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1、省实天河小升初英语招生考试c省实天河小升初英语招生考试c 作者: 日期: 2015年省实天河小升初英语招生试卷说明:请在答卷上作答; 全卷共6页, 九大题, 满分100分, 考试时间为50分钟。I. 语音 找出划线部分读音不同的单词(每题1分,共5分)( ) 1. A. bird B. doctor C. nurse D. girl( ) 2. A. when B. what C. who D. which( ) 3. A. good B. wool C. spoon D. foot( ) 4. A. talk . B. fall C. chalk D. already( ) 5. A. el

2、bow B. dress C. children D. elephantII. 单项选择(每题1分,共10分)( ) 6. -Bob, is this _football sock? -Yes, it is. Mum. - Where is _one? -I think its under the table. -_away, please. A. your, another, Puting it B. your, the other, Put them C. their, other, Putting they D. my, others, Put its ( ) 7. One day la

3、st year, Jerry _two _of _on the grass. A. sees, baskets, oranges B. see, baskets, oranges C. saw, basket, orange D. saw, baskets, oranges ( ) 8. -Have you seen _bag? I left it here just now. Its _Browns. -Is it _one on the chair near the door? A. a, the, the B. the, the, the C. a, a, a D. the, the,

4、a ( ) 9. Tom runs very _, but Jerry even _. Jack is _of the three. A. slower, slowly, the best B. slowly, the slowest, better C. slow, slowlier, worse D. slowly, more slowly, the worst( ) 10. He heard _Tom yesterday, it said he was waiting _Tom _the library _that rainy night. A. to, for, out of, at

5、B. from, for, at, on C. on, of, in, in D. after, with, by, in ( ) 11._terrible that in the accident, Tom couldnt come out_! Jerry couldnt _! A. Its, in time, Either B. Youre, on time. Neither C. How, at time, So D. What, to time, too ( )12. Yesterday, she _ her glasses behind the door, but she_ reme

6、mber that. A. leaves, cant B. left, cant C. left, couldnt D. leaved, couldnt ( ) 13. -What is your uncle? -He is _. _he doesnt like _violin. He_ football every day. A. a sportsman, Or, buys, enjoys see B. handsome, So, make an, watchs C. good, And, play a, plays D. a violist, But, playing the, pract

7、ices playing ( ) 14. Look! There_ water in the barrel! _do you need? A. are many, What time is water B. is little, Where is water C. is some, How much water D. are much, Whose water is it ( ) 15. -_.What time is it by your water? - _. But my watch is_. Wait a minute, Its a quarter past 10. - Oh! Its

8、 ten!_. A. Excuse me. Im sorry, broken, I think its time for me to leave now B. Sorry. No problem, breaks, He thinks I must go now C. Hi, You are Welcome, broked, Have a good dream D. Whats the matter, breaking, Thank you III. 完型填空(每题1分,共10分) I am _16_ art student and I painted a lot of pictures. Ma

9、ny people pretend that they _17_ modern art well, they always _18_you what a picture is about. Of course many picture is not about _19_. They are _20_ pretty patterns. We like them in the _21_ way that we like beautiful curtain material. I think that children often appreciate modern pictures better

10、than anyone else. They notice_22_. My sister is only seven. She always tell me whether my pictures are good_23_. She came into my room yesterday.“What are you doing now?” she asked. “Im hanging this picture” I answered “It is a new one. Do you like it?” She looked at it critically for a moment. “Its

11、 all right, but isnt it up side down?” I looked at it _24_. She was right. It _25_.( )16.A. a C. the D./( )17.A.know B.see C.understand D.draw( )18.A.tell B.say D.speak( )19.A.something B.nothing C.everythingD.anything( )20.A. just C.some D.all( )21. A.different B. same C.right D.

12、 difficult ( )22.A.little B.most C.more D.least( )23.A. ornot B.sovery C.andbad D.but few( )24.A.up B.first C.carelessly D. again( )25. A.was B.did C. is D. has IV. 阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分, 满分30分) A Longlongago,therelivedapoorfarmerandarichmanneartheforest.Thefarmerwaskindandhonest,buttherichmanwasnt.Oneda

13、y,whenthefarmerwaswalkingintheforesthesawahare. Heranafterthehareforalongtimeandthencaughtit.Justatthattimecametherichman.He was angry and said to the farmer, “This forest is mine. And all the things in the forest are mine too. Give the hare back to me. Dont kill any animals in the forest. If you do

14、, Ill kill you!” Then he took the hare away. A few days later, the rich man met a bear in the forest. He was afraid and climbed up the tree. And he cried, Help! Help! The farmer heard the voice, and he ran into the forest with a gun. When he saw the bear and the rich man in the tree, he went away.A

15、few days later the rich man met the poor farmer. He was angry and asked, Why didnt you kill the bear that day? I couldnt kill the bear said the farmer. ( ) 26. Who took the hare away? A. The poor man. B. The forest. C. The farmer. D. The rich man.( ) 27. Why did he take away the hare? A. He was too

16、poor. B. He thought he was the owner of the forest. C. He was so rich that he needed everything. D. He thought he caught the hare. ( ) 28. What did the farmer take with when he heard someone cry in the forest? A. A gun. B. A bear. C. A knife. D. Nothing. ( ) 29. What does the word honest mean in Chi

17、nese? A. 善良 B. 有钱 C. 诚实 D. 勇敢( ) 30. Why didnt the poor man kill the bear? A. Because he was afraid of the bear. B. Because he was ill. C. Because it was too late. D. Because the rich man once asked him not to do so. B Mark turned the corner and stared at the empty bus stop. He swallowed hard and hi

18、s hands started to shake. Being the first one there wouldnt be a problem if the old oak tree that marked the bus stop wasnt haunted (闹鬼). “Where is everyone? Mark whispered. The sun wasnt quite up yet, and the darkness was making the oak tree look scarier than usual. The tree was the gathering place

19、 for the bus stop. All the kids stood by it and talked while they waited for Mr. Meyers to drive up and take them to school. When other kids were around, the bus stop wasnt so scary. But Mark was alone, and it was dark. The oak trees branches swayed (摇摆) in the breeze, and Mark heard the strange Ooo

20、oh that sometimes came from the center of the tree. Mark hurried to the other side of the street, trying to stay as far away from the tree as possible. He didnt take his eyes off the tree. The bare branches looked like they were reaching out to grab him. He heard the Ooooh, ooooh” again.Im not afrai

21、d of you, Mark called in a shaky voice. Who are you talking to? Will asked, walking up behind Mark. Mark jumped. He turned to face Will and relaxed a little now that he wasnt alone with the tree. Will stared at him, waiting for an answer.“I thought I heard something. Mark shrugged (耸耸肩) and crossed

22、the street, heading for the bus atop. Will followed. “Maybe you heard the ghost in the tree, Will said. Oooh, oooh.” Mark and Will jumped. Something moved across the hollowed out spot in the tree. “Theres something in the tree, Mark said. He stood on tiptoes and peeked inside. Its an owl! An owl? Th

23、ats whats making that strange noise? Will asked. Maybe its hurt, Mark said. Lets tell Mrs. Abrams about it when we get to school. She knows a lot about nocturnal animals. “I guess theres nothing to be scared of now, Will said. Im still pretty scared of the math test we have today, Mark said.( )31. W

24、here and when did this story happen? A. At home, at night B. In an old house, in the late evening. C. At the bus stop, early in the morning D. We dont know. ( )32. What did Will think of the oak tree? A. There must be a ghost in the tree. B. The tree would be broken. C. There was an owl in the tree.

25、 D. We dont know. ( ) 33.Who was Mr. Meyers? A. their teacher B. the bus driver C. Marks mother D. the name of the ghost in the tree. ( ) 34. Which order is correct? 1. Mark saw an owl in the tree. 2. Mark was the first one to arrive at the bus stop, 3. Mark walked to the other side of the street be

26、cause he was afraid. 4. Mark stood on his tiptoes and peeked inside the tree. 5. Will arrived and both boys heard a ghost sound in the tree. A.1, 2,3,4, 5 B. 2, 5, 4, 3, 1 C. 2, 3, 5,4,1 D. 1,5,4,2,3 ( ) 35. At the end of the story, what was Mark afraid of? A. Mark was afraid of Mrs. Abrams. B. Mark

27、 was afraid of the owl. C. Mark was afraid of ghost. D. Mark was afraid of his math test. C Five hundred years ago, potatoes grew in the Andes region of South America. The people there lived in high mountains. Potatoes were an important food for them. But in other parts of the world at that time, pe

28、ople didnt know about potatoes. In the mid-1500s, the Spanish took some potatoes back from South America to Spain. After 1570 white potatoes were growing in parts of Spain and after 1580, people in Portugal and Italy also began to grow potatoes. From Spain, potatoes traveled to France. In France peo

29、ple were afraid to eat them at first. Louis XVI, the king of France tried o get French people to eat more potatoes, but he failed. Potatoes got to England in a different way. In 1586, the English explorer Sir Francis Drake went to Colombia. There he picked some of them up and took them to England. At first, the English didn

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