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1、完整译林英语六年级上册第八单元教案doc六年级下册英语教学设计课题Unit 8 Chinese New Year课型新授课时8-1备课时间12.20授课时间教学目标1能听懂、会读、会说 fireworks, a lion dance, red packets.2能听懂、会读、会说将来时句式Im/We re going to重点难点1 能正确理解并朗读文章内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试复述2能正确用将来时表述自己或他人将要做的事教具准备 PPT教学过程 二次备课Step 1 Free talk1 What day is it today? What date is it today?2 What

2、 holiday is coming?Do you like ? Why? What are you going to do? I m going toStep 2 Presentation1 Su Hai gets an email from her e-friend Ann in Hong Kong.Teach: Hong Kong-It is a part of China. It returnedto motherland in 1997. Now it is a popular place forpeople to travel.2 They are also talking abo

3、ut the coming holiday in theemail. What holiday are they talking about?Watch and answer: They are talking about(holiday) in (city).They are talking about Chinese NewYear in Hong Kong.3 What s the subject of Anna s email? Chinese NewYearTeach: subjectWe can also call it Spring Festival When is Chines

4、e New Year?It s usually in January or February.Step 3 Practice1 Howwill Anna celebrate Chinese NewYear? What is shegoing to do? We have some pictures about Anna sChinese New Year.Read and order the 6 pictures.(Look andorderP80)1356242 What is she going to do?Try to talk about the pictures in pairs.

5、With the1sentence: She is going toPic a: She is going to buy some new clothes with her parents.What else is she going to buy?She is going to buy some food,Pic e: She is going to make some tangyuan with herparents. Why?Tangyuan means: Tuan yuan, get together with familymembers.Guess, what else are th

6、ey going to make?Pic b: She is going to have a big dinner with family.Who is she going to have dinner with?She is going to have dinner withPic f: She is going to buy some flowers with. Why?Different flowers meangood wishes or signs. Forexample,Tangerine trees: fruitful marriages,prosperity and good

7、luck.橘树:美满的婚姻,繁荣,好运Peach blossoms: romance and longevity. 桃花:浪漫,长寿People buy flowers on Chinese New Year s Eve, and give fresh flowers to important people on Chinese New Year s Day. They also buy other presents on Chinese New Year s Eve , such asgifts, candy or special foods. Just like atChristmas,

8、people buy and give presents to each other.Is it the samewith us? What do we do on the Eve?We watch Spring Festival Gala with family andlight fireworks.Pic c: She is going to watch lion dance. Are you goingto watch lion dance this year? Are you goingto watch dragon dance?Pic d: She is going to watch

9、 fireworks. When do we watch fireworks at Chinese New Year?On Chinese New Year s Eve.3 Anna is going to be very busy at Chinese New Year.When is she going to do the things?Read the passage and fill in blanks on P80. (complete the notes)Teach: red packets.How will you feel when you get red packets?2T

10、each: excited.4 Read after the tape5 Pay attention to different words: on Day/Eve. AtChinese New Year6 Introduce the things Anna is going to do at ChineseNew Year in groups.Before Chinese New Year, she is going toOn Chinese New Year s Eve, she is going toOn Chinese New Year s Day, she is going toOn

11、2nd day of Chinese New Year, she is going toStep 4 Consolidation1 Let s compare:Is it the same between people in Hong Kong and us to celebrate Chinese New Year?Nearly the same, a little different.Whats the difference between People in Hong Kong and mainland to celebrate Chinese New Year?Talk with th

12、e sentences:Before Chinese New Year, we re going to they re going toOn Chinese NewYears Eve, were going to they re going toOn Chinese NewYears Day, were going to they re going toOn 2nd day of Chine se New Year, we re going to they re going to2 Show time:Talk about your Chinese New Year like this:Bef

13、ore Chinese New Year, I m going to On Chinese New Year s Eve, I m going toOn Chinese New Year s Day, I m going to On 2nd day of Chinese New Year, I m going toHomework1. Listen and read the passage three times.2. Retell by P80Blackboard designUnit 8 Chinese New YearBefore Chinese New Year, (new cloth

14、es,food, cakes,tangyuan )On Chinese New Year s Eve, (dinner, flowers )3On Chinese NewYears Day, ( red packets, lion dance图片 )On 2nd day of Chinese New Year, (fireworks 图片 )教后记4六年级下册英语教学设计课题Unit8 Chinese New Year课型新授课时 8-2备课时间12.20授课时间1、能正确、熟练地运用一般将来时,表达自己将要做的事情。教学目标 2 、能正确说出在新年里需要做或者将要做的事情。3、能发现节日的特

15、点,并正确使用英语表达。1、能正确表达一般将来时重点难点2、正确表达每个节日的特点教具准备 PPT教学过程 二次备课Step 1 Warming-up and review.1. Free talk :What day is it today?What are you going to do today?What holiday is going to be next week?2. Review story time1)Annas family are going to celebrate ChineseNew Year. What are they going to do? ( 播放课文动

16、画)2)Fill in the blanks(teach : Simple Future Tense 一般将来时: be goingto do = will do以及 be 动词 = am is are they re = they arewere = we are )Step 2: Presentation51.T:We use Simple future tense to talk about Annas plan for Chinese New Year.Please work in pairs ask and answerDistinguish on/atAsk ss to list

17、more future time.2. T: At Chinese New Year, we can see ( 展示图片)watch fireworks 看烟花set off firecrackers 放鞭炮watch a lion dance 观看舞狮表演give/get red packets 给/ 收红包T:These are the symbols of Chinese New Year. Can you say something more?S1: dumplingsS2: spring couplets6S3: a dish of fish3. T: Chinese NewYea

18、r is the most important holiday in China.Therere also many important holidays in theworld.Let s look at the pictures and say.T: These holidays are from different countries.Let s put them in correct shapesLet s read them together.4. T: OK. You all do the good job. We are going tohave a rest. Let s pl

19、ay a game. “pick and say“T: Now I have four cards here about holidays.I pick one card and you ask me some questions to guess what holiday it is.Ss: What are you going to do buy make ?T:I m going to buy some clothes for myself, I m going to make a cake. I m going to have a party andget lots of gift.S

20、s: Is it birthday?T: Yes , it is.5. Ss pick and guess in groups.7Rules:a. Four in a group;b. Each one picks only one card;c.Dont tell others about your holidays.d.Others ask and guess what holiday it is6. Write and say:_ is coming.I m going to _ _My _ are going to_We re _. _Step 3 ConsolidationT: No

21、wadays, Some Western holidays become more andmore popular( 流行的 ).Lots of Chinese prefer( 更喜欢) Western holidays to Chinese holidays.I hope every Chinese person can pay more attentionto( 更重视 ) Chinese traditional( 传统的 ) holidays.Let s try to introduce Chinese holidays.Steps:Steps:1.Four in a group and

22、 open the envelope;2.Take out the piece of paper and finish it;3. Take out the stickers to decorate( 装饰 ) it ;4.Read it in groups.5.Show time.8Teacher add more Chinese traditional festivals.Step 4 Homework1.Share your introduction with other groups.2.Use Simple future tense to make a dialogue, talk

23、about your plan for this weekend.3. Read books or surf the Internet, try to know moreabout Chinese traditional festivals.Blackboard design 板书设计 :Unit 8 Chinese New YearWhat are you going to . aton ?I m going to教后记9六年级下册英语教学设计课题Unit 8 Chinese New Year课型新授备课时间12.20授课时间1.1.能理解并体会字母 oo 组合在单词中的发音教学目标2.2.

24、能理解 culture time中的内容并适当拓展。3.3.能理解和熟读 cartoon time 中的内容并能表演重点难点1 1.能理解 culture time的内容并适当拓展2.2. 能在前两课基础上正确并熟练地表达将来时。教具准备 PPT教学过程Step1. Free talk1. Daily English:T: What festivals do you know in China?( PPT)The students read together.Whats your favourite?What are you going to do on that day?Step2. Pre

25、sentation1.T: I like Spring Festival ,because all the bers are going to have a big dinner together. We elicious food.Look at the picture ,the man is cooking. (PPT) Now let s read these sentences.T: Can you find the rule. ( oo pronounce /u/)T: Now,you can discuss in groups and find more(Teacher write

26、 down on the blackboard,and let ts read together.)2.T: The cook cooks good things ,so doesother.Look at the picture , What is she cooking? Why?课时 8-3二次备课10T:It s New Year s Eve. How are Bobby and do you think of them?(The students can guess first,then read they and answer)T: Bobby and Tina have a go

27、od time. Why theypy?(The students can underline the sentences)1).They get red packets after dinner.2).They are talking about the plans for w Years Day.3).They are watching fireworks.3.Encourage students read after the tape and e pronunciationThe students can act the story in groups (ShowStep3. Pract

28、iceT:In China ,New Year is a very important ther countries also have their own importantLook at the picture, do you know what festivalRead culture timeT:Can you say more about Christmas andng Day?The students discuss and say. Show the PPTStep3. Consolidation.T:You did a very good job today. You have

29、 known stern festivals.Let s know morefestivals.Encourage students discuss in groups and write ntroduction:When is the festival?What are they going to do .?11What are they going to buy?What are they going to eat?Homework:1. 听读 cartoon time 尝试背诵 .2.Write down some customs of Chinese NewYear。Blackboard design 板书设计:Unit 8 Chinese New Yearoo /u/ : cook book foot good lookWhat are you going to do on that day?What are they going to

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