & Tsividis (editors)PH0- A “must have”.Switched Capacitor CircuitsAllen & Sanchez-SinencioVNR0-442-20873-1I confess that I havent used it much, but it appears to be a v

24、ery comprehensive reference on whole field.Analog Interfaces for Digital Signal Processing Systems Opt Eynde & SansenKAP0-7923-9348-1Very readable. Lots of material on the “nuts-and-bolts” of putting delta-sigma data converters togetherIntegrated Analog-to-Digital and Digital-to-Analog ConvertersVan

25、 de PlasscheKAP0-7923-9436-4Plenty of high-speed bipolar stuff here, too.Signal Recovery from Noise in Electronic InstrumentationWilmshurstAH0-85274-783-7Excellent introduction to the basic principles involved.Photodiode AmplifiersGraemeMcG-H0-07-024247-XThere is a lot more to this topic than meets

26、the eye. This is a complete treatment of all the subtleties.Video Demystified: A Handbook for the Digital EngineerJackHTVery useful and not just for digital types. A good one-stop source for digital video information.Low-Noise Electronic System DesignMotchenbacher & ConnellyWI 0-471-57742-1 A must h

27、ave”. Someday you will need it.Communications ReceiversRohde & BucherMcG-H0-07-053570-1I always wanted to build one of these from scratch. Maybe someday.Principles of Communications SystemsTaub & SchillingMcG-H 0-07-062955-2A standard college-type text.Analog Circuit Design: Low-Noise, Low-Power, Lo

28、w-Voltage; Mixed-Mode Design with CAD Tools; Voltage, Current and Time ReferencesHuijsing, van de Plassche, Sansen (editors)KAP0-7923-9659-6Outstanding classic section by Barrie Gilbert on bandgap voltage reference design is worth more than the price of the book.More on folding A/D converters, autoz

29、eroing, etc.Analog Circuit Design: Low-Power Low-Voltage, Integrated Filters, and Smart Powervan de Plassche, Sansen, & Huijsing (editors)KAP0-7923-9513-1Another set of seminars.Analog Circuit Design: Mixed A/D Circuit Design, Sensor Interface Circuits, and Communication Circuits Sansen,Huijsing, va

30、n de Plassche (editors)KAP0-7923-9408-9Another set of seminars.VNR Concise Encyclopedia of MathematicsGellert, Kustner, Hellwich, KastnerVNR0-442-22646-2A jewel. The panorama of mathematics is clearly laid out. Several people have tried to find it but tell me its unavailable now. Scream at them to p

31、ut it back in print!Circuits and Systems TutorialsTomazou (editor)IEEE0-7803-1170-1Tutorials on unusual topics like: chaos, image coding, nonlinear DSP. Good delta-sigma tutorial, too.Oversampling Delta-Sigma Data ConvertersCandy & TemesIEEE0-87942-285-8A “must have” collection of the earlier papers

32、 on this topic. A new collections out now, but Im still back-ordered.Integrated Continuous-Time FiltersTsividis & Voorman (editors)IEEE0-7803-0425-XI havent done much with this type of filter, but I find this reference useful for design of linear transconductors.Analog CMOS Filters for Very High FrequenciesNauta KAPnext time Design methodology for the ultimate in CMOS linear circuit speed.Monolithic Phase-Locked Loops and Clock Recovery CircuitsRazavi (editor)IEEE0-7803-1149-3A collection of journal papers that is a “must have” if you design these.Phase-Locked Loo

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