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1、深圳中考语法填空专项突破之常见实词用法的辨析与运用无答案课题名称语法填空专项突破教学重点常见实词用法的辨析与运用【复习检查】一、复习篇:(1) Which do you prefer to use when you are studying, iPads or books? Here is 46 survey about it. Some students think that iPads are 47 (good), because iPads can give them more choices. They can search for information in an iPad eas

2、ily instead of 48 (look) everything up in different books. At the same time, students can send pictures 49 (direct) to a printer to photocopy them. With an iPad, they can keep all 50 (they) work in it. And homework will not be 51 (forget) easily because teachers can send all the homework to their iP

3、ads. But 52 (other) think that books are more helpful for learning. 53 , reading books wont hurt their eyes. Second, what they read in books can leave a deeper 54 (impress) on them. Whats more, some students usually use iPads to play games at school, which is bad 55 their study. So they prefer to us

4、e books. (2) A dog entered a butchers shop with a note in his mouth. The note read, “$10 of lamb chops (羊排),please.”The butcher was very 46 (surprise). He took the money, put a bag of chops in the 47 (dog) mouth, and then he closed the shop 48 (quick). He followed the dog and watched him wait for a

5、green light. Then the dog crossed the road to a bus stop. He checked the timetable and sat on the bench. When a bus arrived, the dog checked the number and got 49 it.As the bus traveled out into the countryside, the dog enjoyed the scenery. After 50 while, he stood on his back paws (爪子) 51 (push) th

6、e “stop” button. Then the butcher followed 52 (he) off.The dog ran up to a house and dropped his bag on the ground. He went back down the path, took a big run, and 53 (throw) himself against the door. No answer. He repeated the action a few times. Then a big man opened the door 54 started complainin

7、g about the dog and beating him.Seeing this, the butcher ran up and shouted at the man, “What are you doing? This dog is a genius!” The man replied, “Genius? No way! Me has forgotten his key for the 55 (four) time this month!”二、基本概述自2015年,深圳中考英语取消了单项填空题,推出语法填空题,把语法知识测试全部放在语篇中进行,旨在考查考生在语篇中综合运用语言知识的能力

8、。 它不但要求考生有扎实的词汇、语法等基础知识和对句型结构的灵活运用能力,而且还要求考生有良好的语感和一定的阅读理解能力。 一篇文章10个空,每空1分。其中,一般7个空是有提示词的,相当于用所给词的正确形式填空;另外3个是没有提示词的,需要我们填入连词,代词,介词,冠词等虚词。其实这种题型和广东英语高考中的语法填空题型基本一致。 如何解决呢?【知识梳理】一,解题步骤:1,快速浏览,了解大意。对于简单有把握的空,可以先填出来;2,上下求索,填出答案。根据上下文及空格前后的逻辑关系,填出正确的词以及正确的形式;3,通读全文,检查确认。特别要注意,根据文章意思,有些空是否要加入否定前缀。二,解题思路

9、:1,有提示词 这类题和咱们以前用所给词的正确形式填空做题方法基本一致,首先需要我们根据上下文,分析句子成分,确定空格所需要的词性,再根据前后文确定词形。(1). 如果要填入动词,我们需要判断到底是谓语动词和非谓语动词。 如果缺谓语动词,就要考虑到时态和语态的变化。 若句中已有谓语动词,又不是并列谓语时,那么我们应该填入非谓语动词,这时我们需要确定到底是to do, doing还是done的形式。1. 做主语,一般用动名词。 (speak) out your inner feeling wont make you feel ashamed.2. 作目的状语,一般用不定式。 (get) ther

10、e before dark, he started out early in the morning.3. 作伴随状语,常用分词:与逻辑主语是主动关系,用现在分词;与逻辑主语是被动关系,用过去分词。The teacher went into the club, (follow) by his students.【例题示范】. For example, I _ (order) a digital camera online the other day and saved about $50. When I die, I _ (give) everything to you. On their r

11、eturn, the father asked his son _(explain) what he had learnt. There are animals _ (live) in the sea.He likes reading books _ (write) by Lu Xun.(2). 做主语,及物动词或介词的宾语,用名词形式。在冠词,形容词性物主代词后,用名词形式。如果需要填入名词,我们则需要判断是否有单复数的变化。. My first _ (impress) of him is that he was a kind and thoughtful man. These people

12、 have made great _ (contribute) to China with their work.(3). 如果需要填入形容词、副词。首先,我们要确认到底是填形容词还是副词。形容词一般用来修饰名词,代词,或作表语;副词一般用来修饰动词,形容词,副词或整个句子。其次,我们还要考虑是否需要变成比较级或最高级。. Before the trip I thought we were rich, but today I learnt who is _(true) rich. He must be _ (mental) disabled. His teacher took a deep d

13、rink and smiled _ (warm). _ (Fortune), nobody was injured and no buildings were destroyed. Some people say that the oldest child, who are smart and strong-willed, are probably _ (succeed). The winning car reached a speed of forty miles an hour-much _ (fast) than any of its rivals.【典型例题】语法填空 Today, w

14、e think that ecology means_76_(take) care of the Earth so that humans, plants and animals can all live together_77_(happiness).Ecology is a huge area of study, because it covers every part of the world. By learning about living things, including humans, affect each other, we can make smart decisions

15、 that can protect_78_(live) things and the resources.However, there are many things that children can do to help make sure that their world stays_79_(health). The decisions you are making today can affect the future. Conservation is one area of ecology where we can all make a difference. It does no

16、matter how old you are and where we live. Conservation means using Earths_80_(limit) resources wisely so that they dont run out, When you are home, take a moment to think about how you use resources. For example, you _81_(waste) energy if you leave lights on.There is another way that we can help sav

17、e resources. We can show our support to the_82_ (business) that make their products by using methods and materials that do not damage the earth. By _83_(buy) their product, we are telling them that we appreciate their efforts. We need to spend time_84_(learn) about how to save resources . More_85_(i

18、mportance) , we must put what we learn into practice. Together, we can all make a difference.【巩固提升】用所给词的适当形式填空:1. Thanks a lot for _(invite) us _(go) to your party.2. John plays football as_(good)as his brother Jack.3. Brians mother never makes him_ (do) what he doesnt like.4._ (luck), he was hurt b

19、adly.5. While we were discussing our family travel plan that day, Father suggested _ ( visit) Hawaiisome beautiful islands which lie in Pacific Ocean.6. What about_ (chat) with them?7. Would you like _ (see)a film with me this Sunday? 8. Ive got no idea about how _ (stay) alive in the wild.9. Luke s

20、pent as little time as he could _ (play) computer games.10. The _ ( excite ) people all stood up and cheered for Liu Xiang. 11. The earthquake happened and many people were _ ( terrible ) hurt.12. Keep _ (work) on the problem, you will work it out soon.13. The heavy rain prevented us _ (go) out last

21、 weekend. 14. He failed the exam, because he did most of his answers (correct).15. It_ (take)him half an hour_ (finish)his homework yesterday.16. Dont make any noise, Grandma _ (sleep).17. Stop_ (play). Its time for class.18. Im very glad _ (hear)that. 19. Did you see him_ (wash)when you got to his

22、home?20. The story_ (happen)long ago.21. They are busy_ (clean)their classroom.22. Millie always does her homework _(careful).23. He can take care of _(he).24. They were _ (surprise) to see the “ghost”.【词类转换】1. Why dont you (choice) the red tie? I think it matches your shirt very well.2. To her (sur

23、prised), the salesgirl still helps that old lady.3. What is the (different) between the two words?4. Dreams are beautiful. However, to (achievement) them needs lots of time and work.5. What Mary said sounds reasonable, but (actual) it is not true.6. The (win) of the competition are to be announced n

24、ext week.7. I fell off the bike on my way to school. (lucky), I wasnt hurt.8. He fell (sleep) with the window open.9. The drivers (careless) led to the traffic accident.10. Chinese people are very (friend) to foreigners.11. The final exam is very important. We must treat it (serious).12. I think it

25、will be (sun) this afternoon.13. You must look after yourself and keep (health).14. Look up the (mean) of the word in a dictionary.15. Be careful when you are driving, (especial) in a rainstorm like this.16. The Apple Watch is very beautiful, but it is too expensive. So I cant (affordable) it. 17. I

26、 received a letter of (invite) but I didnt accept it.18. The students lead a (color) life on the campus.19. On snowy days, a driver must drive as (careful) as possible.20. I live in Room 403, Sam lives in the room right above mine, on the (five) floor.21. If overweight people eat less and take more

27、exercise, they will soon feel much (health).22. Its (honest) to lie about ones age.23. It was (polite) of you to leave without saying goodbye.24. The boys (usual) behaviour made the teacher worried.25. I am afraid I have to (agree) with you on this point.26. He seemed to be (aware) of the danger and

28、 still moved on.27. I sat in the car, (wait) for the light to change.28. He can do what he can (help) the children in his neighborhood.29. A special dance (call ) Gangnam Style has become very famous nowsdays.30. Could you please teach me how (give) out “Red envelop(红包)” on Wechat?31. I remembered (

29、lock) the door before I left the office, but I forgot to turn off the lights.32. Its necessary for us (talk) to our parents when we have problems.33. I had great difficulty (find) the suitable food in that restaurant.34. His first book (publish) last week is based on a true story.35. Sarah, youd bet

30、ter drink more water after (run) for such a long time.【课外拓展】一、课堂演练: AMany American presidents were born in poor families. They (1) _ (spend) their childhood in wooden(木制的) rooms. They got little (2) _ (educate). Washington and Lincoln, for example, never went to school. They taught (3) _(them). Lincoln once did jobs as a worker, a shopkeeper (4) _ a post officer in his early (5) _ (year). Besides, a number of US presidents had experiences in the army, such as Grant and Eisenhowe

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